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'Most of us WANT to work past 65': Astonishing claim by IDS as he unveils overhaul which could pus

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posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 05:07 PM
I want to retire now, at 57... I am tired, I am done. I want to putter around in the garden.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by Mike_A

I wanted to chime in here....

But the people in power do not require our votes ...

Of course they do, why do you think they spend so much on election campaigns?

We may only swing from one party to another but they both want to control that swing and cutting waste would be a very effective way of doing that. That gives government a huge motive to cut waste.

My dear, have you any idea how much packaging goes strictly into theft protection? The whole need for money thing. If we had abundance as I describe, there would be no need to package against theft. What it will take is a core set of people who have all the skills and resources to set it out there freely - both in terms of programming and in terms of web accessibility, and announcements... Hey, maybe Anonymous would tackle it!

Anyway, if you're concerned about waste, since products will be made to optimal standards and not lowest tolerances because there is no profit motive and the robots are busy doing the things We don't want to, We can be seeing where waste can be cut as We encounter it - the Betterment Ethic in action - and the process of truly durable goods and not this "trash it when it's a couple of years old" mentality takes over. It streamlines to that goal.

They have other means of being reimbursed for thier time on the companies behalf. Ever heard of the cash for votes scam? Politicians got caught suggesting that they would sell a vote in parliament for cash. Thats exactly the sort of thing that leads down these dark paths.

And do you have evidence for every minister in every successive government being bribed or otherwise coerced into not doing anything about waste?

Imagine if We didn't have money involved... Self-governance on the Interweb... We don't need the evidence for every minister (congresscritter, magistrate, what have you) showing this breach of ethics to look around our world and see that if ETHICS was the question, there have been choices made that fully favored profit to the detriment of Humanity. If We can cast off this scourge of ethics, this money/power/energy problem, We should do all We can to be rid of it.

As above it’s not so implausible but we can’t just assume it to be true based on the fact that some MPs have been caught out in the past.

Or... We can figure that what was caught out was the tip of the iceberg. Frankly, knowing as I do the way money being involved and the love some have for it, there's a much better chance that what We see is not even the half of it - or even 10%.

On the cancer point, I hate to break it to you

I know about the issues with NICE and cancer drugs but you know that’s not what I meant.

You are using the fact that something hasn’t happened as proof that those in charge don’t want it to happen. That doesn’t logically follow, just as it does not follow that the lack of a cure for cancer means no one is trying.

Um, excuse me, but We have several. The most promising one is cannabis treatment. Just thought I ought to say.
edit on 4/4/2011 by Amaterasu because: clarity

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 05:17 PM
I plan on working till I drop. I've seen what happens to old people, when they retire, they seem to get older. My grandfather on my mother's side didn't retire till he was 80. He lived to be 92 and he was mowing his lawn the day he died. He was a carpenter. My father took early retirement at 58. Then went back to work at 62 and worked till he was seventy. He's a chemical engineer. My mother, an administrator for a program for the elderly, worked till she was 70. I figure I'll work at least to 70, I can make so much more than what Social Security has to offer. Plus with some of the investments I've made over the years, I could retire early, but I'd rather stay busy.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 05:24 PM
Reply to post by berkeleygal

That cannot be true because Iain Duncan Smith said so! You have at least 13 years of hard labour to go, now do it with a big fat smile on your face, pointing to the fact that in England "you get" to die at work! Hurray! Lol

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posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by berkeleygal
I want to retire now, at 57... I am tired, I am done. I want to putter around in the garden.

I'm right up there with ya. And I don't have a job. Not for lack of trying. But my work is here on the Interweb. And I am passionate about my work. (No duh, right? [grin])

You are just one of so many who inspire me. I want You to have time to spend with Your family, and if that includes vegetables, tulips or what, I want you to have time to spend in your garden.

Thank you..

EDIT to add: I mean...all the time you want to spend in your garden. [smile]
edit on 4/4/2011 by Amaterasu because: add

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by alonzo730
I plan on working till I drop. I've seen what happens to old people, when they retire, they seem to get older. My grandfather on my mother's side didn't retire till he was 80. He lived to be 92 and he was mowing his lawn the day he died. He was a carpenter. My father took early retirement at 58. Then went back to work at 62 and worked till he was seventy. He's a chemical engineer. My mother, an administrator for a program for the elderly, worked till she was 70. I figure I'll work at least to 70, I can make so much more than what Social Security has to offer. Plus with some of the investments I've made over the years, I could retire early, but I'd rather stay busy.

As long as you're doing what you love...AWESOME! For so many, though, they spend their time dreaming about what they'd rather be doing. It's people like you that let me know We can make this happen on this planet, this abundance paradigm I'm carrying on about. [smile]

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 05:54 PM

Originally posted by Hoping4Wisdom
reply to post by Yissachar1

This is just another example of someone spewing complete crap from their mouths. How the hell can this guy know how the majority of people feel? A poll? HAHAHAHA polls are a joke and can be manipulated in a myriad of ways.

