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Revelation... "The Opening of The 1st Seal”

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posted on May, 5 2011 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

Not good enough answers, and all said before, simple answers, because you do NOT know the true mind as well as you are being MADE to believe or THINK you do.

You are nothing more then those you try to preach to, and not a saviour but more FALSE comforter, you are AFRAID to realise this manufactured system is FAR from perfect.

You waste yours and other peoples time on fantasy, even though what you say is correct regarding mechanics, it is NOT the full story and you are painting a illusionary rosy picture.

YOU are controlled and owned by EVIL, you dare not see THEM for what they are, or EXPOSE them, AND WHAT THEY ARE DOING TO PEOPLE.

They ABUSE the innocent to steal/eat there SOULS, and people like you turn a BLIND eye like most every one else which is how EVIL gets away with it, and HIDES so it can go on working in the background.

EVIL is intelligent and relies on the status quo, so it can prey on people and steal there SOUL energy, hence the term ASTRAL VAMPIRES, they use astral projection, you can't see them but they are about OUT OF BODY exploiting people via ASTRAL PROJECTION.

THEY KNOW it is a Matrix and illusionary game, and are grateful that people like you turn a BLIND eye for temporary comfort and tranquility as your mood says "TRANQUIL".

If they see you as a THREAT to there little so far "endless" evil game and POWER STRUCTURE your mood will read PROBLEMS.

You let EVIL have the upper hand and this PROGRAM reads living KNIGHTMARE.

They steal your health and leave you BROKEN, SPIRITUALLY and PHYSICALLY, and no one knows why there life is going wrong and what is causing the problems, because they are crafty to avoid blame and go unnoticed...

Because the EVIL ones having many TRICKS, that make most of you look like SIMPLE FOOLS, just how they like you lambs to slaughter, if you have energy they WANT.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by ThePunisher

Prove evil exists at all...

Evil is a subjective concept my friend. Though things might seem "evil" to you its only greed and selfishness in the hearts of men.

Evil only exists if you believe in it.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by Akragon


Surrendering to Jesus without understanding him is kinda pointless honestly. I know many christians believe if you accept Jesus as your savior you're free and clear to do whatever you like. The attitude that "you are a sinner and you can't change that" tends to be why people don't understand his teachings.

Why are you disapointed in yourself, you're only human my friend. We all make mistakes. Do you not listen to your conscience? It Guides you in life...

Consider Jesus your saviour if you wish, but try to understand his lessons instead of just blindly accepting hes the messiah. Once you do, you will see the path he laid for us.

Then you just have to learn to walk that path

Excellent way of putting it...

Thank you for your Post...

edit on 5-5-2011 by The Matrix Traveller because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by ThePunisher

You are free to believe what you like....

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 11:36 PM

Originally posted by xizd1
Is the true inner mind mine exclusively or is it a collective mind that I am a part of. How can I access this mind and explore it? Can I do this if it was not part of the pre-written program? Is this a"When the student is ready, a teacher will be revealed" type of event?
My conscience is not clear, I am very troubled. I am disappointed in myself. I am trying to be a better person but I often fail. I am worried that my surrendering to "Jesus" would just be a cop out. A way to excuse my weakness.

You did NOT Create yourself ??? So how can you feel this way???

It is a human practise to bring suffering on all, and is Not The CHRIST who does this...

We do harm to ourselves because we can't accept or LOVE our Selves which is the Greatest Gift of All.


Jesus FORGAVE us....


So allow this to be and believe...

And His Last Commandment was "I COMMAND YOU TO WATCH".

Which has nothing at all to do with good and bad.

Is the true inner mind mine exclusively or is it a collective mind that I am a part of.

The Primary “Partition Map” (having Billions of Layers like a huge Family Tree) of "The First Born Soul is "Partitioned", producing ALL The Souls, which are IN "The First Born Soul" Construct.

Just as the Droplets of Water make up an Ocean or Lake, so it is with The First Born Soul.

All the Souls are Part of "The First Born Soul a bit like the Droplets of Water making up an Ocean, but are separated off in the fact that each Soul is in its own cell (“Square”)

Each Soul has a Copy of The ALL i.e. ALL Souls have access to a Copy of The Main Libraries contained in Hexagonal Formatted "Cells" which are of The Star of DAVID.

So in one sense we are separate but in another are all which are of The First Born Soul Construct.

Jesus said "Woe unto Him who relies upon the Flesh"....

We need to seak LIFE and Find it..

Good and bad has to do with the flesh...

As to the “Inner Mind” I refer to, I am referring to the "Centre of Each "Cell" in "The First Born Soul".

“The MAN Child” exists between the "Centre" of each "Cell" and its “Outer” being the “Square” Frame of each Soul. So each "Cell" or Soul has a Clone of “The MAN Child” in it.

