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Scary unemployment rate for African Americans

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posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by Advantage

Hello...I am also RED, to an extent.

Cajun...French Indian.....Ocmulgee/Seminole Creek and Cherokee...A family formed after the trail of tears....

Thats it....nothing more on that....just uh, nice to meet you, sort of....we've got something in common, kinda...


posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 12:26 PM
A few years ago, I was the only white girl at the office in which I worked. And the owners of the company who did the hiring were both white.

I think we've reached a point where we can no longer make sweeping generalizations about race in this country. The younger people and kids with whom I have worked (as a church youth leader and teacher) are predominantly colorblind. In fact, I've seen more admiration and acceptance of other races.

In a few generations, we will all be the same color anyway, so this will be a non-issue.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by Advantage

Well presented, and in many cases, your comments are true. Something I came across....very good read as well.
History as we know it, has been obliterated within our school systems. Below, is just one source of history...take it or leave it.
This first quote is what stuck out to me, but the rest of the text that is provided below, is a good starting point~

There is a history of White people that has never been told in any coherent form, largely because most modern historians have, for reasons of politics or psychology, refused to recognize White slaves in America as just that. Today, not a tear is shed for the sufferings of millions of our enslaved forefathers. 200 years of White slavery in America have been almost completely obliterated from the collective memory of the American people. Writer Elaine Kendall asks "Who wants to be reminded that half - perhaps as many as two-thirds - of the original American colonists came here, not of their own free will, but kidnapped, shanghaied, impressed, duped, beguiled, and yes, in chains - ?...we tend to gloss over it... we'd prefer to forget the whole sorry chapter."

Now for the doc:

The history of America and of Western Civilization is not being taught as it should be in our schools and universities today. Historical facts are suppressed, and what is taught is distorted in such a way as to advance the world government agenda, with all inconvenient historical facts, knowledge of which might cause our young people to question that agenda, purposely left out. It is a tragedy of monumental proportions that our schools have been converted into "liberal" brainwashing institutions, though I do feel a sense of encouragement when I read that more and more real Americans are taking their children out of the public schools and teaching them at home. As regular listeners to this program know, the global elite that push multiculturalism push it because it undermines our national and racial sense of identity, and not out of any love or concern for ethnic minorities. In fact, it should be obvious to everyone that multiculturalism and globalism threaten the racial and cultural integrity of all peoples, not just White Americans. Nevertheless, because America is, or was until recently, a predominantly White nation, one of the primary ways that national disintegration is promoted by the destroyers of nations in this country is by the inculcation of White guilt for Black slavery.

By recounting and emphasizing again and again the real and imagined sufferings of Black people under slavery, the White student is made to feel that his ancestors were cruel, morally retarded, and evil. They are made to feel that they owe Black people a nearly infinite compensation, since, they are taught, Black people's problems today are the legacy of hundreds of years of slavery for which White people are responsible. They are taught that the relative prosperity which we enjoy today was achieved largely by exploitation of Black slaves. Is it any wonder that thousands of our young people join Jesse Jackson in chanting "Hey Hey Ho Ho, Western Culture's Gotta Go"? Is it any wonder that they all too often reject our European cultural heritage and embrace all forms of alien styles of music, dancing, dress, grooming and slang, from Jamaican "rasta" to "gangsta rap"? Is it any wonder that White teenagers are committing suicide in higher numbers every year? They have received, in our public schools and colleges, not a "liberal education," but an education by liberals. They have been taught very well indeed -taught that they and their ancestors and their traditions and their natural feelings are worthless and an obstacle to be overcome.

Now these liberal lies are easily countered by facts. The primary fact that must be emphasized is that many hundreds of thousands of White people were slaves in early America. In fact, White slavery was not only extremely common, but until the late 18th century it was far more common than Black slavery here. Also little known is the fact that living and labor conditions for Black slaves, bad as they often were, were usually far better than those for White slaves.

At this point, many of you are probably saying "White slaves? What in the world is he talking about? Sure, there were White indentured servants and apprentices in colonial America, and maybe sometimes they were treated badly, but actual White slavery - that's something that disappeared with the Romans and the Vikings. And to compare White indentured servants to Black slaves is the worst sort of racist distortion of history!"

Some of you are probably saying or thinking exactly that, and quite frankly to most of us the idea of White slavery in early America is hard to accept, schooled as we are by the controlled media and the liberal-dominated public schools. But researcher and writer Michael Hoffman has recently come out with one of the most earth-shaking works of historical research in the last decade, entitled They Were White and They Were Slaves. This program is based on Mr. Hoffman's original research into documents long hidden from the public eye and revealing a very different America from that presented in the controlled media.

