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Revelation... "The Opening of The 1st Seal”

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posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 08:30 PM
I'm about to write a Post regarding The Mystery 666 which is No Mystery for those who know....

Possibly in a couple of hours time...

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 02:15 AM
Mystery 666” which is NO mystery….

This Post is intended to give understanding of some of the “Geometric Processing” taking place in the Soul regarding the “STAR” type Angels so I can explain the Mystery involving the Geometric Algorithm 666

Firstly this does involve the Flesh or Descendants of “A’DAM & EVE” or the children of The Wicked One, who committed Adultery with Eve.

In the beginning of The All there was 2 faces of a “Plane” and this is what was in on these 2Outer” faces of the Plane….

1. One Face was the Octagonal Format.
2. on the other Outer face was The Hexagonal Format…

The Octagonal Format “Partition Map” used in its “Processing System”…

and on the other face was the Hexagonal Format “Partition Map” used in its “Processing System”…

Both these could be accessed by the Partitions of The True Mind but The LIFE in First Born Soul requested that they The Partitions of LIFE should Not use the “Hexagonal” format as in it was the Tree of the KNOWLEDGE of Good & Evil. These are Opposites as All that exists has opposites.

This Tree a Directory Path was Not accessible through the Octagonal Format…

In both the "Octagonal" & "Hexagonal" Formats existed The HOUSE of DAVID or known also as The “ROOT of DAVID.. This is “The 6 Pointed Star”. This is why in….

The Revelation of Jesus Christ” it says in Ch. 1 Verses 12 to 20 Quote;

12. Then I turned to see
the voice that spoke with me.

How do you see a voice?
When you come to see the Thunder and hear the Lightening then you will understand The WORD of GOD.
The Voice can be Seen because it is produced from Strings of Glyphs or Letters etc which appear in the appropriate Register in the Processing System of The Soul.

Verse 12 continued… Quote;

And having turned I saw 7 Golden Lampstands.

This is the result of the writer or translator Not understanding anything about the Soul. Or perhaps the humanisation of the writings by the flesh of the Roman church.

John obviously did NOT write The “Revelation of Jesus Christ” but instead a Scribe did this for Him…

Proof ?

In the Book “The Revelation of Jesus Christ in Ch. 8 verse 8 Quote;

Then the 2nd Angel sounded:
And Something like a great mountain
etc etc…

John would NOT have written this as He would know exactly what he saw, but as The Scribe clearly did NOT understand what John was saying in The Scribes Pride he acknowledged John and wrote it this way. As John was NOT a “Scribe”, he knew Not what the Scribe had written…

But anyway What would have been seen is the 49 Registers….
Even though there are allocated 49 Registers there are only 48 usable Registers and the 49th is The “Primary Accumulator

They look like this….

The above Drawing is the Base Format..

The above Drawing shows the 7 Columns used to write to the program with an Angel (Star) in the Header of Each Column.

The Glyphs or Letters are indicated by the X’s in the Columns. There are 2 Groups each shown in the 2 Left Columns.

Verse 13 Quote;

13. and in the midst of the 7 Lampstands
One like “The Son of MAN”,
clothed with a garment down to the feet
and girded about the chest
with a Golden band.

This would be “The Lamb of GOD”….

The Rim of the Lamb would be Gold and in the Centre of what I have Drawn above.
The Lamb (A Disc) with only 144 Octagons is Like a Small MAN Child…

The Garment is The Round Mask in the Disc.

Verse 14 Quote;

14. His Head and hair were like wool as WHITE as Snow,

How can His Head look like Wool as well as His Hair ???

When the Lamb Rotate it can give the appearance of being like wool.
The Head is The Face of the Disc… The Colour Code of the Disc is WHITE.

This is caused by the Rotating Sword… LOL.

Verse 14 Continued Quote;

and His Eyes like a flame of Fire.

Bright and different colours, this is the result of the Disc having 144 Octagonal Holes Rotating over a back ground.

Verse 15 Quote;

15. His feet were like fine brass,
as if refined in the furnace,

This refers to the “Angel” of “The Lamb of God”. This appears when the angel a “6 pointed Star” Rotates 90°. It has 2 Legs or 2 Points of the Star pointing Downward…. LOL.

Verse 15 Continued Quote;

His voice as the sound of many waters.

Verse 16 Quote;
He had in His Right Hand 7 Stars,
Out of His mouth went a sharp 2 edged sword,

Here is The Lamb, The Angel (a 6 Pointed Star) and the double edged Sword which rotates. It is this Sword which produces a wool like texture in the Granulated textures of the “True Mind”.

Verse 16 Continued Quote;

and His Countenance
was like the Sun
shining in its Strength.

"LIGHT" being Generated by the Processing System…

Verse 17 Quote;

17. And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as Dead.

Not Aware of the Earth and Species as John is looking Inside His Soul and NOT the Universe which is only a “Program”…

Verse 17 Continued Quote;

But He laid His Right Hand on me,
saying to me, “Do NOT be Afraid;
I Am The First & The Last”.

Verse 18 Quote;

18. I Am He who Lives,
and was dead,
and behold, I Am alive for evermore.
And I have the keys
Of Hades and of Death

Again, some corruption in the writings…

And I have the keys
Of Hades and of Death

Should read I have the keys of those things NOT Living! i.e. the Programs of the Universes etc…

Remember what Jesus said to us….

