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I Tried To Contact Aliens, I Think it Might Have Worked!

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posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 11:34 AM
Same thing happened to me this week, I was not asking for aliens specifically, but just for something to happen, after half a hour I slept, to wakeup some hours (I think) later, what I felt cannot be described, I had this paralysis and a massive fear of unknown and that something was right next to me, and I don't have those kind of feeling often, also I couldn't even turn my head to see if something was really there, this wasn't the worst, I was hearing something like, literary, ripping my ears from inside, like a vibe sound, even now when I try to remember the moment is hard to describe, it was too weird, so I believe you, theres creep things in this world.

edit on 29-3-2011 by nekomata111 because: typo

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 11:45 AM
Hey everyone. I have read some of the new post but not all of them, I will get round to it soon...
. Firstly I just want to tell you about something new that happened to me last.

So last night I was very nervous about going back to sleep and after reading and research some of the advice from ATSers, I decied to try and see if I could contact my "spirit guide".

I didn't actually believe in SGs but I do now.

I was laying in my bed, I start to relax, I said (in my head) "I wish to contact my spirit guide, I seek the help of my spirit guide. If you (SG) are there can you give me a sign.". I repeated this for about 10min, then all of a sudden I felt a throbing like pressure in my right leg, it felt quite tingly and quite nice (like a massage). I felt calm and relaxed. I started to picture that I had my legs in a swimming pool, it was very dream-like.

This carried on for about 4min (I guess), just before I drifted off to sleep I heard (in my own thought voice) the name or word Gailadan (Gail-a-dan). Then I woke up this morning, (I don't remember if I dreamt) it was one of the best nights sleeps I have ever had.

I truly believe I contacted my spirit guide.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 12:06 PM
Thats great i'm really glad for you. Things turned out much better in the end it seems
edit on 29-3-2011 by Sanjur0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 12:25 PM
Its pleasant to hear that you went into a good sleep and eventually did a good step towards AP

Your thread is on my favorite (the first one, be honored
I think I´ll try to reach my SG just before concentrating on AP itself

Edit: We need more flags!
edit on 29-3-2011 by verschickter because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by verschickter

Your thread is on my favorite (the first one, be honored)

Thank you, I am honored.

I really believe what happened to me 2 nights ago was a wake up call. My whole life I have lived behind a veil of agnosticism (you can see that by my previous posts on ATS). The two expierences I have had have truely opened my eyes and mind to the realm of what I guess you would call metaphysics.

I have never been a spiritual person but I think I am going to become one.

Its gonna be a ride!

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 12:41 PM
you got watch that calling up crap. Demons more likely than aliens. (they find us sort of lacking intellegence and see no purpose in bothering with us). now there are aliens who sell drugs - and human seratonin is one of their favorite drugs. so I have been told.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 12:44 PM
It is my intuit that everyone has a built in safety feature against other beings, be they telepathic or etheric.
This safety feature causes us to "look the other way", or not look at all.*
I call it..."willful ignorance", and for most people it is an automatic feature of their psyche.

I will give you an example:
A friend of mine, and I, love to play a certain table top game. On one particular evening, we were playing this game.
He and I were both looking at the board, thinking over our strategies, when, all of a sudden, one of the game pieces, (made of pewter), flies about a foot into the air, doing a somersault, and crashes back to the table.
I look up in astonishment at my friend, who was just looking up as well, and am just about to ask him if he saw that, when he looks away and starts talking about a completely different topic from his day.
I redirected him immediately back to what we had both just witnessed, and he did, begrudgingly admit that he had also just seen it.
I made him examine his feelings about why he reacted the way he did, but he could not pin down the “why”...

I'm no stranger to your little experiment, and although I have had other things happen
to me in the past, I did attempt something like what you describe, recently, and the
level of "strangeness" in my life increased noticeably.
I don’t know if there is any going back once you have “opened the gates” so to speak,
but practiced willful ignorance of these things seems to be the program for the “normal” side of the fence...
Because we are Physical realm creatures, I feel we hold Sovereignty over these things, and that Sovereignty is based in the Supernal origins of the information for our Physical Creation...

*(feel free to replace the word "look" with "smell, taste, hear, touch".)
(note:”think” often still gets through, but is mistaken as a personal thought.)

Here’s a little poetry I made for the topic...

Shadow Dancer

Thought to thought, we search the Night...
Not under the Sun, nor bathed in light...
Unknown is hidden neath shadowed vale...
And Truth is not given without a fight...

Enter you now the path less trodden...
Seek you now the memories forgotten...
But ware you lest you reach Despair...
In the Fells of Dark Oblivion’s bottom...

Ignorance is sweet in blissful Light...
The Patterns are sown to grow just right...
Tread not too long near the Gloaming Dome...
Be sure to be Home before first Light...

(P.S. For the best spiritual armor, I would refer to unity_99's post. Spot on.)

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by unconventional2
An interesting thread. I will begin by saying I believe you, and understand the nature of your experience, as I have had something very similar.

I think its worth examining what you did. You asked for contact with aliens, and invited them to contact you.
In essense, what you requested was for anything considered 'alien' to make unrestricted contact with you, without boundries, or conditions. You then repeatedly broadcasted this request laying in a relaxed state.

