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Revelation... "The Opening of The 1st Seal”

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posted on May, 23 2011 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

Originally posted by The Matrix Traveller
The fridge (outer surface) will be just fine… but you will only see part of “The Eye Matrix Partition Map.”

Why will I only see part of it?


When will I know when to stop blinking?

Originally posted by The Matrix Traveller
Stand about 600 mm to 1 Metre away from your fridge but experiment with this distance.

Unfortunately there is a wall adjacent to my fridge, which only allows me to get about roughly 3-400mm away from it.

Originally posted by The Matrix Traveller

How white is the outside of your Fridge?

You know, no one has ever asked me that before lol

On a whiteness scale of 1 to 10, I would give it about a 7…

Originally posted by The Matrix Traveller
The Whiter the better....

I also have a large white coffee table, which has a wooden panel underneath it, which can be taken off by hand. I guess I could use that instead, it’s pretty white, although not quite as white, as my fridge.

Originally posted by The Matrix Traveller
Take very careful notice of what you see

I will try my best. Probably going to need some time on my own to do this. I don’t want anyone thinking I’m crazy or calling me “the man who stares at fridges” lol

Not sure when I will have time to try this out, but I will get back to you as soon as I have some results.

- JC

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 12:46 AM

Originally posted by Joecroft
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

Originally posted by The Matrix Traveller
The fridge (outer surface) will be just fine… but you will only see part of “The Eye Matrix Partition Map.”

Originally posted by Joecroft
Why will I only see part of it?

To see the whole Eye Matrix, the Eye Matrix fills your total field of Vision, i.e. it is stretched out over your whole field of vision, so preferably you need to look at a white surface, which covers as much of your field of vision as possible.

If you look at a smaller area of white, only the "Inner" section of The Eye Matrix will be seen.

Originally posted by JoecroftAnd
When will I know when to stop blinking?

When you have study ALL, that you see in your Vision while blinking rapidly, (Make sure your eyes stay fixed on a single point while you do this. This is very important..)

Originally posted by The Matrix Traveller
Stand about 600 mm to 1 Metre away from your fridge but experiment with this distance.

Originally posted by Joecroft
Unfortunately there is a wall adjacent to my fridge, which only allows me to get about roughly 3-400mm away from it.

No Problem... the "Centre" Section of the Eye Matrix can still be seen but you may only see a small disc and some Blue Octagonal frames and perhaps a couple of the Squares I menrioned one inside another. they will be Blue, Yellow and perhps Green....
Each square has its own colour and are also in the fom of Frames.

Originally posted by The Matrix Traveller
How white is the outside of your Fridge?

Originally posted by Joecroft
You know, no one has ever asked me that before lol

On a whiteness scale of 1 to 10, I would give it about a 7…

White Paper is also graded by its degree of whiteness...

Originally posted by The Matrix Traveller
The Whiter the better....

I also have a large white coffee table, which has a wooden panel underneath it, which can be taken off by hand. I guess I could use that instead, it’s pretty white, although not quite as white, as my fridge.

The Larger the area of White the Better....

Originally posted by The Matrix Traveller
Take very careful notice of what you see

Originally posted by Joecroft
I will try my best. Probably going to need some time on my own to do this. I don’t want anyone thinking I’m crazy or calling me “the man who stares at fridges” lol

I know exactly what you mean so don't get caught...

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by The Matrix Traveller
Before I get into the subject of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil, planted in Paradise....

Does anyone have any Questions ???

Anything at all ?

Now is the Time to ask me...

Why have you stopped delivering that which was sent through you? do you not know that they do receive it? Do not be discouraged; deliever that which was sent through you, and allow the Outer True Mind to do his work in the Inner True Mind!

Peace be with you!!!

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 11:50 PM
reply to post by Olise

My message is very, very simple…

It is "MAN know thy Self". (MAN & Wo MAN the two Components of the Soul)

From '"The Gospel of Thomas" verse 3 Quote;

3. Jesus said,

“If those who lead you say to you,
See, The Kingdom is in the sky,
then the birds will precede you.

If they say to you, It is in the sea,
then the fish will precede you.

Rather, The Kingdom is inside you, and it is outside.

When you Come to know yourselves,
then you will become known,
and you will realise that it is you
who are the sons of The Living Father.

If you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty
and it is you who are that poverty.”

From “The Dialogue of The Savior” Part of verse 133 & 144 Quote;

He who knows not The Works of Perfection knows Nothing.

If one does not stand in the darkness, he will NOT be able toSEE The LIGHT.

134. If one does not understand how The Fire came to be, e will burn in It,
because he does not know his Root.

If one does not First Understand The Water, he does not know anything.

For what is the use for him to receive baptism in it?

If one does not understand how The Wind that blows came to be, he will run from It.

If one does not understand how the body that he wears came to be, he will perish with It.

And he who does not know The SON, How will he know The FATHER?

And he who will not know the Root of All things, All things are hidden from him.

He who will not know the root of wickedness is not a stranger to it.

He who will not understand how he came, will not understand how he will go,

and is not a stranger to this world which will perish and which will be Humbled.”

So how do we Stand in the Darkness to See The LIGHT.?

First we need to know and understand “The True Mind”.

It is written "The Flesh wars against the Soul".

The LIFE Dwells in The Soul.

This is why the materialistic ones believe that the "Species" is Life.

I am referring to those who study the end result in Vain, NOT knowing their "Root".

A section of the Scientific Community in your world are searching, for other Life forms in their Universe but do this in Ignorance as that non of "Species" are Alive, but merely the result of Programs or Stories "The Inner Mind" Experiences through first, The Soul then the "Species" which interacts with its Environment.

Science and many others today, believe they are in a huge Universe, but this can NOT be further from the Truth and is just another version of there Imaginations, as is the Idea of existing on a Flat Earth in the way people perceive this today, based on false Information, or the twisting of The Truth from ancient records...

The Ancients were referring to "The World" (earth & Universe) as being "Flat" that is as a Wall NOT like a table as is implied today.