There is a history of White people that has never been told in any coherent form, largely because most modern historians have, for reasons of politics or psychology, refused to recognize White slaves in America as just that.

Today, not a tear is shed for the sufferings of millions of our enslaved forefathers. 200 years of White slavery in America have been almost completely obliterated from the collective memory of the American people. Writer Elaine Kendall asks "Who wants to be reminded that half - perhaps as many as two-thirds - of the original American colonists came here, not of their own free will, but kidnapped, shanghaied, impressed, duped, beguiled, and yes, in chains - ?...we tend to gloss over it... we'd prefer to forget the whole sorry chapter."

A correct understanding of the authentic history of the enslavement of Whites in America could have profound consequences for the future. Most of the books on White labor in early America use words like "White indentured servitude," "White bondservants," White servants," etc. Few are now aware that the majority of these so-called "servants" were bound to a condition more properly called permanent chattel slavery unto death. The papers legally allowing the enslavement, called indentures, were often forged by kidnappers and press-gangs; and in cases where these papers did not literally specify a life term of servitude, the slave-owner had the legal right to unilaterally increase the length of the term on the flimsiest pretexts. The so-called "apprentices" or "indentured servants" had no say in the matter. These enslaved White people are, however, never called slaves by establishment academics and media spokesmen. To do so would destroy the myth of unique Black victimhood and universal White guilt.

Today, with the massive concentration of educational and media resources on the Black experience of slavery, the unspoken assumption has been that only Blacks have been enslaved to any degree or magnitude worthy of study or memorial. The historical record reveals that this is not the case, however. The word "slave" itself is derived from the word "slav," a reference to the Eastern European White people who, among others, were enslaved by their fellow Whites, by the Mongols, and by the Arabs over a period of many centuries.
According to Thomas Burton's Parliamentary Diary 1656-1659, in 1659 the English parliament debated the practice of selling British Whites into slavery in the New World. In the debate, these Whites were referred to not as "indentured servants" but as "slaves."

Per T&C, the article continues, but is lengthy. But the point Im trying to make, is that its more than just a culture, or color thing..but rather, a political agenda. Those in power use the sources that divide us as means to an end.
Sad really, but in conjunction with that " agenda ", the stats don't lie.
edit on 4-4-2011 by Whereweheaded because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-4-2011 by Whereweheaded because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-4-2011 by Whereweheaded because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by baked

Originally posted by SheeplFlavoredAgain
reply to post by DZAG Wright

As a non black who grew up in a majority black suburb, I say go for it! At this point in America, anyone who perseveres with a good work ethic, common sense and dedication to excellence has a shot at success. White or black or any other race,

You mean to tell me that black people living in poverty are not predisposed to conditions requiring them to put in at least 5 times more effort than the average white man? Show me the statistics.
I forgot to add, you do realize some white people live in abject poverty in the USA, too, don't you? One of my good friends I met involved in animal rescue and humanitarian work came from a very impoverished coal mining family.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 12:40 PM
as an AA, black ppl needs to step up and stop letting BET brainwash us. We need to stop complaining and think about what do you want to do with our life beside using drugs, going to jail or dying. Whether its starting your own business or going to school. We dont think about that at all!
edit on 4-4-2011 by sam_inc because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by American-philosopher

The unemployment rate for Black Americans is always higher than all the other race tribes. Likewise the rate of welfare for Black Americans is always higher than it is for other race tribes. Choices in lifestyles and values coming out of sub-culutres has everything to do with these statistics.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by ButterCookie

Yes ma'am, I'm doing my studies. I wish more black people would do this and attitudes would change.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by Whereweheaded

Originally posted by PLASIFISK

Originally posted by Whereweheaded

Originally posted by 88solarman88
I blame African Americans and the government.

If African Americans hate living in USA then they should see whats jobs are available in Africa, I mean if they still class themselves as "African" that shouldnt be a problem right?

But they wouldn't dare do that...there world of entitlements doesn't exist in Africa! BWAHAHAHA!!

LOL..Thats so racist....geez.

I knew someone would pull the " racist " card....that was inevitable! You lack the ability to conjure up a constructive thought, to rebuke my comments, so your only means is the " racist " card? BWAHAHAH!! typical!

I wouldn't say it's so much racist as stupid and ignorant...mostly neckish...

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by sam_inc

I starred your post but just want to reiterate what I said to "baked" in my other post, There are so many black success stories out there. I'm not black nor is my husband but being from the DC Metro area where there is a good concentration of highly educated successful black Americans that did come out of the nasty drug infested city and suburban streets, I see the role models are out there. And many of them, including a friend of ours, are even leaving their successful careers for a bit to work in schools as teachers to try and uplift the next generation of kids of ALL races, but especially struggling black youth.