They know full well that the majority are against this, it's all about creating the illusion that the masses are in agreement so that if anyone turns around and says no to it they automatically get thrown into the un-patriotic "workshy" category. It's the herd mentality where people are scared of standing up against the masses when they think they are in the minority, so everybody just stays quiet so as not to stand out and TPTB get their way.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 06:39 PM
We are playing a terrible game where the government can pretty much self debt themselves for trillions and trillions, etc amounts of money, with no consequence to themselves (of course) and we, as citizens are therefore responsible for their decisions (lucky us, eh?) and suffer. But what else is new? might as well milk us as much as they can.

Good Proof of Government 'Budgets'

edit on 4-4-2011 by kathael because: added link

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 06:42 PM
Heck just leave it as a Choice, not a Requirement.

Worked to the Bone.
edit on 4-4-2011 by kathael because: image

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 08:10 PM
screw this guy and every other fascist controller...all governments should be overthrown, and every decision should be voted on by every single person, made possible by the internet...there is simply no reason any longer to be controlled by these fascist f***s

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by Mike_A
reply to post by Yissachar1

Looks like the government are pinning their hopes on most of us kicking the bucket before they have to pay us a state pension...

These people do not live in the real world

I think it’s the people who are outraged that aren’t living in the real world.

Putting aside whether or not people want to work, something that is immaterial, the fact of the matter is we have an aging population with a projected 23% of the population being over the age of 65 by 2034 compared to 16% today*.

We need to pay for this somehow and either means taxing people very heavily, reducing spending or increasing the pension age. Which would you choose?


Why does anyone have to pay for it? That is a faulty assumption in my opinion. Maybe we can't have our cake and eat it too? Most government jobs are a complete waste and need to be eliminated.
edit on 4-4-2011 by SmokeandShadow because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 08:49 PM
The French had all out rioting when the pension reform bill was presented.

France is on the brink of anarchy as increasingly militant trade unions call for more continued industrial action over President Nicolas Sarkozy’s pension reform bill which raises the retirement age from 60 to 62 years of age and increases the full state pension age from 65 to 67. The Senate will vote later today on the reforms. read more:


Do they seriously expect the Brits to swallow such baloney.
edit on 4-4-2011 by studio500 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 08:59 PM
I retired 3 years ago - I am thrilled to have a few
good years left to do what I want when I want.
The problem is for some reason I fill a tad
guilty with my time being my own. I do have
health issues and certainly don't have the
energy that I once had but overall its a good
thing. I couldn't do today what I did 5, 6 or 7
years ago - whewwwww its been a ride!!

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by Yissachar1

'Most of us WANT to work past 65': Astonishing claim by IDS as he unveils overhaul which could push retirement age beyond 70

We the people are nothing but commodities that are bought and sold on a whim to improve the corporate standing of Corporate America.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 10:45 PM
Perhaps it was simply a bad choice of words:
There's been a movement to raise the compulsory retirement age from what used to be a standard 65 years to something more realistic in terms of increased longevity in modern societies. I've seen many capable workers at all levels whose jobs were their lives (sad in a way) who were forced to retire at 65 and they didn't last long at all (some less than a year) due to the boredom and consequent depression that resulted from such a drastic and unwanted (for them) change.

'Most of us WANT to work past 65' should read-

'Most of us WANT to be healthy enough mentally and physically to work past 65'

That doesn't mean that we wouldn't enjoy life much more without the restrictions and burdens of having to work in order to survive. I'll go for the life of leisure myself if I can and I'm working on that.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 05:42 AM
reply to post by reeferman

Just as in your loaded question you are not even taking into consideration the absolute corruption in the Federal Reserve Act

Yeah, you’ve got me, I should have taken that into account, you know being British, living in Britain and discussing British pensions, it was clearly remiss of me not to take into account an American piece of legislation. Pillock!

reply to post by TrueBrit

The problem is this boils down to saying, I know there’s a conspiracy, I can’t give you any evidence but there is. I just can’t base an opinion on something so insubstantial.

With regard to your comment about me not getting it right every time... you are absolutely right, but there again I didnt run for PM. Those who do ought to be judgd by superhuman standards

But superhumans don’t exist, everyone, every group will be limited in what they can do.

The fact that some things have not been achieved does not mean no one is trying.

reply to post by SmokeandShadow

Why does anyone have to pay for it? That is a faulty assumption in my opinion. Maybe we can't have our cake and eat it too? Most government jobs are a complete waste and need to be eliminated.