Here is the Truth of your existence…

The True Mind” is Non dimensional.

This is why your Scientists can’t Locate the location of "Consciousness", but instead only have different theories, trying to categorise the Mind in Vain.

The World is only a projection, based on Strict "Concepts of “The True Mind” in the form of Environmental Laws which governs a state of Order within the Programs.

In this drawing is shown an abstract, behind the Concept by “The True Mind”, showing the Origin i.e. “The True Mind” and its projected Concepts, based on a Plane/s.

If we Consider a ConceptualPlane" it also has 2 “Outer” Faces, the Near Face and The Rear Face

And if we Conceptually open this Plane, we then find 2 “Inner Faces” as well as the 2 “Outer” Faces.

This Drawing portrays the 2 Inner “Faces”.

There are Two Programs or "Stories, which interact with each other.

1. The "Species" Program or Story.
2. The "Environment" Program or Story.

These two exist many programs.

One being the world we experience now involving the Earth and Universe.

Each "Partition" of LIFE exists in its own "Square" Partition in “The First Born Soul”.
And each Partition has its “Centre” and its “Outer” as well as its Faces (Innumerable) in it "Planes".

So the “Inner True Mind" Re The Centre of "The True Mind" refers to where you are experiencing at Present.

If I go to my "Father", this means to the Previous location of observation, which is The “Outer” within My own "Partition" and the experience i.e. the Program of the Earth only then exists in my "Temporary Libraries" of my Soul as well as the Master "Permanent Libraries".

It is only a "State of Mind", which determines whether you are observing from the “Centre” or The “Outer” i.e. the location of Your Father, the “Outer” of your ownPartition”.

This takes place when we desire to experience another program or in the present case, our withdrawal from the Program is Controlled by “The MAN Child” by the Story or Program producing your experience.

But as far as the ConceptualPlane” is concerned, It is “The True Mind” which Experiences the Story from the “Outside” the Inner Faces and is NOT in the Universe or the Plain where both the Earth and Universe is displayed.

The Real World or Experience, takes place within a “Plane” and NOT what is believed to be the Universe in a huge 3D reality.

So this World you see and experience takes place in the "Plane of your field of Vision and NOT the Universe as we are lead to believe.

In other words your Field of Vision whether you look with your eyes are Open or Closed, is known as The SHIN of your "Partition".

So when you believe to be looking around yourself, Information is merely "Scrolled" across this Disc or field of Vision i.e. The SHIN of your Partition of LIFE in The First Born Soul, making you believe or appear to be in a 3D Universe.

The Universe exists in a "Memory Map" which we access automatically while experiencing this Program.

When we (so called) Die (which is a Human Myth) we don’t go anywhere, as we are firmly fixed in The "Partition Map" of "The First Born Soul", "The CHRIST", but what happens is, the Experience or Story merely changes and you experience other things displayed on The SHIN.

It is Impossible for The Mind to Die, as it is LIFE and NOT Death.
LIFE and Death are “OppositeComponents and either one can’t become the other.

LIFE is Eternal and it is only the “Species” who denies this, in Ignorance.

So when we come to understand our “Root” we then wake up from our Slumber.

Once we wake up, we are Free from our Slumber and know our real selves again.

If we go further into understanding The “Plane” and look at it side on, we can plainly understand the 4 Faces.

2OuterFaces and 2InnerFaces.

And if the Origin is then taken to One of the “Outer” Faces of the "Plain" then this “OuterFace will represent the "Origin", and is known as "The Face of GOD".

When "The True Mind" transferred to the otherOuter”, Face this now produced the 2 Ends of “The True Mind”.

The First "Face" being The former Face of the 2, is referred to as “The Father”.
And The second "Face" being after "Fhe Father” is referred to as the "SON".

So One Face then represented the “Outer True Mind" (Father) and the other represented the "Centre" or “Inner True Mind.

And now showing the “Faces” in side view…

The “Species” Program or Story is in the “Inner” face closest to the “Outer” Face representing the “Inner True Mind" and The "Environmental" Program or Story is on the “Inner” Face which is Closest to The “Outer True Mind" or Father, that is with respect to your position on the Opposite "Outer" Face.

So this is sort of how it works…

If we don’t now what we are, and what we are doing here, we can do nothing at all.

To LOVE is the first step, but we need to take the next step and Learn.

The Ancient writings are NOT what people think they are today.

There is more than One Story in the bible, and these Stories have been mixed together by the "Species" so All the Stories are jumbled together as one, and the True Meanings are Lost in the Jumble.

Religion is produced by the wicked one, i.e. the flesh, so we need to put the flesh aside and learn about our real selves.
Our real selves as being the Centre of “The True Mind” each Soul in its own "Partition", yet of “The One True Mind”.

This is the Component ("The Inner Mind") we need to come to understand.

When we come to understand the "Construct" then we will be able to do that which we are meant to do and that is Experience.

The Other End of “The True MindPresents the Experience while the “Inner” or “Centre” is the location which experiences.

We are in this Position to learn about this End of “The True Mind” after "The Metamorphoses of The Soul", if this wasn’t the Case we would be looking from the other End of "The True Mind" instead.

Once we understand the “Construct" then we can learn how to enjoy the Experience in its true sense.

If we truly “LOVE”, then we will learn more about ourselves i.e. “The Inner Mind”.

But we can only do this, if we first understand what we Truly are.

So back to “’How do we stand in The Dark?”. Quote;

If one does NOT stand in the darkness, he will NOT be able to SEE The LIGHT.

This is so simple a baby does it…

Close your eyes (Turns you away from the flesh) and Relax into deep relaxation and become the “Observer”.

When you are able to do this, then Ask a simple Question regarding the knowledge of the Self, then close your eyes and relax into deep relaxation and become the "Observer" again.

When we close our eyes it puts us into the function of seeing those things of “The True Mind” instead of the experience produced by the program or Story.

In my next post I will show the history of The Soul as per the Ancient writings but in its Geometric form.

