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What Is Donald Trump, Newborn Birther, Trying To Hide From Us?

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posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by hawaii50th

I must say I am confused by your answer. What’s naturalization have to do with your niece, whom, you say, was born in Germany to 2 US parents? She would be, automatically, a US citizen at birth by virtue of 8 USC 1401(c)

The following shall be nationals and citizens of the United States at birth ... a person born outside of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents both of whom are citizens of the United States and one of whom has had a residence in the United States or one of its outlying possessions, prior to the birth of such person

If her situation is covered by this provision she didn’t require any naturalization.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by aptness
reply to post by hawaii50th

I must say I am confused by your answer. What’s naturalization have to do with your niece, whom, you say, was born in Germany to 2 US parents? She would be, automatically, a US citizen at birth by virtue of 8 USC 1401(c)

The following shall be nationals and citizens of the United States at birth ... a person born outside of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents both of whom are citizens of the United States and one of whom has had a residence in the United States or one of its outlying possessions, prior to the birth of such person

If her situation is covered by this provision she didn’t require any naturalization.

You asked me if she is a naturalized citizen or natural born. And she is after having to get the proper documentation.
edit on 8-4-2011 by hawaii50th because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 07:57 PM
He's doing what he does best, getting everyone talking about Donald Trump.

Any news when you're thinking about running for President will be basically free advertising.

By creating a big stir with a controversial opinion, Trump knows he will get mentioned on every single news channel in the USA for sure, and many worldwide channels as well.

Masses of free advertising exposure to ensure that everyone knows that he's thinking about a Presidential run. It's very, very important for potential Presidential Candidates in the United States that they have name brand recognition and that the public at large know that they are running.

Through his masterful manipulation of the media, Donald Trump has managed to achieve what no other potential Republican candidate has to date - he's got the media talking more about him than Sarah Palin.

Notice that stories about Sarah Palin seem to have fallen off the wire since The Donald announced his potential candidacy, or was I the only one who has noticed that Palin stories seem to be very thin on the ground these days?

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by kinda kurious

Originally posted by hawaii50th
Those votes are nothing more that blind people wandering hopelessly for an illusion.

Am I the only one who finds the irony of a blind person seeking an illusion and odd metaphor?

Wouldn't an illusion require eyesight?

You don't have to have eyesight to have insight. The optical method of delivery is one of only several forms available to the average human.

To think otherwise is extremely closed minded, and, forgive the statement, short sighted.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 08:05 PM

Originally posted by hawaii50th
I think the plan is Hilary Clinton will come out of this whole chaos in the middle east smelling like a rose and she's going to run for president and win, IMO. That could be their game plan.

I also believe you're correct that she will come out of the whole Middle East fiasco smelling like roses, with masses of diplomatic experience, and with masses of diplomatic favors owed from leaders all over the Middle East to be called in at a later time.

I also think you're correct in that she will run for President. I just think it's likely she will run as Obama's replacement in 2016, not in 2012.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by Lemon.Fresh
Reply to post by hawaii50th

Trump is obviously a racist.

All birthers are.

That's a pretty serious charge you make. However, the anonimity of the internet makes people say all sorts of things.

I would challenge you to identify yourself in public and to again make such a statement against Mr. Trump.

Not necessarily a Trump supporter, but wild accusations like this one shouldn't be made behind anonymous postings.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by babybunnies

Originally posted by Lemon.Fresh
Reply to post by hawaii50th

Trump is obviously a racist.

All birthers are.

That's a pretty serious charge you make. However, the anonimity of the internet makes people say all sorts of things.

I would challenge you to identify yourself in public and to again make such a statement against Mr. Trump.

Not necessarily a Trump supporter, but wild accusations like this one shouldn't be made behind anonymous postings.

Hint: What is Sarcasm? for $100 Alex.
edit on 8-4-2011 by kinda kurious because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by hawaii50th
You asked me if she is a naturalized citizen or natural born. And she is after having to get the proper documentation.
Irrespective of the ambiguity that might exist concerning the exact meaning of “natural born citizen,” the only sure thing regarding its meaning is that a naturalized citizen cannot be a natural born citizen.

