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Scary unemployment rate for African Americans

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posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by Advantage
Im not white.. and Im not black. I have a little different perspective.

WHat whites dont understand because its never happened to them or they have never been present when it has happened is that black leadership is holding the entire race down in the US. This isnt a color thing.. its a culture thing. It just so happens the culture goes with the color so thats all you see.. and thats what its blamed on.

WHen I was in college the NAACP came to convince us browns/reds that we were being held down by whitey. They want us to join and have been trying to compromise first nations since they began. I wasnt feeling overly oppressed by white folks as I was in a prestigious college and not on grants or scholarships.. Im also female. I suffered NONE of this oppression and racism. Guess why? I didnt buy into the self perpetuating myth. Black leadership in the black community is rotten to the core. It would do the black community well to stop acting like mind controlled subjects with trigger words.. any other race mentions the word "'n-word'" and they act like they are programmed robots. Magic words went out with loin cloths.. your leaders want you to act primitive. The culture is built on the worship of money, sex, materialism, and "respect". WHen a culture doesnt teach self respect or self reliance... but only getting respect without deserving it just due to skin color.. it breaks down.

I grew up in New Orleans way back when. Im older
It wasnt like it is now as being the ghetto murder capital. We were all colors and cultures mashed together and there WERE NO PROBLEMS. Blacks worked hard as anyone else and the culture was NOT this culture that you see now. I mean it was starting back in the 60's and 70's but by the 80-90's it was full blown nasty. I was raised by a racist.. and I had a black nanny.
he was racist against whites with good cause and chose to break out of the po lil brown savage treatment by whites and the federal government. Blacks had a decent culture back then.. in much better shape than my own people.. they worked and didnt worship pathetic things. It truly has changed, and I dont care what your history books tell you or etc.. I lived it.

I live now in the midwest and its THE most racist place Ive ever been in my life. As in racist blacks against every other color or culture.I see and live in the result of this false culture being promoted in the black community. Ive been victim of a violent assault as has my oldest daughter simply because we were not black. Its hard to teach your kids tolerance as it should be when this happens. You come off sounding like a liar and a moron. I live in the murder capital bubble of St Louis now and very near East St.Louis. I deal with blacks 24/7 and the majority are worthless jobless users and criminals. Its the sad and bad truth. Its also the culture and NOT the color. The new culture expects gimmes and being paid back by whitey for whatever past transgressions may have happened between our ancestors. Guess what blacks.. my ancestors were WIPED OUT. Youre breeding and will surpass the whites in numbers.. my race is for all purposes and intents.. DEAD. I do not feel entitled to the current whites money and I sure as hell dont need or want their help. Im proof it can be done and you can succeed. You cant go on blaming whites for everything forever. At some point you need to get into reality and start being responsible for yourselves either individually or as a cultural movement.

Ive said this before and dont care who it offends as its very true. I see it in my own culture. Blacks smear the blood of their ancestors on themselves for favors, entitlements, gain, etc.. and its disgusting. Mine do as well.. and I am equally disgusted... thats why I dont live on the Rez and why you should refuse to live in a ghetto and refuse to participate in that culture.Break out of a destructive culture and you may get somewhere. You are NOT entitled to anything a white person has due their ancestors actions. You are not entitled to money nor apology or welfare generationally. Im not either. Blacks use this weird excuse that they are being held down and its the whites. No, they are being held down by themselves, a corrupt false made up culture, and by their own black leaders. Blacks are as intelligent and worthy as whites.. but they intentionally hold themselves back by speaking like ignorant fools and behaving like primitives. Where does this come from? The culture.. not the skin color. You all better ask yourselves who is promoting this culture and why. If you try to succeed in your culture youre called uncle Tom and trying to act white.. you best ask yourself why thats promoted. Why is success called "acting white"? DO you not realize that you are disrespecting yourselves pretending only whites can succeed in this world when you say such stupid things? Success and hard work isnt the whites domain.. its everyone's potential and yours is being held back by your own culture, leaders, and "brothers/sisters".

