posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 01:45 PM
Our military is all off overseas. what we have here in the u.s. is a large civilian militia like force of american gun owners. To Invade the u.s.
gain control of the white house: (international banksters run our govt. so thats a check)
gain control of the media, both radio and tv: (this has been accomplished)
ship jobs overseas creating a large chinese economy to fund their war industry and to cause the chinese to be very very angry when their economy falls
due to the fall of the u.s. dollar to buy their goods. this will make chinese people hate americans on day one when the chinese jobs are lost due to
the collapsed dollar, they will then answer the call for an invasion of the u.s.
Poison the public fatten them up, make them weak (this has been accomplished with high fructose corn syrup and MSG)
Own the u.s. military: (this has been accomplished. northcom has already made america the focus and its enemy)
establish a security force that is designed to go against american citizens: (homeland security was made for this)
Cut off the internet: (they are working on this right now)
and finally disarm as best you can the american people. By destroying the economy, making gas prices higher and food prices higher they will have less
money to buy guns and ammunition, and then raise the prices of ammunition (ammo going up 15% by may of this year) If they cant ban guns then making
it to where you simply cant afford them is their big goal.
after all this has been accomplished then proceed to invade. The u.s. will put up a fight but because of their weakened state it will be fairly easy
to succeed. The us military will collapse due to the failed dollar and no money to pay and supply the soldiers and roughly due to the fact the
international banksters fund the military and are the very ones making this invasion happen. it will be an invasion of a foreign heavily armed
military vs common gun owners, ex military and police forces, but even the police will be defunded and the u.s. will largely be a militia army with
few brave people to stand up and fight due to the heavy posioning of fluoride in the tap water and the barium and aluminum from chemtrails. poison is
a big weapon they have used against us.
So the bottom line is we are ripe to be invaded. the only thing holding it all back is the power of our dollar, which is quickly falling. I believe a
us invasion will happen shortly after 2012