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Differences in Etiquette of Men and Women

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posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by JakiusFogg

The average height of women is 5'4" - which I am.

My one daughter however is shaping up to be an Amazon. My figure, one of her grandmother's height (6'). I have visions of guys looking poleaxed with indecision between being admiring or being afraid of a whole lot of curvy woman heading in their direction.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by dude69

You think that stalkers care about looks? They care about their narcissitic / fetish / intimidation feed source. As long as you fit the profile of what "does it" for them, nothing else matters.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 07:15 PM

Originally posted by Aeons
Most men are fine. Some men are not. Experience teaches you quickly to be careful.

Let me put most of you where most women are.

You walk into an area, and some man who is significanly larger than you with way more muscle mass, suddely looks at you and sizes you up. He shows every sign of being physically interested in you.

Immediately, he approaches you and stands too close. He also positions himself so that he is between you and everyone else around, or an exit. You try to be polite, or not impolite and put him off. He ignores it. He steps in closer to you. The fact that he's literally 5-12 inches taller than you becomes more apparent.

You try to take a step around him. He moves with you. You make yourself clearer - you are NOT interested.

Guy smiles larger, and starts putting his hands on your shoulders/arm, or starts backing you into a wall.

How you feeling about this guy so far? Now, remember, if you knee the guy in the crotch he hasn't actually done anything to legally deserve it so you could be charged.


That's the scenario you are walking into every time. You weigh your inconvenience against that, and maybe your crying about being shot down will seem slightly less reasonable.

See this is where I think the problems come in. Why do you have to assume the worst case scenario? I mean statistically you are talking about less then 300,000 rapes a year in a population of 307,006,550 that is less then 1% of the population that are rapists based on this statistic.

In 2007, there were 248,300 victims of rape, attempted rape, or sexual assault.1 (These figures do not include victims 12 years old or younger.)

Every 2 minutes, someone in the U.S. is sexually assaulted.

Here's the math. According to the U.S. Department of Justice's National Crime Victimization Survey -- the country's largest and most reliable crime study -- there were 248,300 sexual assaults in 2007 (the most recent data available).

There are 525,600 minutes in a non-leap year. That makes 31,536,000 seconds/year. So, 31,536,000 divided by 248,300 comes out to 1 sexual assault every 127 seconds, or about 1 every 2 minutes.


It seems a bit extreme to me to approach every male as a threat based on those statistics. Honestly you have a better chance of dying from something random then being raped. seeing as how someone dies every 15 seconds.

I have found that a lot of women actively seek out the "Badboy" types and then when something bad happens they cry about it. I mean if you are looking for that kind of person then why is it surprising that something bad happens? Then the same women hold the belief that all men are bad because of an experience they literally actively sought out. I think one of the biggest problems between men and women right now is this permanent grudge that both sexes are guilty of. I will freely admit that I hold a grudge based on bad experiences with women and automatically assume the worst. I find that women do the same.

This is just my opinion but honestly it can't be good for either sex to assume the worst about someone they don't even know based on a past experience or something you read.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 07:44 PM

No I do realize, but still how many women do you know who like to walk around alone at night in dangerous neighborhoods? I'ts like this, a women if she is gonna get robed in such a situation has to worry about rape, a man in the same situation has to worry about getting killed, because of the obvious that they will fight back and if it happens that they get atacked the attacker wont be out for rape. So as you can see I do realize, and everybody got there worries, male, female, short, tall, big, small, white or black, and all other types of people that you can think of.

But you just explained that you don't "get" it. Here it's simple, compare the statistics on how often a woman is sexually assaulted, vs. how often a man is killed walking down the street (by the way, which assuming all else is equal should be the same for woman, so we end up with: for men: probability of being killed walking down the street < for women: probability of being killed walking down the street + probability of being raped/sexually assaulted walking down the street.) Here, I'll do the mat...since I just looked it up. Murders last year = 17,000. Sexual assaults = 248,300. Either way you slice it, comparing sexual assaults to murders is like comparing apples and oranges. As I said's something men generally don't have to worry about, and it's something that women generally DO have to worry is something that women are told from the time they are girls, it is acutely ingrained into most women's subconscious...again, to understand this fact you need to open your eyes to the possibility that life for people that aren't you can be different, then open yourself to the possibility that life for people who are of a different gender, race, sexuality, etc. may have to deal with a whole level of BS on a day to day basis that you will generally never have to. Don't know if you watch South Park or not, but it's sort of the same lesson that Stan learns in this episode.

