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Differences in Etiquette of Men and Women

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posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by Phantom28804

BTW: Ace of spades? the dead mans card. does that say something about you way of thinking? or are you just being dark?

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 06:58 PM
I think women tend to react to things like this kind of like a "mother" would. Most of us think "He is standing there butt ball naked.... what if a child walks by?" Atleast that is what I would think of first.

I am no prude and can dish with the men just as well as the women. I wouldn't call the law if the show was for me or other adults. I would probably find it hilarious. I was flashed as a teen. We had a guy who would come to where a few of us worked a late shift and flash all the teen girls. I commented that I had seen pez dispensers bigger than that.... he never showed up again. He was doing it for the spook factor.

IMO men look much more handsome clothed. Give me a man in miitary fatigues or a man in levis working in the yard over plain nudeness any day. Like Christmas... opening the gift to find out what is inside is half the fun.
Leave something to the imagination.

Not all females get the vapors and call swat over the sight of a naked man.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by JakiusFogg

I have a dark personality and yes it's just my way of being dark not a sign of my way of thinking lol.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by Phantom28804

OKey dokey. Embrace the dark, but don't forget the light. Just as much as those that are all light, are just as imbalanced.

From a female perspective. By activating my inner woman.

Yes I have an X chromosome so I can do that (woman can't do man as they don;t have a Y) hehehe anyway!

\Dark is good, mystery, depth, moody etc however after a while it become maudlin.

Always let it be said that a woman will strive to improve you to make you a better man,. Its the challenge,

the crunch comes when they say "you are not the man I married"!!!

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by Phantom28804

Females are conditioned to avoid situations where rape and physical assult may occur. Men throughout history and even today are commonly the sexual aggressors in society. A man naked sends an alarm bell to the woman. she is instantly on the defensive from the seeming threat of a surprise assault. This is because she does not know the man or his intentions.
A woman is always told not to walk home alone in the dark, watch out for strange men etc and for very good reason. A man is told no such thing. A man is told he should seek out sexual partners hence why he becomes aroused and why she feels threatened.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 01:21 AM
reply to post by Phantom28804

Why is it that men and women have a different reaction to sexuality?

They don't, they just have a different response to sexuality. It's all a game really, and act, thats why they call it having game, because it is exactly that a game. Male have a very straight forward game, and females have a round about tops'y turvy subversive game. And once again in case you forget it's all a.... game, and it's only works while it's fun and off course the rules that they have in there minds comply.

And just in case you forgot already listen to this song.

I have no clue who the dude who sings that song is, but I bet you he had lots of game whenever this song came out, probably in some age long forgotten or something.

So why is that women seem to be me more threatened by sexuality or nakedness then men?

One because it's a game, and two, because they like the game played in a certain way.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 01:40 AM

Originally posted by Bee2010
reply to post by Phantom28804

Females are conditioned to avoid situations where rape and physical assult may occur. Men throughout history and even today are commonly the sexual aggressors in society. A man naked sends an alarm bell to the woman. she is instantly on the defensive from the seeming threat of a surprise assault. This is because she does not know the man or his intentions.
A woman is always told not to walk home alone in the dark, watch out for strange men etc and for very good reason. A man is told no such thing. A man is told he should seek out sexual partners hence why he becomes aroused and why she feels threatened.

Thank you for bringing some sanity here. Also, what I notice being -ignored- alot in these sex-verus-men-v-women threads, is the ***evolutionary hardwiring and the differences physiology and hormones make on the brain*** Helllloooooo!!! I am sensing an agenda trickling in and through out the mass chat sorta subconscous mind, like the creeping black alien oil stuff in The X files, of this nudging a view that if only everyone changed their thinking and re examined their cultural religious traditional conditioning, you would see how good an Illuminattic orgy like in Eyes Wide Shut, is. My Eyes are wide open and closed protective shut. Like Jedi Obi Wan says, "The force has a strong influence on the weak minded." Don't be weak minded. Stand your moral ground.
Also consider this. Bird and animal species (the swan comes to mind) seem to have 'moral' stances like lifetime monogamy. How is that possible without (their) religion? (that we know of, can see/tell....!)
(God's hidden wonderous hand in nature and evolution? Yes, no contradiction there.)
edit on 29-3-2011 by simone50m because: ad text.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 02:06 AM
reply to post by Bee2010

Females are conditioned to avoid situations where rape and physical assult may occur. Men throughout history and even today are commonly the sexual aggressors in society. A man naked sends an alarm bell to the woman.

