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'Most of us WANT to work past 65': Astonishing claim by IDS as he unveils overhaul which could pus

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posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by Mike_A

It's remarkable that this aging group of our population came out of nowhere and took us by surprise.

It's a shame, had any of us seen the comming mass retirement of the baby boomers we could have made arrangements for it.


This is nothing more than the typical 'deal with it later' government strategy.

Except 'later' is now.

The government (and it doesn't matter what country as they are all in the same boat) has looted retirement funds for decades thinking that there will be a way to replenish that money when it it needed.

There are 2 options here...people work until they die, or government admits that SS is bankrupt due to mismanagement.

edit on 4-4-2011 by [davinci] because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by MisterMiyagi
reply to post by Mike_A

I would choose an entirely new system that doesn't force people to work themselves to death.

END THE MONETARY SYSTEM.'s time for a Resource Based Economy. Do the research people.

It's time to change.

Well, um.... That's what I think I came up with - kinda. No money because we have plenty of energy. However, the economy will not be in resources but on the esteem One is held within One's Peers. The resources used as an economic base will be abundant too. And then it will be a matter of how Each One of Us treats Those around Us. That is where and how We Humans will step up to the helm of this planet and do something.

It had better be sooner than later, I'm thinkin'.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by [davinci]
reply to post by Mike_A

It's remarkable that this aging group of our population came out of nowhere and took us by surprise.

It's a shame, had any of us seen the comming mass retirement of the baby boomers we could have made arrangements for it.

This is nothing more than the typical 'deal with it later' government strategy.

Except 'later' is now.

Unless... Ok, I'll direct you to my posts above and my links below.

We have an alternative.

EDIT to add:

The government (and it doesn't matter what country as they are all in the same boat) has looted retirement funds for decades thinking that there will be a way to replenish that money when it it needed.

There are 2 options here...people work until they die, or government admits that SS is bankrupt due to mismanagement.

Well, what do you envision will happen when the Government admits the money is not there? Oh, wait. We know what They will do. They will create more!

My problem is with the first part of your picture - slaves work until they die. Human Beings should not be slaves. Machines can do that for Us.

Well... Read my threads for more...
edit on 4/4/2011 by Amaterasu because: add

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

obviously, your job isn't as physical as mine, and well, you probably don't really need good eyesight either???
give me a job where I am sitting in front of a computer screen and I might be able to do it,
but, well, think I am gonna be printing till 70?? you're nuts!!!

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 03:11 PM
I personally think that individual is way off base. Sure some people want to keep working- so let them. But I would be hard pressed to say 'most' want to work past the age of 65.

Everyone knows someone who retired, got bored sitting around the house, then went back to work. But that doesn't justify raising the retirement level for everyone or forcing everyone to stay in the work force until they keel over.

If you want to retire- have at it and open up the spot for a newbie to fill the position and start their career. If you want to retire, enjoy your days at the sunny beach. If not, keep chugging.
edit on 4/4/2011 by AshleyD because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by Yissachar1

'Most of us WANT to work past 65': Astonishing claim by IDS as he unveils overhaul which could push retirement age beyond 70


Most workers want to work on when they reach 65, Iain Duncan Smith claimed yesterday.
He insisted that higher life expectancy meant people should – and usually want – to work for longer before taking their pension.
The Work and Pensions Secretary made the extraordinary claim on the eve of unveiling reforms that could push the retirement age beyond 70.
The idea that employees do not want to stop work at 65 was rubbished by critics last night.
Ros Altmann, of Saga, said all the research showed most over-50s wanted to retire as soon as was practical. ‘There are terrible consequences for
(visit the link for the full news article)

Everyone should just start their own cash business .. small or big .. STOP PAYING TAX .. bank overseas ... and plant your own veggie garden or small farm for subsistance farming ... enjoy life ... be content with what you have and learn to take pleasure out of small and simple things in life ...