(dude69)It is playing victim...You seeing every man as a potential rapist is kind of disturbing and sick and just triggers aggression towards you. It's like when I'm in a public place and some woman clutches her purse so I'll won't steal it, when I'm just standing there minding my own business. It actually kinda makes you want to snatch the freaking purse out of her hand and throw it in the river. Just for her idiocy alone.

It's truly amazing how full of sh!t women are and how you always have to be in some sort of soap-opera. Every woman I've ever met, had some stalker story at some point. Even ugly ones where you just know that there's now way in hell somebody is gonna stalk her ugly ass.

Don't worry, I have come not to expect too high a thinking quotient to come from people who choose usernames where they feel they must express the fact that they are male along with a sexual reference. classy.

First of all putting words in my mouth by saying that I "see every man as a potential rapist" means that the entire point of my comment went way over your head. You make a generalization about something I said, and then follow it up with your own generalization about how "women are full of sh!t". Nice job there. I probably shouldn't bother explaining to you that stalking and other forms of sexual aggression have nothing to do with "looks", but are purely about power and violence...but you wouldn't understand anyway...nor would you even bother to try.
Deny (your own) Ignorance!

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by Phantom28804

It seems a bit extreme to me to approach every male as a threat based on those statistics. Honestly you have a better chance of dying from something random then being raped. seeing as how someone dies every 15 seconds.

Not the same, this statistic includes people like the elderly, people who are sick and expected to die, people who are engaging in risky behavior like doing drugs, or extreme sports. Women that are sexually assaulted or raped in no way set themselves up to be in that type of's an act of violence perpetrated by another person on an innocent victim. A more apt comparison would be to murders or hate crimes, or some similarly horrible violent type attack...and again, sexual assaults are quite common, when you consider the fact that those are only the reported numbers, and rape is the most under-reported crime. [Only 16% of rapes and sexual assaults are reported to the police (Rape in America: A Report to the Nation. 1992 and United Nations Populations Fund, 2000a)] There's also this: 1 of 6 U.S. women has experienced an attempted or completed rape.[37] More than a quarter of college age women report having experienced a rape or rape attempt since age 14.[38]"(Source)

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by meeneecat

Ok I'll give you that based on the elderly thing, but still less then 1% chance of being raped. Out of 3 billion in the US alone that is roughly 1 guy out of every 300 you come across.

To be fair we will reduce it a bit 1 guy out of every 150 you meet since there are more women then men by a long shot. Plus you can't rule out the psycho women out there and yes there are those too. I have met a couple in my life and it is not unheard of for men to be raped by women. It does happen it just not as widely covered. Same as beating, murders etc..

edit on 3/29/2011 by Phantom28804 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by Aeons
"The worst societal crime women commit is to be NOT AVAILABLE without a good excuse. Men talk worse about a woman who clearly makes plain her disinterest than they do for a female serial killer who molests children."

Thank you for that, Aeons. I'm retired (disabled) now, but I used to, for a number of years, work property watch'man' security guard gigs. Soooo many times, when I was new on the job ( and I mean, like there for one hour already) a more seasoned or higher ranking guard, --annnd-- the corporate client employee, as well, would immediately begin fishing on me as to what my marital/single/dating/unavailable -status- was. G** D*** IT, I did not show up at this worksite to endure that SH**. That really TICKS me off. I can't believe you men have no idea how uncomfortable and on guard and put-off you put someone. If you are seeking your soulmate, why don't you work with the woman for a reasonable length of time first, to see what kind of person that is?
Of course it's all irrelevent now, I will never have to worry about that again.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by Phantom28804
I know this is completely random and not really a conspiracy, but I do believe I picked the right forum for this as it would be a social issue.

Why is it that men and women have a different reaction to sexuality? Prime example of this I was just talking to a friend of mine and we were discussing this scenario. If a woman walked out of her house, answered a door, or just stood in a window naked. Men would be turned on or excited by this and look and stare. Even if it wasn't an attractive woman they would still look and move on. If a man did the same thing then a woman would likely call the police and report them for indecent exposure, harassment or whatever.