Yes because there are plenty men walking around naked, and attacking people.
Lets face it if you see anybody naked your most likely in a situation you brought yourself into and wanted to get into.

A woman is always told not to walk home alone in the dark, watch out for strange men etc and for very good reason. A man is told no such thing. A man is told he should seek out sexual partners hence why he becomes aroused and why she feels threatened.

I think everybody both male and female is told to be careful while walking home alone in the dark. A man might get jumped robbed and stabbed, a female might get raped and stabbed. And who told you that men are told to seek out sexual partners, your downplaying nature here and making yourself look like a victim, when in fact your not, your just another player in a game with a little different strategy.

edit on 29-3-2011 by galadofwarthethird because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 02:14 AM
reply to post by galadofwarthethird
"Yes because there are plenty men walking around naked, and attacking people. Lets face it if you see anybody naked your most likely in a situation you brought yourself into and wanted to get into. "

Not necessarily! A relative of mine had a close neighbor in his house, who would, at night in his window, with the lights on so everyone could see (no curtains) be naked there, jerking off. Her and other neighbors who could see it, (and he WANTED them to see it) called the cops. That kind of man is DANGEROUS.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 02:19 AM
reply to post by simone50m

Also consider this. Bird and animal species (the swan comes to mind) seem to have 'moral' stances like lifetime monogamy. How is that possible without (their) religion? (that we know of, can see/tell....!)

If you think birds have a a moral stance or lifetime monogamy, you do not know birds. And the only thing religion did in humans is made it so that they think that they are moral or monogamous. But thinking something is one way and what and how it actually really is, are two different things. Religion It's all a constructed illusion, a memetic construct, all to keep them from going around screwing everything they see, among other things.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 02:33 AM
reply to post by simone50m

Not necessarily! A relative of mine had a close neighbor in his house, who would, at night in his window, with the lights on so everyone could see (no curtains) be naked there, jerking off. Her and other neighbors who could see it, (and he WANTED them to see it) called the cops. That kind of man is DANGEROUS.

I wouldn't say he is dangerous per say.
Infact I would say he is all these things before I would even classify him as dangerous. Stupid, Somethings up with him, Not very smart, A perv, Or possibly even mentally handicapped, Bat # crazy, Or high as a kite. And yes I would call the cops on him as well, and if he was trying to do anything like that and trying to get closer to my space. Well it probably will be the last thing he would remember, because I would knock him out cold, just for being nasty in my view.

But then again, a female would act and respond differently, so to each his own, and thats one good reason to call the cops let them deal with the naked jack offs...literally a jack off.
Who the hell knows what a crazy naked person would try to do...Hump your leg or something, like those little dogs that go around trying to hump everything.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 02:37 AM
Religion...women were bombarded with guilt and shame making it harder for men to have sex and thus the men are
willing to work more.

So...thx religion once again...I think it's gotten ridicilous...women just play too much and most of the "game" by women is just meanspirited, hypocritical and a major turn off. It would be hilarious if all men collectively switched the tables sexually from one day to another and not even talk to women anymore, so women would have to work to gain the male's attraction. Can you imagine the trainwreck that would ensue lol...

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 03:37 AM

Originally posted by galadofwarthethird
reply to post by Bee2010

Females are conditioned to avoid situations where rape and physical assult may occur. Men throughout history and even today are commonly the sexual aggressors in society. A man naked sends an alarm bell to the woman.

Yes because there are plenty men walking around naked, and attacking people.
Lets face it if you see anybody naked your most likely in a situation you brought yourself into and wanted to get into.

