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Here is proof that Obama has not released his long form birth certificate yet

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posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 07:20 PM
This article may already be posted but I'm not interested in the ruling so much as it proves Obama has not yet released the long form certificate

The judge said there were no compelling reasons for the state department to show him the birth records, meaning there is another birth certificate not counting the internet copy. Why would someone go to court and get denied if this was just over the internet copy, or why wouldn't the court say the copy was already released if they only had the internet version on file.

A lot of people already know there is a long form B.C. that's not being shown but a lot of other people also claim that Obama already showed the birth certificate, well this proves there is another version that is not being released.

+8 more 
posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 07:28 PM
Ever notice that most of these lawsuits are thrown out BEFORE they are even heard in court, and the reason given is invariably "the Plaintiff does not have 'standing' to file the suit?" What a crock of BS!

EVERY American has a vested interest in the eligibility of Obama as President. I think these judges have been paid off to keep the issue out of court, because if a plaintiff ever does present a discovery motion to the State of Hawaii it's GAME OVER for the Anointed One.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 07:38 PM

Originally posted by OldCorp
Ever notice that most of these lawsuits are thrown out BEFORE they are even heard in court, and the reason given is invariably "the Plaintiff does not have 'standing' to file the suit?" What a crock of BS!

EVERY American has a vested interest in the eligibility of Obama as President. I think these judges have been paid off to keep the issue out of court, because if a plaintiff ever does present a discovery motion to the State of Hawaii it's GAME OVER for the Anointed One.

It is weird that they keep getting thrown out but its like the military. We can't question the president because of the contract we have signed. I dont know if its the same for judges but a lot of judges are democratic and they are not going to rat out a "buddy."

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by filosophia

Oh puleeze. So, the PTB or nwo or whoever, decided to let a foreigner win the election so they could blame the mess we're in on him. Right?

Reason it out. The GOP had the reigns of power. The bush family is tightly connected with us secret svcs(CIA, NSA etc). They would have access to the supposed "intelligence" that Obama isn't a citizen. Why didn't they expose him and get the presidency?

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 07:47 PM
The longer this goes on, the hinctier it gets. Someone, somewhere mentioned the issue of birth certificates being changed in adoption proceedings with regard to his Barry Soetero identity. I didn't think much of this when it all started, but I'm beginning to think that we not only don't know where he was born or if he is, legitimately, a citizen, we may not even know this guy's real identity. Maybe he doesn't, either.
So how did he get into the WH?
edit on 7-4-2011 by DogsDogsDogs because: left out a word

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by DogsDogsDogs

He completely noobed the republican party in 2008, thats how he got into the White House....for better or worse he was elected by over 60 million voters.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by DogsDogsDogs

Not only is he not a citizen....
Obamas true identity

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 07:54 PM
If Obama was a natural born citizen we would not still be asking the question. Solid proof would have been presented by now.

You don’t keep paying lawyers to keep you out of court when a $14 dollar document can do the very same thing.

Wake up !

It is all just a sham. Sure the Bushes, Clintons, Soros, McCain all know it’s a sham, but they themselves are part of it.

You must still believe there is a difference between Republicans and Decorates.

It is the same beast, the two party system is just diversion.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by brokedown
If Obama was a natural born citizen we would not still be asking the question. Solid proof would have been presented by now.

You don’t keep paying lawyers to keep you out of court when a $14 dollar document can do the very same thing.

Wake up !

It is all just a sham. Sure the Bushes, Clintons, Soros, McCain all know it’s a sham, but they themselves are part of it.

You must still believe there is a difference between Republicans and Decorates.

It is the same beast, the two party system is just diversion.

So, they let a known foreigner become president???? Who's agenda benefits from that???? Or did they do that just to f with our heads???

Come on people. The real diversion from what's really going on is the delusion that he's not a citizen.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by filosophia

A lot of people already know there is a long form B.C. that's not being shown but a lot of other people also claim that Obama already showed the birth certificate, well this proves there is another version that is not being released.

If you are saying there is a long form BC on record in Hawaii...then you are admitting that he was born there.

And so.....what's your point?

Obama has no compelling reason to reveal anything else than he already has. No law requires him too...and he doesn't have to listen to a small group of crazies that can't distinguish between proper evidence and crap brought forth by Orly Taitz.

If I was Obama...I would do the exact same thing. It's his ace up his sleeve...if the republican candidate decides to make a big issue during the election...then that is when he shows it and exposes the republican for buying into conspiracy theories with zero shred of proof or even a convincing argument.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by filosophia
it proves Obama has not yet released the long form certificate
Care to cite the law that requires any President, or even President-elect, to show his “long form” birth certificate to the public?

Originally posted by OldCorp
Ever notice that most of these lawsuits are thrown out BEFORE they are even heard in court, and the reason given is invariably "the Plaintiff does not have 'standing' to file the suit?" What a crock of BS!
It’s so ironic that the birthers make grandiose claims about upholding the law, but if it’s to get what they want they criticize the courts for having to go through or be subjected to the regular processes of the judicial system.

Moreover, this lawsuit wasn’t dismissed by lack of standing. Expecting birthers to read the actual decisions of the Courts they are criticizing is asking too much.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 09:26 PM
Some comments:

None I believe of the lawsuits have been heard on the merits of the cases - they have been dimissed on technicalities, juresdiction and standing without being heard.

It simply goeswithout saying that if Obama could prove his elligibility he would have done so before the election.

It also goes without saying that everyone knows this - congressional memos state that he was never vetted by anyone,

It also goes without saying that the media have been told to make this a hands off story - and to treat it as fringe, 'looneyland' , racist, irrelevent etc.

