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Photo 3: Analysis
Stanley Armour Dunham was reported to have died on February 8, 1992, so he could not have been in a photo which simultaneously includes Obama's wedding ring, obtained (and worn) on or about October 18, 1992. If this is a genuine photo taken in 1983, Obama would have actually been wearing his wedding ring prematurely—by 9 and 1/2 years.
The most glaring anomaly is the fact that his grandfather appears to be suffering from a severe anatomical distortion: he has 3 arms! Look closely at his left shoulder. His arm is obviously hidden but is clearly hanging at his side. Simultaneously, Stanley Dunham puts his 'third hand' over Barack's shoulder (without raising his arm), but it doesn't quite rest on the shoulder -- it floats in the air!
A closer examination reveals that even the park bench is fraudulent. The photo appears to have been compiled in layers and in the following order: the bench, Stanley Dunham, Barack Obama, Madelyn Dunham, Stanley Dunham's suit jacke—entire left side, and Madelyn Dunham's suit jacket — entire right side.
The background, if in the actual setting of Central Park South, should have water on the other side of the wall nearest the bench—not trees. A closer look reveals two walls, the first near the base of the bench, and the second behind that wall. As in the previous set of photos, the subjects are not looking at the same photographer because there wasn't just one photographer—there were at least three, and most likely, six. The alteration/reinsertion of clothing is most visible along Stanley's left lapel and Madelyn's buttonhole side of her suit jacket, which is, abnormally, a straight line. The buttonholes are aligned, but the right-side lapel is definitely smaller than the left lapel, and so, it is out of proportion.
This photo is a complete composite fabrication intended to perpetuate the lie that Barack Obama attended and graduated from Columbia University and was subsequentlyvisited by his grandparents.
Photo 4-A: Analysis
Consistent with the fraudulent nature of this photograph are the following: Attempts at brightening the shadowed areas underneath and between the two center chairs reveal wheels on one chair, but produce no successful results on the other. This anomaly indicates that the shadow is a solid-black coloration added to facilitate the compiled nature of the photo. Why don't the outermost chairs produce similar shadows where the lighting should be naturally impeded? The floor shadowing effect is actually occurring in the areas between the chairs, where the lighting should reveal a white floor and not a black surface. The floor behind the unknown subject (again, back row, far right) suddenly turns powder blue, matching both the photo's backdrop and the subject's left-trouser leg.
Further analysis of this photo will consistently reveal the same types of anomalies. It should suffice to say that if one subject is fraudulently inserted into the photo, the entire photo is a fraud. This photo also pixellates at different levels of digital magnification, indicating it has been created by a crude method of compilation.
By now, the reader will be asking more than a few questions. Why would anyone fake such important photographs, and how could they expect to get away with such a criminal act after all? The answers to those questions (and the others you may be asking yourself) are simple:
Obama and his New-World-Order handlers had no other choice. Barack Hussein Muhammed Obama, Jr. is, and has been, a fraud—from day one. That is what he is, and that is all he will ever be.
The powers-that-be, in their arrogant, psychopathic zeal, assume that a sufficient number of people have been adequately brainwashed to the extent that they will 'believe' anything. Many have believed the lies from the very beginning and likely still do. But the NWO types and their minions have severely miscalculated the sheer determination and conviction which drives those who relentlessly cast light on their dark deeds and on their evil plans for humanity.
The first step in accepting Barack Obama's promise for "change” is taken after accepting his fraudulent historical accounts, his fraudulent 'documentation', and now—his fraudulent Photoshop images. If you, the reader, can honestly look at any photographs of Barack Obama or his self-proclaimed international-bloodline stooges without a hint of suspicion regarding those photos’ origins, you have already experienced the "change" for which you have longed. You will have been blinded by the very darkness that follows him and those whose bidding he does.
The 'messiah' you have awaited has symbolicaly twisted the words which describe the True Messiah's "Immaculate Conception," into his own "immaculate deception." Satan, himself, would be proud of such a feat.
In summation, there remains no doubt, now, that the photographic biography of Barack Hussein Muhammed Obama, Jr. is as great a fiction as his own autobiographical accounts, whether in book, audio, video, online, or print-media format. Although these photos do not conclusively prove where Obama or his family were at any given point in time, they do prove where he—and they—were not.
Don Nicoloff
Originally posted by sepermeru
I think most of this stuff is pretty goofy. That said, the first one does look a bit fake, I have to admit. I wonder if he was enhanced in it, touched up more than his grandparents and that gives it the off kind of look. And I don't see any third arm on Grandpa. Something of a third leg perhaps...
Originally posted by goochball
As much as I'd like to believe this, I don't "clearly see" anything wrong with these photos. I think if you studied any photo long enough you'd probably find something strange about it.
s+f anyways.edit on 4/6/2011 by goochball because: (no reason given)
Originally posted by Monkeygod333
There IS a third hand. Look at the granpa's shoulder, his shoulder is going down, not to the right and over the shoulder as you would normaly have. That photo is definately fake! I'll bet my Photoshopping career on it!
This photo also pixellates at different levels of digital magnification, indicating it has been created by a crude method of compilation