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Near proof of HAARP causing earthquakes, and direct evidence that contradicts HAARP website

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posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by kwakakev

From your usual intelligent discussion you are really losing some credibility on this one. Would anyone else like to present their views on the earthquake machine in the mythbusters video above.

7:24: "This vibration from this device is traveling significant distances in this structure - but it ain't no earthquake. We've had it running for..I think somewhere near an hour at this point, and uh, it's not doing anything but just making the vibrations. The vibrations aren't building"

On the scale of atoms, heat is represented by the orbit the electron is in. 10-30km down there is a lot of heat and pressure. When a region is affected enough this energy has to go somewhere. If this area is already on a fault line then there will be some natural tendencies for the energy to be released through this fault.

Not at all. You're talking electron orbital transitions - nothing to do with heat. Heat is the motion or vibration of atoms or molecules; you also talk about the motion of sub-atomic particles such as electrons as the temperature of the particle.

TV and radio stations have strict regulations about access to the antennas because of the danger being so so close to the source of their signals where the EM strength is higher. There have been military experiments involving high level of electromagnetic radiation and you do get a flaming torch, just think of a big microwave. The Montauk project has some examples of this, there are others. While the strength of the signal going into the ground may not be very high, it is in the consistent application over days that builds up the energy.

And as I said, with all these nasty transmitters going all the time, that FM radio station energy MUST have been building all the time, so we're all aflame. Oh, wait, we're not. Because the heat energy, which would be unmeasurably small, dissipates into the surrounding environment. It's why you don't get hotter and hotter from your metabolism. This is high school physics, you don't even need calculus. And my God, you're invoking Montauk as proof? Why not start quoting Ken Adachi?

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 12:46 AM
reply to post by Bedlam

An hour in not long, the power comes with time. They got the bridge shaking. There are sub atomic and atomic processes involved with heat. Radio transmitters can be are around 1 W - 50 kW, Haarp is 3.6 MW. Just because a potato gun does not hurt you does not mean a cannon cannot. As you claim to be an electrical engineer I am very disappointed in your disregard of the occupational health and safety of EM Radiation.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by Bedlam

Are you saying EMF is a one way street?

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 09:33 AM
Considering resonance;

if one refer to the commonly used analogy of a child on a swing;
every time you add a little push on the turn-around spot; there is a variable;
IF your input is more than the loss due to friction, the swing will go higher next time round.
IF your input is same as loss, the swing will remain in same frequency
IF your input is less. then eventually the swing will come to a stop.

Key point then in all of resonance is to have an input pulse/energy all the time - a little more than that amount which is lost during the cycle/wave. In this then Bedlam (sorry for using your name in vain) is 100% correct.

Now we do have another option; Longtidudal wave; or should I rather say pulse?
These are almost not affected by resistance/friction and does generate a heat signature either.

Oh well, general scientific powers do not accept this pseudo term . . .
Sorry; only works in my experiments.

edit on 5/4/2011 by Aromaz because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by Bedlam

Originally posted by Nefarious

Your first link discusses magnetic signals generated by the seismic event, not preceding it. They propose that the fields are produced by electric currents in the rocks generated when quartz deposits are crushed. The miniscule magnetic fields produced were detected using an extremely sensitive instrument, and are much less than the natural background magnetism of the Earth.

Your second link discusses natural magnetic field changes caused by the auroral electrojet and by lightning discharge. Also quite small, but not as small as the earthquake induced fields.

edit on 3-4-2011 by Bedlam because: (no reason given)

Also good to note is that while EMF is not a one way street one may want to visualize the difference in intensity and geometry of naturally emitted EMF from beneath the ground VS sky-down subterranean stimulating EMF artificially produced (or even naturally by cosmic events).

With a ground-up EMF event, such as the one you cite regarding crystalline vibration, the atmospheric & ionospheric EMF will be far less in quantity/power due to the scatter of the emission angles and the absorption & distortion by materials between the originating source and the detection area.

Compare that to the need to get similar EMF into this crystalline structure, or any material really since we are working with resonance frequencies for the most part, and one will have to crank the power immensely in order for the target/destination to receive sufficient stimuli for the sake of the desired (or even unintentional) effect as the ground must be penetrated sufficiently to deliver the necessary power level. Focus is also likely to be inverse when aiming to penetrate the ground artificially, though natural EMF penetration (sky to ground) will likely make up for it's more obtuse angle with its immense energy level, after all it has a cosmic power house behind it.

edit on 5-4-2011 by Nefarious because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-4-2011 by Nefarious because: clarifying, clarifying, clarifying...still needs clarified, lol

edit on 5-4-2011 by Nefarious because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 07:11 AM


posted on May, 18 2011 @ 04:22 PM


posted on May, 18 2011 @ 04:25 PM


posted on May, 18 2011 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by Determinator

You keep spamming that ridiculous website, and you will get responses telling you it is bogus, and nothing but a crap load of junk "science".

