posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 06:32 PM
Does anyone here ever see, hear or read something that makes you think Ah! Then after maybe a few hours, or even a few days later something happens
directly linked to that new thought or idea? I'm an Aquarian so my perspective doesn't do sheeple, in true Aquarian style, I have always 'marched
to a different drum'.
Today I was going through Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine looking for a reference I remember she made to Lucifer and, there she is, talking about an
original ' way' of belief and life running throughout the cosmos. She sadly wrote that we have in the West only tiny fragments of this primordial
'way' permeating into our consciousness. Ancient civilisations/man knew of it and lived by it Knowledge of it is carried forward today by some
Brahmans and Buddists whom have never ventured to share this knowledge with the West, despite having been asked by Missioneries. What little part
available to the West, existing through the sansckrit translations needs a 'key' to interpret the meaning behind the words. Unfortunately with our
current religious tools we can't access the true inner teaching in the West's religious books. Blavatsky dismissed the monothesics saying their
beliefs as taught by the priesthood not only needed this 'key' to clarify understanding but were not and never will be about empowering man they
were about controlling, cutting down man's light, (almost his innocense) his vitality and ingenuity to create new and pure concepts and his
understanding and relationship with the divine cosmos. She was hated by the establishment, many of whom were probably scared of her. She might have
enjoyed the video also.
The guy in the video when he sung about the Way and the flame I knew immediately what he was talking about. I got so irritated about how the country
was run, I wrote to John Major when he was PM and had a go about what I thought was wrong. I had a reply from someone in his office, thanking me for
my letter. I was surprised it had reached me because of the spelling mistake occurring on the name of the town I lived in then. He pointed out that
the institutions I complained about were all doing a very good job and were worth the cost of running them. I had a go about the Royals, having to
pay more for a Ford Escort in Dagenham, where they are made, than in New York where they had to be transported to and the huge salaries for the bosses
running our de-nationalised water company's which had been run previously, without chauffeur driven cars and salaries of under £45,000 for the Boss
- (OK it was the 80's). I was obviously still fuming after the reply I got, but it hit a relief valve and I loved waving the letter under people's
snozzles who s'n-word'ed at my audaciousness to complain. Yeh, there is another way and I shall carry on with my non conformist manner. I was
delighted to see both my sons had filled in the UK Cencus box on 'what religion are you' as Pagan Siff Lords.
Thank you for such a great video I don't know about his book but, if its as good as his video and invigorates people to dance along the parapet and
is a book you get inner sustainance from, then its worth it. I remember The Secret Doctrine cost £40. one of the best set of books I have ever had.