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Here is proof that Obama has not released his long form birth certificate yet

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posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 06:41 AM
reply to post by LDragonFire

well you guys already know every african american person in usa voted for him + all the people he tricked into liking just like every politican that runs for office
edit on 9-4-2011 by Evanzsayz because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 08:03 AM

Originally posted by Sinnthia

Originally posted by wcitizen
Someone's eligibility to be president is NOT a private issue, it is a very, very public issue. It's a matter of NATIONAL SECURITY, no less.

Sure is. That is why there are people in place to take care of such things. I guess I missed it when all the previous presidents went door to door, IDs in hand to let each and everyone touch and feel it. I was certain they were vetted in the same manner as Obama by a select group of people who at least know what a birth certificate is. I remember one birther claiming Obama's BC was not real because his was green and hers was yellow. So when he gets to her house, he just stops being president, right? Your America sounds rather inefficient. We have a group of people that take care of that for us. If you have any valid reason to believe that those people failed in their duty, then by all means I would be greatly interested. 2.5 years in is not making it look so good though.

Obama's eligibility hasn't been verified. Sarcasm won't get around that fact.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 08:05 AM

Originally posted by Sinnthia

A real person with a real concern would simply be interested in the facts.

Er, that would make you an unreal person with an unreal concern because the fact is his eligibility was never properly scrutinised.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 09:27 AM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

I disagree. The neoconservatives didn't start this lie because he's a black man. They did it because they know that race is a wedge issue they could use to win over people with a racial bias.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 09:34 AM

Originally posted by JohhnyBGood

Originally posted by Mike.Ockizard
reply to post by JohhnyBGood

So why didn't the republicans expose him during the election? Bush senior used to run the CIA and Bush junior was the president. Are you saying they didn't know? Or are you saying it's some twisted scheme to fool really smart people?

Because the two NWO factions made a deal - it was supposed to be Hillary, but they opted for Obama groomed it seems as the Mahdi to apeal to the Islamic world - no coincidence that Sorros and Obamas fingerprints are all over the 'revolutions' in the Arab world.

Why - who knows, maybe they were faced with a Blackjack scenario from another faction (Sino/Soviet) - so Obongo was inserted to financially collapse the US instead -being inelligible is the gaurantee that either side can cancell the deal at any time - and that is why the media treats this as a 'hands off' issue.

Maybe Trump didnt read the script - maybe he is part of the cancellation process - we shall soon see!

Please enlighten us with your source for this info.


posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by filosophia

Really? I figured it was more because he had a bigger agenda that pursuing war criminals would impede. I don't agree with that decision but I hardly think they are in bed together on it. Please provide a source that backs this up.


posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 09:56 AM
This racist anti-birther crap is too much. It's obvious to me, the anti-birthers are the racists, and believe Obama is above the law, because he is black(or considered), and therefore not subject to honkey law. These Obamamaniacs are the say exremists that march in the street with the ISO, and CPUSA, and always take the side of the "poor black criminal", and are against the police. They want a totalitarian welfare socialist globalist state, and hate European culture, and Obama was/is their Messiah, non-white, and radical Marxist, or so they thought, as it seems he's just another capitalist suit, but still, he's the only messiah in offcie they have, so he is not subject to the "racist" honkey law, as a "black man". So, they will twist the truth and call anyone who questions anything about their Messiah as racist, when in fact, their team is the racists.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by aptness
Moreover, this lawsuit wasn’t dismissed by lack of standing. Expecting birthers to read the actual decisions of the Courts they are criticizing is asking too much.

Expecting Barry's apologists to read the OP article is too much to ask apparently, because it says why the lawsuit was dismissed in the very first paragraph:

HONOLULU – A Hawaii appeals court has rejected a man's request to "inspect and copy" President Barack Obama's birth certificate, saying the plaintiff failed to state a valid claim to having access to the document.

People like you - lemmings blinded by the Anointed One's particular brand of Kool-Aid - are aiding and abetting the destruction of our country. You will follow him right off a cliff and never ask a hard question; because you believe his "Hope and Change" BS without questioning it.

What has changed? Iraq? Afghanistan? Gitmo? "Transparency in government?" NOTHING has changed, it's only become worse. Obama is ten times more evil than Bush was. Bush was an idiot; but Obama WANTS to destroy this country, which to me makes him guilty of treason on top of the fraud he committed to become POTUS.