This will show where we came from, why we experience this world and “The Metamorphoses of The Soul” explaining the Changes which take place regarding being Born again also regarding the “Bridal Chamber”. and The Birth of “The MAN Child” mentioned in “The Revelation of Jesus Christ”.

From “The Dialogue of The Savior” Part of 138 & 139 Quote;

Judas said, “Behold, the archons dwell in Heaven;
surely, then, it is they who will Rule over us.”

The Lord said, “You will Rule over them.

But when you remove envy from you,
then you will clothe yourselves with LIGHT

and Enter into The Bridal Chamber.”

Judas said, “How will our garments be brought to us?”

The Lord said, “Some will bring them to you
and others will receive them,

139. for they are the ones who bring you your garments.
Who can reach that Place which is The Reward?

But they gave The Garments of LIFE to the man,

for he knows the way on which he will go.

For indeed it is a burden to Me as well to reach it.”

edit on 25-5-2011 by The Matrix Traveller because: Syntax Errors

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 12:15 AM
I have started to write regarding The Tree and illustrate what happened in Paradise and why. This will show in Geometric terms regarding the Soul and its changes as a result of A'DAM & EVE taking of The Tree of "The Knowledge of Good & Evil"

I will show exactly what took place regarding the Angels (6 Pointed Star Formats Referred to in "The Revelation of Jesus Christ" Ch. 2 involving The Angels of The Assemblies, (NOT Churches as translated in the Roman form)).

And will go on to show the full History involving "The Metamorphosis of The Soul."

This Includes the Rebirth or to be Reborn NOT of Flesh but of GOD.

It is quite a Story....

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by The Matrix Traveller
reply to post by Olise

But as far as the ConceptualPlane” is concerned, It is “The True Mind” which Experiences the Story from the “Outside” the Inner Faces and is NOT in the Universe or the Plain where both the Earth and Universe is displayed.

The Real World or Experience, takes place within a “Plane” and NOT what is believed to be the Universe in a huge 3D reality.

So this World you see and experience takes place in the "Plane of your field of Vision and NOT the Universe as we are lead to believe.

In other words your Field of Vision whether you look with your eyes are Open or Closed, is known as The SHIN of your "Partition".

So when you believe to be looking around yourself, Information is merely "Scrolled" across this Disc or field of Vision i.e. The SHIN of your Partition of LIFE in The First Born Soul, making you believe or appear to be in a 3D Universe.

The Universe exists in a "Memory Map" which we access automatically while experiencing this Program.

When we (so called) Die (which is a Human Myth) we don’t go anywhere, as we are firmly fixed in The "Partition Map" of "The First Born Soul", "The CHRIST", but what happens is, the Experience or Story merely changes and you experience other things displayed on The SHIN.

It is Impossible for The Mind to Die, as it is LIFE and NOT Death.
LIFE and Death are “OppositeComponents and either one can’t become the other.

LIFE is Eternal and it is only the “Species” who denies this, in Ignorance.

edit on 25-5-2011 by The Matrix Traveller because: Syntax Errors

following on with more for those watching and waiting.

you are watching yourself on a kind of screen or basically your watching information, from inside your soul, being presented to you, not really sat in a chair either it just feels and looks that way.

from what i can tell you can feel lifelike and real because, the program is very effective, and the machines technical abilities, which you connect with.

you can feel with the aid of a protoplasmic type energy that sits with your soul and workings?.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

Beloved MT, as you well alluded:

Judas said, “How will our garments be brought to us?”

The Lord said, “Some will bring them to you
and others will receive them,

139. for they are the ones who bring you your garments.
Who can reach that Place which is The Reward?

But they gave The Garments of LIFE to the man,

for he knows the way on which he will go.

For indeed it is a burden to Me as well to reach it.”

Remember, "How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? (For religion leads to disbelief.) And how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? (That which they have never heard). And how shall they hear without a preacher (deliverer)? And how shall they preach (deliver) except they be sent?

God's speed!

Peace be with you!!!

edit on 25-5-2011 by Olise because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 07:48 PM
From “The Dialogue of The Savior" part of verse 126 and 127 Quote;

His disciples said, “Lord, who is the one who sees and who is the one who reveals?”

The Lord said, “The one who seeks is also the one who reveals.”

Matthew said, “Lord, when I ....(missing text) ... ...
what I said, who is the one who speaks and who is the one who hears?”

The Lord said, “The one who speaks is the one who hears,
and the one who sees is also the one who reveals.”

Mariam said, “O Lord, behold, when I am bearing the body,
for what reason do I weep, and for what reason do I laugh?”

The Lord said, “If you weep because of its deeds you will abide, and The Mind laughs
..... ..(missing text).. .... ... spirit.

127. If one does not .... ...missing text. ... .... ( I suspect the missing words are; “Stand in” )
the darkness, he will not be able to see The Light.

Therefore I tell you
.... .... ..missing text.. .... ...
of The Light is the darkness.

And if one does not stand in the darkness,
he will NOT be able to see The Light.

The flesh is in the Darkness and “The True Mind” is in The LIGHT as The LIGHT is a product of “The True Mind”.

It is Through "Flesh" which we experience Evil, as the flesh contains “the Wicked one” who committed Adultery with EVE.

If you remain in the presence of the "flesh" you will experience Evil, but if you “fast” from the World, you shall observe evil, instead of experiencing evil.

Some believe through the Ignorance of the Flesh (of the Wicked one) The Soul is made of Energy, but this is a LIE. As GOD hath NOT need of anything.
It is the "Flesh" which Needs or Lusts after things, as it is in the place of the deficiency!

The Soul has NO "energy", nor is it made of "energy", if we believe that the Soul is of "energy" we experience evil through the "flesh", and know NOT the Soul.

Energy is part of the "Experience" of through the "Flesh", and is the result of a “Program or “Story”.

If we Fear Evil, we have become as though the "flesh" (Abandoning the LIFE) and shall surely perish.