So you cut jobs to free up money for those over 65? Ok then but then it’s those people who have lost their jobs who are paying for it; your solution is just reduced public spending which was one of the routes I said we could take. Still someone is paying.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 06:05 AM
I wonder if the fools realize just what kind of contribution the seniors give???
yes, I am talking from the american standpoint here....we do have the same thing here going on...they want to slash the heck out of the social security system...
but well, my mom was retired and that gave her plenty of time to watch the grandkids (my sisters anyway, she was really too ill to take on mine much), and well, that freed up my sister so she started a business, hired a few employees, ect...
and they are holding many volunteer positions here in the hospitals, in charity organizations, ect. take away their check, and they are gonna have to give up all this kind generousity and start charging for their services, more money spent in childcare for the poor, more money spent by hospitals (will drive up the cost of medicare/medicaid), and more money spent by the charities, many of whom get at least some funding from gov't sources.....

the fact of the matter is people need x amount of dollars to live, and well, somewhere, or somehow, they are gonna get x amount of dollars, or else they will fade away, taking the contribution that they are providing society with them....
they will enter the workforce and the competition for the few jobs we have will increase. they will demand to be paid for the volunteer services that they provide, or they just won't be providing it anymore.

many of the moms here in the states are depending on grandma to watch their kids while they work....
no grandma to watch those kids??? well, you can expect those moms to be wanting raises, so they can actually pay a childcare center to watch them instead......
taking the handouts from the elderly, who are still contributing to society or the working poor solves nothing fiscally, since the need will still be there, only the demand to meet it will be shifted somewhere an economy that is strained in just about every area!!!
the poor don't have anything to give, the middle class in someways have less, since they are so indebted, and well, that only leaves on class left!!
and, it seems that the system, at least here in american was working just dandy for this class (I mean, they could pay low wages to most of their workers and still charge whatever for the necessities of life, since many of those low waged earners didn't have to rely on those wages to be able to obtain the necessities along with a few of the nonessntials, and well, they got tax cuts and offshore bank accounts to protect their wealth from uncle sam's taxes!! it was the middle class that were paying for their workforce!!! but, well, that's about obliterated the middle class, so now they are faced with the prospect of footing the bill, so heck ya, start cutting the programs!!!!

ya, cut them, I dare yas....let's watch and see just how fast this country comes to a screeching halt!!!
over 50% of the revenues going into the healthcare providers in my area are coming from those programs. a quarter of the food is being bought with food stamps, I reckon much of the rent is being partially subsidized by hud, since well, us working people couldn't afford the rent...which probably played a role in the housing crash....offer me a house to move into that has less a monthly payment than the rent, and ya, I am gonna bite!!
a good example of how screwed up this country is would be the cash for clunkers program, where the gov't literally gave the people money, to buy the new cars, since it was the only way many of them would buy them!!!

there is more people working in the gov't than is working in manufacturing, farming, and a few other, I can't remember, industries combined!!!
ya, they should join the unemployment lines too!!!

but.....outsourcing jobs is good for our economy!!! look around you, the proof is everywhere!!!

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 07:26 AM
Reply to post by dawnstar

Great post, could not agree more!

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posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 08:50 AM
Yes, some people may WANT to work past 65 and can find it difficult to retire. But it shouldn't just be about that.

It doesn't factor in the equation that quite a few people of that age may WANT to still be working, but can they all actually Physically and Mentally be able to continue working at the desired pace that most companies and organisations want, in this full throttle, full speed ahead society at that age?

Just because people are living longer, it doesn't mean they are all fully capable of working until they are 70. As someone who has done quite a bit of voluntary work with the elderly, I can attest that many say, "I wish I was still able to do this and that" but simply can't due to the many ailments of a full hard working life and ageing.

Sometimes these ailments come on at a slow pace and some can continue to be quite active in their later years, but if you've spent most of your working life doing a physically taxing job which a large percentage of people do, it can speed the process up.

So what happens to all the people who hit 65 and can't physically or mentally keep up in a taxing working environment, who can't financially support themselves or get this support from their families because they have little to no money, and have to wait an extra 5 years for a state pension?

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by skitzspiricy

This point you make about those who reach sixty five after a life of hard work (the only sort that counts in my opinion) is very important, and I cannot believe the government dont realise that just because people are living longer, does not mean they are capable of working for longer. You have to have had a pretty easy life to still be employment material at age sixty , let alone seventy and onwards. My sisters collegue at the supermarket died of cancer recently . She took practicaly no time off work the whole time she was dying. It wasnt a choice, she needed the money to live and eat. She was just approaching retirement age, and she really shouldnt have been out of the house. She should have been indoors, getting looked after, but she couldnt afford that, or the wait to find out if incapacity benifit would be a good option. It all takes time.
Terrible situation we face nowadays.

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