Maybe you don't live in an area with a lot of people, but rape is actually quite a common thing, and contrary to what you then imply that "she asked for it" is just a lame bit of victim blaming there. And regarding what is referred to where I live as "flashers" we have them all the time here on the subway, and the problem is most definitely with these mentally disturbed dong wavers, not every other poor soul who happens to be in his line of sight:

I think everybody both male and female is told to be careful while walking home alone in the dark. A man might get jumped robbed and stabbed, a female might get raped and stabbed. And who told you that men are told to seek out sexual partners, your downplaying nature here and making yourself look like a victim, when in fact your not, your just another player in a game with a little different strategy.

edit on 29-3-2011 by galadofwarthethird because: (no reason given)

I don't think you realize that men are just not preyed on the same way women are when it comes to sexual aggression. Just because a dude *could* get robbed, does not mean he has to deal with the same degree of sexual aggression and threat of rape that women have to deal with PRACTICALLY ALL THE TIME. Most men don't think twice about walking home alone from work, a woman is perfectly aware, every time she goes out alone, that she needs to be careful, not talk to strangers, watch our for creeps, etc. This is why most women don't respond positively to being cat called despite some extra dense men *not being able to understand how they could not possibly enjoy it*...because women see it as an act of sexual aggression, something to be wary alarm goes off and she automatically moves to the opposite side of the street, far far far away from the offending creep. Instead of men always assuming that women are over-reacting when it comes to these types of things, I just wish some could step out of their own worlds and understand that there's a whole system of social and societal gender issues that shape our perceptions of the world, and that most women have to deal with a whole lotta extra bull-crap in their day to day lives that men don't even usually need to give a thought's not "playing victim"'s just reality. (by the way, the same is true for most "minority" populations, black people have to deal with a whole level of BS that white people don't ever have to deal with, gay people have to deal with a whole set of extra problems that straight people don't have to...again, it's not "playing victim", it's just the reality of the situation)

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 04:27 AM
reply to post by meeneecat

Maybe you don't live in an area with a lot of people, but rape is actually quite a common thing, and contrary to what you then imply that "she asked for it" is just a lame bit of victim blaming there.

I don't know what you are talking about, I was saying naked dudes walking around attacking and raping people is not a common thing, but then again I don't get out much these days. They could be common, so whatever.

And regarding what is referred to where I live as "flashers" we have them all the time here on the subway, and the problem is most definitely with these mentally disturbed dong wavers, not every other poor soul who happens to be in his line of sight:

And thats why there are cops.

I don't think you realize that men are just not preyed on the same way women are when it comes to sexual aggression. Just because a dude *could* get robbed, does not mean he has to deal with the same degree of sexual aggression and threat of rape that women have to deal with PRACTICALLY ALL THE TIME.

No I do realize, but still how many women do you know who like to walk around alone at night in dangerous neighborhoods? I'ts like this, a women if she is gonna get robed in such a situation has to worry about rape, a man in the same situation has to worry about getting killed, because of the obvious that they will fight back and if it happens that they get atacked the attacker wont be out for rape. So as you can see I do realize, and everybody got there worries, male, female, short, tall, big, small, white or black, and all other types of people that you can think of.

Most men don't think twice about walking home alone from work, a woman is perfectly aware, every time she goes out alone, that she needs to be careful, not talk to strangers, watch our for creeps, etc. This is why most women don't respond positively to being cat called despite some extra dense men *not being able to understand how they could not possibly enjoy it*

Depends in what neighborhoods really, though I live in a more better neighborhood now, when young there were some places I wouldn't want to walk through during the day, much less at night. But I understand, but I also understand that what you said above is kind of silly, there is a big difference between a lot of things and some random dude cat calling some random woman walking on the streets, and calling that some sort possible rape.

.because women see it as an act of sexual aggression, something to be wary alarm goes off and she automatically moves to the opposite side of the street, far far far away from the offending creep.


Instead of men always assuming that women are over-reacting when it comes to these types of things, I just wish some could step out of their own worlds and understand that there's a whole system of social and societal gender issues that shape our perceptions of the world, and that most women have to deal with a whole lotta extra bull-crap in their day to day lives that men don't even usually need to give a thought's not "playing victim"'s just reality.