"The MAN Child" is another Name for what is referred to as “The SON of MAN”.

Remember the TitleMAN” was given for the Soul and the title A’DAM was given to the "Primate".

How can I access this mind and explore it?

As it says in the bible… Quote;

“No One cometh unto the Father except by Me."

The Word "Me" in this verse, refers to “The MAN Child” or SON of MAN.

Can I do this if it was not part of the pre-written program?

If you weren’t part of the Prewritten Program you would NOT exist !

Is this a "When the student is ready, a teacher will be revealed" type of event?

Jesus said Let NOT you put your Trust in anyone, but The FATHER ONLY i.e. Your “Outer True Mind”! (Not as one being of Roman Doctrine, pretending to be, or represent a father. For there is only One Father which is Your “Outer True Mind”. Which is The "Outer" of every "Cell" of “The First Born Soul”, The Only Begotten of The FATHER.

My conscience is not clear, I am very troubled. I am disappointed in myself. I am trying to be a better person but I often fail. I am worried that my surrendering to "Jesus" would just be a cop out. A way to excuse my weakness.

Become as a little Child and put away pride and ask The LIFE in You, while being Honest with yourself...

Jesus said, Quote;

"In your Patience Possess Ye Your Souls."

From “The Gospel of Thomas Verse 67 Quote;

67. Jesus said,

“Whoever believes that the All itself is deficient
is himself completely

You Have NOT Created yourself….

It is the churches of the "Species" which are all of Roman Doctrine, that have oppressed you and brainwashed you.

Do Not be disappointed in yourself…. as YOU DID NOT CREAT YOURSELF.

It has NOTHING AT ALL to do with being good or bad or deficient.


And was said to be a Whore by many.... yet She knew more about Jesus than any other… Jesus did NOT Condemn Her.... even though the Disciples were embarrassed by her and disliked Her…

If you were Not worthy of the Kingdom you would NOT have been Born…

Jesus said Quote;

"It is My Fathers Good Pleasure to give You the Kingdom."

And from "The Gospel of Thomas verse 39 Quote;

39. Jesus said,

“The Pharisees and the Scribes
have taken The Keys of Knowledge
and Hidden Them.

They themselves have NOT entered,
nor have they allowed to enter
those who wish to.

You, however, be as wise as serpents
and as innocent as doves.”

There is NOT One single Soul Lost out of The First Born….

A True Parent does NOT Abandon their Children even though the child may declare they have been Abandoned.

Even if you wanted to Fail, The Christ will Not allow you to be lost and will take whatever measures to purge your Soul. Its just a matter of how much you want to SUFFER through Pride...

It is a Human Lie, that declares The Christ will loose Souls.

The Roman church is full of Evil and their Cup runneth over with Evil, to threaten the weak and poor in heart with such B.S.

Our FATHER is a LOVING GOD and NOT a Traitor to His Children…

If you put your Trust in the Flesh…. you Trust “The Wicked One”…. but if You Put your TRUST in LIFE then you LOVE GOD

The Flesh gains Nothing at all.

edit on 5-5-2011 by The Matrix Traveller because: Syntax errors

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 12:03 AM
I do listen to my conscience, that is why I'm disappointed. I know I could do more and be better, but I don't. I feel I am not living up to my potential. Yet if we have already chosen our path, why do I feel this way? Shouldn't I be able to see beyond these short comings and be aware of the greater goal?
I am trying to be honest here, especially to myself. I know that I am capable of more, why don't I have the will to push myself further? I am a good person and I try to help others. I always try to do the right thing. It's not like I am drowning puppies. I just know I could do more and be better.
I guess I need to go inside myself and look for the answers. I know that no one else has them. I think that maybe I am not desperate enough yet....

I want to thank you again for listening to my self pity and indulging me. I do want to learn and do believe there is a message in this for me. My pea brain is just not getting it. I'll keep trying!
edit on 6-5-2011 by xizd1 because: More info.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 01:24 AM

Originally posted by xizd1
I do listen to my conscience, that is why I'm disappointed. I know I could do more and be better, but I don't. I feel I am not living up to my potential. Yet if we have already chosen our path, why do I feel this way? Shouldn't I be able to see beyond these short comings and be aware of the greater goal?
I am trying to be honest here, especially to myself. I know that I am capable of more, why don't I have the will to push myself further? I am a good person and I try to help others. I always try to do the right thing. It's not like I am drowning puppies. I just know I could do more and be better.
I guess I need to go inside myself and look for the answers. I know that no one else has them. I think that maybe I am not desperate enough yet....

I want to thank you again for listening to my self pity and indulging me. I do want to learn and do believe there is a message in this for me. My pea brain is just not getting it. I'll keep trying!
edit on 6-5-2011 by xizd1 because: More info.