My dad owned a few construction companies when I was a kid. We had companies in several states. Do you know when I got older I was in charge of HR and hiring ( along with my full time regular job as an RN) and I rarely hired blacks? Guess why... seriously. It wasnt the color.. they were simply the only ones that came in speaking like 1st graders with a mouth full of marbles, dressed like they just woke up or got out of prison, and had NO work ethic due to feeling in entitled to special favors. Im not white, so it sure as hell wasnt a white bias! None of my people were around to show favoritism to either. I hired folks who would work and keep the business afloat regardless of color of skin. People who it was worth spending the time and money on hiring and training. When you hire someone you initially lose money and are making an investment in them to become a long term employee and we paid very well. I wasnt about to hire a "bad investment". We had blacks working for us, but they were not plentiful and sometimes I was fooled and they were the ones who were unreliable and cried racism if you looked at them and told them lunch break was an hour and not 2 hours.

These problems are absolutely cultural.. and unnecessary. If I have a bad person of my race.. he is NOT my brother, but the blacks see things only by skin color and regardless of the actions of a person they see themselves as all brothers.. fighting an invisible enemy : Themselves. I wont be partial to someone if they are an NDN.. its content of character that I base everything on regardless of culture or color. People were on TV talking about their mortgage and bills being no longer a worry because there was a brother in office. I dont think that turned out too well. No snitchin is a part of the "brother" BS. Its not serving your community well at all. You shouldnt be fighting folks over color.. you should be fighting your own leaders and culture promoters to prove their legitimacy.

SO blacks and unemployment? Break it down to the core and its a choice.. you chose to engage in a culture that promotes a lack of success and criminality .. you get a lack of success and a generation of unemployable criminals.If you dont want to be treated like a criminal or a savage, dont emulate them. Live in a culture that blames everything on someone else.. you never take responsibility for your own actions and unsuccessful life. Walk into an interview being a product of a false illegitimate made up fake culture and you obviously get judged by it. Its only your own fault and whitey isnt holding you back... YOU are. Black unemployment and the number of blacks in the prison system should prove this out. Change your indoctrinated mind and paradigm.

I hope for a sort of renaissance.. a movement by the blacks to gain control of themselves and their culture. Id love to see them break away from their nonsensical leaders and succeed. They dont need your help, white folks. Theyre actually pretty tough and capable if they can manage to see the leadership is not out for their equality in the workplace or etc. Id love to see a real recall on entitlements and welfare.. a force into real desperation economically to show them all that they are as worthy and capable as anyone else and dont need white folks money and housing. Its as bad as my own people.. whitey holds you down, whitey is racist, whitey is the bad guy.. but for Gods sake dont stop that white money/help/housing/etc coming in... ridiculous. If the black community can just see they are their own enemy.. it will be good for all.

The real racist are the ones trying to "help" the black community. The rabid PC crowd and the ones who think they are so superior they must help poor lil blacks. Blacks capable human beings and not backward children for Gods sake. They want to dumb down the educational system for poor uneducatable blacks.. when blacks are as intelligent as anyone else.. these helpful demons are the real racists. They give housing and projects to blacks.. as if theyre children and cant take care of themselves given the chance! The ones who say crime comes from poverty. Crime comes from criminals.. poverty is not the root. I know wonderful NON criminal poor folks. How dare someone be so passive aggressive to indict a person due to their economic status so others see them as potential criminals! I wish everyone would see this crap for what it truly is. They promote and celebrate differences right? Its great to segregate and promote a criminal culture that worships material things and to gain by any other means than work and sacrifice. How DARE they say that is the black culture and promote it! Thats NOT American black culture.. I grew up along side and within a legitimate black American culture... and it sure as hell wasnt this crap you see today. I wish to celebrate and recognize differences.. differences are a good thing IMO. But when you have a manufactured culture which is pressed upon a segment of a population and called legitimate.. you hold and entire race down. Guess who has supported and promoted this crap? Black leadership.

Firstly, this is a pretty good piece you wrote and I agree with parts of it.

However, it isn't black leadership that's holding blacks down, we have no leadership. In the American hierochy we leaders or even supervisors, but we haven't any management. America is set to where the only real leaders are all white.

Believe me, there is an oppression against hue-man's, but it's a lot covert now. A person of color is capable of a successful, American-dream life, if you're willing to play the game by the European rules. You can live decent, but you will never be one of the top dogs. And don't give me Obama, firstly he isn't black, and secondly, the President isn't really running you can tell by the look on his face he found out. It's just a talking head.

This land and pretty much the entire world has been conquered by Europeans, they own or are cheating the owners of all the natural resources on this planet. They own all the land in the American continent. That is 90% of the battle right there. Whoever owns the land, calls the shots.