If your niece required any form of naturalization then she is not a natural born citizen.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 01:25 AM

Originally posted by aptness

Originally posted by hawaii50th
You asked me if she is a naturalized citizen or natural born. And she is after having to get the proper documentation.
Irrespective of the ambiguity that might exist concerning the exact meaning of “natural born citizen,” the only sure thing regarding its meaning is that a naturalized citizen cannot be a natural born citizen.

If your niece required any form of naturalization then she is not a natural born citizen.

See that's where the argument is, some say you are and some say you aren't, it hasn't been settled.
You could look at it as, because your parents are both U.S. citizens that naturally makes you a natural born citizen, or a naturalized citizen, because naturally if your parents are U.S. citizens than you would naturally be a U.S. citizen yourself. Or, you could say because you were not born in the U.S. even though your parents are U.S. citizens than naturally you weren't born in the U.S. but in a foreign country, so that doesn't make you a natural born U.S. citizen.
It can be a play on words, holy crow, do I sound like a lawyer?

All I know, in order to have the title, Naturally born U.S. citizen, or Natural born all you have to do is do the paper work and you've got the title, or recognition.

Look it up it's all there.
edit on 9-4-2011 by hawaii50th because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 02:26 AM

Originally posted by HomerinNC
I tell ya what, I'd vote for trump in a heartbeat, here's my reasons why:
1. He's a VERY successful businessman

Which of his bankruptcies do you consider the most successful?

2. He's a Regan conservative

Which part of Reagan are you hoping to get this time?
Raise taxes Reagan?
Raise spending Reagan?
Raise the debt Reagan?

3. Dont give a damn what anyone thinks of him, he's there to do the job

Not sure you get that whole elected by the people that want him in that job thingy. Popularity is actually big there.

4. He's not in it for the money or power, he's got both, he simply wants to fix things here in the US to make us proud to be Americans

How much money does he actually have? Do you know?
What power does Donald Trump have?

Those are my reasons, I will stand by them. You (you know who YOU are), can come in here, post what you think his negative qualities are, thats okay, my mind wont be changed

That is not needed. How about just inquiring into your reasoning a tad?


You are not fired if you do not win re-election. You are just not rehired.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 03:06 AM
He recognizes that tptb NEED him as a shill contender. Never forget that the Bankruptcy King trump stated that he knows how to catch Bin Laden', not two weeks ago. Same frackin' itshay, different day.

Never forget. 911 OS is key to tptb. trump is just another diversion. He wants to 'catch Bin Laden'. Tonight someone tried to get me to watch a morning show appearance trump had made, which apparently made an impression, a favorable one. I have been a little sick since hearing this, even though sara palin had the same affect on the person recommending that I listen to the televised twaddle.

Have fun catching Bin Laden, you asshole.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 03:57 PM
What you're seeing is the old Roman principle of "Bread And Circuses" in action. No way is Donald Trump qualified to be President of the US, & never mind his "vast business experience". So much more goes into the position; you can't treat it as simply being the CEO of Corporate America. We don't live in a vacuum, we're part of an international community. What does Mr Trump know about dealing with heads of other nations, or Foreign Policy in general? What about his stand on terrorists, & by extension, his ideas for either continuing or discontinuing our military engagements around the globe?

I don't believe Mr Trump cares a fig for the answer to President Obama's BC issue, only for the buzz he's generated by jumping onto the Birther bandwagon. Does he intend to make a serious bid for the Presidency, at a time when the Republicans don't really have anyone charismatic or media-savvy enough to run, or is it part of a greater strategy, as indicated by several posters in this thread?
I don't think there's any way to know for sure at this point, but what I am sure of is this: many people who get consumed with issues like the possibility that the President may not have been born in the US, are intelligent enough to think beyond what's spoon-fed to them, astute enough to research endlessly, & passionate enough to keep at it as long as they are convinced that there is "something to it".