First thing's first stop beating yourself down, just live life. Everyone struggles with the same problems so you're not alone. If you want to find truth, learn to love everyone. In love you'll find truth. If you live with love in your life you can do no wrong my friend. To love others is to accept them for whatever they are without judgements, but first you must love yourself.

And if you ever need assistance, read Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Thomas, Phillip and even Mary...

You'll find your answers there

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 03:09 AM
reply to post by Akragon

Thank you so much for Your Most valued Posts…

At times I also feel, I can do more, but often have to accept my own limitations, with language...

So often we see others beating themselves up, instead of Learning to LOVE themselves again...

It sickens me t see others preach FEAR esp. those who should no better...

We are all in the same boat as to say, and if we focus on the possibility of failure we Doubt The CHRIST.

It is Not our Glory (speaking from the Flesh), but rather the Glory of The CHRIST as ALL things were Created Through Jesus Christ.

There is NO TEST as I have said, as GOD CREATED ALL…. INCUDING what we see as our Future...

The ones who breed FEAR and Insecurity, are those who WAR against The CHRIST which is in Every Soul.

I do NOT know everything by a long shot, but I do KNOW what we are Witnessing, has Already been done.... before we experiencing any of this...

If I am able to know Christ, then anyone can, as I am The Least of ALL.

I can only suggest to All out there, we should Learn to LOVE and TRUST LIFE and NOT FEAR, or Mistrust LIFE, but rather WATCH and LEARN as GOD is OUR HEAVENLY LIVING PARENT/s.

We don’t need to try and Prove anything…. as GOD CREATED US and Knows ALL.

I know it can be difficult at times trying to understand, as it has often been difficult for myself too.

But my Strength is in LOVING LIFE which means also LOVING those who WAR against me, which no doubt are a huge number, but I do NOT allow this to discourage me.

But as I said before we create our own Suffering as a result of Pride. But Pride is an enemy of LOVE.

If We Come to LOVE ourselves again as We first did, on entering this program, we have overcome the World.

How can we say WE LOVE GOD yet HATE what GOD has Created (Ourselves and Others) just because we can't or won't Understand.

We should NOT LOVE the TREE and HATE The FRUIT.... nor LOVE The FRUIT and HATE The TREE but Rather We SHOULD LEARN to LOVE The TREE and LOVE The FRUIT…..

GOD also Created those who HATE me but that does NOT dictate that I should HATE Them in return...

Freely All was given to me... So Freely I shall give ALL to others.... even to those who HATE me.
edit on 6-5-2011 by The Matrix Traveller because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 03:31 AM
reply to post by xizd1

I do listen to my conscience, that is why I'm disappointed. I know I could do more and be better, but I don't. I feel I am not living up to my potential.

Even I often feel this, I guess we all do from time to time.

Yet if we have already chosen our path, why do I feel this way? Shouldn't I be able to see beyond these short comings and be aware of the greater goal?

Don’t beat yourself up be cause you are worthy to receive the kingdom…
Learn to LOVE yourself as GOD gave You the Gift of LIFE which is "The TRUE Mind" of GOD.


I am trying to be honest here, especially to myself. I know that I am capable of more, why don't I have the will to push myself further? I am a good person and I try to help others. I always try to do the right thing. It's not like I am drowning puppies. I just know I could do more and be better.

Look it sounds like your heart is in the right Place so be Patient with yourself…

I guess I need to go inside myself and look for the answers. I know that no one else has them. I think that maybe I am not desperate enough yet....

This is the Correct thing to do…. TRUST LIFE… and Try to understand what you are shown… Be as a Child of GOD without being gullible or mistrusting The LIFE in You.

I want to thank you again for listening to my self pity and indulging me. I do want to learn and do believe there is a message in this for me. My pea brain is just not getting it. I'll keep trying!

Now you sound just like Me in my earlier years and I kept trying…

From “The Gospel of Thomas”…. Verses 1 & 2 Quote;

1. And He said,

“Whoever finds the interpretation of these sayings will NOT experience death.”

2. Jesus said,

Let him who seeks. Continue seeking. until he finds.

When he finds, he will become Troubled.

When he Becomes troubled,
he will be astonished,
and he will rule over The All.”

GOD Speed Good Friend….

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 01:10 AM
What is the Truth behind "The Tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil" ???

Seeing that GOD Created ALL things Through The LIFE of GOD or The LIGHT of MEN, NOT A’Dam including Past and Future, and ALL things therein, why on Earth would He need to test A’DAM & EVE or for that Matter Even MAN ???

To understand why GOD placed “The Tree of The Knowledge of Good & Evil” in Paradise we first need to understand What existed before A’DAM & EVE.

First Notice this "Tree" was said to be Placed in PARADISE NOT The Earth.

In the beginning before any Programs were produced, which present experiences such as the “Species” and “Environmental programs” the “Species” interacts with, existed a series of "Partition Maps" which enabled "The True Mind" to Process information in Geometric form.