So much of what I am that is good I owe to black role models and like I said, I'm not black. I'm a Caucasian Asian mix, Black people can achieve and don't let the media or doomsayers or statistics tell any individual otherwise.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by OneEleven
reply to post by Advantage

Hello...I am also RED, to an extent.

Cajun...French Indian.....Ocmulgee/Seminole Creek and Cherokee...A family formed after the trail of tears....

Thats it....nothing more on that....just uh, nice to meet you, sort of....we've got something in common, kinda...


Nice to meet you.
Im Blackfeet ( Piegan SIksika) . 1st Gen born off of the rez in my family. My dad went from Montana to New Orleans to get away from the red slave culture of the rez and the oppressive and racist BIA/Federal Govt.

I figure its not much different for the blacks, they have the numbers that we dont.. so they can actually do something about it if they desire. We have the legitimate culture, but its being used against us. I guess its up to the black culture and community if they want to be perpetual victims.. I hope they decide differently in my lifetime. Id love to see it with my own eyes.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by DZAG Wright

Originally posted by Whereweheaded

Originally posted by PLASIFISK

Originally posted by Whereweheaded

Originally posted by 88solarman88
I blame African Americans and the government.

If African Americans hate living in USA then they should see whats jobs are available in Africa, I mean if they still class themselves as "African" that shouldnt be a problem right?

But they wouldn't dare do that...there world of entitlements doesn't exist in Africa! BWAHAHAHA!!

LOL..Thats so racist....geez.

I knew someone would pull the " racist " card....that was inevitable! You lack the ability to conjure up a constructive thought, to rebuke my comments, so your only means is the " racist " card? BWAHAHAH!! typical!

I wouldn't say it's so much racist as stupid and ignorant...mostly neckish...

Truth hurts huh?

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by ButterCookie

I agree, with that, I still live in the ghetto, and one thing I can not stand is the Ghetto IGNORANT attitude, some days I see it more, some days I see it less, oddly enough lately some days I don't see it at all lol. I think the large part of the issue is the "ghetto" culture. And it is a damned shame when you are considered a traitor or a white wanna be just because you don't subscribe to the "ghetto" culture. Although it's funny, having grown up here, being a long haired metal head sometimes speaking with friends some ghetto lingo slips out and I get weird-ed out stares by other people haha, which reminds me, I kinda get the same as far as the musical culture goes, most Mexicans expect me to listen to the Regional Mexican music , and I hate it, I prefer Heavy metal. I feel it may be the same when people expect all blacks to listen to rap and hip-hop.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by American-philosopher

Have you seen my topic it is about this.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 01:20 PM
The real unemployment rate is usually at least double what is claimed because the stats they publish do not include anyone that is severely underemployed (say working 10 hours a week) or those that have quit looking for employment or those that have run out of benefits or those who never applied for benefits, or those who are too young to be counted because at 18-25 they are just living with their parents because there isn't any work.

So ya, with a real unemployment rate of about 30% for african americans, I would say that is something that is tragic for society as a whole, not just those out of work. And in response to the OP, I would say the reasoning for this discrepancy is a little of all the reasons you listed. Add a little of all of them together and this is what you get.

Employment is important for providing a person with a sense of self worth. When individuals stop valuing themselves, they will then also stop valuing others, causing degradation of society.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by Majestic Lumen
reply to post by ButterCookie

I agree, with that, I still live in the ghetto, and one thing I can not stand is the Ghetto IGNORANT attitude, some days I see it more, some days I see it less, oddly enough lately some days I don't see it at all lol. I think the large part of the issue is the "ghetto" culture. And it is a damned shame when you are considered a traitor or a white wanna be just because you don't subscribe to the "ghetto" culture. Although it's funny, having grown up here, being a long haired metal head sometimes speaking with friends some ghetto lingo slips out and I get weird-ed out stares by other people haha, which reminds me, I kinda get the same as far as the musical culture goes, most Mexicans expect me to listen to the Regional Mexican music , and I hate it, I prefer Heavy metal. I feel it may be the same when people expect all blacks to listen to rap and hip-hop.

Culture that promotes ignorance as a champion, and stupidity as being cool has long been a problem, particularly in the old south. It is not limited by race.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 01:21 PM

Firstly, where do you think the Asian race came from? That they just materialized out of goo? Afrikans migrated out of Afrika, where I hope we can agree all people came from, and colonized Asia. That's using that point, using a different one, observe the molars of Native Americans side by side with blacks. You'll see that we have the same ridges. I'll have to find my papers for that study.