From “The Gospel of Thomas” verse 56 one again Quote;

56. Jesus said,

“Whoever has come to understand the World
has found only a corpse,

and whoever has found a corpse
is superior to the World.”

The word “Hades” means

Hades (English pronunciation: /ˈheɪdiːz/; from Greek ᾍδης (older form Ἀϝίδης], Hadēs, originally Ἅιδης, Haidēs or Άΐδης, Aidēs (Doric Ἀΐδας Aidas), meaning "the unseen"[1]) refers both to the ancient Greek underworld, the abode of Hades, and to the god of the underworld. Hades in Homer referred just to the god; the genitive ᾍδου, Haidou, was an elision to denote locality: "[the house/dominion] of Hades". Eventually, the nominative, too, came to designate the abode of the dead.

The lower World in The Matrix is the World you experience right now….
So this is why Jesus said to Thomas…

“Whoever has come to understand the World has found only a corpse,

Verse 19 Quote;

19. “Write the things
which you have seen,
and the things which are,
and the things which will take place
after this.

As I have said in the past that “The Revelation of Jesus Christ” in NOT an “Apocalyptical Writing” as the scholars falsely claim to be.
But instead is the History both Past & Future regarding The Soul and “The Metamorphosis of the Soul”.

Verse 20 Quote;

20. “The Mystery of the 7STARS
which you saw in My right hand,
and the 7 Golden Lampstands:
the 7STARS
are the “Angels
of the 7 Assemblies,

The word “Assemblies can be found in early translations and NOT the “churches” as Roman Doctrine imagines, in Vanity…

Verse 20 Continued Quote;

and the 7 Lampstands
which you saw are the 7 Assemblies.

Again more Corruption in the writings…

The Word Lampstands is incorrect…
And the word Assembles was changed to the churches as a result of the Flesh (born of the Wicked One trying in Vain to Covet the Soul…)

So my whole point of this Post is to establish or prove the Fact that The Angels mentioned in the above text are 6 Pointed Stars or at least Geometric STARS

So here are some Drawings of “The STARS” in The Souls “Operating System”…

And Rotated….


The Little "Yellow" Octagon acts like a key on a "key board in selecting the Register the STAR Points to.

Now writing about The "Mystery 666" which is NOT a Mystery...
Which I hope to post tomorrow...

God Speed.....

edit on 25-4-2011 by The Matrix Traveller because: Syntax Error

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 05:42 PM
Mystery 666 which is No mystery….

First, let's look at one of the ways the Soul checks the Transfer of Information…

It is achieved by using “STAR LOGIC based on the “STAR of DAVID

The “Processing System” uses the “Opposites” to both Create and check the Transfer of Information.

Lets consider this in "Hexagonal" Format…

"Hexagonal" Format is based on 3 Components….

1. Program (The Son or In-between, between the Control and Data in the form of Geometry or Form).
2. Control (The Father or Outer True Mind)
3. Data in the form of Geometry or Form.

This forms a “Triune" which is represented in Geometry as a Triangle.

Here is a method of checking the reliability of the transfer of Information within any "Geometric Processing System" of the Mind or Biological Interfaces.

This shows a flow chart of the Logic.

In this Case the Colours refer to the Source of the Information being transmitted within a network such as a biological network as in A’DAM’s DNA and "Processing System" within the brain.
First here is the Logic Structure involving the Source of the DNA.

And in the case of an “Alien even if they self conceive (If designed to)

And in this case, see Drawing below, a “Normal Offspring between A’DAM & EVE.
As EVE came from A’DAM i.e. his DNA, then EVE will be a trueOpposite”.
Remembering that A’DAM is formed from 2 sets of “Genes which are “Opposites”, Male and Female.
So when these 2 sets of Genes are come together to form complete Programs, the “Processing” within these biological or cellular networks, will operate Correctly without errors.
Therefore when one set of Genes from A’DAM unite with the other set of Genes from EVE, remembering that EVEs genes came from A’DAM in the first place (from His rib according to some ancient writings) so they would be compatible in the formation of a “Normal Offspring” actually which never happen, because EVE committed “Adultery” with the Wicked One or “Alen” First

A Normal Child between A’DAM & EVE (But remember this did NOT take Pace).
But here is the Flow Chart anyway. This Normal Offspring would have had “Single Logic” i.e. an incorrupt biological system.

So if we look at the "Logic" within "Jesus the Carpenters body" we find also "Single Logic" because both sets of Genes came from Mays body.
How could this happen? Remember the universe and Species are only the result of programs and the programmer can write into the program anything they wish to.

But now let us consider what happens as a result of EVEs Adultery with that Alien, “The Wicked One”, which resulted in the birth of CAIN the first born of EVE and NOT involving A’DAM.
When we consider this flow chart we find a much different story where "Double Logic" is produced which brings about confusion in the "Processing System" within cellular environments. The DNA Structure is much different. This undesirable system brought about Death as a result of corruption or incompatible between the species within the DNA which control Cellular Chemical activity.