So lets take a look at the “First Born Soul" before the “Species” ever exited even before any “Universes” existed.

The First Born Soul” was in the form of a Plane having 2OuterFaces.

Even if such a “Plane” is only Conceptual, it still has a minimum of 2 Faces which are the “Outer” Faces of the Plane.

Here is such a Plane in an "Animation" showing both the "Outer" Faces

This animation may look a little strange, as I can only show the two "Outer" faces in this way.

The Access to the "Tree" was through the Central Throne of the "Upper" Partition Map to the "Centre" of the Other Face, which Contained the "Hexagonal Format.

Earlier in the thread I sowed the mystery of the beast with regard to the number of the beast 666.

The same applied to the Angels (I/O Ports) of the Hexagonal "Partition Map".

But in The "Octagonal" Format "Double Logic" can’t happen.

The Angels who became corrupt having also this "Double Logic" in the Hexagonal Format were the Angels with "6 Wings", but in the Octagonal Format the Angels have 8 Wings.

Here are a couple of Drawings, showing the difference between the Angels of The Hexagonal Format and the Octagonal.

The "Wings" contain the I/O Ports used in accessing Information from the Libraries of The Soul.

First the "Hexagonal" Format Angel which Accesses the Permanent Libraries.

In the beginning Direct access was NOT permitted and was achieved through "The MAN Child" Only.

But EVE bypassed "The MAN Child" accessing the "Hexagonal" Format Angels Directly. This was done through/by what is known as the Fallen Angel today.

So here is a "Hexagonal" Format Angel.

Superimposed on the "Octagonal Format…

The access ports, were through the "Triangular" Points or "Wings.

Here is the Angel itself. The I/O Ports are the WHITE "Triangular Wings.

But here seen in the drawing below, are the New Registers of The "Hexagonal" Format which are then accessed through The "Octagonal" Format.

And here is the New 6 pointed Star Angel, used in the New "Octagonal" Format.

So in the new system, the Old Angels have gone, and new 6 Pointed Star Angels are used instead accessing the Libraries, (Hexagonal Format) through The "Octagonal" Format, as was done in the first place, but NOT Direct but through "The MAN Child" or "The SON of MAN".

So access to the "Double Logic" i.e. "The Tree of The Knowledge of Good & Evil" was through the "Hexagonal" Format Angels, as is written in "The Genesis" and in "The Revelation of Jesus Christ" these Angel, being the 7 Angels of “The Assemblies” and NOT churches, as Roman Catholicism has lied about, trying to deceive the Children of God.

The Repentance of these 7 Angels can be found in, “The Revelation of Jesus Christ” Chapter 1 verse 20 quote;

”The mystery of the 7 Stars
which you saw in My right hand,
and the t golden lam-stands:
The 7 Stars are the “Angels
Of the 7 Assemblies,

See how the Word “Assemblies” has now been changed to the Word "churches".

The Original Greek was ΕΚΚΛΗΣΙΑΣ and revised version ΕΚΚΛΗΣΙΑΙ where ΕΚΚΛΗΣΙΑΣ originally translated was “The Assemblies" and NOT Churches…

It was Roman Catholicism, which corrupted the meaning of the original, try in Vain too hide the Truth.

The interpreted meaning of the Word ΕΚΚΛΗΣΙΑΙ was given, an added secondary meaning, perhaps referring to the Roman church, trying in Vain to covet those things of the Soul, which is nothing less, than the workings of what they themselves call Satin.

If we go back to "The Greek text of Stephens 1550" we find the interpretation of the Word ΕΚΚΛΗΣΙΑΣ wasTHE ASSEMBLIES” and NOT the churches…

The “Assemblies” referred to “The Assemblies of LIGHTS and NOT the “Species”.

In “The Revelation of Jesus Christ” Chapters 2 & 3 record the REPENTANCE of The 7 ANGELS.

The Message is to the 7 Angels of the “Assemblies” and NOT the “Assemblies” themselves.

The REPENTANCE was The Closing of The “Communication Ports of The 6 Pointed Star Angels and return back to serve "The MAN Child" so no longer the Children of GOD could have Direct access but to go Through instead "The MAN Child" also referred to as "The SON of MAN" instead.

So here is the Old 6 Pointed Star Angel.

And after the Angels Repented they looked like this….

Notice the Old I/O Ports are now closed and the "7th" or even the other "6 Wings" can’t be accessed.
Now they can only select or choose one, of the 6 through the "Octagonal" Format. The "Hexagonal" Format can no longer be changed as before.

So the Libraries can only be added to, instead of being able to be changed as before.

However we can access the libraries through “The MAN Child” only in using the "Octagonal" format of the "Reborn Soul".

We use an “Octagon” to select the "Hexagon" we want, which links it to the desired Register in the "Octagonal" Format.