So someone such as myself, I can see that no matter how hard I work and achieve, I can never be the top dog on the same level as some of these "blue bloods". Plus I'd never be accepted into their circles. This is part of the reasoning for many black peoples throwing the cards in and flipping the monopoly game board over. If someone owns all the properties, what's the use of playing anymore!

Black American's don't have a culture. We've been playing around trying to initiate some, but I don't think we've accomplished that. And no, the Euro-American culture is not ours, it isn't the best model for blacks. It's a culture that is too selfish and materialistic. Blacks are alot more spiritual in nature dating back to our ancestors. Part of the problems we're seeing are blacks who have one foot in the Euro culture and it's causing problems. The Euro culture is savage, underneath the layers, but still savage. As with many things, blacks can excel at things they put their minds too. Unfortunately, they've focused on the "savage" aspect of the Euro culture. We've been taught and shown the savage aspect, so that's the hold we've grabbed.

The blacks you call worthless, jobless users, are this way for various reasons. The genesis of all of this is the lie that was sold to them as children. That they were bushmen chuckin spears and living in huts until majestic white man came along and rescued them from Afrika. It's a tough thing sitting in class while this is being taught in the fourth grade, and during breaks the little white kids make comments to you like, "Ah hah, yall lived like animals". Then on top of that, when we got to America, we were beaten and raped and killed, families split up and were forced to accept christianity. Even the names were taken from the slaves! The language was taken from black people! That's a powerful thing...and why I don't give much credence to people who compare the plight of blacks with other immigrants. Those other immigrants still have their cultures and ties to their homelands! That's a powerful thing to raise children using.

What did black kids have as a legacy....great, great grandma was beaten if she read a book. That's nothing to be proud about, and that brings ANGER!

You're correct that parts of our culture are destructive. Those parts are being weeded out by us and will soon be gone. But remember this, the destructive parts of our culture were nurtured by white America. Take the hip hop aspect: I know for a fact that in the 80's hip hop had a positive message. One group came along that highlighted the negative, made millions and then corporate America from then out told aspiring artists that they MUST make negative music displaying the gang culture and violence and drugs or their music will not be played. Was this done intentionally or for the money...I suppose a little of both.

It's not so much an entitlement as in "please take care of me". I don't know anyone like that! It's an entitlement as in, "OK you own all the monopoly properties...I'm not playing anymore, let me see you play by yourself!" A person is a fool to play in a rigged game.

The part you state about not hiring blacks because of the way they talk or dressed...that's what blacks suffer from. The job I currently work, a professional job, took a gamble on hiring me. I'm a thug looking black guy, even with the mouth jewelry and tattoos. When people see I work here, they usually give me the, "You don't look like you will work in a place like this." Those are judgements and guess what, I'm one of the best workers here. The leadership sometimes act as though they're in awe that I can perform this job well! Many employers miss out on good workers because they are making judgements from dress and dialect which are European standards.

Until the game board is reset, there will continue to be problems and discrimination toward blacks and other minorities. One other point, everyother culture and assimulate into European culture easier than blacks. We stick out, I mean...we're black.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by American-philosopher

For some statistics, look here.
US Unemployment

Among the major worker groups, the unemployment rates for adult men (8.6 percent), adult women (7.7 percent), teenagers (24.5 percent), whites (7.9 percent), blacks (15.5 percent), and Hispanics (11.3 percent) showed little change in March. The jobless rate for Asians was 7.1 percent, not seasonally adjusted.

The reason can be many.
It can be location specific.
Or other local variables that causes it.

US unemployment by State

Or the largest group. The teenagers. A staggering 25% unemployment!
So, if there are many black teenagers.
It will ofcourse affect the statistics.

US unemployment. Different groups.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 01:44 PM
Disregarding the rights and wrongs, if you live in a country where you are a minority you may experience the 'majority' effect. People seem to feel happier amongst their own. I think that's just how people are and its probably an unconscious thing. It works whether one is black living in a majority white area or white, living in a majority black area. Its just how we are. Although in hospital the other day I saw a number of staff and none of us had the 'majority' effect we were from all over the world.

I think there is a more fundamental problem with unemployment though and its not especially focused on any one group of people its across the board. Since the last 6 decades technology has been developed that has taken away so many jobs and these jobs have never been replaced.