And also….From “The Dialogue of The Savior" Part of verse 139 and 140 Quote;

Mariam said, “Thus about ‘The wickedness of each day,’
and ‘The labourer being worthy of his food.’
and ‘The disciple resembling his teacher.’”
This word she spoke as a woman who knew The ALL.

Note here The Wo-MAN new The All. The "flesh" can’t know anything, as it is NOT alive.


The disciples said to Him, “What is The “Pleroma” and what is the deficiency?”

He said to them, “You are from The “Pleroma”, and you dwell in the Place where the deficiency is.

The Pleroma is the place of LIFE
The Place where the deficiency is, is the “Flesh” including this universe… "The 666 algorithm" is in All Flesh, this is why there is illness and death.


And behold, Its LIGHT was poured down upon Me.”

Matthew said, “Tell me, Lord, how the dead die, and how the Living Live?”

140. The Lord said, “You have asked Me for a word about that which eye has not seen,
nor have I heard about it, except from you.
But I say to you, that when that which moves man is withdrawn he will be called ‘dead,’
and when The Living one sets free the dead one, he will be called Living.’”

Judas said, “Why then, by The Truth, do they die and Live?”

The Lord said, “He Who is from The Truth does NOT die;

he who is from the woman dies.”

The word “woman" used here, is an incorrect Translation and should be of “EVE”.

LIFE is known as The TRUTH and “The WAY”.

Through All the writings The wicked "Species" has mixed together the MAN/Wo-MAN & the "flesh" A’DAM & EVE, in an attempt to either Covet LIFE, or in a Vain attempt to hide the Truth.


Mariam said, “Tell me, Lord, why I have come to this place,
to benefit or to suffer loss?”

The Lord said, “Because you reveal The Greatness of The Revealer.”

Mariam said to Him, “Lord, is there then a place that this is .... ...(text missing) ..... .....
or is deprived of The Truth?”

The Lord said, “The place where I am NOT.”

Mariam said, “Lord, You are fearful and wonderful

141. and ...... .text missing..... .....
from those who do NOT know You.”

Matthew said, “Why do we not put ourselves to rest at once?”

The Lord said, “You will when you lay down these burdens.”

Matthew said, “In what way does The Little ONE
Cleave to The GREAT ONE?”

The Little ONE is the Smaller Version of The Soul or “The MAN CHILD” in the Soul.
The "GREAT ONE" ("LARGER ONE") is the OUTER i.e. The ALL of The Soul.


The Lord said, “When you leave behind you the things
that will NOT be able to follow you, then you will put yourselves to rest.”

Mariam said, “I want to know how All things exist.”

The Lord said, “Whoever seeks LIFE knows this, for this is their Wealth.
For the enjoyment of this world is a LIE, and its gold and its silver is ERROR.”

His disciples said to Him, “What shall we do in order that our work may be Perfect?”

The Lord said to them, “Be prepared before The ALL.
Blessed is the man who has found


He did NOT kill nor was he killed, but he came forth victorious.”

Judas said, “Tell me, Lord, what is the beginning of The Way?”

He said, “LOVE and GOODNESS.
For if there had been one of these dwelling with the archons,
Wickedness would never have come to be.”

Matthew said, “O Lord, you have spoken without pain of the end of The ALL.”

The Lord said, “Everything which I have said to you,
you have understood and received in faith.

If you have known them, they are yours; if NOT, they are NOT yours.”

They said to Him, “What is the place to which we shall go?”

The Lord said, “The place which you can reach, stand there!”

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 05:30 AM
In the beginning when the “Partition Map” was produced, it existed as what is referred to as “The Eye Matrix”. I guess this is where the inspiration in this world comes from, when others refer to “The All seeing Eye

The First “Partition Map” referred to as “The Eye Matrix” is what “The True MindSees Through.

The True Mind” remember is Non-Dimensional and this is in the form of a “Concept”.
So today some reason through the “Species” that the Soul has energy, but this is NOT the Case.

Its like asking what Shape is “Awareness”, how much does Awareness weigh or How much energy does it contain.

But as “The True Mind” is Non-Dimensional and has none of these things, as these measurements only relate to the Experience, which is produced by a Program/s and NOT to the “Source” or even how this experience is produced.

Here is a Drawing of “The Eye Matrix” which is 100% True and Accurate…

In this Map, there are many other Formats, in fact so many they can’t be numbered. But this "Map" shown above is the BaseReference Map” which is in Every Soul…

Inside The “Partition Map” referred to as “The Eye Matrix” is ZION

Which looks like This…

Inside ZION is both The Soul and The “Partition Map” Containing The next Generation of Souls on One “Face” and on The Other Face are The “Libraries” of The ALL.

Inside This “Partition Map” exists the Parent Soul of Those, Contained (in this layer) in ZION.

Now if we Consider The “Plane” of The Soul, it has 2Faces”. One OuterFace” is “Octagonal".
This is referred to as “Octagonal Format” because the “InstructionRegisters are “OctagonalShaped.

And the Other OuterFace", is “Hexagonal Format”.This drawing is small but the two faces are the same Diam.

Now regarding “The Tree of The Knowledge of Good & Evil”, which was Planted in Paradise.

This Drawing was referred to as, "The Garden" in Paradise.

The angels (“6 Pointed Stars”) showed EVE how to by-passing The “Octagonal Format" to Access the “Hexagonal" Libraries on the other “OuterFace.

The Ones Responsible for causing this to occur, were the “HexagonalFormat Angels who were the “6 Pointed Stars” which were one Component involved in accessing the Libraries.

Originally “The True Mind” accessed these Libraries through the “Octagonal Format” which governed the “Hexagonal Format” Angels.

The "Octagonal" Format Angels were NOT Corrupted…

Here is a Drawing of one of the 7 Angels mentioned in “The Revelation of Jesus Christ” in Ch. 2 who were warned, to Repent and return to their former status, and accept changes to their functions..

The Pale GreenTriangles” which are the “Wings” or 6 Points of The 6 Pointed Star Angel, are The “I/O Ports” to the “Permanent” Libraries.