Then the Star is taken away to leave just the Octagonal Format to work with regarding the Contents of the Library selected from the Hexagonal Format. This prevents the Libraries from being Corrupted.

So we can’t change the Libraries in the "Hexagonal" Format but can only add to them by adding more Libraries.

This was the Workings of the Corrupted Angels….

This was done by the mixing of the 6 Registers of each Library with one another.

But because I have Past through this Stage of "The Metamorphosis of The Soul" regarding the "Revelaion of Jesus Christ" and Entered the New Jerusalem, The Angels in me have repented and so now All is accessed through "The MAN Child" or "The SON of MAN" for He has Returned to My Soul.

Each Soul goes through this at a different time so this is why No One knoweth the hour....

This is why I know of these things while some others yet seek….

edit on 9-5-2011 by The Matrix Traveller because: Syntax

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 01:46 AM
Why have you chosen to portray this information in these symbols and images?

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 06:33 AM
reply to post by graphuto

They are NOT Symbols in the way you perhaps understand. but are of The Geometric Processing System, of The Soul...

If you want me to explain further I shall...

Start at the beginning and ask Questions.

I will be more than happy to explain...

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by xizd1
I do listen to my conscience, that is why I'm disappointed. I know I could do more and be better, but I don't. I feel I am not living up to my potential. Yet if we have already chosen our path, why do I feel this way? Shouldn't I be able to see beyond these short comings and be aware of the greater goal?
I am trying to be honest here, especially to myself. I know that I am capable of more, why don't I have the will to push myself further? I am a good person and I try to help others. I always try to do the right thing. It's not like I am drowning puppies. I just know I could do more and be better.
I guess I need to go inside myself and look for the answers. I know that no one else has them. I think that maybe I am not desperate enough yet....

I want to thank you again for listening to my self pity and indulging me. I do want to learn and do believe there is a message in this for me. My pea brain is just not getting it. I'll keep trying!
edit on 6-5-2011 by xizd1 because: More info.

Beloved, to be disapointed in self is to have a high esteem of self; the recognition of self as a creature is the humility that allows one to perceive their growth; you are in the process of transformation, do not seek to take the helm: for in that you have no control over the life you host, but as being the creature are under the making of your Creator/Maker, you will find yourself transformed into perfection at the end of your making/refining process. The fealing you are having is a part of that refinement, hence you are seeking to be better; look only to love: for to that are you being perfected; and love transcends the material world.

No need for self-pity: consider yourself blessed/precious: for day after day you experience things and night after night you learn from your experiences; that which you experience in the flesh refines your soul, preparing it for glorification; so yes, the answers are within you: do not allow the vanity of the world to distract and mislead you from the truth within. At the end of your making you will glorify your Maker: for a creator is glorified by the glory of his creation.

Peace be with you!!!

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 04:23 PM
What I mean to say is, "Do you think that on some plane of existance, that these geometric systems actually exist? Or are you just showing it this way for symbolism?

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 01:24 AM
reply to post by graphuto

Originally posted by graphuto
What I mean to say is, "Do you think that on some plane of existance, that these geometric systems actually exist?

Yes the Geometric "Operating System" of the soul certainly does exists...

Perhaps most people only know the "Flesh" and have no idea what the Soul actually is... and their idea of what the Soul actually is, is only theories to what it might be...

These Things regarding The Soul I have been shown by Jesus Christ...
If anyone doubts this, then let them Ask my LORD JESUS CHRIST and if He says I am lying, then let me be called a liar…

There are Thousands of mosaics in old churches and cathedrals as well as government buildings, Palaces, Synagogues, Mosques, Buddhist temples and other religious buildings all over the Earth, showing the Geometry of the Soul, from incomplete mosaics of the Bride of Christ and in most cases Components of the Soul.

I am a witness to His Glorious Works and that is all…

Written in "The Gospel of Thomas" in verse 51 Quote;

51. His disciple said to Him,

“When will the repose of the dead come about, and when will the New World come?”

He said to them, “What you look forward to has already come, but you do Not recognise it.”

and also in verse 113 Quote;

113. His disciples said to Him,

“When will The Kingdom come?”

Jesus said, “It will not come by waiting for it.
It will not be a matter of saying “Here it is” or “There it is”

Rather, The Kingdom of The Father is spread out upon the earth,
and men Do Not See it.”

First of All I am the Least of All, and the focus should in No way be on myself, but rather the things Jesus Christ has shown, and taught me.

Regarding “The Book of The Revelation of Jesus Christ” This Book is NOT an Apocalyptical writing as the Scholars or Roman Doctrine have claimed it to be neither is it of Religious material.

It is only the Flesh, who have Created a Religion out of the recorded manuscripts found on Earth containing many things shown by The True Mind.