I went to college 67 - 71. During the holidays I temped as a secretary in London. It wasn't unusual to go onto huge floors with well over 100+ desks in rows with people doing commercial billing, ordering etc and there would be more floors below. This environment was a hive for people with average skills and various ages. Once the computer came in those floors became graveyards. All that mass employment type of job disappeared and has never been replaced. With improvements in technology this has been going on for the last six decades.

In many factories now machines do the job of X men, or the factory, especially in the UK has relocated to cheaper climes. If you take this trend across the board and realize that nothing to address and no solution seems to have been found its only going to get worse. Once the increasing numbers of people either being born or importing themselves into a new country, are brought into the equation the effect is disasterous. Unless its redressed it will only get worse and it won't only be the young out of work, penalised because of "No experience" raising its ugly little head, many will find themselves matching a box that horrified me on the UK census. 'Have you ever worked'. eg we will have people sooner that later, unable to get work all their lives and it won't be fair to slag them off.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by Whereweheaded
reply to post by DZAG Wright

They don't pay taxes because they don't have any money to pay taxes on...what's so hard to understand about that?

That's been my argument throughout this conversation? nice attempt to spin. Reading comprehension isn't your strongest suit eh?

What USG handouts are you accepting?

I dont receive any government assistance. Social programs are Unconstitutional, thus the reason I do the best I can to live off the " grid ".

Let's take it slow...if they don't have any money....if they make so little money that the government has to give them something to survive....where will a gripe come from?

Unless you live in a cave, you receive governemnt assistance, even if it's only keeping those thugs off your a$$...

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by Skogg

I will hold off on calling you a rascist, but I will call you ignorant. Go look at test scores or success rates from whites in generally the same socioeconomic conditions that blacks are. I guarantee you they are reflective.

Sorry, but this is a money issue, and no throwing money won't solve it. Direct policy solutions aimed through education, providing adequate housing for all members of society, and a decent quality of food will be the only solutions. None of your examples are places where the people have all of those ammenities. They only have some.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by Jakes51

See the prison statistics for USA, here:

US inmate statistics

Inmates By Race
White: 121,199 (57.8 %)
Black: 81,086 (38.7 %)
Native American: 3,750 (1.8 %)
Asian: 3,574 (1.7 %)

United States: 154,976 (73.9 %)
Mexico: 36,652 (17.5 %)
Colombia: 2,581 (1.2 %)
Cuba: 1,751 (0.8 %)
Dominican Republic: 2,523 (1.2 %)
Other/Unknown: 11,126 (5.3 %

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by Whereweheaded

LMAO! Where the hell did you get that plea from...looks like the Rush or Bortz show...LMAO!

That is the spin of all spins!

White slavery here in America. I really should have stopped reading the piece after the word "liberal" was used like poison. That tells me off bat the type person who authored the piece. I'd challenge them to look the word liberal up, can't do that, so I ask you to look the word up and post it for all to see. So others who have been accepting the brainwashing of neoconservatives can gain knowledge.

To crush the entire piece...if there were white slaves, the only thing they had to do was walk off the land, relocate a state over and act as though they belong.

Could a black person do this?

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by Anon404

Poverty does not make you have a child out of wedlock. Poverty does not make you abandon your children. Poverty does not make you not get engaged in your child's school work or police who he/she hangs out with. In the 1950's and early 60's, before the "Great Society" and the "War on Poverty" the structure and strength of the black family was far stronger than it is today, yet the poverty rate was higher. Why is that?

Its because these programs under cut responsibility. These programs made it less necessary to have a two parent family. Relationships are difficult and often messy. When you are getting free housing, a monthly check, free medical care, subsidized telephone and now internet, why bother working to build a lasting relationship. These programs obviated the need for husbands and fathers, period.

As far as racism, I have seen it first hand on both sides. I grew up in a poor city in NJ and my middle and high schools were 50% black. I had tons of black friends. They all had fathers. Their fathers all had jobs. Their fathers were engaged in the community - they coached us in sports, they sat with white folks at games and concerts, everyone was lower or lower middle class and everyone got along. There were no racial fights in school (blacks fought with blacks and whites fought with whites).

Around 1965-7, all of that changed. After the Watts and Newark riots, it was hands off to the blacks. For the same offense, a white kid would get suspended and the black kid would not. For basic offenses like missing homework, the white kids grade was hit and the black kids was not. What did that do? It created the environment where the black kids could do things, knowing that they would not get into trouble. The black kids did not have to take their homework seriously because their were no consequences. How well did that serve them?