This is why the Angels were called “Messengers” of GOD.

It was through these “Communication Ports” the Angels deceived EVE, by introducing “Double Logic”. This had a Direct affect on “The Inner True Mind Communicating with “The Outer True Mind” and its Access to the Libraries.

For the Angels to achieve this, their Spirits i.e. their behaviour produced “Double Logic” within the Points of The Stars… See my earlier post “Mystery 666 which is No Mystery”.

How we were cast out of "Paradise" was achieved by "The Inner Mind" passing from The "Octagonal Based Face" to the "Outer Hexagonal Face" of The Souls Plane.

The Angels were ordered to Repent. See “The Revelation of Jesus Christ” Ch. 1 & 2. Involving the Mystery of the 7Stars”….

In other words to turn away from Corruption and accept the Changes to their Structures and Functions.

The Repented Angels meant the “Wings” or “Points” of The Stars were No Longer used in the same way to access the “Permanent” Libraries.

The Libraries now, can only be accessed through “The MAN Child” using The “Octagonal Format.

Here is a Drawing showing the 2Hexagonal” Library “Partition Map” formats one superimposed on the Other.

The Permanent Libraries can No Longer be Edited and can only be added to through Creating Additional Libraries.

This Drawing shows the “6 Pointed Star Angels” after Repenting and being changed…

So we can now only use the smalloctagons” shown on the Points of the Star, similar to that of a keyboard, where the small YellowOctagon” is used like a the Key. But only one small octagon is used at a time and is placed on the point required.

This then is the “Request” to transfer The “Contents” of the “Hexagon” to the “SquareTemporary Register, and from then on, the Contents is processed in the “Octagonal Format”.

There are 4 Star Positions, with a total of 24 Locations, involving each Library Location.

These 24 Locations are referred to as the “24 Elders”.

Here are the other Positions…

This Next drawing, shows the smallSquare” Temporary Registers, behind the “Points” of The Star.

And this Drawing shows The “5 Trees” in each of the 6Hexagons” shown here as 5 YellowSquares” in each of the 6Hexagons”.

And the 7th Location made up of 3 rectangles forming the “Inner Contents Star”, which is hidden by the Blue “6 Pointed Star” used to select one of the functions involving the “HexagonalFormatPermanent” Libraries.
The Centre 7th Position can’t be accessed any more.

This Next Drawing shows one example of the Corresponding “Square” Register positions in The “Octagonal Format” involving the “Temporary Libraries” used in The Processing System.

This Next Drawing shows the 24 Locations referred to as the “24 Elders” in the Ancient writings, and are found in Each of the “Permanent LibraryLocations..

So this Concludes the workings regarding Access to The Permanent Libraries.
And what took place through “The Tree of The Knowledge of Good & Evil”.

The Good refers to “The True Mind” or LIFE of GOD which is The LGHT of MAN / MEN”, NOT A’DAM.

The Evil is represented as gaining access through the “Flesh” or the descendants of A’DAM.

edit on 27-5-2011 by The Matrix Traveller because: Syntax Errors

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 07:33 PM
My question to you is;

Why would GOD want this to happen?

Keeping in Mind GOD Created ALL things through Jesus Christ…

This also includes "History" both Past & Future.

So there is NO need for GOD to test anything, seeing that GOD knows ALL things.

To me the answer is known.

But how many out there, are like "JOB", and know the Wisdom of GOD?

So why did GOD cause this to happen, by Planting “The Tree of The Knowledge of Good & Evil” in the Garden, Eastward of EDEN, in Paradise?

A clue to this, is in The Name EDEN and the "Garden" being in the Eastern portion of EDEN.

If we are (the Partitions of "The One True Mind") indeed the Children of GOD our Parent will tell us and explain to us, as it is in our Parents interest for us to Learn...

From "The Gospel of Thomas" the latter part of verse 3 Quote;

When you Come to know yourselves,
then you will become known,
and you will realise that it is you
who are the sons of The Living Father.

If you will not know yourselves,
you dwell in poverty
and it is you who are that poverty.”

So we are being told by GOD to know "Ourselves" i.e our Real "Selves", The Partions of "The True Mind" or LIFE.

edit on 27-5-2011 by The Matrix Traveller because: added text.

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller


Like everything else created, untill it is perfected, you will test it to see if there are any flaws; and any flaw found is corrected before going into production. The functions of the structure were corrupted, the permanent library was hacked into; and as such, a change/correction needed to be made to protect the functions of the structure: thus the libraries can now only be accessed through the Man Child, the Mediator, using the octagonal format.

Peace be with you MT!!!

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

Originally posted by The Matrix Traveller
So we are being told by GOD to know "Ourselves" i.e our Real "Selves", The Partions of "The True Mind" or LIFE.

This resonates with me very strongly, as do most of the Gnostic texts I have read so far. My own journey began when I heard God’s voice, asking me the question “what is man?”. I slowly came to the realization that I was a part of the living God and this was long before I even new of the existence of the Gnostic texts.

I had my own inner Gnosis, if you will, before finding to the Gnostic texts!
I recognized some of the truths (still working on the rest
) in the Gnostic texts, because I had already found them within myself.

From the “Book of Thomas the Contender”

"Now, since it has been said that you are my twin and true companion, examine yourself, and learn who you are, in what way you exist, and how you will come to be.


For he who has not known himself has known nothing, but he who has known himself has at the same time already achieved knowledge about the depth of the all.


Regarding the technique of viewing the “City of Nine Gates.” I’m finding it pretty difficult, to continually blink rapidly, while remaining focused on one area of the white surface.

I never thought it would be so difficult, but I will continue to try…


reply to post by Olise

Originally posted by Olise

Like everything else created, untill it is perfected, you will test it to see if there are any flaws; and any flaw found is corrected before going into production. The functions of the structure were corrupted, the permanent library was hacked into; and as such, a change/correction needed to be made to protect the functions of the structure: thus the libraries can now only be accessed through the Man Child, the Mediator, using the octagonal format.