So why is that women seem to be me more threatened by sexuality or nakedness then men? I don't know if that is the best way to put it but I guess I am just wondering why a woman would be offended by the same thing a man wouldn't even be bothered by. More then likely the man would be turned on, but the woman even if turned on would be upset.

Just some food for thought and if this needs to be moved that is fine but I have a tendency of just being curious about this kind of stuff.

Yeah, uh -- you scope is pretty narrow huh?

I have plenty of women friends who have been in situations like that with me around.... I live in FL and the beaches here see indecent exposure on a daily basis. I've had girlfriends get turned on the same as men... and have seen men complain the same as women.

This isn't a sex issue, this is a state of mind issue. Either you are sexually free, or you are sexually conservative. Neither sex is mutually exclusive, and you thinking so proves your naivety of the subject.

I bet your friend was a dude too, two dude, talking about what a women's perceived perspective would be..... like you would know?

What statistics do you have to back your statement that more women would be offended....?

Oh right.... none.


I'm not a woman, you are just wrong.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by meeneecat

No I do realize, but still how many women do you know who like to walk around alone at night in dangerous neighborhoods? I'ts like this, a women if she is gonna get robed in such a situation has to worry about rape, a man in the same situation has to worry about getting killed, because of the obvious that they will fight back and if it happens that they get atacked the attacker wont be out for rape. So as you can see I do realize, and everybody got there worries, male, female, short, tall, big, small, white or black, and all other types of people that you can think of.

But you just explained that you don't "get" it. Here it's simple, compare the statistics on how often a woman is sexually assaulted, vs. how often a man is killed walking down the street (by the way, which assuming all else is equal should be the same for woman, so we end up with: for men: probability of being killed walking down the street < for women: probability of being killed walking down the street + probability of being raped/sexually assaulted walking down the street.) Here, I'll do the mat...since I just looked it up. Murders last year = 17,000. Sexual assaults = 248,300. Either way you slice it, comparing sexual assaults to murders is like comparing apples and oranges. As I said's something men generally don't have to worry about, and it's something that women generally DO have to worry is something that women are told from the time they are girls, it is acutely ingrained into most women's subconscious...again, to understand this fact you need to open your eyes to the possibility that life for people that aren't you can be different, then open yourself to the possibility that life for people who are of a different gender, race, sexuality, etc. may have to deal with a whole level of BS on a day to day basis that you will generally never have to. Don't know if you watch South Park or not, but it's sort of the same lesson that Stan learns in this episode.

(dude69)It is playing victim...You seeing every man as a potential rapist is kind of disturbing and sick and just triggers aggression towards you. It's like when I'm in a public place and some woman clutches her purse so I'll won't steal it, when I'm just standing there minding my own business. It actually kinda makes you want to snatch the freaking purse out of her hand and throw it in the river. Just for her idiocy alone.

It's truly amazing how full of sh!t women are and how you always have to be in some sort of soap-opera. Every woman I've ever met, had some stalker story at some point. Even ugly ones where you just know that there's now way in hell somebody is gonna stalk her ugly ass.

Don't worry, I have come not to expect too high a thinking quotient to come from people who choose usernames where they feel they must express the fact that they are male along with a sexual reference. classy.

First of all putting words in my mouth by saying that I "see every man as a potential rapist" means that the entire point of my comment went way over your head. You make a generalization about something I said, and then follow it up with your own generalization about how "women are full of sh!t". Nice job there. I probably shouldn't bother explaining to you that stalking and other forms of sexual aggression have nothing to do with "looks", but are purely about power and violence...but you wouldn't understand anyway...nor would you even bother to try.
Deny (your own) Ignorance!

What qualifies for sexual assault? I know in my state, consentual sex between above age, and below age qualifies as sexual assault.

Out of the 250+ thousand of the sex assault cases, how many were "women walking down the street."

I'd venture to say less than 10,000. Your math data is incomplete.

However, I do agree with you on the notion that one's life is not identical to anothers. Even if I'm white, I'd go through bs that a black person may not have to go through, and vice versa..... The moral of this story is, pooooo is emergent. Hate has no boundries and as such no destinct rules.