We've been treating black folks with kid gloves in this country for decades. We treat them differently and they have evolved differently. Into a culture that largly inhibits success. Now we've got folks wringing their hands about it. Trillions of dollars spent and the situation continues to worsen. There is no amount of money that can fix the current problems in the black community. There needs to be a mental shift from outward looking at why potentially there is something holding them back to inward looking to evaluate the conditions they are creating that holds them back. There is no amount of cash to fix that. It needs to be fixed inside the community.

I have always found this quote from Shakespeare's Julius Ceasar to be something to guide me when I was copping the poor me attitude:

"Men at some time are masters of their fates: The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves, that we are underlings". - (Quote Act I, Scene II).

At some point, each of us needs to take charge of our lot in life and either accept it or change it.

One of the ironic and perhaps comical things in American society today is that Blacks have consistently scored higher on self-esteem tests and studies than any other group. Whites are second and Native American's last.

If you do a bit of research on this topic, you will find that one of the components of this is that Blacks don't place their self worth based on the opinions of others nearly as much as whites do. OK. Who is your boss, who is going to hire you, who do you need to demonstrate competence, dedication, value to advance in life? Other people. Who do you need to work for, so dedication, impress to get good grades? Other people. For what ever reason, blacks have been scientifically shown to care less about what other folks think about them than Whites. Perhaps unfortunately (I think not) thats a problem with getting and education, getting a job, keeping a job and advancing in a job in an industrial, modern society.

edit on 4-4-2011 by dolphinfan because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-4-2011 by dolphinfan because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by DZAG Wright

where will a gripe come from?

Gee, I dunno, maybe the gripe will come from the tax payers who supply the monies that are distributed to those who receive Unconstitutional welfare checks?

let me ask you this? Do you believe that others should be entitled to the fruits of your labor? Take a moment, and think hard before responding.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by Anon404

Yes, this could most likely be an education issue.
And it is bothersome.

Graduation statistics

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by SheeplFlavoredAgain

Originally posted by baked

Originally posted by SheeplFlavoredAgain
reply to post by DZAG Wright

As a non black who grew up in a majority black suburb, I say go for it! At this point in America, anyone who perseveres with a good work ethic, common sense and dedication to excellence has a shot at success. White or black or any other race,

You mean to tell me that black people living in poverty are not predisposed to conditions requiring them to put in at least 5 times more effort than the average white man? Show me the statistics.
I forgot to add, you do realize some white people live in abject poverty in the USA, too, don't you? One of my good friends I met involved in animal rescue and humanitarian work came from a very impoverished coal mining family.

Oh yes I'm aware that many white people live in abject poverty. That's why I see most as brothers and sisters who are in the same fight as I am. Even though many don't realize.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by Whereweheaded

Originally posted by DZAG Wright

Originally posted by Whereweheaded

Originally posted by PLASIFISK

Originally posted by Whereweheaded

Originally posted by 88solarman88
I blame African Americans and the government.

If African Americans hate living in USA then they should see whats jobs are available in Africa, I mean if they still class themselves as "African" that shouldnt be a problem right?

But they wouldn't dare do that...there world of entitlements doesn't exist in Africa! BWAHAHAHA!!

LOL..Thats so racist....geez.

I knew someone would pull the " racist " card....that was inevitable! You lack the ability to conjure up a constructive thought, to rebuke my comments, so your only means is the " racist " card? BWAHAHAH!! typical!

I wouldn't say it's so much racist as stupid and ignorant...mostly neckish...

Truth hurts huh?

You tell me...

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 02:02 PM
I believe the reason that black people don't do as well when it comes to employment is that they don't have high enough self confidence in their ability to actually achieve a high paying job. Even though racism is no longer the biggest factor in a black person's employment they still have not accepted that idea. I base this on my personal experience working with black people.

So at low-skill level employment its not that they are lazy its that they are paid a low amount and do not perceive a benefit in working exceptionally hard. In fact, from their viewpoint they would be basically doing welfare for the rich if they were to work extra hard for their employer. If an employer is rich, paying their employee a low salary, and they have no intention of promoting the worker, clearly that worker would in fact be doing something fairly dumb by working exceptionally hard for that employer. Of course that really isn't the case, but it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

The ones that do have a lot of confidence in their ability to be employed and paid well seem to have no trouble finding and holding a job. And as another poster pointed out this activity can be seen as "acting white" where white is used as a derogatory term. So there is an anti-intellectualism element to it as well.