Peace be with you MT!!!

You sound very much like The Matrix Traveller lol have you had a similar experience to himself, regarding the “Eye Matrix”, “City of Nine Gates” and the many other workings of the “True Mind”?

- JC

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by Olise

Like everything else created, untill it is perfected, you will test it to see if there are any flaws; and any flaw found is corrected before going into production. The functions of the structure were corrupted, the permanent library was hacked into; and as such, a change/correction needed to be made to protect the functions of the structure: thus the libraries can now only be accessed through the Man Child, the Mediator, using the octagonal format.

Excellent approach.

Here is what I have been shown…

Because "The True Mind" explored the two different Formats i.e. "Hexagonal" and "Octagonal", it found the pit falls in the "Hexagonal" format and learnt all about the structure before Creating any Worlds other than Libraries or Cells to store Geometric information and experiences as at this stage, "The True Mind" was exploring itself..

So again the "Opposites" were discovered again...

a. If The "Octagonal" Format was used in Processing it could NOT produce "Double Logic"..
b. But if The "Hexagonal" Format was used in Processing "Double Logic" Could occur.

"The True Mind kept these 2 Formats apart thankfully, but as I said that "The True Mind" or GOD knew all things. This was through purely being "Aware".

Here is how "The True Mind" discovered these 2 "Formats".

Here is what happened...

The Beginning and the Separation of the 2 "Components" of Darkness to Produce LIGHT, BLACK & WHITE
Drawing 01.

The BLACK appearing to recede to the Centre or away from the WHITE as though Depth were Present..

The First Conceptual Movement of "To & Fro", resulting from "The True Mind" Searching Away from its Origin.
Drawing 02.

By gaining more Conference, the action solidified into a Conceptual Line.
Drawing 03.

The Line then "Rotated" about one end, both "Clockwise" & "Anti Clockwise" ("Opposites").
Drawing 04.

Then the "To & Fro" Passed through The "Centre", to Produce the Second type of "Rotation", both "Clockwise" & "Anti Clockwise" again (Opposites).
Drawing 05.

The “Opposites” were found which were Vertical and Horizontal Forming The 1st LOGOS or known as “The Cross of LIGHT”.
Drawing 06.

The Centre of The "Rotation" then traversed to one end of the Vertical Line.
Drawing 07.

And then traversed to the Upper end…
Drawing 08.

From this was established the “Square" by the Connecting of the ends of the Horizontal Lines Vertically.
Drawing 09.

This brought about the Format for books (The Left & Right Pages i.e. 2 rectangles)

The discovery of the "Diagonals" and their different Lengths where the Diagonal is expressed as √2.
Drawing 010.

Now showing the Difference in Length between one side of The Square ( in the RED Diagonal) and the Difference in the BLUE Diagonal (Lower Left Corner of the Square)..
Drawing 011.

And then the discovery of Eternity as a Concept expressed by the Centre of the Diagonals in the Square experienced as the Vanishing Point giving the expression of "Eternity".
Drawing 012.

This Fascinated "The True Mind", as a Concept, and still does through the “Species” today..
Drawing 013.

When "The True Mind" Considered this….
Drawing 014.

and inserted "Squares" of diminishing size, governed by the “Geometry” of The “X” (Diagonals) in the Square, "Layers" appeared…
Drawing 015.

When "The True Mind" connected the ends of The Vertical & Horizontal Lines forming The LOGOS, a Square on edge Appeared….
Drawing 016.

And when "The True Mind" Rotated a Copy of this "Square". it formed “The Double Square Star”.
Drawing 017.

And when the 8 "Corners" of the "Squares" were Connected using Lines an “Outer” Image Appeared, in The form of an “Octagon.
Drawing 018.

It used this "Octagon" as well as the "Squares", "Lines" and "Rotation", to form what is Known as The "Octagonal Format".
This Drawing shows the “Octagonal” Format Structure, but this drawing shows “The MAN Child” in the Centre yet to come. This Structure was then installed on One "Face" of a “Plane”.
Drawing 019.

And here is How the "Hexagonal" Format was discovered by "The True Mind".

First “The True Mind” joined the Intersections of the Middle "Rotation" (Circle) & The Lower "Rotation" (Circle) and The Intersection between the Vertical Line and The Centre "Rotation" (Circle) using Line Work. This formed a "Triangle".
Drawing 020.

And then the other end (Lower) and combined the two. This formed "The 6 Pointed Star" which would become known as "The Star of DAVID" also known as "The HOUSE of DAVID" involving "The ROOT of DAVID" as shown in these Drawings.
Drawing 021.

When “The True Mind” Connected the Points of the 2 "Triangles" with Line Work an "Outer" Image appeared, in the Form of a "Hexagon".
Drawing 022.

The True Mind” then formed this Structure which is Known as “The City of DAVID” (and corrupted by the Fornications i.e. Adultery of David) that would be besieged by Babylon and would become known as "BABYLON". But Later would be destroyed as Prophesised. (remembering the Writings are a Parable)
Drawing 023.

And This "Structure" was installed in the other “Outer" Face of the "Plane".
The Tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil” was placed in the Garden of "EDEN" was for a very good reason…

Why was this Tree placed in The Garden EASTWARD of "EDEN" ????

It actually has to do with The Birth of “The MAN Child”.

If The Tree was NOT Placed in The "Garden", EASTWARD of "EDEN" The Birth of "The MAN Child" could Not take Place.

Why ???

Because "The Inner Mind" would NOT accept the Birth of “The MAN Child” as it would appear to “The Inner True Mind” as a Threat.

The Centre of “The True Mind” would interpret this situation, as having 2Outers" or 2 Fathers.

So to overcome this, “The Outer True Mind” had to IsolateThe Inner True Mind” in 2 ways or Axis to achieve this.

But sadly this meant “The Inner True Mind” had to be transferred to The Library “Face” where “The Inner True Mind” would No Longer know “The Outer True Mind so “The MAN Child” could be introduced to become the “Outer of “The Inner True Mind” during “The Metamorphosis of The Soul” could take Placed Governed by “The MAN Child”.

