posted on May, 15 2013 @ 10:32 PM
I have a condition that has been diagnosed as Spheksophobia.
In layman's terms it is the Fear Of Wasps.
I have Never been stung in my life or had any traumatizing events occur. I even underwent post hypnotic regression to find out the cause and there was
nothing there.
I am not afraid of bees or any other stinging insects. Just Wasps.
I spent several years going through therapy and treatment to no avail.
One treatment that I tried was to take a Live wasp and put it in a jar (My brother did that for me). Then with the lid screwed on tight, put it on the
night stand next to my bed. It took weeks before I could even get a Decent nights sleep. By then it was dead but that did not matter. Then when I
could sleep, after a period of weeks, I would give the lid a little turn each night until the lid was completely unscrewed which took a couple of more
weeks. Then after the lid was unscrewed I would tilt the lid a little bit each night until finally the lid was off of the jar.
According the the therapist, this was supposed to work. But, for some reason did not. I still have a Very Serious Fear.
When I see a wasp, I suffer from Instantaneous Anxiety Disorder, I stop Breathing, my Heartbeat Triples, I flail about uncontrollably like a fish out
of water, and just plain Panic.
I have ejected myself from Moving vehicles, jumped out of windows, fallen off of ladders, have run into trees and walls, and a whole host of other
terrible things. Unfortunately I have done all of those things without even knowing I am doing it.
It sure is funny when it happens as I have been told but I become Very Dangerous to myself as well as others.
One time I did have a guy tell me that a wasp can't sting you if you hold your breath. I told him that is a serious ine f B.S. . Then He caught a
wasp holding it by its wings and stuck its tail to the soft inside part of his arm. The wasps tail was mashing into his arm frantically trying to
sting but he was not stung. Later in life I learned that this was an old wives tales but I can not discount watch it happen and him not get stung.