Sadly the flesh has taken these writings and turned them into what they were Not intended to be. But in saying this even the actions of the Flesh can NOT hide the Truth.

All that we experience is NOT by chance but is there to InvokeThe Metamorphosis of The Soul”.

It involves the Glorification of JESUS CHRIST and The FATHER, NOT the Glorification of the flesh or Primate.

The Soul was given the Title or Name MAN.
The Primate was given the Title of Name A’DAM

So The Soul is also a Body, but is NOT like a Primate, Nor is the Soul in the Primate.

The Soul has been Created in the Image of God NOT the "Primate".
Neither was The Primate A’DAM, Created in the Image of God.

From “The Gospel of Thomas” verse 85 Quote;

85. Jesus said, “Adam came into being from a great power
and a great wealth, but he did not become worthy of you.
For had he been worthy, he would not have experienced death.”

The Species i.e. A’DAM Died.... GOD does NOT DIE.
Nor does MAN which is The Soul (and NOT the Flesh) was Created in The Image of GOD.

From “The Gospel of Thomas” verse 49. Quote;

49. Jesus said,

“Blessed are the Solitary and Elect,
for you will find The Kingdom.
For you are from it, and to it you will return.”

50. Jesus said,

“If they say to you, “Where did you come from?”

say to them, “We came from The Light,
the place where The LIGHT came into being on Its own accord
and established Itself and became manifest through their Image.”

If they say to you, “Is it you?”

say, “We are its children, and we are the elect of The Living Father.”

If they ask you, “What is the sign of your Father in you?”

say to them, “It is Movement and Repose.”

In the Genesis the Flesh has tried in Vain, to mix the two entities, A'DAM & MAN together in order to hide the Truth.

As I have already shown this verse from “The Gospel of Thomas” verse 85 Quote;

85. Jesus said,
“Adam came into being from a great power
and a great wealth,
but he did not become worthy of you.
For had he been worthy,
he would not have experienced death.”

The base "Partition Map" of The Soul which is a "Map" the Soul uses in its "Processing System", is shown in the Drawing Below. This is NOT a Mandela of any religion but is The Base "Partition Map" in every Octagonal Formatted Soul. This Drawing is 100% Accurate….
In the Centre is The SON of MAN or “The MAN Child”.

The Soul during a stage within "The Metamorphoses of The Soul existed in what you would identify in 3D instead of the 2D state it is now and looked like this…..

The shape of the Soul, as you can see looks Nothing like the "Primate" A’DAM.

But instead the Soul is in The Image of GOD.

When I was taken out of The World, I was shown the Souls which were innumerable. This occurred during the 3D stage of the Soul, before being Grafted into “The First Born Soul”.

The First Drawing shown in this post, is the "Partition Map" of "The First Born Soul".

All the Souls are sub partitions in a Generation Tree of Souls.

Each “Square” contains a Soul.

And in all the little "squares" in this first Generation exists more Souls and again the same in the next Generation of the Souls.

Each are “Cloned” from The First Born Soul JESUS CHRIST. So this is Why He said, “Ye have been with Me from the Beginning”…

“The SON of MAN” or also known as “The MAN Child”, comes from the Same Structure but is Rotated 45° in the “Centre of The Soul. The Vertical and Horizontal Line work is slightly different as “The City of 9 Gates” is involved in this structure.

The City of 9 Gates” is referred to in “The Acts of Peter and The 12 Apostles

Here is a Drawing showing “The City of 9 Gates”…

If you go looking through the Interior décor in churches, cathedrals, monasteries, synagogues, Mosques, and other temples you will soon find the Geometry of the Components of the Soul just I have shown... Often these things are as decoration in the buildings.
Much of the Cosmati pavements are based on the workings of the soul...

It is just that the "Species" does NOT recognise this, as the "Species" is NOT the Soul.

edit on 10-5-2011 by The Matrix Traveller because: Syntax Errors

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 01:53 AM
So, where exactly is this located?

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 05:30 PM
reply to post by graphuto

So, where exactly is this located?

What are you referring to as “This” ?

I presume you are referring to The "Partition Map" of the Soul and Not yourself,
The Origin of the All ?

If you are referring to The "Partition Map" of the Soul…


Found in The Gospel of Thomas” verse 5 Quote;

5. Jesus said,

“Recognise what is in your Sight,
and that which is hidden from you
will become plain to you.

For there is nothing hidden
which will not become Manifest.”

And as I previously wrote also from “The Gospel of Thomas” verse 113 Quote;

113. His disciples said to Him,

“When will The Kingdom come?”

Jesus said, “It will not come by waiting for it.

It will not be a matter of saying “Here it is” or “There it is”

Rather, The Kingdom of The Father
is spread out upon the earth,
and men Do Not See it

and in Verse 80 Quote;

80. Jesus said,

“He who has recognised the world
has found the body,
but he who has found the body,
is superior to the world."