These are exactly the type of people you want to keep busy at harmless pastimes if you're running a game on them.

Back when it was a very real possibility that a large group of passionate, angry people could decide it was time to physically kick their rulers out, the Roman central government had the gladiator games to draw off most of the energy from that part of the population who may have harbored tendencies seen as potentially dangerous to those in power. Today you're getting the psychological equivalent of blood-sport in the reality TV shows about dysfunctional groups of people, political infighting, & even today's more avant-garde cartoon shows. Add to that a high-profile, wealthy businessman-turned media darling, going for the President's throat by siding with the "common folk".

Bread And Circuses: keep a significant number of 'em fed and entertained, and merrily we roll along. According to the Elitist theory of government, presidential candidates don't suddenly feel a calling to run for office. Individuals with some charisma, popularity or the potential for same, & the "correct" political leanings are approached early in their careers, and offered sponsorship and backing in a long-term game plan, the end of which is the position of President. And of course, it's understood that they will be terribly grateful for such a stellar opportunity to those who "helped" them. Think Ronald Reagan. No matter what your opinion of his presidency, was he really qualified for the office before running?

I sincerely hope this is not what's happening in the case of Donald Trump. I don't see him as anything other than a complete tool of TPTB should he attain the Oval Office, insuring at least 4 more years of "business as usual" without any political acumen on the part of the man himself that might inspire him to deviate from the game plan even a little bit.
edit on 4/13/11 by BuzzCory because: Final polish

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by hawaii50th

Unforunately some people base their whole descion on who to vote on this one issue. He knew that this get him attention and support. If he really could prove that Obama was born somewhere else well a lot of people would trust him.
I think he has an agenda. The fact that he could profit from running president could be a motivating factor. He would get a lot more attention therefore increases veiwership for his show. I am not sure 100% what he is up to but I don;t trust him at all.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by hawaii50th

It's a smear tactic popularly used by the Republicans but now also most politicians are getting down and dirty showing their true colors.

Obama was born in Hawaii.

Like George W. Bush Jr. I warned everyone about, Donald Trump is also a nasty piece of work.

My vote would go for Jesse Ventura and the only Editorial I ever had published in the Chicago Sun Times years back was against wrestling.

Again, I'm warning you folks, I have a gut feeling there's more to Donald Trump than meets the eye.

Now, blast away, but if this guy gets elected I predict we will see World War III.

You can bet whoever is placed into office will be just another puppet for T real PTB.

At this point I think we, the common people do not really have freedom of choice and many of our other freedoms are slowly but surely disappearing.
edit on 16-4-2011 by ofhumandescent because: grammar

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by Sinnthia

To be a very successful businessman you must be ruthless psychopathic in nature.

Just what we need.

I've worked under and for some very "successful" businessmen and women and the more successful they are, usually, not always, the more ruthless and cunning they are.

And I agree with BuzzCorey's post a couple up from mine, this is all smoke and mirrors game show.

Most people cannot even see their being manipulated (again).
edit on 16-4-2011 by ofhumandescent because: grammar

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
reply to post by hawaii50th

It's a smear tactic popularly used by the Republicans but now also most politicians are getting down and dirty showing their true colors.

Republicans? Really? Which ones? Most prominent ones have said they believe Obama is a citizen, even if they obviously appreciate anyone like Trump who runs with this nonsense.

Glenn Beck mocks the birther argument. So does Limbaugh. Palin has said she thinks he's a citizen.The list goes on and on. So what Republicans are you specifically referring to?

Rush calls 'birthers''Children" living in a "fantasy"

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 01:54 PM
Here is an Op-Ed piece on CNN with some good reasoning regarding the "why" behind The Donald's doings.

The short version, from the article:

Bottom line: Put up or shut up time for Trump may now be at hand. Trump reportedly claims to be holding off on a renewal with NBC for his TV show, and driving up his ratings with his pretend-presidential bid may be his way to gain the upper hand in any talks.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by hawaii50th
Wolf Blitzer vs Obama Wall Hung Inverted 666 Crucifix Cross (8-17-11)

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