In all the examples shown above, except for the last flow chart in each set of 3 STARS are the same.
But in the last Drawing the 3 STARS are Different so this is where the 666 comes from…
Three 6 Pointed STARS which are All different i.e. the Coloured contents of the points of the STARS are geographically different and when the first 2 STARS are compared 2 colours are found in each point of the STAR seen in the 3rd Position. So each Point in the STAR has 2 Options which are "Opposite" to each other…

So this is why the brain can never, logic "Truth" or Logic "True Knowledge" and is constantly struggling to achieve anything and can only experiment, falling ill, and eventually breaking down...
In other words Dies.

Every person has "The Number of The Beast" (The human Species; The Descendants of A'DAM & EVE and "The Wicked One" the Alien)

The "Human Primate" is a Beast of the Field just like any other Primate....

EVE was Contaminated with The Alien DNA (which was a bread of Hermaphrodite) and This Genetic Contamination was passed onto A'DAM through EVE.

This is why A'DAN & EVE both DIED !!!

And All the Generations of A'DAM & EVE then DIED !!!

Here is a Flow Chart which shows why we die…
It involves the 2 Cyclic Programs which Control the “Regeneration of cellular components within the Species.

If we Change it from the Format shown in the above Drawing to that shown in the Drawing below the Body Shall NOT Die…

And here is the Interpretation on The "Outer Programming Stage" of The Eye Matrix "Partition Map" in The Souls "Operating System"…

The Blue Square accesses The Temporary Libraries of "The City of 9 Gates".

And The Yellow Square on Edge is “The Running Program

Any Questions???

GOD Speed Little Ones….

edit on 25-4-2011 by The Matrix Traveller because: Syntax Errors

edit on 25-4-2011 by The Matrix Traveller because: Changed text a little...

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 06:20 PM
So if not for the corruption of our DNA through EVE's infidelity , we would live for ever in the species form? Does our resurrection purify/cleanse our DNA? Was this double logic the goal or a mishap of freedom of choice? Is there still any totally alien DNA among us today? My understanding is that every sickness we get alters our DNA and this is how we develop immunities. So is death the ultimate illness so that our DNA can be cleansed? Or is DNA unimportant once we die?
The most important question to me. WHY?
edit on 25-4-2011 by xizd1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 11:05 PM

Originally posted by xizd1
So if not for the corruption of our DNA through EVE's infidelity , we would live for ever in the species form? Does our resurrection purify/cleanse our DNA? Was this double logic the goal or a mishap of freedom of choice? Is there still any totally alien DNA among us today? My understanding is that every sickness we get alters our DNA and this is how we develop immunities. So is death the ultimate illness so that our DNA can be cleansed? Or is DNA unimportant once we die?
The most important question to me. WHY?
edit on 25-4-2011 by xizd1 because: (no reason given)

So if not for the corruption of our DNA through EVE's infidelity , we would live for ever in the species form?


But in saying this, all this was meant to happen anyway so "The MAN Child" could be born in our Soul, then leave and return again which is part of “The Metamorphosis of the Soul.

But remember the Earth "Experience" is NOT about the Flesh i.e. the Primates believed development or imaginary achievements, (which in fact is the prewritten “Story” in the form of Programs) but instead is about “The Metamorphosis of The Soul

There is a reason for GOD placing the “The Tree of The Knowledge of Good & Evil in Paradise”.

This Tree, NOT an Apple Tree or any Fruit tree as such, but rather a “Directory Tree
was NOT placed in Paradise as a Test for A’DAM & EVE as GOD Created All things Through Jesus Christ including Past and Future.
As God then Created The/Our Future He already knew the Outcome seeing He Created that Outcome did NOT need to test anything…
If God needed to Test His Creation implies that He is Incomplete and deficient and that is both absurd and insulting to The LIFE of GOD

From “The Gospel of Thomas verse 67 Quote;

67. Jesus said,
“Whoever believes that the All itself is deficient
is himself completely deficient

But I shall Expose The Mystery behind "The Tree of The Knowledge of Good & Evil" in my next Post on this Thread and explain everything.…
The writing about this in The Book of Genesis is a Parable for the “Inner Mind and NOT the Primate (Flesh).

Does our resurrection purify/cleanse our DNA?

There are 2 Resurrections and they are Completely Different…

a.The Resurrection of The Soul (After the Soul has been beheaded For The WORD of GOD.
b.The Resurrection of The Flesh” (and all of the Worlds contained in The Libraries of the Soul.

The “Spirit” is NOT resurrected as It is the LIFE Entity, and Can NOT Die as it is The LIFE of GOD.

From “The Gospel of Thomas” verses 3 & 4 Quote;

3. Jesus said,

“If those who lead you say to you,
See, The Kingdom is in the sky,
then the birds will precede you.

If they say to you, It is in the sea,
then the fish will precede you.

Rather, The Kingdom is inside you, and it is outside.

When you Come to know yourselves,
then you will become known,
and you will realise that it is you
who are the sons of The Living Father.

If you will not know yourselves,
you dwell in poverty
and it is you who are that poverty.”

4. Jesus said,

“The man old in days will not hesitate
to ask a small child seven days old
about the place of LIFE, and he will live.

For many who are first
will become last,
and they will become
one and the same.”

Not a single Soul is Lost…

If My Father were to lose, even one single Soul, He has failed… But this is Impossible as He has already achieved this, eons ago and His children (Souls) now experience what He has already done, so it is History to Him, but the future to you.