Not sure why you're spelling it like that, assuming it is some kind of propaganda stunt, but so be it. Forget molars, etc. (which is more indicative of diet). The study I gave you was based on DNA. Thanks for playing. I think we can agree that although the oldest skeletons did come from Africa, the Asians, as a culture and people, pretty much developed distinct cultural and societal (and eventually even genetic) differences from those long, long ago shared ancestors.

The other lie that has been extended, the Egyptians are more Middle East than Afrikan. Well, I guess you can say so NOW, but the traditional Egyptians were black Afrikans. Thousands of years before this mixed breed of Egyptian existed. This mixed breed of blacks who are more responsible for selling blacks into slavery than even pure whites. Where do you think Middle Easterners and the other molatto looking races come from? They come from when black afrikans had shipped the white people to those mountains in Europe, but the white people returned THOUSANDS of years later and the black afrikans were enthralled with white women.

Have you ever LIVED in the Middle East? I have. Middle Easterners have about as much in common with Africans as whites do...which to nothing. Also, you have to study the history of conquest (and their political alliances, etc.) to see that the conquerers in Egypt descended from the same fertile crescent as the rest of organized society.

There's plenty of evidence being surpressed or destroyed which show Afrika had long ago conquered this planet. If I were on my home computer I would be glad to provide links. I may take the time now and do a quick search.

A) Even if we are to take this leap of faith and assume they did? What happened? Either way you slice it, these theoretical "Afrikan" conquerers of yours didn't hold their territory, or their place in history, and yet other conquered peoples did (i.e maintain their place in history even as they were plundered)

B) The "evidence" you speak of, if it's the same I'm thinking of, is more indicative of an awareness of Africans by people thought to not have interacted with them, which is a far cry from being conquered and ruled by said people. Indeed, I would argue that a traveling artist would certainly want to capture the visage of a distant and exotic people in his/her art, and share it with their own people.

C) The argument has little bearing on the breakdown of the modern black American family structure or societal culture and how it hampers the future of its youth. My sincere hope is for people of all races and creeds to find success, but I don't think that attempts to rewrite a desired history are either useful or conducive to doing so. Of course, it's my own opinion, and yours may differ, but it is what it is.

edit on 4-4-2011 by Gazrok because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 01:25 PM
I don't have a lot of time to post this, but I do know the cause and solution to this problem, but good luck implementing it. I've been trying to do so for a while, but to no avail.

I know the first thing you want to do when you see these statistics is to help the African American (AA) community. The problem is more far reaching than this. Please look at the employment statistics for the poor white community, and I believe you will find a correlation. This is a problem of poverty, and it must be solved as such. The rascism against the AA community in our early history has condemned a large segment of the AA community to poverty. where does one begin?

Obviously, progressive taxation and social safety net programs must be put into place, but that obviously solution is far too complex a place to start.

So I want to say, the best place to start is Colleges and Universities. Now they claim that Affirmative Action is the solution to this problem, but I beg to differ. The increasing importance that Colleges and Universities place on test scores is holding back the poor at all levels which historically score far lower than even the middle class. These institutions are giving merely a bandaid to the real problem of these institutions acting as gatekeepers to success in America.

I know America and minorities have grown to rely on affirmative action to solve this problem, but this is absolutely wrong. The affirmative action is hurting the minorities by breeding rascism, limiting discussion on the real problem, creating legal loopholes for rascism in the future, and what does it give in return? A few additional slots or a minor edge in the admission process.

American education needs to be cheaper, there needs to be less emphasis on elitism in education, and programs such as been enacted in a few states where the top 10% of all graduating students from high schools are guaranteed a slot in public schools. This is where to start.

I truly believe when the AA problem is viewed as the poverty problem is really is; you will see major mommentum. Affirmative action acts to divide the impoverished by making these races of poor fight against each other. The result? The impoverished do not have one voice, and thus they are continually marginalized.

Fight poverty as a whole in America, and you will reach the result you so seek for AAs and other minorities.