What black people should be doing is starting their own businesses. But many who are doing that seem to start illicit drug businesses, which doesn't really help the fellow black people they employ because it does not look good on their resumes to be street drug dealers, even though doing that in many circumstances requires a high level of social skills and salesmanship. Furthermore a lot of drug dealers are in and out of prison regularly, something that destroys the very fabric of society. I believe the legalization of drugs would be a dramatic help in getting black people back on their feet.

So I would say what black people should focus on is self-confidence and legalization of all plants and other substances. Asians do exceptionally well and will outdo white people. Why? Their focus is on gaining intelligence. Intelligence is something that works fantastically at making people wealthy. So I suppose Asia will be the next superpower while Europe and America will fall victims to focusing on American Idol.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 02:07 PM

The blacks you call worthless, jobless users, are this way for various reasons. The genesis of all of this is the lie that was sold to them as children. That they were bushmen chuckin spears and living in huts until majestic white man came along and rescued them from Afrika.

What the heck school did you go to where you got THIS lesson?

Actually (as I learned it), it was started when groups of Africans warred with and captured other groups of Africans, and then sold these war captives off as slave labor to even more greedy Imperialists (various European and American powers). There was no "rescue"...when war captives weren't enough to meet the greed of slavers, they then branched out to capturing even more people outside of wars (civilians). Not sure about you, but I was taught that slaves were basically captured kicking and screaming, forced onto ships where they were crowded in like sardines, and in chains, and then forced to work under deplorable conditions, for the most part until they died.

I totally sympathize with the plight of slavery, and I bear the shame of my ancestors for their role in it. I can say though, that from available evidence, my ancestors did seem to treat theirs pretty progressively. They are even buried in the same family cemetery (shared by about three families) going back to the early 1800's. Something that was probably unheard of at the time. I even knew one family who was descended from a slave family my ancestors had, and the relations were always very cordial. That said though, I wasn't there, and was before even my great grandparents were born, so I really wouldn't know. From the dates on the headstones, my family appears to have ended their involvement in the practice prior to the Civil War.

While I bear the shame though, I don't bear the responsibility. It wasn't my decision, and I had no input in the process. Point is, I certainly don't recall any lessons that whites "rescued" Africans into slavery. Even the idea is preposterous.

Of course, a point of order, is that slavery (such as that in America) didn't just "start" had been around for centuries. The Egyptians (or Afrikans as you put it) enslaved the Jews to build their pyramids way before...or did we forget that little tidbit?
There is no innocence here. We're all descended from monsters, but that's no reason to not learn from their mistakes.
edit on 4-4-2011 by Gazrok because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by DZAG Wright
reply to post by Whereweheaded

LMAO! Where the hell did you get that plea from...looks like the Rush or Bortz show...LMAO!

That is the spin of all spins!

White slavery here in America. I really should have stopped reading the piece after the word "liberal" was used like poison. That tells me off bat the type person who authored the piece. I'd challenge them to look the word liberal up, can't do that, so I ask you to look the word up and post it for all to see. So others who have been accepting the brainwashing of neoconservatives can gain knowledge.

To crush the entire piece...if there were white slaves, the only thing they had to do was walk off the land, relocate a state over and act as though they belong.

Could a black person do this?

And your viable evidence to denounce the historical facts of white slavery? Have any? Didn't think so...
Yes, white slavery existed...stop and think you honestly think, in our current system, that whites, ( as well as all ) are not slaves? We are all slaves to the current system. But the question is, whats the interpretation of slavery? Everyone has their own definition. Point is, slavery existed for all, at one time or another. But you don't see the Arabs, the chinese, or the Whites, or the Indians, crying foul, every time their race doesn't get there way.

Gee, who does that now? Who pulls the slave card at every turn? Who pushes for their entitlement programs, under the premise of " our ancestors were slaves"? Who, is on TV nearly daily, claiming the white man did this, or that? You guessed it, Al Sharpton, and Jesse Jackson! ( talk about racists

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by American-philosopher

Let's just say...if a white person and a black person with the same qualifications apply for the same job Im guessing the white person is gonna get that job.
reply to post by dude69

that brings up a good point I wonder what the numbers are on Black owned bussiness??