Also from “The Gospel of Thomas” verses 10 to

10. Jesus said,

“I have cast fire upon the World,
and see, I am guarding it until it blazes.”

11. Jesus said,

“This heaven will pass away,
and the one above it, will pass away.

The dead are Not alive,
and the LIVING will Not die.

The Flesh is Dead
But the Soul is Alive

Verse 11 Continued Quote;

In the days when you consumed
what is dead,
you made it what is alive.

When you come to dwell in The LIGHT,
what will you do?

On the day when you were one
you became two.

But when you become two,
what will you do?”

12. The disciples said to Jesus,

“We know that you will depart from us.
Who is to be our leader?”

Jesus said to them,

“Wherever you are, you are to go to James The Righteous,
for whose sake heaven and earth came into being.”

"JAMES" is in the “Lower Left Green Register on the “Stage” and is the Data or Picture Register.

Verse 13 Quote;

13. Jesus said to His disciples,

“Compare me to someone
and tell Me whom I am like.”

Simon Peter said to Him,

“You are like a righteous angel.”

Matthew said to Him,

“You are like a wise philosopher.”

Thomas said to Him,

“Master, my mouth is wholly incapable
of saying whom You are like."”

Jesus said, “I am Not your master.

Because you have drunk,
you have become intoxicated
from the bubbling spring
which I have measured out.

And He took him and withdrew
and told him three things.

When Thomas returned to his companions,
they asked him, “What did Jesus say to you?”

Thomas said to them,

“If I tell you one of the things which He told me,
you will pick up stones and throw them at me;

a fire will come out of the stones and burn you up.”

14. Jesus said to them,

“If you fast, you will give rise to sin for yourselves;

and if you pray, you will be condemned;

and if you give alms, you will do harm to your spirits.

Was this double logic the goal or a mishap of freedom of choice?

Neither..... But by the Choice of EVE....

Refer to The Gospel of Thomas verse 67 written earlier in this Post.

Is there still any totally alien DNA among us today?


My understanding is that every sickness we get alters our DNA and this is how we develop immunities. So is death the ultimate illness so that our DNA can be cleansed?

Remember these Programs are prewritten before you experience anything at all. So any changes that take place are either because your “Outer Mind” has edited your experience for some reason or the apparent change is the result of some components of DNA which are designed to mutate within the Control and Boundaries of the interaction between the Environmental Program and the individual Species Program

Or is DNA unimportant once we die?

DNA is only part of the Program being experienced so when you withdraw from the Program to the “Outer Mind” The programs are fare different and involves a completely different world.

The most important question to me. WHY?

This Program of the Species and The Earth has ONE function, and that is to InvokeThe Metamorphosis of the Soul”. But at the Same Time we are expected to learn about ourselves i.e. The “Inner Mind” and the dynamics of the Environment and the Species.

After completing The Metamorphosis of The Soul and learnt much about The Inner Mind, the Soul and the Programs it experiences over a period of about 7,000 years we then enter programs about Creating Universe and Other Worlds Unlike any universe just as our parents (Souls) have before us.

What has supposedly happened on Earth before AD 400 is in the form of Program which is just another part, that causes us to ask The big question “WHY”?

By asking the Big Question InvokesThe Metamorphosis of The Soul”…..

This process takes about 7,000 years of Earth time to complete “The Metamorphosis of the Soul”.
During this time (7,000 Years ) we experience many, many lives as to say or many, many “Programs.

We don’t remember these Lives as the Brain does Not have access to these in spite of some people claim to have. But those who claim to remember other lives actually have access to the Libraries of the Soul unknowingly...

GOD Speed Good Friend...

edit on 25-4-2011 by The Matrix Traveller because: Syntax Errors

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 11:21 PM
Could you further explain "James" ?

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 04:40 AM
reply to post by graphuto

Yes I shall Explain JAMES....

Writing something up for you now, and will post an explanation tomorrow some time...

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 03:57 PM
My beloved ones, God is not a God of confusion; his word is not complicated, it is easy ebough that the unlearned can discern it from that which is before him. As he said to you, Before I do anything I will alert you of it. The seals regards things which you should know about:

The Seals: And the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see. And I saw a white horse, and he that sat on him had a bow, and a crown was given to him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer. In Genesis 16, the angel said to Hagar, Behold, you are with child, and shall bear a son, and shall call his name Ishmael; because the LORD has heard your affliction. And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man’s hand against him; and he shall dwell (spread) in the presence of all his brethren.

And in Genesis 21, the angel said to Hagar, Arise, lift up the lad, and hold him in your hand; for I will make him a great nation; and God opened her eyes, and she saw the well of water (word of faith) reserved for Ishmael: Islam; thus the crown. And God was with the lad; and he grew, and dwelt in the wilderness, (uncultivated multitude of souls), and became an archer: thus the bow. As ordained, of Ishmael came Prophet Mohammed, who had a white steed, on which he was carried in a vision to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, and on which he went forth conquering and cultivating a multitude unto God: thus the white horse; but as with the other three beasts, after Mohammed, Islam also succumbed to a vile doctrine: discern Surah XV: 39. You decry your own brother out of jealousy; you forget that you are also beloved of God! Who amongst you will have two underage sons, both innocent, and unjustly condemn one to hell and set the other on a throne?