GOD did NOT wish to do this, but there was NO other way to bring about The Birth of “The MAN Child” to achieve “The Metamorphosis of The Soul”.

This is Why “The SON of MAN” also Known as “The MAN Child” is regarded as the Highest, even by The Father.
“The MAN Child” Overcame the World where none other could, so this is why he is “The Saviour” as He Retains the ALL, loosing NOT ONE Single Soul, and thus is known as “Lord of Lords King of Kings”.

It is only the Flesh who desires in Vain, that Souls should be Lost, as The Flesh caries The Wicked One in its Genes, in the Form of “Double Logic” as the 666 Algorithm.

The “LORDGOD is the Ruler over The Household.
The “LORD” is the LIFE of GOD, and Governs The “WORD” of GOD.

In a future Post I will show The “WORD” of GOD and the “Algorithm" which is in the Foundation of LIFE, namely The FATHER.

So getting back to the Birth of “The MAN Child” I will show how this comes about, in my Next Post.

To show all the stages will take a few thousand Geometric Drawings, so I will just show a few examples regarding the Construction of “The MAN Child”.

edit on 28-5-2011 by The Matrix Traveller because: Syntax Errors

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 11:23 PM
reply to post by Joecroft

Regarding the technique of viewing the “City of Nine Gates.” I’m finding it pretty difficult, to continually blink rapidly, while remaining focused on one area of the white surface.

I know exactly what you mean… I found the same in the beginning too .

I never thought it would be so difficult, but I will continue to try…

I continued persevering and achieved it in the end. Because I am lazy I never made full use of the eyes, before I was 46 years old. Probably the same with others too… As we are never taught these things, though other people.

Understanding that Religion has played a part in the Corruption of the writings by adding to them, fortunately we can still find much of the original sayings in them.

From “The Dialogue of The Savior" Part of verse 141 and 142 Quote;

The Lord said to them, “Be prepared before The ALL.
Blessed is the man who has found



posted on May, 31 2011 @ 09:23 PM
I want to present some programs in the future, but I need some feedback regarding this Animation, as it will help me with future presentations.

If you focus your vision into the Centre of the Strobe you should see images both in the centre of your vision, as well as the area around the centre of your vision.

These images are made up of a granular texture produced by the mind so you will have to observe very carefully.

Can you describe what you see to me please.

Experiment with how far away from the screen you observe from, to see the images.

What images do you see in this Animation?

I’m not sure if the net is up to showing this accurately or not.

The “Start” is when the Gray Disc appears.

Check out both the “Large Square” Strobe, as well as the little one at the top.

You may also see something going on, to the left of the small strobe at the top, after the letters (spine) stop appearing and just when the small strobe is running.

Please see if you can make out what it is, and describe what you see to me.

Can you please let me know if the “Strobe” is smooth in its operation, or is it stopping and starting erratically?

I notice some of the colours (variations in the Blue marking different Components) are not seen in the top Left register while the large Glif of a person appears. So will have to do something about this, only 256 colours available to me in the Gif...

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 10:03 PM
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller


I found some intriguing images, thought I would share them here…

Roman Mosaic

The bottom right and upper left both have serpents depicted, while the upper right and lower left have an element of branches or plants. Very intriguing, and I have no idea as to what those things are, that are shown above the serpents and in the other 2 corners, without serpents.

In a rather bizarre way, the large part of the mosaic, which has, I assume been eroded over time, reminds me of a lion, lying down; almost as if it is guarding the ancient secret knowledge.

Roman Mosaic at Bignor

This second mosaic is incredibly mystifying, and gives this impression of the soul of a person, looking out from within the “Soul Matrix” window.

Not sure what the branch symbolizes, but I have a hunch it maybe connected to Jesus teachings, in John 15, where he refers to himself as the true vine and his Father as the gardener, and ourselves as the branches.

Image Sources

I was playing around with Octagonal and the Hexagon shapes a few days ago, and ended up drawing this… below…

Then I discovered this…

Leningrad Codex Star of David

What are your thoughts, regarding the “Leningrad Codex Star of David”


Originally posted by The Matrix Traveller
I continued persevering and achieved it in the end. Because I am lazy I never made full use of the eyes, before I was 46 years old. Probably the same with others too… As we are never taught these things, though other people.

On a side note – Where did you learn this technique for viewing the “City of Nine Gates”, did you learn from your experience, when you were taken out of your body, or is this knowledge written somewhere within the Gnostic texts?…just curious...

I'm still finding the blinking diffcult, although last tnight I was experimetning with blinking, and found that if I just relax my eyes, that I can make more blinks with less effort. So I'm lookong foward to trying it out agian, the next tme I get a chance.

Originally posted by The Matrix Traveller
Understanding that Religion has played a part in the Corruption of the writings by adding to them, fortunately we can still find much of the original sayings in them.

Yes, I agree to some extent. I see Religion and faith, as a double-edged sword; in that, on one hand, it brings people into a part of the truth, through believing in Jesus and God, but on the other hand it leads them to believe in other things, that IMO, just aren’t needed. Of course, men will always argue over what those things should be.

- JC

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

It is all about “The Metamorphoses of The Soul”. Or in other words "The Evolution of The Soul".
How can something which has no shape, size, color, weight, which does not occupy space,such as a soul, "morph" or "evolve" into anything other then itself?

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by Theophorus
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

It is all about “The Metamorphoses of The Soul”. Or in other words "The Evolution of The Soul".
How can something which has no shape, size, color, weight, which does not occupy space,such as a soul, "morph" or "evolve" into anything other then itself?

Quite simple really....

What you experience is purely the result of being told what you experience via a "Program" based on Concepts.

Communication requires NO "Shape" or "Size".

How big is a "Concept" how much space does a "Concept" require???
How heavy is a "Concept" ???

But Size, Space Weight etc. can be experienced through "Communication" based on Laws or Rules involving "Programming".