It seem to be 1.9 million.

Receipts for black-owned businesses in 2007, up 55.1 percent from 2002. The number of black-owned businesses totaled 1.9 million in 2007, up 60.5 percent.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok

Firstly, where do you think the Asian race came from? That they just materialized out of goo? Afrikans migrated out of Afrika, where I hope we can agree all people came from, and colonized Asia. That's using that point, using a different one, observe the molars of Native Americans side by side with blacks. You'll see that we have the same ridges. I'll have to find my papers for that study.

Not sure why you're spelling it like that, assuming it is some kind of propaganda stunt, but so be it. Forget molars, etc. (which is more indicative of diet). The study I gave you was based on DNA. Thanks for playing. I think we can agree that although the oldest skeletons did come from Africa, the Asians, as a culture and people, pretty much developed distinct cultural and societal (and eventually even genetic) differences from those long, long ago shared ancestors.

The other lie that has been extended, the Egyptians are more Middle East than Afrikan. Well, I guess you can say so NOW, but the traditional Egyptians were black Afrikans. Thousands of years before this mixed breed of Egyptian existed. This mixed breed of blacks who are more responsible for selling blacks into slavery than even pure whites. Where do you think Middle Easterners and the other molatto looking races come from? They come from when black afrikans had shipped the white people to those mountains in Europe, but the white people returned THOUSANDS of years later and the black afrikans were enthralled with white women.

Have you ever LIVED in the Middle East? I have. Middle Easterners have about as much in common with Africans as whites do...which to nothing. Also, you have to study the history of conquest (and their political alliances, etc.) to see that the conquerers in Egypt descended from the same fertile crescent as the rest of organized society.

There's plenty of evidence being surpressed or destroyed which show Afrika had long ago conquered this planet. If I were on my home computer I would be glad to provide links. I may take the time now and do a quick search.

A) Even if we are to take this leap of faith and assume they did? What happened? Either way you slice it, these theoretical "Afrikan" conquerers of yours didn't hold their territory, or their place in history, and yet other conquered peoples did (i.e maintain their place in history even as they were plundered)

B) The "evidence" you speak of, if it's the same I'm thinking of, is more indicative of an awareness of Africans by people thought to not have interacted with them, which is a far cry from being conquered and ruled by said people. Indeed, I would argue that a traveling artist would certainly want to capture the visage of a distant and exotic people in his/her art, and share it with their own people.

C) The argument has little bearing on the breakdown of the modern black American family structure or societal culture and how it hampers the future of its youth. My sincere hope is for people of all races and creeds to find success, but I don't think that attempts to rewrite a desired history are either useful or conducive to doing so. Of course, it's my own opinion, and yours may differ, but it is what it is.

edit on 4-4-2011 by Gazrok because: (no reason given)

I spell it that way because that's how Afrikans spelled it before Europeans changed it, actually I believe it is Afrikaa or something like that.

When black people left Afrika, due to climate and different radiation, they mutated. Asians are descendents of Afrikans. As are every other race you want to mention, the only one there is a question about is Anglo-Saxon.

Yes Middle-Easterners are different from Afrikans, where Afrikans are still discriminated and enslaved. It's goes way back to when Anglo-Saxons returned with white women and the Afrikan males were enthralled by them. Middle Easterners and Asians are the results, along with mutation. The children of these mixings, always had ties to Europe however. And these ties are what led to Afrika being conquered. The original Afrikaans were despised by their offspring and sold into slavery.

My point is that, Afrikaan conquest of the world dates back millions of years, not thousands. There's something that hasn't become mainstream now, and may not ever! Hue-mans had conquered this world when the continents were still Pangea!

My goal isn't for black people to continue the "white man is holding me down mentality". My goal is to install pride in black people, to let them know that they don't come from spear chuckers. I then want every race to come together as brothers. Our potential will never be achieved until the races are absolved.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 02:20 PM
This is a much bigger issue than just Blacks increasing unemployment.
Looking at the much bigger picture it all encompasses the overall employment situation and trend here in the USA.

The simple fact of the matter is is that there are fewer jobs available in which to be had !

We really need to look beyond race but at current trends.

Look at the statistics as far as the trend as to where the concentration of wealth is heading ?

And that is, in case you didn't know, the wealth of this nation is being concentrated into 2% of the US Population.