That Obama shills will stonewall this to the bitter end - because ever to admit that it has become an issue would beg the question as to what reason he could have forwitholding it - despite the majority of the public having doubts as to his elligibility.

Obama is obviously the result of a deal made between two NWO factions, replacing Hillary at the last minute.

Mission - seemingly to completley bankrupt and collapse the US as a functioning nation - to overstretch and exhaust the military - leaving the US incapable of intervening in world affairs. (the alternative offered I suspect was operation Blackjack)

His whole life story is a contrived fake seemingly to make him appear to be the mahdi to the Islamic world. - which he and Sorros have deliberately stirred up and set on the course to forming a Caliphate.

Target of the caliphate is obviously Europe and Israel - Russia getting to occupy a depopulated and defenceless Europe and the M.E. after the Eurowide jihadi civil war and Israels forced use of the Sampson option.

China has without doubt been led to believe that they will 'inherit' the US in a similar fashion - maybe they will or maybe they will get stiffed.

Far too late to avert this or do anything about it - at least 90% of us are going to be killed off - my guess is that it all starts in May.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 09:32 PM

Originally posted by brokedown
If Obama was a natural born citizen we would not still be asking the question.

Yes you would actually, as it has nothing to do with his birth certificate...

Solid proof would have been presented by now.

It has been presented, but [snip] birthers refuse to accept reality.

You don’t keep paying lawyers to keep you out of court

As Obama is NOT paying lawyers to keep it out of court.... what are you on about?
edit on 12/4/11 by masqua because: Removed generalization that birters are racist

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 09:51 PM
There is no such thing as a long form birth certificate as that would include the billing statement for the hospital and all account info is classified.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by Mike.Ockizard

LOL He's no Spock, Mike. Maybe in his imagination (i'm thinkin more a cross between his hero, Marx, and maybe Nero with a little Arsenio Hall to give himself some bling)

LOL @ Dragonfire- well, yeah, I knew that. It was a rhetorical question.

It really is bizarre how rules were made to be broken for the "political class", but we, the serfs are smothering under the rules, regulations, taxes, and "laws" that they pile on more of every day.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 09:56 PM
Here's proof that it doesn't matter.....

Wait for it......

He is the President of the United States.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 09:58 PM

Originally posted by JohhnyBGood
None I believe of the lawsuits have been heard on the merits of the cases - they have been dimissed on technicalities, juresdiction and standing without being heard.
Two of the most basic principles of our legal system are ‘technicalities’ to the birthers.

That Obama shills will stonewall this to the bitter end
You can pretend that others are holding you back and preventing you from reaching your goal, but the fact that you haven’t removed Obama from office is because the birthers have yet to provide any credible evidence to prove he wasn’t born in the United States.

It also goes without saying that the media have been told to make this a hands off story - and to treat it as fringe, 'looneyland' , racist, irrelevent etc.
And judging by the rest of your post you decided to help the media. Not that they needed any more help.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 12:09 AM

Originally posted by ThaLoccster
Here's proof that it doesn't matter.....

Wait for it......

He is the President of the United States.

And if proven unfit or unqualified, he should be kicked out unceremoniously and thrown in prison for fraud, and his colluding supporters with him as conspirators and traitors. Every order he made should be rescinded and all records of his actions reviewed for reversal. Every appointee would be untrustable and thoroughly investigated.

Regime change begins at home.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by dbriefed

Plenty of people believe that regardless of his status he is unfit and unqualified, thats an entirely different thread though.

But on the birther topic. What makes him unqualified? If he were born in a foreign country to American parents does that make him qualified? Is John McCain, being born in a foreign country, qualified? If he were born in another country, and his mother was American but his father wasn't, would that make him unqualified? How about under the same circumstances, but born in America?

Also, do you seriously not believe that a person who runs for President of the United States is not thoroughly vetted? Do you think they allow someone to become President, then casually state that "we better learn something about this guy now that he is President"?

I can't say for sure, but I'm convinced nonetheless that anyone running for President is thoroughly investigated and vetted before becoming President. You can't cheat on a test in 7th grade without that being dug up, but a Kendonesian black man can become President of the US?

It doesn't seem plausible, nor does any of the birther argument.
edit on 4/8/2011 by ThaLoccster because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 04:18 AM
reply to post by ThaLoccster

Seems unbelievable doesn't it - but true nethertheless.

A congressional document posted on the Internet confirms no one – not Congress, not the states and not election officials – bothered to check Barack Obama's eligibility to be president, and that status remains undocumented to this day. It's because state and federal law did not require anyone in Congress or elsewhere to check to see if Obama was a "natural born Citizen" under the meaning of Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution, according the document.

The analysis by the Congressional Research Service, a research arm of the U.S. Congress, openly admits no one in the federal government, including Congress, ever asked to see Obama's long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate. It explains no one was required to do so. Read more: Congress report concedes Obama eligibility unvetted

The only document Obama has offered to suggest he is a natural-born citizen actually contradicts that suggestion. But, even worse, that document, the certification of live birth, the short-form certificate, is insufficient for purposes far less significant than establishing the constitutional eligibility for the presidency. For instance, try getting a passport with one. Try qualifying for Little League with one. Try getting a driver's license with one in most states. This is a digital document, subject to fraud, easy to obtain in Hawaii without a birth actually taking place, and the state of Hawaii has never even asserted that the document the Obama campaign released was an official Hawaiian document. There is one other piece of so-called "evidence" cited by Obama acolytes: much-to-do-about-nothing newspaper birth announcements. Since those birth announcements would be triggered automatically by the Hawaii health department with the acceptance of an application for a certification of live birth, they are totally irrelevant insofar as corroborating evidence. They only indicate that someone in Hawaii applied for a certification of live birth, a document Hawaii handed out to people with no evidence of an actual birth having taken place.

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