This will automatically starve the bastards on top who are stealing our money and putting it to their own malicious use ...

ps: This will allow you to control how long and how much you want to work ..
I personally want to retire at 40 .. no plans to donkey it out till 65 or even more! ..

edit on 4-4-2011 by legalizeit because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by TrueBrit

Are you looking with your eyes open to the possibility that its true?


No , that doesnt, but the fact that solving the root problem means drasticaly changing the way money changes hands between private enterprises linked to government


There is a web of scum at the top of this nation, and likely every other nation as well. Thats why nothing changes for the better.

Who exactly is it that wants to keep the status quo? Some in the private sector yes but you have to believe in an incredibly extensive system of connections that exists for every politician.

That’s not too farfetched but there is no actual evidence for it except for some precedence but that can’t be used on its own.

But the people in power do not require our votes ...

Of course they do, why do you think they spend so much on election campaigns?

We may only swing from one party to another but they both want to control that swing and cutting waste would be a very effective way of doing that. That gives government a huge motive to cut waste.

They have other means of being reimbursed for thier time on the companies behalf. Ever heard of the cash for votes scam? Politicians got caught suggesting that they would sell a vote in parliament for cash. Thats exactly the sort of thing that leads down these dark paths.

And do you have evidence for every minister in every successive government being bribed or otherwise coerced into not doing anything about waste?

As above it’s not so implausible but we can’t just assume it to be true based on the fact that some MPs have been caught out in the past.

On the cancer point, I hate to break it to you

I know about the issues with NICE and cancer drugs but you know that’s not what I meant.

You are using the fact that something hasn’t happened as proof that those in charge don’t want it to happen. That doesn’t logically follow, just as it does not follow that the lack of a cure for cancer means no one is trying.

And on the problems of massive complexity in the government, are you actualy saying that this bunch of people who got themselves elected arent up to the task as it sits before them?


The people who jostle for our vote ... have a duty to the PEOPLE of the nation. That duty , is ... to do ALL THAT MUST BE DONE AND GET IT RIGHT EVERY SINGLE DAMNED TIME!!!! If they are incapable of this task, then they should not be in the race for election, they should not be involving themselves in the affairs of the state.

In a very broad sense I agree.

However in a more context specific sense; do you get everything right all the time? Probably not, it’s unreasonable to expect anyone or any organisation to be able to do everything or solve every problem.

Zero waste is an ideal and something that all governments should strive for but that may not be practical.

Going back to the world of medicine again, the elimination of all disease is what the medical community should be aiming for but it doesn’t mean they should find another job because they can’t achieve that goal.

Tying this back into the thread, the issue is where does the money for pensions come from and even if we say cutting waste can contribute neither of us can actually put a figure on how much so neither of us can say whether it would be enough to avoid increasing the pension age.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by [davinci]

This is nothing more than the typical 'deal with it later' government strategy.

Except 'later' is now.

I agree, but it doesn't change the situation we face now. We can't afford to pay for an increasingly older population to retire at 65, that's it.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by legalizeit

Everyone should just start their own cash business .. small or big .. STOP PAYING TAX

And forget about using roads, hospitals, schools, police, fire services etc, etc.

Damn those greedy nurses and selfish teachers! Grrr!

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 03:29 PM
Pretty easy for a pencil neck paper pusher to say some crap like that. Let's see him do masonry, framing, sheetrocking, drywall, tilework and hardwood floors at 70 like I am doing now.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 03:34 PM
Reply to post by legalizeit

Last time i tried to plant a veggie patch in MY garden, i had a council busy body (who can somehow see into my back garden) write me a strongly worded letter informing me that they were upping the amount of council tax because i had a COMMERCIAL "urban farm" with which to sell produce!
i kid you not! But the burden of proof of my so called green grocers was on them and i won the appeal. Bloody liberty!

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posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by Yissachar1

I'm in two minds on this one to be honest, I've recently found myself feeling happier when I'm at work than when I'm not (but thats usually because I get so used to not being at work, I can't bear the thought of going back on Monday morning)

But, when I get to that point, it's all fine and dandy. In all fairness, I like my job and the money it pays; without it I wouldn't have a home.