This is a fact that we ALL will be facing before too long at the current rate. The Black unemployment is only the tip of the iceberg.

As long as our productivity AND jobs continue to be moved off shore.

Leave the color/race issues aside. This is a Rich vs Poor ...issue.

It doesn't matter whether you are Black, White or Purple. The same statistics will be staring you in the face before too long.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by DZAG Wright

My goal is to install pride in black people, to let them know that they don't come from spear chuckers

Not to PC are ya? You might as well have suggested that they descended from monkies while your at it?

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by Skogg

There is not another country on this planet where a small ethinic minority (12%) has been:

Secretary of State
Secretary of Defense
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
Attorney General
Numerous other Executive Branch
Senior members of the Congress, holding significant posts, such as head of Ways and Means Heads of major corporations such as Merril Lynch and American Express Among the highest paid and revered figures in sports and entertainment

They're all those things because it's been handed to them. What do you think AA is? Or the all famous race card? Or "Let's vote for him because he's black and no other reason *cough cough like Obama cough*"

I don't have blacks because of their skin, or how they look? I don't even hate all blacks; I've had black friends. I only hate the ones that are animals and are a drain on society. And, sadly, most blacks are animals and a drain. This is truth. Now, you can say what you want about me; "Oh you're racist" "Oh you're an ignorant hick/redneck/ Nazi", but it is YOU who do not open your eyes and see the truth. Look at Africa, Haiti, majority black cities in the United States and more recently, Europe. For example, in Norway, rape and crime are skyrocketing, as are they throughout all of Europe. Why? Immigration, from black and muslim groups.

Hell, look at Haiti. We've poured MILLIONS into it after the Earthquake and they've YET to pick themselves up? They're eating eachother for God's sake. Or, how about Africa? DECADES of money, food, supplies, etc etc...sent there and it's still a craphole. It's because they lack the capacity all together to do it for themselves. The same goes for many blacks in the US (Note: not all blacks). And now they want us to pour MORE into it, and become POOR like them! Africa is the richest continent resource wise ffs.

It is the liberal media and the liberal agenda that is pushing multiculturalism and its other ilk onto our societies. Kids have been brainwashed, since the 60's, to think that we are all one and there is no difference besides skin color when that isn't the case at all. Look at apples? Red and Green apples; they look the same, except skin color. But when you bite into it, they're completely different. Red apples are soft and have a different flavor/texture while Green apples are hard and sweet. Wolves are "all the same" yet there are different types. Yet, apparently, when it comes to Humans we're the same 100%? No, that doesn't make sense. There ARE differences between whites and blacks, both physical and mental.

Whites are different than blacks. Muslims are different from asians. I'm not saying we should all go kill eachother or take away rights, but we shouldn't be mixing around and diluting gene pools of all races on this planet. You know what they say; "Black countries for blacks, asian countries for asians, white countries for everyone!".

I won't be surprised if I'm called an ignorant racist hillbilly hick Nazi because I don't conform to your brainwashed ways of thinking and love race mixing and what not, and I'm sure this post will be deleted because only one "intelligence" is allowed, but no one should be sitting around and saying we're all one, we're all friends and if we don't do what Blacks want, we're (meaning Whites), are racist. Want more proof? Just go look at how they're dumbing down tests because blacks are too dumb to pass them!

If you were in my presence...

"Animals"? Who are you calling an animal? I'd cause you to go crazy if I informed you of the REAL history and not what was fed to all American children. Sadly, I hate to say this, but YOU ARE the animal...excuse me, the mutant animal that Afrikaans took to the Caucasus mountains out of pity because the sun was burning you. That was the extent of the Caucasians domain for a long time until they

"A drain on society", I sit at my desk at the unemployment/welfare office as I type this and can assure you there are more whites draining society than blacks.

You're such a ignorant neck that you don't realize Haiti, Afrika and every other black nation is in poverty because of European plunder. You state yourself that Afrika is rich in resources. You think they don't know this? Of course they do, as does America and Europe who makes it their business to keep Afrika separated and constantly warring. They know a unified Afrika will once again conquer this planet. I say "once again" because we ruled this planet before white people were invented. Go ask the Pope to open the vaults and show all the Afrikan artifacts they've hidden to continue this LIE that Europe brought civilization to the world. Everything Europe know, it learned from black people.

"Lack the capacity" sound like you were around when they were claiming blacks were 3/5's LMAO!

Go educate yourself...

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