Yup it is reality, but what can I say. If that is what you females are fearing, and have to deal with, then you don't have much of a clue on many things, and really those fears and things that you have to deal with are not as huge by a long shot, as you all make them out to be, I think your all exaggerating. But if your worried, well then get a gun, and learn to use it, it's not that hard to learn or use one.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 09:41 AM

edit on 29-3-2011 by BrianDamage because: ballsed up a link, I've given up now.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by Phantom28804

She totally didn't expect where you went with it. Her going from being friendly to being in the office with her boss is a good indication of that.

Maybe she over reacted. You can't do anything about that.

However, you can learn to take apart what happened and evaluate if you missed a step in your approach.

You can do something about you. Even most lesbians don't over-react, they just put you off.

You have a gap. You may be able to do something about that gap. Feel the power.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by Phantom28804

They ate first... I guess? But now days some women would watch too!!

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 12:01 PM
Most men are fine. Some men are not. Experience teaches you quickly to be careful.

Let me put most of you where most women are.

You walk into an area, and some man who is significanly larger than you with way more muscle mass, suddely looks at you and sizes you up. He shows every sign of being physically interested in you.

Immediately, he approaches you and stands too close. He also positions himself so that he is between you and everyone else around, or an exit. You try to be polite, or not impolite and put him off. He ignores it. He steps in closer to you. The fact that he's literally 5-12 inches taller than you becomes more apparent.

You try to take a step around him. He moves with you. You make yourself clearer - you are NOT interested.

Guy smiles larger, and starts putting his hands on your shoulders/arm, or starts backing you into a wall.

How you feeling about this guy so far? Now, remember, if you knee the guy in the crotch he hasn't actually done anything to legally deserve it so you could be charged.

This scenario is not uncommon. I have no idea if you at first if you are the guy who is going to leave me alone after the first moment I've made my discomfort obvious, or if you're gonna keep pushing. This guy doesn't look any different than any other guy.

But most women have dealt with this scenario. Most women dealt with this scenario quite a bit, and numerous times before they've even hit adulthood, from adult men.

You tell me how this makes YOU feel.

Most men walk away from a bad moment with a woman inconvenienced. You're "worst case" scenario is WAY less worrisome, so of course you have a hard time understanding that EVERY woman you are approaching has to set aside their very real experiences with those guys and act as if EVERY guy is just some average poor slob trying to muddle out a date.

The worst societal crime women commit is to be NOT AVAILABLE without a good excuse. Men talk worse about a woman who clearly makes plain her disinterest than they do for a female serial killer who molests children.

That's the scenario you are walking into every time. You weigh your inconvenience against that, and maybe your crying about being shot down will seem slightly less reasonable.
edit on 2011/3/29 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by Aeons

Wow, are we still on this?? OK well good evening to you Aeons.

BTW I am 5'10" so unless your 5'4" then I am not over powering anyone (although I am still well build) for a fat English guy! and my wife is 6' but that's just the way I like it!

I get what you say there and it is an extreme situation for sure. and your right that that situation compared with be shot down in no where near in comparison.

I think what the OP is saying here is that, there is a growing tenancy for over reaction, in that some women, if not interested, won't just show you a ring, or make excuses, but at best will be out right rude and possibly hurtful (OK deal with it) and in the worst case, file a compliant, as happened in this case.

OK so we don't know the ins and outs of the circumstances. however from my perspective it is not beyond the realms of possibility, and that I find worrisome.

Example. IN the UK in the last years. it was presented to government by the home secretary that a woman could retrospectively withdraw consent and call rape. Meaning if she was drunk, slept with a guy, and then didn't like him in the morning, and he in fact was a total arse, lets say. She could she file a rape charge. And here is the kicker!! He would be considered automatically guilty UNTIL proven innocent. ...true

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by meeneecat

It is playing victim...You seeing every man as a potential rapist is kind of disturbing and sick and just triggers aggression towards you. It's like when I'm in a public place and some woman clutches her purse so I'll won't steal it, when I'm just standing there minding my own business. It actually kinda makes you want to snatch the freaking purse out of her hand and throw it in the river. Just for her idiocy alone.

It's truly amazing how full of sh!t women are and how you always have to be in some sort of soap-opera. Every woman I've ever met, had some stalker story at some point. Even ugly ones where you just know that there's now way in hell somebody is gonna stalk her ugly ass.
edit on 29-3-2011 by dude69 because: (no reason given)

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