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Got a Phobia? Share it!

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posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 04:22 AM
reply to post by jude11

fobias, haha, ohh yes,
first thing is wasps, i panic and run on sight, haha that is a problem when sitting in the tattoo chair and an wasp shows it self.

second. horses and cows. im completley terrifyed of them. had an episode a long time ago, involving me climbing up a huge pine like you do when climbing flagpoles, and a cow trying to wait me out at the ground.haha, never been so scared in my life.

third. swimming in lakes or oceans where the bottom aint visible, and that poses a real problem when wakebording and such, wich i like to do. it crawls in my legs and i kick with them like crazy at the same time as try to make so that no one sees how scared silly i am.


posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 04:32 AM
reply to post by Shypeir

haha, im guessing you didnt care much for the movie "the human centipede"

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 06:57 AM
I have something called Phonophobia, also known as the fear of loud sounds.
I cannot stand loud sounds. It has driven me insane and paranoid on numerous occasions. I walk with these almost invisible earplugs most of the time when I'm not inside, because I live in a loud environment. If it wasn't for these earplugs I might have killed myself already.

I just want silence, that's all.

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 01:11 AM
reply to post by jude11

I was thinking of starting a thread like this but you beat me to it.

Heights - trying to mountain hike last year was interesting enough. Luckily I made it through without any real dangers and good friends to help me over come the rough parts.

Spiders - I once covered a spider up with a cup in my kitchen and waited for two weeks until my partner came over to kill it. Of course the poor thing was dead by that time. My partner laughed at me, and we're back together again 7 years later, I forgot it was him who was with me. I was retelling the story to him, he laughed and said, "yep I remember that"

Clowns - they are always happy. It's unnatural.

Dolls - long story short - older siblings, dolls twice my size used to scare me from the basement if they didn't want to play with me. And talking toys should be outlawed.

Yep. I have issues, don't we all

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 01:11 AM
Did you know, there is a phobia for someone who has a fear of phobias ?
something I learned on "1000 ways to die"

posted on Jan, 6 2013 @ 10:50 PM
This is probably the strangest one yet. When I'm out driving or riding with someone else, I constantly worry about seeing an animal be hit or run over by a car. I also hate seeing dead ones laying by the road. When I leave my house I always hope that I won't see any and if I do, I'm usually horrified.

The already dead ones are bad, but the absolute worst is when a squirrel or whatever is crossing the road and other drivers are blissfully unaware or just don't care and I'm afraid they will get run over. I've actually had nightmares of dogs or cats almost getting hit or dreams where I'm driving along and there will be just massive amounts of carnage laying in the road.

When I see that an animal might get hit, I get such a panicky feeling until it gets safely to wherever it was going. Unfortunately, this seems to be getting worse in recent years, I'm not sure why, I hate to think that someday I won't want to leave home for fear of seeing these things!

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 09:17 PM
Not being there !

That and earwigs, orrible little buggers

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 11:02 PM
My biggest phobia is moths! I am so scared of them. Big or small. I hate how fast they fly and that dreaded fluttering sound they make. Some of them are so scary looking. The apartment I live in now, the street outside my house is highly populated with them. If I would have known this I wouldn't even have moved here! It's so bad that in the summer I always make sure I can be home before dark! If I can't help getting home till after dark the fear is unreal when I park my car. I try to get in the house as fast as possible but because I'm in panic mode I usually end up fumbling the keys or can't unlock the door quick enough. If I do have an encounter with one I scream as if I'm being murdered while doing the Harlem shake. Thing that sucks is alot of times one will fly in. luckily I have a room mate who is not that freaked out by them and also a cat who will alert me right a away. If I'm home alone and realize one got in, I'll seriously lock myself in a safe room until someone can come and kill it. Yeah....that's how bad it is.

Other flying insects in general freak me out and if one comes near me I make a complete fool of myself screaming and dancing around like a wild maniac. I never keep my car windows down in the summer.

Spiders, centipedes, beetles, creepy crawlers....scared to death of them to.

Oh the summer at night spiders also love to hang around the front door and mail box. It's hell trying to get in my own house!!!

Pitt bulls, dobermans and rott weilers....'will freeze up in the presence of them, and if you have one I won't be coming over. Don't know where these phobias came from. I've always had them.
edit on 22-2-2013 by miss_sky because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 06:23 AM

Originally posted by jaymp

Originally posted by XxNightAngelusxX

I'm 19 and still don't have my license. That's pretty bad.

Don't feel too bad. I used to have the same fear. I didn't get my license until age 23, and I'm only 25 now. Eventually, the restrictions of not driving became too much of a burden on my social life. That's when I just sucked it up, and dealt with it.

I know how to drive. I've driven a few times... Just haven't gotten the red tape to do it legally. So, I tend to avoid it.

Also... I suppose you could say I have a "phobia" of death. It's perfectly human to fear death, but... I don't fear death out of cowardice.

I am honestly afraid that I will die having not done everything I could have done, or should have done. The thought of wasting my life away without doing as MUCH as I can terrifies me.

It's frustrating... because, if you think this way, you often think; how much can you really do?

edit on 23-2-2013 by XxNightAngelusxX because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 06:35 AM
reply to post by Charmeine

Those are all perfectly logical phobias. Heights scare the hell outta me, and that's why I love em. Just like roller coasters. The thought of not being in control of myself as I fly up and down and sideways and slantways scares the oblivion outta me... that's why I love it. I'm an adrenaline junkie.

Clowns - they are always happy. It's unnatural.

Don't blame you. They're society's legal pedophiles.