I can't wait to see him behind bars. More likely though, things will get so bad that he WILL get the revolution he is itching to foment. The unfortunate thing for him however, is that the leaders of countries where the population truly revolts usually end up standing on a tree stump - with a rope around their neck.

Just ask Saddam.

Who's the fool?

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by Mike.Ockizard
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

I disagree. The neoconservatives didn't start this lie because he's a black man. They did it because they know that race is a wedge issue they could use to win over people with a racial bias.

This is primarily an issue of race because if it was not this would've been concluded by now but only a select few white people are keeping this going so don't try and tell me that race has nothing to do with it.

The GOPConserviBaggerNazi's are showing their true colours.

If not about his race then what is it then? His middle name which the entire Righties love to emphasize on?

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by tom502
This racist anti-birther crap is too much. It's obvious to me, the anti-birthers are the racists, and believe Obama is above the law, because he is black(or considered), and therefore not subject to honkey law. These Obamamaniacs are the say exremists that march in the street with the ISO, and CPUSA, and always take the side of the "poor black criminal", and are against the police. They want a totalitarian welfare socialist globalist state, and hate European culture, and Obama was/is their Messiah, non-white, and radical Marxist, or so they thought, as it seems he's just another capitalist suit, but still, he's the only messiah in offcie they have, so he is not subject to the "racist" honkey law, as a "black man". So, they will twist the truth and call anyone who questions anything about their Messiah as racist, when in fact, their team is the racists.

Who exactly are we being racist against?

This is not about the now dying "Left-v-Right" paradigm as this is an issue that is dividing the nation right down the middle to try and set the stage for some kind of racial conflict which they've been trying to regain since the end of The Civil War.

No one is implying nor insinuating that Obama is above the law so quit right there with that blatant lie and deliberate case of disinformation.

No one saw Obama as The Messiah as trust me that the families that will bear The Messiah have yet to be chosen.

TPTB who've been driving this entire mess want a dictatorial planet and will stop at nothing to get it, even to divide the USA into warring factions that is reminiscent of 1900's Europa.

Since you hate social programs so much take some of the following advice :

1. Next time your house gets robbed or you get mugged don't dare to call the cops.
2. Next time your house is ablaze do not dare to call the local FD to shut it down and let your home burn down to the ground.
3. When your kid goes to school in the fall make sure that you can afford every book, everything connected to the school.

Social programs make sure that those who cannot fend for themselves have a lifeline and to deny Americans that very lifeline means the one with the problem is you.

Until then get a hobby and get out of political discourse because those who are quick to play into the paradigm do not deserve an chance to participate in political discourse as you clearly are not proficient enough.
edit on 9-4-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by Mike.Ockizard
reply to post by filosophia

Really? I figured it was more because he had a bigger agenda that pursuing war criminals would impede. I don't agree with that decision but I hardly think they are in bed together on it. Please provide a source that backs this up.



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edit on 4/9/2011 by tothetenthpower because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by backinblack
reply to post by Sinnthia

You cannot back this "fact" up in the other thread I asked you to back it up in so you come over here and repeating while continuing to deflect over there? Just saying things are facts do not make them facts. What you are pushing is a long debunked birther lie that anyone anywhere could just get a birth certificate from Hawaii that says you were born in Hawaii. You cannot back this claim up. You just can't do it. Please stop saying things you cannot back up. You do want to be taken seriously, don't you?

So you tell me, how did home birthers get a BC back then ?

I also notice quite a few days between birth and his supposed BC..
Why is that if he was born in a hospital ??

my birth certificate is dated 3 days after my birth. I must have been born in Kenya I guess.

I'd also like to add that I've never used my longform BC for anything, but I have done the following w/ my shortform BC
obtain a drivers license
obtain a passport
enlist in the army
obtain security clearances in the army
enroll in college
as proof of birth for every single civillian job I've ever had since I was 16
obtained a new SS card

a multitude of 'birthers' have argued that they can not use their short form BC's for any of these items,therefore Obama couldn't have been properly vetted but I call B.S.
Irregardless of all birther notions, I've yet to see anyone dispute the fact that Obama's mother was an american citizen. I hate to break it to all of you but no matter where in the world he was born, he's an american citizen by nature of his mothers citizenship. I know... facts get in the way of a good old fashioned hate fest but I'm a big fan of the whole 'deny ignorance' thing we're supposed to be doing around here

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by peter vlar

Originally posted by backinblack
reply to post by Sinnthia

You cannot back this "fact" up in the other thread I asked you to back it up in so you come over here and repeating while continuing to deflect over there? Just saying things are facts do not make them facts. What you are pushing is a long debunked birther lie that anyone anywhere could just get a birth certificate from Hawaii that says you were born in Hawaii. You cannot back this claim up. You just can't do it. Please stop saying things you cannot back up. You do want to be taken seriously, don't you?