Do not be led astray, seeing yourself as better or superior to another: for you, the rich and the poor are all one and the same; it is God who is doing the work in you, both to will and to do of his good pleasure. Peace be with you!

Love always!!!
edit on 26-4-2011 by Olise because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 09:30 PM
reply to post by graphuto

Could you further explain "James" ?


JAMES NOT James, is a “Directory Path” in The Soul and is in the Data or Picture Register, Lower Left Blue Register.

The “J” can be placed in many different Locations within the Register indicating "Sub Registers" involving different Functions…

The “J” is to do with the “Picture Register I/O Port”..

2 things are involved here….

a. The Letters or Glyphs JAMES.
b. The Strings of Letters or Glyphs in each Function of the "Instruction" JAMES which is a “Directory Path”.

But in all cases these 3 things are Important.

1. Shape.
2. Position.
3. Colour… the sub-Components and combinations of BLACK & WHITE

But nether the Less JAMES is an “Instruction” and a “Directory Path”.

Lets look first at the “J

I have also shown here a few other formats which are of the "Operating System" and can be used in the other registers also.

But here is The Data or Picture Register Enlarged…
Showing the Square Register.

The Round Register of The “J

So In the “J” of JAMES, Not James, are 2 Primary Functions The “Square” Temporary Library, and The Rotating Register or “Round” Register.

The Sub Registers are the "Colour Codes" here and Their Positions Dictated by the Position of The “J”.

This Drawing shows a different Directory Path (Position Change in the Same Primary Data or Picture Register..

And here is an enlarged version of The “J” and its Components.

Next is the Letter or Glyph “A
This is the Instruction for The Angel "Communication Ports" but there are many other types of Communication Ports.
The Angel involves the "Addressing" and "Command" ports for the Program Chosen.

This Drawing below shows The I/O Ports used in the “Addressing” and Sub “Instructions….

The Angel also uses Square Ports on their Sides as well as on Edge.

The Next Command Letter or Glyph in the Directory Root is the “M"..
This is the Command for a type of “Program Book” involving The Upper World or Programs.

The Sub-Commands are again the "Colour Codes".

and Enlarged….

Next is the “E” Instruction..

And Enlarged…
This Selects the Upper and Lower Square Temporary Libraries and is used to transfer information from The Scratch Pad Register to the Control Register and is also bidirectional.

The sub-Registers are Glyphs or Letters etc. inserted in their different locations within the Squares. Colour Codes are also Part of these Programs.

And the Last Letter or Glyph, the “S” Which involves the upper and Lower Round Registers…

More about Programming Later, how to do this, and a Full explanation on how this can be of Practical use involving the Universe…

Such programming in "Transport Interfaces" Controls what some refer to as Alien craft or UFO’s…

These "Transport Interfaces" Don’t use "Propulsion" but Pure Programming of the vehicle or "Transport Interface".

I will give a Full account on this in the future, The Components of such Transport, and how they Function.

GOD Speed Good Friend…

edit on 26-4-2011 by The Matrix Traveller because: Spelling...

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by Olise

Thank you Olise

Very Good Post...

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 06:34 AM

I have just noticed an error in my post Mystery 666 which is No mystery….

I apologise for this.

In the drawings…

And here is the Interpretation on The "Outer Programming Stage" of The Eye Matrix "Partition Map" in The Souls "Operating System"


The Female sign should be inverted…

Once again Please accept my apologies…

This is what they should be…


posted on May, 1 2011 @ 10:18 PM
Before I get into the subject of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil, planted in Paradise....

Does anyone have any Questions ???

Anything at all ?

Now is the Time to ask me...

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 10:19 PM
Yes. What do these shapes and such actually represent? And who is this James?

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by graphuto

Yes. What do these shapes and such actually represent? And who is this James?

OK what I have been showing, involves the "Processing System of The Soul".

What is the Soul?

Answer; It is a Body in the form of a “Partition Map” used by "The True Mind" and behaves in much the same way as a Computer, except rather than using "Binary" or "Hex." or any other number based system, a "Geometric based Processing System" is used instead.

Counting, such as in Computers is far too slow, so the "Processing System" of your Soul uses "Pattern Recognition" instead.

A bit like a Pattern "Comparator"…

The Instructions represent Geometric functions…

For example the Instruction “IC” seen in one of the Animations in this thread represents 2 components…

The “I” is transferring Information between the above programs (The source) to the Below where it is Manifested or played…

The “C” Represents a "Disc" or Ring and in the Opening of the Circle, which the “C” is formed out of, is on the Right hand Side and therefore is of a "Control" nature as the Right Hand Side is The Control Side (The Father)… This may be in the form of a "String" of letters, forming a program or may simply be a movie or Experience such as what you are in or experiencing at present i.e. involving the "Species" and This "Universe".

The "Partition Map" is purely to have an "Organised Structure" or body for "The True Mind" to perform its "Processing in.

For a simple example a Farmer divides his farm into paddocks so he can manage his farm involving stock rotation etc.

So too, does "The True Mind" use the "Holes" to store Programs in, involving Geometry… etc.

I will go into showing what each hole is used for and how it all works…

The Name, "JAMES", like other Names in the writings represent "Directory Paths" a bit like you have in your own computer programs…

The “J” is the first location but sub letters or Glyphs are used in that location…

Next is the “A” and it also has sub letters to point to locations within a program.