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 07:22 AM
Well, since this thread is being carefully watched by all the powers that be and their agents, taking furious notes about what each individual is afraid of so that when we are questioned they know what buttons to push and what to bring out of the box on the table, I totally fear hot young women. Am terrified of them. And of vegan pizza, and of money, I really hate it when people give me money, and lots of it just makes me cringe. And my phobia of really good Indian food is well known. Makes me shiver thinking about it. (and the women, shivering right now)
edit on 23-2-2013 by Aleister because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by Aleister
Well, since this thread is being carefully watched by all the powers that be and their agents, taking furious notes about what each individual is afraid of so that when we are questioned they know what buttons to push and what to bring out of the box on the table, I totally fear hot young women. Am terrified of them. And of vegan pizza, and of money, I really hate it when people give me money, and lots of it just makes me cringe. And my phobia of really good Indian food is well known. Makes me shiver thinking about it. (and the women, shivering right now)
edit on 23-2-2013 by Aleister because: (no reason given)

Just because I fear something doesn't mean I fear facing it.

Like I said, I'm an adrenaline junkie.

Bring it, powers that be. BRING IT!

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 01:45 AM
I don't know how it is called, and I have to explain it by two ways because it is a strange thing.

You may know about agoraphobia, the fear of being in a large space?

Well, mine is a little bit different to that one:
I hate/fear being in any open space IN THE FOG when I have nothing which might offer cover from above, like a larger tree or a house or something.

Which means that I can't stand being in any open space when there is low visibility (besides of the night). I could never swim in the very open ocean, when there is no bottom to be seen. I have difficulties driving by bike through fog when there are no trees nearby - I had to do this while I was in school and hated that. I always just would have looked down or straight on, in fear of SOMETHING COMING FROM UP AHEAD, WHERE I COULD NOT SEE IT COMING.
That is my greatest fear right now. I fear that in conditions of low visibility SOMETHING LARGE might come from out of my line of viewing, from above (in fog) or from under me (in the open sea).

Edit: Oh, and I have no problem with driving in a car through fog - there is a roof which "protects" me.. Yeah, I don't understand my fear, either..

I have some minor angsts, like akrophobia (fear of heights) or arachnophobia (fear of spiders), but those are easily controlled - I try to look at bird-eating spiders in pet shops and such, try to reach high places to force me to look down (anyone been to the La Grande Arche in Paris? There are full-glas elevators of about a meter in diameter running in the open space inside it up to the top, about 70 or 80 meters of blood-sweating hell...

edit on 26-2-2013 by ManFromEurope because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2013 @ 03:39 AM
if i lie on the ground and look up at a cloudless sky, i fear falling. when i was a kid it made me cry

posted on Mar, 1 2013 @ 02:11 PM
I'm not sure if this is filed under phobia, or if it's more appropriate for the "things that make you act like a moron" category, but I cannot handle someone coming up behind me and making a loud sound. I jump, flail about, yell, sometimes hurt myself and on occasion, with enough provocation, coffee, and hormonal handicap, attack via stomach-punch. Which is embarassing at work.

posted on Mar, 1 2013 @ 05:53 PM

They are evil, and will gobble your soul, rip off your toes, and do any one of a number of other diabolical things. I get the heebie jeebies even thinking about getting on one.

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

Well, great. I showed vulnerability for nothing.

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 12:53 AM
link thread.......people are funny, beautiful, imperfect creatures......funny I am posting this on page 13...cause that number freaks me out, and I was born on the 13th....and that number, as well as 3 and 6 come up in an uncanny way in my life?

My physical phobia is heights, don't like planes, bridges, etc.... I can manage to get through it...but really have to focus my mind to not "freak" out......I do believe this started in childhood, because believe it or not, I was able to leave my body and fly...and it scared the hell out of me, I would only fly around the neighborhood, and remember "willing" myself back into my body and asked...

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 01:46 AM

Originally posted by jaymp
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

Well, great. I showed vulnerability for nothing.


This is my thread and no one posts here without my challenging their intent if it's anything but honesty, integrity and openness. Amazingly, I haven't had to challenge anyone and it's been an amazing thread that I've watched over ever since I started it.

Your post is valued here.

Some members might try to poke around for a response but if you look at all 13 pages, it hasn't happened. It's a thread of respect and has been for a long time.

Thanks for your contribution. Truly.


posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 04:48 AM
SPIDERS! I don't remember when I became afraid of them. The earliest memory I have is when I was about 5 years old. My brother killed a spider with a stick and he threw the stick at me with the spider still on it. That's not what made me scared of them, because I remember I was already creeped out by it when he killed it.

It's something about the way the legs look! I'm not necessarily afraid they are going to bite me. It's mostly the way the legs look look. All gangly and moving independently from each other... bleh! And scorpions have almost the same effect on me as spiders.

Heights is another one. I have been on roller coasters and things with no problem, but like somebody else already mentioned, if I am somewhere like on the edge of a tall building with no rails, or even on a ladder. And FORGET going on one of those glass elevators that run on the outside of the buildings where you can look out over the city as you're going up!!! I went on the one inside the M&M factory in Las Vegas, and at only about 3 stories, and inside, and that was bad enough!

It's funny asking my wife to kill spiders, by the way. They don't phase her one bit. I will step on one if it's on the ground, but I will not try to smash one that's on the wall or the ceiling, where it can jump or fall on my face.

Okay, one more spider story. When I was about 15 or so, we went camping. In the morning my mom and I went to the restrooms. There was a tree on the way, and on the trunk of the tree there was a spider that was about 4 inches in diameter, including the legs. I don't know what kind it was and I don't care. My mom isn't afraid of them and she picked up a stick and started to poke around it. I was standing about ten feet in back of her, of course. She accidentally poked it with the stick and the thing jumped off the tree toward her! It only launched about a foot or so from the tree, but still.

I feel sorry for all the campers I woke up with my screams.

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