So you tell me, how did home birthers get a BC back then ?

I also notice quite a few days between birth and his supposed BC..
Why is that if he was born in a hospital ??

my birth certificate is dated 3 days after my birth. I must have been born in Kenya I guess.

I'd also like to add that I've never used my longform BC for anything, but I have done the following w/ my shortform BC
obtain a drivers license
obtain a passport
enlist in the army
obtain security clearances in the army
enroll in college
as proof of birth for every single civillian job I've ever had since I was 16
obtained a new SS card

a multitude of 'birthers' have argued that they can not use their short form BC's for any of these items,therefore Obama couldn't have been properly vetted but I call B.S.
Irregardless of all birther notions, I've yet to see anyone dispute the fact that Obama's mother was an american citizen. I hate to break it to all of you but no matter where in the world he was born, he's an american citizen by nature of his mothers citizenship. I know... facts get in the way of a good old fashioned hate fest but I'm a big fan of the whole 'deny ignorance' thing we're supposed to be doing around here

For full citizenship one must be born in the US fully and cannot be born on foreign soil. Military and Diplomat families is the only exception.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 05:17 PM
Look, ALL of this would just go away if Obama would just show his belly button, door to door, to every american.

Then, AND ONLY THEN, will we move on to discussing things of actual import.

Why wont Obama show us his belly button?

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by wcitizen

Obama's eligibility hasn't been verified. Sarcasm won't get around that fact.

It hasn't? You mean he fooled EVERY security institution in the US, from the secret service to the cia and fbi, all with a simple forgery? WOW.
edit on 9-4-2011 by incrediblelousminds because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by OldCorp
Expecting Barry's apologists to read the OP article is too much to ask apparently, because it says why the lawsuit was dismissed in the very first paragraph

This is what I wrote, and you quoted:

Originally posted by aptness
Moreover, this lawsuit wasn’t dismissed by lack of standing. Expecting birthers to read the actual decisions of the Courts they are criticizing is asking too much.
And this what you quoted from the article:

HONOLULU – A Hawaii appeals court has rejected a man's request to "inspect and copy" President Barack Obama's birth certificate, saying the plaintiff failed to state a valid claim to having access to the document.
In other words, the lawsuit was dismissed based on the merits, not standing, exactly like I stated.

I know you birthers have a propensity for emotional and knee-jerk reactions, but try and comprehend what people are saying before you respond. It’s helpful in a discussion.

It’s understandable that you prefer to think that anyone that doesn’t buy your brand of conspiracy theories is an “Obama apologist” or ‘lemming,’ but among non-Fox News viewers and non-WND readers, we’re known as rational people.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by backinblack
reply to post by Sinnthia

Fox news...
Wow, it must be true then..

You clearly did not even watch the clip that you took the time to post a comment about.

I guess that was 30 seconds too much? Thanks for not responding to any relevant points, not backing up your wild claims, using the word deflect in most of your deflections, and then commenting on a short video you did not even bother to watch. This is the perfect example of productive and intelligent discourse and exactly why the birther movement is that much closer to having Obama removed from office.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 07:19 PM

Originally posted by wcitizen
Obama's eligibility hasn't been verified. Sarcasm won't get around that fact.

Oh? Because you just say so? Because you wrote it out? "There's no place like home." "I wish for a pony!" Things are fun to say. I do not really come to ATS just to read things people wish were true. That seems to be all I find lately though. Saying things is fun, isn't it? Sorry that your saying things to me is hardly convincing. I am guessing you got you fooled though.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by wcitizen
Er, that would make you an unreal person with an unreal concern because the fact is his eligibility was never properly scrutinised.

You can prove this or it is just something you hope repeating will get othes to believe?
How about one of you birther types get a fact for a change?

That could make things interesting.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 07:23 PM

Originally posted by Mike.Ockizard
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

I disagree. The neoconservatives didn't start this lie because he's a black man. They did it because they know that race is a wedge issue they could use to win over people with a racial bias.

Explain something to me. If Obama was a white man, how would they have used this with their knowledge that race is a wedge issue? Isn't their ability to utilze the wedge issue of race rather dependant on Obama not being white?

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