Now, what I know and See regarding the "Partition Map" of the Soul.

The World is spread out over The "Disc" which you refer to as the field of your Vision.

What people believe their Universe to be..... isn’t.

Let me explain… The Universe is like a "Memory Map" the Processing System has access to in your Soul, but your real world is Presented to you on the "DISC", you refer to your Field of Vision.

The "Partition Map" of The Soul is stretched out over your field of Vision.

But regarding what you see and experience is on the "Inner" DISC covering what was referred to by the Ancients, as The "Ogdoad".

Refer to “John’s Preaching of the Gospel The Acts of John 87-105

To SEE involves Two different Modes…

1. "Eyes Open" and you view the Contents of what is known as the Gaming Room in your Soul and NOT Outside the Soul as the Species Falsely believes.

2. "Eyes Closed" and you view those things involving "The True Mind" and its Workings.

When we Close our eyes and observe carefully what is in front of us, we can see the Presence of The Outer "Partition Map".

Even the Blind see this "Disc".... That is if they are aware of "The True Mind".

With your Eyes open and you look up into a cloudless sky, (as Long as Pollution is Not present in the form of Smog) you will notice the Blue colour of the Sky is Not Constant, but changes from Horizon (360° around you) from an emerald colour to Dark Blue in the Zenith.

Now if we look up and see the blue filling our vision and look slightly "cross eyed", that is to allow you to observe slightly closer than you see the Blue, slightly Darker Blue frames appear in your vision.

It looks like a Fishing Net over your vision....

But you have to take careful notice... These frames are in the form of Octagons.

The "Octagons" are of The "Partition Map" of your Soul.

While you see these, then look slightly closer to yourself again, and you will see the Processing of the Soul in the form of like its of bright Light, tiny discs or balls or just pinpoints of LIGHT dancing around in your vision in other words tracing along steps or zigzags and performing many other patterns or forms in your vision.
Some people describe them like worms of LIGHT travelling everywhere in their Vision...

The Dead can NOT see this "Processing" taking Place, so this is why it can’t be Photographed.

From "The Gospel of Thomas" verse 56 Quote;

56. Jesus said,

“Whoever has come to understand the World
has found only a corpse,

and whoever has found a corpse,
is superior to the World.”

Now if you close your eyes and Relax to view the Workings of the Soul and observe in great detail with Patience, over a period of say 30 minutes, you can also be able to observe the workings of the Soul.

But again Only the Living can see this Phenomena.

We can also make the workings of The Soul appear in our Vision, if we gaze into an area of Strobed LIGHT at 26 f/s on a Black surface.
We can also see the same on other coloured surfaces too but is Not so obvious.

So to sum up your Question.... The "Partition Map" of Your Soul is in Front of you, stretched out over your Vision.

This Drawing below Shows the "Partition Map" of the Soul and The Environment that is to say your field of Vision with your Eyes open is indicated by the Circle in the "Ogdoad" of The “Partition Map”.

With your Eyes Closed it is Possible to see the whole “Partition Map” if you are patient.

This is one of the reasons why people close our eyes, when they desire to pray….. i.e. to try and see "The True Mind".

As to the Question to where the Origin of The Mind is....

You are observing from it.
You, that is to say, Your Real Self, The "Inner" or "Centre" of "The True Mind" is the Origin of "The True Mind".
Each Soul contains both The "Outer" and "Centre" of "The True Mind".

edit on 10-5-2011 by The Matrix Traveller because: Syntax Errors

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 12:58 AM
Here is an example of "Interfaces" with "The True Mind", in a small Craft or "Transport Interface".

The "Interfaces" used in "Transport Interfaces" for example, use 3 main "Interface Screens", which display "Communication Animations" involving "The True Mind".

There are usually 2 Vertical "Interface Screens", one on either side of a near Horizontal display in a Control Consul.

Another display is the SHIN in the form of a “Disc” about 8 inches (200 mm) in Diameter,
along with another "Square" SHIN of Similar size.
Both are mounted upright on the same Consul.

The “Upper” Yellow “Discsrotate about the cabin at a controlled speed.
The Circular Cabin area is about 17 feet (5.25 metres) in Diam.
These "Discs" often change Colour and Direction according to what function is being used.

This is what makes many (UFO referred to on Earth) to appear to “Rotate” at times...

It is only the LIGHT which “Rotates” and NOT the Craft.

One of the reasons why they are not easy to photograph, is because a Camera can't see those things, seen by the mind only, so incorrect images are often recorded on film.

There are 3 portholes on ether side of the "Interface Screens".

The Screen on the Left, is the “Program Interface", while the Screen on the Right
involves the "Control" Functions or "Dynamic Program".
These 2 "Screens" are often showing the Left and Right Columns of what is referred to as “The City of 9 Gates” in the Ancient writings..