Please see J. Thomas' dissent in Grutter v. Bollinger for a better version of this argument...
edit on 4-4-2011 by Anon404 because: Added direction to Grutter v. Bollinger

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by Majestic Lumen
reply to post by ButterCookie

I agree, with that, I still live in the ghetto, and one thing I can not stand is the Ghetto IGNORANT attitude, some days I see it more, some days I see it less, oddly enough lately some days I don't see it at all lol. I think the large part of the issue is the "ghetto" culture. And it is a damned shame when you are considered a traitor or a white wanna be just because you don't subscribe to the "ghetto" culture. Although it's funny, having grown up here, being a long haired metal head sometimes speaking with friends some ghetto lingo slips out and I get weird-ed out stares by other people haha, which reminds me, I kinda get the same as far as the musical culture goes, most Mexicans expect me to listen to the Regional Mexican music , and I hate it, I prefer Heavy metal. I feel it may be the same when people expect all blacks to listen to rap and hip-hop.

Quite interesting..

I used to be ashamed to play my pop/rock music when I pulled up next to my black people, now I turn it up

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 01:39 PM

There is not another country on this planet where a small ethinic minority (12%) has been:

Secretary of State
Secretary of Defense
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
Attorney General
Numerous other Executive Branch
Senior members of the Congress, holding significant posts, such as head of Ways and Means Heads of major corporations such as Merril Lynch and American Express Among the highest paid and revered figures in sports and entertainment

They're all those things because it's been handed to them. What do you think AA is? Or the all famous race card? Or "Let's vote for him because he's black and no other reason *cough cough like Obama cough*"

I don't have blacks because of their skin, or how they look? I don't even hate all blacks; I've had black friends. I only hate the ones that are animals and are a drain on society. And, sadly, most blacks are animals and a drain. This is truth. Now, you can say what you want about me; "Oh you're racist" "Oh you're an ignorant hick/redneck/ Nazi", but it is YOU who do not open your eyes and see the truth. Look at Africa, Haiti, majority black cities in the United States and more recently, Europe. For example, in Norway, rape and crime are skyrocketing, as are they throughout all of Europe. Why? Immigration, from black and muslim groups.

Hell, look at Haiti. We've poured MILLIONS into it after the Earthquake and they've YET to pick themselves up? They're eating eachother for God's sake. Or, how about Africa? DECADES of money, food, supplies, etc etc...sent there and it's still a craphole. It's because they lack the capacity all together to do it for themselves. The same goes for many blacks in the US (Note: not all blacks). And now they want us to pour MORE into it, and become POOR like them! Africa is the richest continent resource wise ffs.

It is the liberal media and the liberal agenda that is pushing multiculturalism and its other ilk onto our societies. Kids have been brainwashed, since the 60's, to think that we are all one and there is no difference besides skin color when that isn't the case at all. Look at apples? Red and Green apples; they look the same, except skin color. But when you bite into it, they're completely different. Red apples are soft and have a different flavor/texture while Green apples are hard and sweet. Wolves are "all the same" yet there are different types. Yet, apparently, when it comes to Humans we're the same 100%? No, that doesn't make sense. There ARE differences between whites and blacks, both physical and mental.

Whites are different than blacks. Muslims are different from asians. I'm not saying we should all go kill eachother or take away rights, but we shouldn't be mixing around and diluting gene pools of all races on this planet. You know what they say; "Black countries for blacks, asian countries for asians, white countries for everyone!".

I won't be surprised if I'm called an ignorant racist hillbilly hick Nazi because I don't conform to your brainwashed ways of thinking and love race mixing and what not, and I'm sure this post will be deleted because only one "intelligence" is allowed, but no one should be sitting around and saying we're all one, we're all friends and if we don't do what Blacks want, we're (meaning Whites), are racist. Want more proof? Just go look at how they're dumbing down tests because blacks are too dumb to pass them!

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by adifferentbreed
I honestly have to say I don't care. Blaming the past for todays failures represents a lack in basic common sense. Not one of the blacks alive in America today were slaves, they weren't bought here, it's an excuse. As far as anyone who fees the need to be a hypenated American, I really dont feel bad for them, if they aren't an American, perhaps going to the country they claim might well be an eye opening experience for them.

I'm sorry, but this is a really, really stupid statement. You're saying the past has no impact on the present. That is 100% demonstrably untrue. Maybe no one alive today was a slave, but LOTS of people today lived under government-sanctioned racist brutality. LOTS of people today lived in a strictly segregated unequal society. Many, many, MANY people were shaped by parents who spent their entire lives under these conditions, and had grandparents whose lives were shaped by the slavery of their own parents and the sharecropping slave system of their own time.

The holocaust was in the past, too, do you think it still impacts people's lives? Or do you reserve this vacuum of history solely for American blacks?

As for "hyphenated Americans" well, it wouldn't be necessary if America wasn't regarded as white, Anglo-Saxon, and protestant by default. You don't find hyphens in Brazil, because Brazil is actually integrated and doesn't foster the notion of a dominant racial / cultural caste.

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