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The JFK Assassination, An Analysis: Did William Greer Shoot Kennedy?

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posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 07:22 AM
reply to post by gandalphthegrey

Yes , I have many opinions on Files ( and other theories ) and would like to read your upcomming thread before airing them

Looking forward to reading your theories then.

The more theories that can be shared on any topic, the better.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 07:44 AM

Originally posted by Rising Against
reply to post by gandalphthegrey

Yes , I have many opinions on Files ( and other theories ) and would like to read your upcomming thread before airing them

Looking forward to reading your theories then.

The more theories that can be shared on any topic, the better.

Ok , I'll wet your appetite .
It is possible that files knows the whole story ( I think that he was hired as a getaway driver for the real shooter) , but decided to attempt to steal the limelight after the death of the actual assassin. Why else stay silent all those years ?

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by gandalphthegrey

It is possible that files knows the whole story ( I think that he was hired as a getaway driver for the real shooter) , but decided to attempt to steal the limelight after the death of the actual assassin. Why else stay silent all those years ?

Well I disagree with some of that (everything apart from the first 9 words, lol).

I'll post all of my thoughts together in one post though. Just will be a while as I'm planning on discussing 3 others in between of course.
edit on 11-4-2011 by Rising Against because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by Rising Against
reply to post by gandalphthegrey

It is possible that files knows the whole story ( I think that he was hired as a getaway driver for the real shooter) , but decided to attempt to steal the limelight after the death of the actual assassin. Why else stay silent all those years ?

Well I disagree with some of that (everything apart from the first 9 words, lol).

I'll post all of my thoughts together in one post though. Just will be a while as I'm planning on discussing 3 others in between of course.
edit on 11-4-2011 by Rising Against because: (no reason given)

It Was just something I wanted to throw out there and I will elaborate later .

I'm really looking forward to all your posts on this subject .

Highest regards.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 08:18 AM
The Greer footage is a fake.
Case closed on that theory.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 08:19 AM

Originally posted by CosmicCitizen
The Greer footage is a fake.
Case closed on that theory.

Care to elaborate?

Which "greer footage" exactly? The one shown in the Zapruder film?
edit on 11-4-2011 by Rising Against because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by Rising Against

Thanks for your opinion and I to a large extent agree that the secret service as a unit were maybe not involved in any plot but the fact remains that the agents assigned to originally ride on the footboards on the back of the Presidents limousine were told to move away !
I can see your explaination that no substantial crowds therefore lesser threat makes some sense but it also considerably improves any chance of 'clean' shots hitting there target !
So I sill think this action by it's nature is very suspicious !
Getting into the Greer aspect it's clear to me that no-one within the car shot Kennedy either Greer or Jackie as some prepostorously suggest ! I find the whole jackie was a manchurian candidate thing laughable !
I believe there were multiple shooters maybe 3-5 situated at various points
and with the SS Agents 'away' they all had clear shots !


posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by CosmicCitizen
The Greer footage is a fake.
Case closed on that theory.

You do know that the Greer footage is an excerpt from the Zapruder film , right ?

Maybe you think the Zapruder film is fake ?

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by ProRipp
reply to post by Rising Against

Thanks for your opinion and I to a large extent agree that the secret service as a unit were maybe not involved in any plot but the fact remains that the agents assigned to originally ride on the footboards on the back of the Presidents limousine were told to move away !
I can see your explaination that no substantial crowds therefore lesser threat makes some sense but it also considerably improves any chance of 'clean' shots hitting there target !
So I sill think this action by it's nature is very suspicious !
Getting into the Greer aspect it's clear to me that no-one within the car shot Kennedy either Greer or Jackie as some prepostorously suggest ! I find the whole jackie was a manchurian candidate thing laughable !
I believe there were multiple shooters maybe 3-5 situated at various points
and with the SS Agents 'away' they all had clear shots !


I'm not fully familiar with the secret service protocol of the day as of right now, I'll look into this area a lot more in the future I imagine, but just going from the earlier footage of the day and the route Kennedy had taken, they, the secret service men, were backing off all the time It seemed. And It's that which says to me It isn't any stranger that they would do it in Dealey Plaza - There were less people here after all also.

I'm not sure I would call the behavior suspicious also. Stupid, especially in a state like Dallas at this time, perhaps but not suspicious.

I mean personally, I don't think they should have been doing this... ever, as the threat is always going to be there so I agree with what you're saying. And in this instance, they backed off and they payed for it heavily but I just don't feel It's suspicious. Or enough to actually say this is suspicious behavior.

Maybe they were ordered to do this, maybe It was suggested they do this by someone, maybe even Kennedy asked for them to back off so the people could see him, we don't know. It seems as though as we can do is speculate unfortunately.

Getting into the Greer aspect it's clear to me that no-one within the car shot Kennedy either Greer or Jackie as some prepostorously suggest ! I find the whole jackie was a manchurian candidate thing laughable !

Yeah, I couldn't agree more again. That's one of the reasons why I wanted to start these series of threads too, I wanted to try and show why I don't believe Jackie or Greer could have been involved in the actual assassination itself. I, like you, think It's laughable.