There is nothing to state that a black man deals with bs that a white man doesn't... but we do know there have been cases of such... but to extend it to all black people -- that is just fallacy. The inverse applies.

As long as there are people hard up for what ever they feel they need, there will always be crimes in response to the urge.

My life as a person, differs from everybody elses life as a person, for I am the only person on this planet with my collection of experiences.... This is the only constant.
edit on 29-3-2011 by Laokin because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by Laokin

Well didn't you just come in all harsh and brash lol. It was a scenario laid out for the sake of debate not based on hard evidence or statistics. I believe I even said in my post something to the effect of this is just out of curiousity or something like that.

Yes it was another guy that I was talking to, and yes you are right that it is a difference between sexual freedom and sexual conservatism. However, comparing a beach town in Florida to the rest of America is also using a variation of the norm to state your case. That would be like arguing that there are more naked people on a beach in France then there are in America. Hardly an arguable comparison.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by Phantom28804

I do not assume the worst case.

I just don't discount it.

Most problems - including assaults - are never reported.

You're worst case scenario is inconvenience. You need to understand that this significantly changes the game.

I'm generally very polite. I'm Canadian. However, I still know the consequences of being wrong. My level of being a risk taker is SIGNIFICANTLY higher than most people, and extraordinarily higher than most females. Only the fact that I know have young children has modified this basic personality trait in me.

So realize - you can argue this all you want. It isn't going to change the bottom line that safety is a concern. I'm telling you this and I am amoungst the most risk-tolerant women you'll ever encounter.

I'm not going to argue with you the merits of it. You don't live with the consequences of being wrong.

I'm telling you THAT'S THE WAY IT IS. It isn't up for negotiation. Learn to work with that parameter, because its static.
edit on 2011/3/29 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by Phantom28804

Where animal drives are concerned, a lot of this comes down to biology. To put it simply: eggs are precious, sperm is not.

Therefore the man's animal drive is to spread his seed as far and wide as possible, while the woman's is to strictly limit the seed coming in until she gets the best her looks and other charms can win her.

"Eggs are precious, sperm is not" explains a lot of peculiarities about society, such as the fact that hormoned-up boys will sometimes go to the point of risking their lives to win the attention of an attractive girl. As far as natural selection is concerned, the phrase translates into "girls are precious, boys are expendable". It explains a lot of other non-PC things too, like the increased standard deviation of IQs of men as compared to women (essentially nature is willing to take more risks with men).

I'll leave you with a quote from the Danimal:

"Women get a free pass on having to get rejected, and men get a free pass on having to be bothered. Neither sex fully understands the scale of the particular problem they do not personally suffer from."

Of course we all experience some degree of both, but that's where the word "scale" comes in.

And of course, the way to escape all this, for either sex, is to stop being an animal

edit on 29-3-2011 by NewlyAwakened because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 08:52 PM

Originally posted by Phantom28804
reply to post by Laokin

Well didn't you just come in all harsh and brash lol. It was a scenario laid out for the sake of debate not based on hard evidence or statistics. I believe I even said in my post something to the effect of this is just out of curiousity or something like that.

Yes it was another guy that I was talking to, and yes you are right that it is a difference between sexual freedom and sexual conservatism. However, comparing a beach town in Florida to the rest of America is also using a variation of the norm to state your case. That would be like arguing that there are more naked people on a beach in France then there are in America. Hardly an arguable comparison.

I do apologize for coming acrosses negatively, that wasn't my intention. A simple search for "swing club" in your local neighborhood will prove to you that there are women globally regardless of the town and potential ability for nudity, that there are people who are sexually free.

In other words, while frequency of nudity may be potentially more possible in my location, this doesn't have some kind of magical effect on the entire populace of women in the area.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you imply that since I live in a resort state, that women would be less likely to be abraissive to the idea of spontaneous nudity, because it probably happens more here?

If so, I do believe this is a fallacy, as there is no metric to measure if this statement is true or false, for I believe you will likely find the same opinions pretty uniform on both sides of the debate anywhere in the world you go....

But once again, there is no metric to quantify this.... and as such -- cannot be taken seriously.