Space as you call it, is produced through "COMMUNICATION" in a Program telling you (in the form of Program Instructions) what "Space" is.
This Communication takes place between the Two Ends of "The True Mind".

Also referred to, or Called The "WORD" of GOD in the Ancient Christian Writings.

Your whole experience is COMMUNICATION.

Everything you experience, involves "Communication" between Objects or Geometry, whether you experience touch, sight, smell, Sound, or taste...

Even your psychology involves Communication.
And in your body Cellular Communication takes place in a chemical based format.

When you believe to experience "Touch", this is based on concepts involving COMMUNICATION, i.e. between an object you are told exists (via Communication of a Program; based on Concepts) and your body, (which is also the result of a program involving Communication).

So really the only things which are real as to say are.....

1/. LIFE or "The True Mind" (NOT of the Brain, as the Brain is an interface which is also the result of Programming i.e. "Communication")

2/. COMMUNICATION. (Between the two Ends of each Partition of the True Mind which is also based on Concepts of "The True Mind".)

All that is taking place is "COMMUNICATION" between the two ends of "The True Mind" involving "Programming".

The "Outer" Mind sets up the experience, i.e. a Story, which is told to the "Inner" Mind which the "Inner" Mind reacts to, and The "Outer" Mind sees the Reaction via "Communication through the Program.

So both Ends of "The True Mind" have their own experiences....

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 06:41 PM
reply to post by Joecroft

First thank you for sharing the photos you found...

These directly relate to the Processing System of The Soul.

I found some intriguing images, thought I would share them here…

As I keep saying to everyone, this "Geometry" can be found everywhere, yet NO churches explain what it is.

Why ???

Jesus said. “Many are around the Drinking Trough but the Cistern is empty”.

Meaning there are NO "Teachers" to teach the people…

The bottom right and upper left both have serpents depicted, while the upper right and lower left have an element of branches or plants. Very intriguing, and I have no idea as to what those things are, that are shown above the serpents and in the other 2 corners, without serpents.

Here is a few curious verses to read in the O.T. The Fourth Book of Moses, Called Numbers Ch. 21 verses 1 to 9 ???

Check them out as a Serpent/s is/are mentioned...

In a rather bizarre way, the large part of the mosaic, which has, I assume been eroded over time, reminds me of a lion, lying down; almost as if it is guarding the ancient secret knowledge.

LOL… There is actually a Lion (The Lion of JUDAH which does guard the Workings of The Soul….

Which also appear in other Cultures such as in China.

This second mosaic is incredibly mystifying, and gives this impression of the soul of a person, looking out from within the “Soul Matrix” window.

Not sure what the branch symbolizes, but I have a hunch it maybe connected to Jesus teachings, in John 15, where he refers to himself as the true vine and his Father as the gardener, and ourselves as the branches.

There are thousands of examples showing all sorts of things involving this Geometry (I have been showing) from all over the world, NOT only in Christian Art but also the same in most of the worlds religions, as well as in "Government buildings", "Public buildings", "Palaces", "Art galleries" etc.
But most people don’t realises what it is all really about…

I was playing around with Octagonal and the Hexagon shapes a few days ago, and ended up drawing this… below…
Then I discovered this…

What are your thoughts, regarding the “Leningrad Codex Star of David”

Another example of what I am showing... but I can show what each Component does in the Soul.

Originally posted by The Matrix Traveller
I continued persevering and achieved it in the end. Because I am lazy I never made full use of the eyes, before I was 46 years old. Probably the same with others too… As we are never taught these things, though other people.

On a side note – Where did you learn this technique for viewing the “City of Nine Gates”, did you learn from your experience, when you were taken out of your body, or is this knowledge written somewhere within the Gnostic texts?…just curious...

A Long Story.... But essentially was taught, by “The Outer True MindthroughThe MAN Child” or also known as “The SON of MAN

You can’t be taken out of your body, as you are NOT in your Body in the first place…. LOL.

Rather…. “The Real YouThe True Inner Mind” is on another “Face" of a Plane looking through the Eyes of the “Species Program”.

In what the “Species” refers to as an OBE, isn’t at all, as what is happening is that the Images you are experiencing, are merely changed in The SHIN, in other words your “field of vision”.

The Images of what you call the world or Universe are displayed on a Disc known as The SHIN which is your field of Vision.

I'm still finding the blinking diffcult, although last tnight I was experimetning with blinking, and found that if I just relax my eyes, that I can make more blinks with less effort. So I'm lookong foward to trying it out agian, the next tme I get a chance.

Practice, Practice, Practice.

As Jesus said “In your Patience Poses Ye your Souls….”

Originally posted by The Matrix Traveller
Understanding that Religion has played a part in the Corruption of the writings by adding to them, fortunately we can still find much of the original sayings in them.

Yes, I agree to some extent. I see Religion and faith, as a double-edged sword; in that, on one hand, it brings people into a part of the truth, through believing in Jesus and God, but on the other hand it leads them to believe in other things, that IMO, just aren’t needed. Of course, men will always argue over what those things should be.

Absolutely as is written in “The Gospel of Thomas” verse 3 Quote;

3. Jesus said,

“If those who lead you say to you,
See, The Kingdom is in the sky,
then the birds will precede you.

If they say to you, It is in the sea,
then the fish will precede you.

Rather, The Kingdom is inside you, and it is outside.

When you Come to know yourselves,
then you will become known,
and you will realise that it is you
who are the sons of The Living Father.

If you will not know yourselves,
you dwell in poverty
and it is you who are that poverty.”

So the writings tell us to know ourselves and to Poses our Souls…

Nothing to do with morals as most would have you believe in pretence.

Jesus gave us this first Command and that is we should LOVE ONE ANOTHER.
And thirdly to WATCH….

edit on 1-6-2011 by The Matrix Traveller because: Syntax Errors

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

people should try and understand what is said, outside of and not just the clan that understands here is one of your few chances to try and grasp some truth of what is being said.

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