As I've always said. All indications point towards a shot from outside the car - more than probably the grassy knoll which was somewhere most of the witnesses had suspected also as that's where they immediately ran up to after the fatal shot to Kennedy.

Even some of those in the car, and those at the very steps of the TSDB suspected the Grassy Knoll.


posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 01:19 PM
It was a job completed by the " brass " and other powers that be. By JFK being killed, allowed for LBJ to be put in place. TPTB so badly wanted the Vietnam war they could taste it. Is it coincidental that LBJ's wife was the prime stock holder in Bell. Bell Helicopters was the prime contractor ( the only at that time ) to supply the Huey helicopter. After the war began, massive revenue was generated for Bell. Prior to the war, Bell was on the verge of bankruptcy. Then the act of war not only saved the company, but also made the investors alot of money. Some 20k helicopters were used during the war, and 6k were lost to battle, and replaced. For a grand total of some 26k helicopters. ( I would supply my evidence to this fact but Im at work right now and cant download the information onto a work computer, against policy )

The death of JFK was done within. I have read the Warren Commission's Report and there are so many questions that were never presented. We do know 3 shots rung out. Now according to DA of the New Orleans Parish, Jim Garrison, his investigation was able to identify the final firing positions that were allegedly used. If you drew a line from each of those positions, it would form a triangle. Within the Military training ( more specifically boot camp) they teach of this measure. Its also known as triangular trajectory. It " boxes " in your target with no possible route of escape....the shooter than have what is called a " turkey shoot".

Now the assassination of JFK was by far the biggest " Inside Job " ever perpetrated on the American people.
Sadly, the truth will never be given, those who knew about the " Big Event " ( was admitted the code name for the JFK demise) are all gone, even witnesses who were in the WC report, but exp mysterious deaths as well.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by Whereweheaded

Wow those are amazing facts you posted, and I agree with you that the truth will probably be impossible to uncover and PROVE !!

But if anyone is going to do it, then RA could be our guy...

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 05:39 AM
reply to post by Whereweheaded

( I would supply my evidence to this fact but Im at work right now and cant download the information onto a work computer, against policy )

Looking forward to when It can be provided.

We do know 3 shots rung out.

To be completely honest, I think the more likely conclusion is that by far more than 3 shots were fired here. Looking at the Towner film for example, we can see clear reactions from some of those inside the car, particularly Kennedy, and witnesses also report - in conjunction with these reactions - hearing "noises" and seeing "sparks" come off the ground at times. Quite possibly due to a missed bullet - one not "reported".

This being just one example. Other anomalies such as this seemed to have occurred pertaining to the theory stating that more than 3 shots were fired here also. I'm going to try and show "evidence" for this in one of my future threads too.

Sadly, the truth will never be given, those who knew about the " Big Event " ( was admitted the code name for the JFK demise) are all gone,

Not if you believe James E. Files.

edit on 12-4-2011 by Rising Against because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 04:15 PM

That one might have caught the shooter with the side shot.
There was one shot to the neck from behind.
Perhaps another that hit the windshield.

One thing of interest since discussing technology that is hidden from the general
populace is that the technology used for the bullets might be quite indestructible
and support the one bullet theory. The elimination of gases for one can harden
metals and give better performance.

I don't see the driver doing anything except stopping so more shots can be taken.
ED: JFK II perhaps has some evidence JFK JR dug up for his magazine:

Google Video Link

even more recent bloodless political takeover:

Google Video Link

An interesting presentation.

edit on 4/12/2011 by TeslaandLyne because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by TeslaandLyne

OMG that piece of the press conference when he points to the front of the head gives the game away totally !

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 06:09 PM
I was going to post this when I saw what my friend Teslaetc had posted ! When i was ....well alot younger this was broadcast on TV and never ever shown again ! Does anyone remember this ?

Ive posted a link because its in 18 parts but I always remember it for some reason !

Anyway it tries to envisage what would have happened if Lee Harvey Oswald would have been brought to trial !

edit on 063030p://04America/Chicago12 by ProRipp because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 07:40 AM
reply to post by TeslaandLyne

That one might have caught the shooter with the side shot.
There was one shot to the neck from behind.
Perhaps another that hit the windshield.

Some claim that the next image Mary Moorman captured after the one you showed actually caught the figure of a Grassy Knoll shooter. Of course though, we don't have access to the rest of them.

One thing of interest since discussing technology that is hidden from the general
populace is that the technology used for the bullets might be quite indestructible
and support the one bullet theory.

Yes, but the gun found showed absolutely no signs of being fired. Even under microscopic level.

This being so, I actually do believe the Single Bullet Theory, I just don't believe the shot we're being shown to be fired was the real one.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by Rising Against
I used to believe that a time traveler traveld back in time, killed J.F.K., and traveld back to his own time. Its a theiory I have thought about most of my life. It just kindof poped in my head while reading about this event.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 07:13 AM
reply to post by paranormal78

Feel free to use this thread as a platform to try and prove it.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by Rising Against
It was just a thought. I have an interest in time travel stories As well as some conspiracy and paranormal and unexplained stuff.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by paranormal78

It's an interesting theory nonetheless.

Btw, you may like this thread I wrote up a while ago too: Inadvertent Time Travellers

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