Sorry for seeming rude, as it honestly wasn't my intent. I politely disagree with your assement.

edit on 29-3-2011 by Laokin because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 08:54 PM
I disagree with his assessment of nudity too. And I've been in rooms full of naked people. Actors, pagans, hippies, swingers, bdsm parties (did I mention before that I have a high risk tolerance? and No, I'm not - I just went for the drinks and conversation....yes really.)

Intent is everything.
edit on 2011/3/29 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by Aeons

Well I would like to think that neither one of you think that I think I am 100% right. I mean the entire purpose of debate is to argue opinions, not just saying I am wrong and you are right. I am simply arguing my side of the argument. I do feel the biggest problem is there is a definite wall between men and women, but maybe it is just me due to my own personal fears etc.

Anyway thanks for participating.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 10:13 PM

Originally posted by Phantom28804
reply to post by meeneecat

Ok I'll give you that based on the elderly thing, but still less then 1% chance of being raped. Out of 3 billion in the US alone that is roughly 1 guy out of every 300 you come across.

I still don't see where you are getting the 1% from. Given the stats I posted, about the rate of women who will be assaulted in her lifetimes (1/6) and it's even higher for college age women (1/4)...seems to me that would mean that if you are a woman you have between a 16 and 25% chance of being sexually assaulted at some point in your least that's how I interpret it. Again, please explain what source you used to get the 1% figure.
edit on 29-3-2011 by meeneecat because: spelling

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by meeneecat

you just explained that you don't "get" it. Here it's simple, compare the statistics on how often a woman is sexually assaulted, vs. how often a man is killed walking down the street (by the way, which assuming all else is equal should be the same for woman, so we end up with: for men: probability of being killed walking down the street < for women: probability of being killed walking down the street + probability of being raped/sexually assaulted walking down the street.)

But I do get it, and thats why I said to get a gun, or other concealed weapon, and also try to avoid walking alone at night in any neighborhood. You do realise your arguing that because females are females they get raped more then males.

Well ya, it's one of the things females have to deal with, and it ain't going to be fixed anytime soon, it's biology, and conditioning, and what can I say being female does come with it's perks and benefits as well as its bad things. The same as males, only the perks and bad things are not the same things.

Here, I'll do the mat...since I just looked it up. Murders last year = 17,000. Sexual assaults = 248,300. Either way you slice it, comparing sexual assaults to murders is like comparing apples and oranges. As I said's something men generally don't have to worry about, and it's something that women generally DO have to worry about.

Yup being raped and flashed in a subway, or at night while walking home, well it's something that men don't have to generally have to worry about. But then again since you seem to like math and numbers...How about this, did you take into account the men in jails, were such things as rapes are pretty common, and even encouraged as a way to keep them all in line and as a form of control, and last I checked there are a lot of men in jail.

But anyways, either way like I said, males have to worry about some things and females have to worry about other different things, so in general both genders have different fears, both founded and unfounded. The only thing is males don't talk about them, or nowhere near as the females from my experience at least, and with some it's like a non stop thing, were the world is out to get them and everything is stacked against them, when there problems are not that big and really exaggerated.

it is something that women are told from the time they are girls, it is acutely ingrained into most women's subconscious...again, to understand this fact you need to open your eyes to the possibility that life for people that aren't you can be different, then open yourself to the possibility that life for people who are of a different gender, race, sexuality, etc. may have to deal with a whole level of BS on a day to day basis that you will generally never have to.

Caution is always good, so if there told form little girls to watch out for such things, then it's all good. But being paranoid and assuming something is not, and there is a fine line between the two. And yes I will not have to deal with the BS that females go through on a daily basis, but guess what you all don't have to deal with the BS that males go through, so like you said it's all apples and oranges, and unless you walk a couple of miles in the shoes, then there is no seeing eye to eye, just compromising and rules. That is all.

Don't know if you watch South Park or not, but it's sort of the same lesson that Stan learns in this episode.

Ya seen it, but forgot what it was all about, will watch it again some other time.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by simone50m

a more seasoned or higher ranking guard, --annnd-- the corporate client employee, as well, would immediately begin fishing on me as to what my marital/single/dating/unavailable -status- was. G** D*** IT, I did not show up at this worksite to endure that SH**.