However, if you asked the question would I work if I was financially secure? No way!

I'd probably start my own company or invest wisely, but if I had the choice and won the lottery tomorrow, then good bye work

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 03:38 PM
Reply to post by legalizeit

Last time i tried to plant a veggie patch in MY garden, i had a council busy body (who can somehow see into my back garden) write me a strongly worded letter informing me that they were upping the amount of council tax because i had a COMMERCIAL "urban farm" with which to sell produce!
i kid you not! But the burden of proof of my so called green grocers was on them and i won the appeal. Bloody liberty!

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posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 03:39 PM
The fact is the reason the retirement age is 65 is because Bismarck, under pressure from socialists, established a pension for workers who managed to live that long. It was actually insurance just in case you lived longer than your life expectancy and paid enough to pay for your food and incidentals. Your family was expected to take care of the rest of your needs.

It is only recently that retirement and pensions has been trsansformed into a "right." Didn't used to be.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 03:45 PM
Where do they get the figures from?( was it a coded question in the recent census lol)
I'd love to see that fat, deluded pompous Twit hump doors, windows and patios about 8hrs a day 40 hours a week.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by executioner

Yeah or drive 400 miles on average per week listening to unhappy customers, trying your best to work with the limited amounts of information provided. Like I said, if I had the money, I wouldn't be working...

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 04:03 PM
Originally posted by Mike_A
reply to post by Yissachar1

We need to pay for this somehow and either means taxing people very heavily, reducing spending or increasing the pension age. Which would you choose?

Do you feel better now that you stopped beating your Wife?

yes or no?

yes? so you did beat your Wife? No. you still beat your wife.

Just as loaded a question as yours.. lets never discuss whether you did or did not beat your wife in the first place..

Just as in your loaded question you are not even taking into consideration the absolute corruption in the Federal Reserve Act that got us into the position for you to even think more taxation.. reducing spending.. (which is not even comparable to defense and NEVER gets cut) or forcing American workers who have paid into a system for 30 years only to then have the finishing line set farther out.. these are your solutions? really?

Jefferson's Prophesy The Bankruptcy of America

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies . . . If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] . . . will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered . . . The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." -- Thomas Jefferson -- The Debate Over The Recharter Of The Bank Bill, (1809)

Your Living it...


Google Video Link

When "We the People", Confront this issue.. and "We" will be amazed how many other issues simply go away..

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 04:18 PM
Sure pay into the system for about 45 years then get maybe 5 years for yourself.

Of course by that time you'll be sick with something your insurance wont cover and the cost of your prescriptions alone will dwarf your retirement income.

All the politications creating these laws have huge tax payer funded pensions so of course it won't effect them.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by Mike_A

Well ... I wrote a reply , but it doesnt seem to have registered that... so without buggering about with quotes all over again, heres a token post.
Proving the presence of a chameleon is harder than one might think. Its presence however is usualy beyond doubt, wether one is able to locate it or not. That is the exact problem we have here. To prove a conspiracy the size of the one that is choking my nation right now, I would have to BE one of those elites, one of those filty rich, insane econofascists in control, because only someone of that level of importance has the clout to even MOVE in the circles which might free the people from the lie.
With regard to your comment about me not getting it right every time... you are absolutely right, but there again I didnt run for PM. Those who do ought to be judgd by superhuman standards, since they are putting THEMSELVES on a pedastal that should only be occupied by absolutely AMAZING people, who are expert in all things, and have no weakness or sense of personal worth, beyond healthy self respect.
However, all our leaders have been since a very long time ago is despots in democrats clothing, and I despise them and the system by which they retain power over us. Make no mistake, evidence or not, they are there and they will never surrender thier power to the people, because they are richer , when we are poorer. That is how the die is balanced.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by Yissachar1

This is just another example of someone spewing complete crap from their mouths. How the hell can this guy know how the majority of people feel? A poll? HAHAHAHA polls are a joke and can be manipulated in a myriad of ways.

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