The “A” represents a "Square Cell", "Hole" or "Register", where Information is stored briefly. This Square has "4 I/O ports" (in the Wings) which are used to access memory Locations which are selected using "Strings" of Letters or Glyphs one after the other.

The Sub letters refer to other Locations also having stored information..

Am I over your head???

If so in will spend a little time and explain in a far simple way with a few drawings but it will take a couple of Hours to write so if this is what you want then let me do it for tomorrow, as I am running out of Time for today…

edit on 1-5-2011 by The Matrix Traveller because: Syntax errors

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 11:22 PM
Taken from a letter I wrote to someone else…

The symbol's are not as what many people may think them to be.

Fore example "XC" Refers to The Temporary Libraries and "IC" (which comes in many different forms for example "e" is actually a form of "IC".... "AC" is the Angel (Communication I/O to the Temporary Libraries in the Souls Processing System while "AE" and "AF" are to do with the Angel or I/O Ports to the "Main Permanent Libraries" which are in "Hexagonal" and "Pentagonal" Formats... The "Hexagon" which there are two types of "Hexagon" indicate the Type of "Register" is also the Case with The "Pentagonal" and The "Octagon" and "Square".
"AM" is to do with the I/O Ports (Angel) "Upper" Books of The Temporary Libraries. And "ICC" is to do with the two ends the Oscillation exists between used in the exchange of information between the ends indicated by their Colour codes, using a Strobe.
And "CI" is the rotation of the "I" Register. And "WC" are the Lower Books of The "C" Register. The "C" Register Plays the Books and is Known as the Lamb of GOD this is where the Confusion is between the CHRIST or "The MAN Child" and "The LAMB", in peoples thoughts. And The "R" Register is to do with the Control of The Scratch Pad Books. And the "P" Register known as "PETER" NOT Peter (a Directory Path) is to do with The Control of The "I" Register. "Px" refers to the Libraries concerning the Control of The "I" Register which involves the Transfer between the "Upper" and "Lower" Worlds (Geographically) of the Soul.
I shall explain all these in emails to come...

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 10:07 AM
When is the end? What will we of the flesh experience? How can I recognize the truth? Can I travel through time and space? Will Jesus know who I am? Are we in a continuing cycle where all things happen again and again? What is my part in all this? Is everything just as it should be? If all is already known, can I make a wrong decision?

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 12:44 AM
reply to post by xizd1

When is the end?

It is written in “The Gospel of Thomas” in Verse 51 Quote;

51. His disciple said to Him,

“When will the repose of the dead come about,
and when will the New World come?”

He said to them, “What you look forward to
has already come, but you do Not recognise it.”

The End you seek is only an end of a “Chapter, but the "Book" is Eternal.

From “The Gospel of Thomas” Verse 18 & 19 Quote;

18. The disciples said to Jesus,

Tell us how our end will be.”

Jesus said, “Have you discovered, then, the beginning,
that you look for the end?

For where the beginning is, there will the end be.

Blessed is he who will take his place in the beginning;

he will know the end and will Not experience death.”

and in verse 19 Quote;

19. Jesus said, “Blessed is he who came into being
before he came into being.

If you become My disciples and listen to My words,
these stones will minister to you.

For there are five trees for you in Paradise which remain undisturbed
summer and winter and whose leaves do not fall.

Whoever becomes Acquainted with them will not experience Death.”

And also from “The Gospel of Thomas” in verse

78.Jesus said,

“Why have you come out into the desert?
To see a reed shaken by the wind?
And to see a man clothed in fine garments
like your kings and your great men?

Upon them are the fine garments,
and they are unable to discern The Truth.”

So what you think is the End and what you look for, are two entirely different things…

It is the “Species” which FEARS an End and NOT The “Inner” Mind as when The “Inner” Mind AWAKENS, that is to say, you Come to Know YOURSELF, The “Inner” Mind, then and only then, Relies NOT upon the Flesh nor the Soul, but instead Relies upon “The MAN CHILD" and The “Outer True Mind”.

What will we of the flesh experience?

From “The Gospel of Thomas” verse Quote;

56. Jesus said, “Whoever has come to understand the World
has found only a corpse,
and whoever has found a corpse, is superior to the World.”

The "Flesh" has never lived, nor does it have LIFE it is already dead, being only an image produced through Programming i.e. An Experience which induces or invokes "The Metamorphosis of The Soul".
This involves the Birth of "The MAN Child" IN your Soul, (also referred to as “The SON of MAN”), and The AWAKENING of The “Inner” Mind, That is the Centre you are experiencing from, until you return to the “Outer” Mind State.

But on Completion of “The Metamorphosis of the Soul” you will always remain in your Fathers House, that is you will always observe from the Centre of "The True Mind" but on completion of “The Metamorphosis of The Soul” you will rule over The ALL as Promised...

From "The Gospel of Thomas" Verses 1, 2 &

1. And He said,

“Whoever finds the interpretation of these sayings will NOT experience death.”

2. Jesus said, “Let him who seeks. Continue seeking. until he finds.

When he finds, he will become Troubled.

When he Becomes troubled, he will be astonished,
and he will rule over The All

So what is The ALL then???