Let me get this straight your pissed because some higher ranking coworker asked you if you were married or single, I mean come on was there more to this story, because that seems like a easy fix. Just say yes I'm married or whatever, and I'm not interested, so bugger off or I'll talk to the hire ups. It's not that hard to do.

That really TICKS me off. I can't believe you men have no idea how uncomfortable and on guard and put-off you put someone. If you are seeking your soulmate, why don't you work with the woman for a reasonable length of time first, to see what kind of person that is?

Unless there is more to this story, like he grabbed you or there was physical contact or abuse or even verbal abuse, then it sounds like a freaking question to me, and not something to get your panties all in a bunch over.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 11:00 PM

Originally posted by Laokin
What qualifies for sexual assault? I know in my state, consentual sex between above age, and below age qualifies as sexual assault.

Sexual assault is an assault of a sexual nature on another person, or any sexual act committed with out consent.

"Rape - Forced sexual intercourse including both psychological coercion as well as physical force. Forced sexual intercourse means vaginal, anal or oral penetration by the offender (s). This category also includes incidents where the penetration is from a foreign object such as a bottle. Includes attempted rapes, male as well as female victims, and both heterosexual and homosexual rape. Attempted rape includes verbal threats of rape."


I read in the article, that the statistics for rape (the ones which I gave) did not include incidences of statutory rape (i.e. this would mean that both consensual as well as non-consensual sex between minors and legal adults were not included)

Originally posted by LaokinOut of the 250+ thousand of the sex assault cases, how many were "women walking down the street."

I'd venture to say less than 10,000. Your math data is incomplete.

What does this matter how many women "were walking down the street"...the point is that a rape can happen at any moment, even when a woman is in her own house and believes that she is alone with her doors locked. I don't see how this invalidates national crime statistics or makes my point somehow "incomplete"...the point being, that women are acutely aware of the possibility for sexual violence on a day to day basis and that it is ingrained in their subconscious from the time that most women are girls...again, this being something that men, in general, do not have to worry about.

Originally posted by Laokin
There is nothing to state that a black man deals with bs that a white man doesn't...

Umm, I can think of 5 right off the top of my head...and there's plenty more, well studied, documented examples:
1. Hiring process: "experiment done with job applications; black sounding names vs. white sounding names were sent out on same exact resume, white resume got call backs, black resume did not"
2. Wage Gap :
3. Criminal justice / Incarceration disparity, only 12% of drug users are black, however blacks make up nearly 50% of all drug posession arrests in the U.S.:
4. Media bias: Lack of black representation in media leads to problematic representation and the portrayal of black stereotypes, probably resulting in the fact that most media are white owned, with blacks making up only 2.8% of media ownership
5. Lack of minority representation in government and high power jobs

Originally posted by Laokinbut we do know there have been cases of such... but to extend it to all black people -- that is just fallacy. The inverse applies.

Not a fallacy, fallacy is a failure of logic, what I am talking about is a well documented, well studied trend, to which the inverse does not apply. I said it before in another comment, but this episode of South Park and the lesson that Stan learns at the end basically illustrates what I am talking about (don't know if you watch or not, but good satire, IMO)
This link connects to the south park studios site where you can watch the episode "With Apologies to Jesse Jackson":

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 12:14 AM

Originally posted by galadofwarthethird
But I do get it, and thats why I said to get a gun, or other concealed weapon, and also try to avoid walking alone at night in any neighborhood.

Doesn't solve the problem, at least for me, where I live it is impossible for people to own guns. NYC has virtually outlawed them for anyone but police (and criminals). Because believe me I would carry one in a second if it were legal here (and I'm totally against the ridiculous blanket ban on guns here too, btw, it's unconstitutional, IMO). But as it is, with a law banning guns for law abiding people, the only people walking around with guns are the criminals, just a few weeks ago, a few apartment buildings down from where I live, a girl was walking home from work and forced into the lobby of an apartment building and gang raped at gun point. Maybe if she had a gun it would not have happened, the sad reality is she probably just would have been overpowered since there were more of them and only one of her. I think society should have harsher penalties for these types of crimes (you see many of these people spending only a few months in prison, then they go right back out and do it again).

Originally posted by galadofwarthethirdYou do realise your arguing that because females are females they get raped more then males.