IN fact....the junk on that site is more appropriately suited for a "Faiths" type forum topic.....

There are NO such things as "scalar weapons" is a myth, and yet another of the few great ongoing hoaxes of our modern age.

Along with all the stupid claims about HAARP and its (non)-abilities....what else?
Oh, "mind control"??

edit on Wed 18 May 2011 by weedwhacker because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by THEDUDE86

You expect me to read a pictuer the size of a pin?

really, can you ENLARGE it please?

This is not filled with air but rather more like a vacuum in space

Space is not a VACUUM. it is NOT empty. Even Einstien though so.

edit on 18-5-2011 by zookey because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 07:03 AM
reply to post by THEDUDE86

Thanks I really needed the laugh today, this is so funny! What's amazing is, there are people out there that may actually believe you!

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by matadoor

Since in this entire thread, I didn't see anyone actually talk to or ask the nice folks at HAARP about these issues.

That friend of mine mentioned in another post, sent me the contact information for the Director over HAARP, and I posed some questions to him. Now I know, first thing that someone is going to respond with is "WHY BELIEVE THEM!!??" Maybe because they happen to know what they are doing?

I'm posting the entire e-mail as is, but this pretty much closes the door on HAARP causing "Earthquakes".

> 1. Do you have any systems that can transmit in the ELF range, say
> 2.5 HZ?

There are no transmitters or other systems at HAARP that can transmit signals in the ELF/VLF frequency range.

It is possible to induce the radiation of frequencies in the ELF range from the ionosphere at altitudes of about 100 km or so, however. The process produces signals on the ground that are measured in the pico-tesla (10^-12 tesla) amplitude range. The signals can be detected using sensitive receivers. The equivalent ionospheric ELF "transmitter"
is on the order of 10 Watts under good conditions.

> 2. What frequencies do you transmit at?

Transmitters at HAARP include the IRI operating at 3.6 MW in specific authorized frequency bands between 2.8 MHz and 9.5 MHz. There is an ionospheric radar operating in the 450 MHz range and there is an aircraft alert radar which operates in the S-band.
> 3. Can you “directionally” transmit, in other words what
> capability do you have to “focus” your transmit power?

The signals transmitted from the IRI can be transmitted vertically or up to 30 degrees off vertical in any direction. HAARP really doesn't have the ability to "focus" the electromagnetic signals. When we speak of focusing, we usually do so in the context of light. Even though light is also electromagnetic radiation, its wavelength is orders of magnitude smaller than the signals transmitted from HAARP. For HAARP to really focus (like a lens does for light) would require a transmit antenna array orders of magnitude larger than what exists - literally miles in dimension. Physically (and financially) not practical.

Radiated signals from HAARP obey the inverse square law, which means that they decrease by the square of the distance traveled. A transmission directed upward toward the ionosphere at 3.6 MW returns to earth with an amplitude measured in the range 0.005 Watts or so, even under the best conditions.

Thanks again for writing to us.

Best wishes,

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 06:56 PM
To the folks that don't think haarp is a very powerful tool, think about this:

Since when does our military branches spend time and money developing and researching things that don't do anything?


The military has pretty much one agenda and that is to be superior to anyone elses military.

Everything the military researches is for weapon superiority.. Even if it actually is not a weapon, someone is still pondering the suitability of it as a weapon, ("it" being any development project)..

And usually you never see any military projects being jointly operated by all of the branches of the military like haarp is..

All of these comments I'm making doesn't mean I think it is a weapon, because it doesn't matter..

What my point is, is every single thing about the haarp project "looks" feels and acts like a weapon project which also has a lot of disinformation, propaganda, and secrecy added to it, and again, is in the operational loop of the Army, Airforce, Navy, and Marines OH MY!

I also have read about the cavitation dynamics of what haarp can do and just researching this aspect a little bit, and you can see how very impressive it can really be in terms of power...
edit on 19-5-2011 by alienreality because: ETA

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 07:46 PM


posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 10:40 AM
A four year old could find a correlation between HAARP and earthquakes. That's because earthquakes are happening ALL the time. Any output from HAARP will inevitably coincide with an earthquake for this reason. USGS has a great web page that shows all of the world's earthquakes within the last seven days. Here's the link:

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