One such writing is “The Acts of Peter and The 12 Apostles".

The "Centre" Screen displays the Contents, of The “Upper" Centre Register of the "Running Program" while the display on the "Consul" is used for editing or manipulating programs, i.e. Creating new Programs from an existing "Running Program", i.e. Setting up so called flight paths etc.

On this instrument "Consul" are the 2 SHIN.

The Round one, is used in “Communication” functions with the Mind, and is often used
as in "Communication" network involving others.

RF (Radio Frequency) is too primitive and NOT used at all...

The "Square" SHIN on the Right involves the "Angel Format" i.e. “Communication Ports” which selects and plays Temp. Library Programs.

Often these are "written" to, and are used when required to access Libraries of “The True Mind”.

NO "propulsion" is used, everything is done through “Programming”…

The Concept of "Propulsion" is too primitive and a total waste of time and effort.

Most of this is done by the display, in the "Instrument panel" on the Control Consul and the SHIN.

The "SHIN" is also described, as a portable hand held device in….

The Revelation of Jesus Christ” in Ch. 2 verse 17 Quote;

17. “He who has an ear (Not ears)
let Him hear what the Spirit says to the Assemblies

(Not "churches" as written in Catholicism)

To Him who overcomes
I will give some of the Hidden Manna to consume.

(Not "eat" as written in Catholicism)

And I will give Him a White Stone,
And on the Stone a new Name written
Which no one knows
except Him who receives it.”

This Stone is the “SHIN” and essentially it is WHITE.
It is about 3 to 4 inches (80 to 100 mm) in Diam.

This same device is used as a "fixture" in “Transport Interfaces” (Humans call Craft)
And is about 8 inches (200 mm) in Diam.

To obtain any “Transport Interface” these are accessed through the SHIN, i.e. "Imported" into the "Environmental" Program.

So the “Communication Contents” between The "Inner" and "Outer" True Mind can be Displayed on any suitable screen which can display Geometric Animation Programs.

edit on 13-5-2011 by The Matrix Traveller because: Syntax Errors

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 01:15 PM
Is it the true mind that sits at the console? Am I able, in the flesh, to access the console?

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by xizd1

All this involves The Flesh, as you put it... i.e. the same as you are experiencing at present having touch, sight, smell, taste and hearing.

There is NO future for "rocket technology"... Its just too primitive..
A total waste of time and effort by the "Species"....

With the "Technology" I am writing about, you can travel across Galaxies in Minutes instead of millions of years...

Understanding through the "Species" is False regarding the True Nature of LIGHT and what your Universe really is, and how the whole experience Works.

Please don't Confuse these two with each other i.e. How it is all Produced and the Experience we have of the Species and Universe..

I am NOT referring to the Experience itself of course, but instead How it is Produced....

But to be able to cross Galaxies in Minutes, we have to make use of the "System" which Produces our Experience.
We have to use "Cheats" as to say, in the Form of "The Technologies of The True Mind" or LIFE i.e. bend the rules a little... LOL.

This is done by manipulating the “Programs” which produce the experience you refer to, as the “Species” and the “Universe”.

While in such "Transport", you are as you put it Physical, and on your destination are able to exit via the door to experience physically as you put it at that destination.

Previously the "Animations I have shown, involves The SHIN. They may be jerky i.e. Not smooth on the net, as I used 25 f/s where I should have used 26 f/s to be compatible with you video formats.

I will be showing More regarding The SHIN in the future and how to Program using any Animation Program to display the Communication between the "Inner" and "Outer" Mind..

As I said, Freely this was given to me, so Freely I shall give to others.

The Same can be achieved Directly through "The True Mind" using your “Inner Mind”, once you master the techniques, but in the Case of Transport where we want to transport a few people or Hundreds or even thousands of People then we use this technology regarding "Transport Interfaces"….

We can also "Import" anything through the use of the SHIN such as buildings, landscapes, Different "Species" even those now extinct, edit anything such as the Species. In fact there is Nothing you can’t do through The "SHIN.

The SHIN appears in many different places for example your Field of Vision is The SHIN
Its just that people are Ignorant of this so they don’t now how to use it in the way intended.

All this knowledge, was hidden by Religious Leaders, teachers, and Scribes…

From “The Gospel of Thomas” verse Quote;

39. Jesus said,

“The Pharisees and the Scribes
have taken The Keys of Knowledge
and Hidden Them.

They themselves have NOT entered,
nor have they allowed to enter
those who wish to.

You, however, be as wise as serpents
and as innocent as doves.”

And in verse 102 Quote;

102. Jesus said,

“Woe to the Pharisees,
for they are like a dog
sleeping in the manger of oxen,
for neither does he eat
nor does he let the oxen eat.”

edit on 13-5-2011 by The Matrix Traveller because: (no reason given)

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