In "The Gospel of Thomas" Verse 77 Quote;

77. Jesus said, “It is I who Am The LIGHT which is above them all.

It is I who Am The All.

From Me Did The All come forth, and unto Me did The All extend.

Split a piece of wood, and I am there.

Lift up the stone, and you Will Find Me there.”

So what will you See, where the Stone was ???

That's Right .... LIGHT

As in “LIGHT”, you Experience or See !

How can I recognize the truth?

The LIGHT of MAN (NOT A'DAM) or the LIFE of GOD said through The Carpenter, “ I Am The Way, The Truth and The LIGHT” and “I Am the Way The Truth and The LIFE”.

From "The Gospel of Thomas" verse 85 Quote;

85. Jesus said,

“Adam came into being from a great power and a great wealth,
but he did not become worthy of you.

For had he been worthy, he would not have experienced death.”

So the TRUTH is The LIFE of GODThe True Mind” And The WAY.

Likewise The WAY is through The LIGHT of MAN (NOT A'DAM]) or LIFE of GOD.

There is NO other "WAY"…

To know the TRUTH is to be 100% True to yourself and be Guided by your "Conscience"…

Your Conscience responds to every thought and action.

If the answer consists of two "Opposite" answers then this is of your Analytical Processing System involving the flesh.

Can I travel through time and space?

YES. But you require knowledge of the process involved First.

Will Jesus know who I am?

The body you call Jesus is NOTThe True Mind” or LIFE of GOD as you have been taught involving Roman Doctrine.

The Carpenter Jesus is Program….

It was The LIFE of GOD, "The True Mind", who Resurrected the Carpenter Jesus from the Dead.

The Carpenter did NOT Resurrect the Carpenter...

Only LIFE can Give LIFE...

But Jesus Christ (Not the Carpenter) was/is "The First Born Soul" or "The MAN Child"

"The Only Begotten SON of GOD" is The TRUE MIND Which dwells or “LIVES in "The First Born Soul".

From “The Thunder Perfect Mind


I was sent forth from the power, and I have come to those who reflect upon me,
and I have been found among those who seek after me.
Look upon me, you who reflect upon me, and you hearers, hear me.
You who are waiting for me, take me to yourselves.
And do not banish me from your sight.
And do not make your voice hate me, nor your hearing.
Do not be ignorant of me anywhere or any time.
Be on your guard!
Do not be ignorant of me. For I am the first and the last.
I am the honoured one and the scorned one.
I am the whore and the holy one.
I am the wife and the virgin.
I am and the daughter.
I am the members of my mother.
I am the barren one and many are her sons.
I am she whose wedding is great, and I have not taken a husband.
I am the midwife and she who does not bear.
I am the solace of my labour pains.
I am the bride and the bridegroom, and it is my husband who begot me.
I am the mother of my father and the sister of my husband and he is my offspring.
I am the slave of him who prepared me.
I am the ruler of my offspring.
But he is the one who begot me before the time on a birthday.
And he is my offspring in (due) time, and my power is from him.
I am the staff of his power in his youth, and he is the rod of my old age.
And whatever he wills happens to me.
I am the silence that is incomprehensible and the idea whose remembrance is frequent.
I am the voice whose sound is manifold and the word whose appearance is multiple.
I am the utterance of my name.
Why, you who hate me, do you love me, and hate those who love me?
You who deny me, confess me, and you who confess me, deny me.
You who tell the truth about me, lie about me, and you who have lied about me,
tell the truth about me.
You who know me, be ignorant of me, and those who have not known me,
let them know me.
For I am knowledge and ignorance.
I am shame and boldness. I am shameless; I am ashamed.
I am strength and I am fear. I am war and peace.
Give heed to me. I am the one who is disgraced and the great one.
Give heed to my poverty and my wealth.
Do not be arrogant to me when I am cast out upon the earth, and you will find me
in those that are to come.
And do not look upon me on the dung-heap nor go and leave me cast out,
and you will find me in the kingdoms.
And do not look upon me when I am cast out among those who are disgraced
and in the least places, nor laugh at me.
And do not cast me out among those who are slain in violence.
But I, I am compassionate and I am cruel.
Be on your guard!
Do not hate my obedience and do not love my self-control.
In my weakness, do not forsake me, and do not be afraid of my power.
For why do you despise my fear and curse my pride?
But I am she who exists in all fears and strength in trembling.
I am she who is weak, and I am well in a pleasant place.
I am senseless and I am wise. Why have you hated me in your counsels?
For I shall be silent among those who are silent, and I shall appear and speak,
Why then have you hated me, you Greeks?
Because I am a barbarian among the barbarians?
For I am the wisdom of the Greeks and the knowledge of the barbarians.
I am the judgement of the Greeks and of the barbarians.
I am the one whose image is great in Egypt and the one who has no image among the barbarians.
I am the one who has been hated everywhere and who has been loved everywhere.
I am the one whom they call Life, and you have called Death.
I am the one whom they call Law, and you have called Lawlessness.
I am the one whom you have pursued, and I am the one whom you have seized.
I am the one whom you have scattered, and you have gathered me together.
I am the one before whom you have been ashamed, and you have been shameless to me.
I am she who does not keep festival, and I am she whose festivals are many.
I, I am godless, and I am the one whose God is great.
I am the one whom you have reflected upon, and you have scorned me.
I am unlearned, and they learn from me.
I am the one that you have despised, and you reflect upon me.
I am the one whom you have hidden from, and you appear to me.
But whenever you hide yourselves, I myself will appear.
For whenever you appear, I myself will hide from you.