Well ya, it's one of the things females have to deal with, and it ain't going to be fixed anytime soon

But this was part of the whole point that some people were trying to express here...the fact that most of the time women don't react favorably to being shown a dude's wang on the subway, or being flashed, since it appears threatening to most females due to the specter of sexual assault that has been ingrained in to the subconscious of most women since childhood...again an issue that men in general don't have to worry about. This was the entire least now we can agree.

Originally posted by galadofwarthethirdYup being raped and flashed in a subway, or at night while walking home, well it's something that men don't have to generally have to worry about. But then again since you seem to like math and numbers...How about this, did you take into account the men in jails, were such things as rapes are pretty common, and even encouraged as a way to keep them all in line and as a form of control, and last I checked there are a lot of men in jail.

Yes, rape in jail is a big problem. In fact the numbers for male-male rape were also given in the article (they are about around 7% I believe) But, no one here was denying that rape in jail is not a problem. It is a big problem. But, the topic that the OP was posting about was regarding why do women react so negatively to certain types of public male nudity (and an example was given of a flasher in the window). So I'm just sticking to the OP when I was talking about female assault and posting related stats, however male-prison-rape is also an important subject that you are free to create a topic on and I would certainly be able to present plenty of statistics that show it is a problem, you won't get any argument from me there.

Originally posted by galadofwarthethirdBut anyways, either way like I said, males have to worry about some things and females have to worry about other different things, so in general both genders have different fears, both founded and unfounded. The only thing is males don't talk about them, or nowhere near as the females from my experience at least, and with some it's like a non stop thing, were the world is out to get them and everything is stacked against them, when there problems are not that big and really exaggerated.

I think you are generalizing here. Like I said, the norm in this country is white, christian, straight, male, that's pretty much been true in this country since it's inception...thus anyone falling outside this societal norm has had to deal with a level of crap on a day to day basis that, in general, the rest of the "norm" does not. Case in point, issues surrounding racism, homophobia, sexism, etc. (I even listed some specific examples in a response to someone else) So, IMO, it's disingenuous to state that white males also experience these same issues "just like" blacks, women, gays, etc. It is not anything "just like" it. Although there are certainly individual cases of a person being a jerk because you are white or male or straight, yes, that happens...however, there is not a systemic pattern that has historically been ingrained in society, like the day to day bs that most minorities have to put up I don't think you can't compare the two. Also, I do not believe minorities are "playing victim" when these facts of life are pointed out (as dude69 accused me of) need to point out these realities in order to be able to deal with and counteract all of it. It is not the fault of the black person that she doesn't get a call back for her job application because she has a name like "Shaquanna", where as the white person named "Mary" will, even when the black person is more qualified. (again see my reference to the study done on this)...this is not "playing victim"...this is just recognizing that this happens and then developing ways to counteract it. Again, this is why many women have developed "defense mechanisms" when is comes to trying to avoid sexual assault. We are acutely aware of it since youth, thus we do things like move to the other side of the street, tell overly aggressive "flirters" to "leave me alone", make sure that a friend knows where we are going at all times and when we will return, and perhaps in some cases carry mace or other offensive tools...sometimes we even do these things subconsciously, without realizing it. Again, it's just a natural response to the day to day BS that women have become accustomed to dealing with...what gets annoying and offensive is that there are *some* men who get overly sensitive about this and automatically accuses the woman of thinking that ALL men are rapists (see dude69's comment to me from before), when in fact she is not treating all men like rapists, but rather she's just being cautious which, given the situation, and circumstances and day to day BS that gets dealt with, is a perfectly reasonable, rational, response.

Ya seen it, but forgot what it was all about, will watch it again some other time.

It's the wheel of fortune one where Stan's dad is on national TV with the clue to win $10,000:
"People that annoy you"

The answer is "naggers" but Stan's dad of course answers "n!ggers" and the episode goes on from there and he gets labeled "n_gger guy" along with other various celebrities that have had racial's an interesting commentary on the "reverse racism" idea, in that in this episode it's Stan's dad and the other "n_gger guy" celebrities get ostracized and are prejudiced against by society...but what is interesting is the dialogue between Stan and Token about race and how in the end Stan "gets it"...oh and Cartmen wrestles a midget.

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