It is Written in “The Gospel of Thomas” Verse 78 Quote;

78.Jesus said, “Why have you come out into the desert?
To see a reed shaken by the wind?
And to see a man clothed in fine garments like your kings and your great men?

Upon them are the fine garments, and they are unable to discern The Truth.”

and in verse 52 Quote;

52. His disciples said to Him,

“Twenty-four prophets spoke in Israel,
and all of them spoke in You.”

He said to them, “You have omitted The Living One in your presence
and have spoken only of the Dead.”

Also from “The Gospel of Thomas” verse 49 Quote;

49. Jesus said,

“Blessed are the Solitary and Elect, for you will find The Kingdom.
For you are from it, and to it you will return.”

50. Jesus said, “If they say to you, “Where did you come from?”

say to them, “We came from The Light,
the place where The Light came into being on Its own accord
and established Itself and became manifest through their Image.”

If they say to you, “Is it you?”

say, “We are its children, and we are the elect of The Living Father.”

If they ask you, “What is the sign of your Father in you?”

say to them, “It is Movement and Repose.”

Are we in a continuing cycle where all things happen again and again?

Yes the Same program Plays again and again.
But each Time a different "Partition" of "The True Mind" experiences that Program.

The Experience on Earth through the "Species", has been plaid so many times before it is impossible to count how many times… LOL..

But what is Important is the “Partitions” of “The True Mind” who experience this world, you refer to as The Earth, Universe and "Species", pass on to new Programs, Not involving the past 6,000 years involving "The Metamorphosis of The Soul" you have experienced of this Program.
There is Yet another 1,000 years to complete this "Story", that is for us.

What you are entering, is the next "Chapter" and NOT the End as you may be expecting…

I find it difficult to understand why people seek Death and Not LIFE.

There is NO Future in Death…. So Look to LIFE and Not the Species which is Dead.
TRUST in LIFE and NOT the “Species”.

What is my part in all this?

It depends on what you Identify as “YOU
If you refer to the “Flesh” it is part of what Invokes “he Metamorphoses of Your Soul.

If you refer to “The True Mind, that is the LIVING part of You then you shall never Die.
But your Flesh is already dead and will pass away as does every “Primate” including the flesh I wear, on the Earth . But the Flesh is only Program and it is LIFE which is the One which passes through all this and then experiences other programs through the Soul which has been Transformed by The Metamorphosis of The Soul. These next experiences after The Metamorphosis of the Soul are totally different than what you experience right now so it is of the utmost importance to experience this Program or you will only return to go through the same again until you complete these programs.

As you complete each Program you then pass onto the next until the Metamorphosis of The Soul is Completed. On Completion and only on the Completion of these Programs you shall Not suffer anymore as a New Earth and a new body shall appear.

Is everything just as it should be?


If all is already known, can I make a wrong decision?

NO. All is "Prewritten" including all your Choices etc…

It is "The Inner Mind" which is important and Not so much the "Species".
Remember "The Inner Mind" at The Centre of "The True Mind" knows Nothing, as it is Non Dimensional having No Size or Shape.

The "Species" gains absolutely Nothing at all, from all this contrary to others expectations.

It is NOT the Experience itself…. but rather what affect it has on your “Inner” Mind, and whether or Not you oppose the Ways of “The True Mind.

If we appose "The True Mind" (War against LIFE) we Suffer…

If we LOVE "The True Mind" we all and our learning is faster…

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 02:29 AM
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

great post man!

It is NOT the Experience itself…. but rather what affect it has on your “Inner” Mind, and whether or Not you oppose the Ways of “The True Mind.

Thus the reason for free will, experience life how you will

edit on 5-5-2011 by Akragon because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 11:38 AM
Is the true inner mind mine exclusively or is it a collective mind that I am a part of. How can I access this mind and explore it? Can I do this if it was not part of the pre-written program? Is this a"When the student is ready, a teacher will be revealed" type of event?
My conscience is not clear, I am very troubled. I am disappointed in myself. I am trying to be a better person but I often fail. I am worried that my surrendering to "Jesus" would just be a cop out. A way to excuse my weakness.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by xizd1
Is the true inner mind mine exclusively or is it a collective mind that I am a part of. How can I access this mind and explore it? Can I do this if it was not part of the pre-written program? Is this a"When the student is ready, a teacher will be revealed" type of event?
My conscience is not clear, I am very troubled. I am disappointed in myself. I am trying to be a better person but I often fail. I am worried that my surrendering to "Jesus" would just be a cop out. A way to excuse my weakness.

Surrendering to Jesus without understanding him is kinda pointless honestly. I know many christians believe if you accept Jesus as your savior you're free and clear to do whatever you like. The attitude that "you are a sinner and you can't change that" tends to be why people don't understand his teachings.

Why are you disapointed in yourself, you're only human my friend. We all make mistakes. Do you not listen to your conscience? It Guides you in life...

Consider Jesus your saviour if you wish, but try to understand his lessons instead of just blindly accepting hes the messiah. Once you do, you will see the path he laid for us.

Then you just have to learn to walk that path

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