One of the main problems is, how do you define 'Alien', as that can be understood as anything which is external to oneself. Additionally, it can refer to anything external or any other dimension. The list is somewhat endless. I am sure by now you can see that what you did was open a door, and request anything considered 'alien' in. (not too good an idea.)

So a few suggestions:
1, That ancient adage of 'Becareful what you ask for' is important. In this case, be specific, if you wish to make contact with an alien, ask for one who has your highest good in mind, and is from a specific level, dimension, source. (be it galactic, etherical, interdimensional etc). This will probably mean you might speak to the spirits of aliens, since we all exist on multiple dimensions.....

2. Set an exit policy. For example, you make will you end it?? So specify a time allowed for contact, and that contact needs to be harmonious and for the good of all (etc) .... In short, empower yourself and control the form of contact, especially at the beginning.

3. Consider the level you are making contact on. As a multi dimension being yourself, you might be communicating psychically out, ...or you might be in a prayer state, and communicating spiritually, aware what level you are broadcasting on.

4. Protection ... This is important. Many forms of psychic protection are of use...or request protection from spiritual sources...... In essence, don't travel alone

As you found out, ..this stuff is very real..... so take it slowly, ..

Thank you for the advice.

I am now going to do a lot of growing before I consider doing what I done again (if I have a choice).

how do you define 'Alien'

The only reason I believe that what "attack" me was alien is because I asked for them.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by ALOSTSOUL
I have had lucid dreams, this was not lucid dreaming, I was awake.

I'm not full on doubting you, it's just i've had similar experiences before. I've woken up and for hours after things still seem like i'm in a dream, and vice versa. It wouldn't be too uncommon.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by Khurzon

Shadow Dancer

Thought to thought, we search the Night...
Not under the Sun, nor bathed in light...
Unknown is hidden neath shadowed vale...
And Truth is not given without a fight...

Enter you now the path less trodden...
Seek you now the memories forgotten...
But ware you lest you reach Despair...
In the Fells of Dark Oblivion’s bottom...

Ignorance is sweet in blissful Light...
The Patterns are sown to grow just right...
Tread not too long near the Gloaming Dome...
Be sure to be Home before first Light...

Thank you for your beautiful (yet a bit dark) peom

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by Khurzon

That's funny, that's how I reacted to the stuff I saw moving around in my room 30+ years ago. I just pretended I didn't see it as though that would make it not real or not be able to do anything else. I would have thought I'd get up and run away but I didn't. I haven't consciously thought about that before almost as if I was kind of fooling myself.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by ALOSTSOUL
Hello ATSer's.

Over the weekend I had ..................

Hey I know what happened to you, you were astral projecting. This is nothing to worry about it happens to me sometimes. If you feel scared just think of your body to come back to it. This is a good way to meet aliens because you can fly everywhere with your "soul". This is not dangerous anyway

edit on 29-3-2011 by dimitrisb because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 01:32 PM
Man, that was one bad nightmare. Luckily, you're girlfriend woke you up from it, so it was obviously a nightmare...

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL

Go for it Buddy,
I used to send out psychic rockets to other star systems,just to alert them to our presence on earth.
And before that,when I was a kid I had my own ET style transmitter in the shed.

Who knows,I may yet get an answer.
You don't know till you try right?

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 01:49 PM
I posted on another forumn about 2 months ago about a spiritual enlightment I had happen to me one night. I can't remember why I did it but before I went to bed I asked the Lord or spirits for enlightenment. It was a very surreal dream as it had Jesus in it. Now, I tried this a few days later and got nothing. I also played it off as I was watching some of the last episodes of Battlestar Gallactica (which envolves finding an Earth like planet) so I'm not sure what to think of it. But I tell you did open me up a bit. I have always been a believer in God but I must admit that I have drifted away due to science. So I have learned to keep an open mind about both.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 01:52 PM

Firstly, you seem like a nice addition to out community. Nice to meet you. Sadly, I disagree with this thread.
I'm sorry, I tried not to be rude but this thread is filled with misinformation and hype. This was obviously ---

Wake-initiated lucid dreams (WILD)

Wake-initiated lucid dreams occur when "the sleeper enters REM sleep with unbroken self-awareness directly from the waking state".[32][33] There are many techniques aimed at entering a WILD. The key to these techniques is recognizing the hypnagogic stage, which is inbetween being awake and being asleep. If a person is successful in staying aware during this stage, that person will eventually enter a dream while lucid.

There are key times when this technique has a higher rate of success. While success at normal bedtime after having been awake all day is difficult, it is relatively easy after sleeping for 3–7 hours or in the afternoon during a nap. Techniques for inducing WILDs abound. Dreamers may count, envision themselves climbing or descending stairs, chant to themselves, control their breathing, count their breaths to keep their thoughts from drifting, concentrate on relaxing their body from their toes to their head, or allow images to flow through their "mind's eye" and envision themselves jumping into the image to maintain concentration and keep their mind awake, while still being calm enough to let their bodies sleep.

During the actual transition into a dream, dreamers are likely to experience sleep paralysis, including rapid vibrations,[21] a sequence of loud sounds, and a feeling of twirling into another state of body awareness, of "drifting off into another dimension", like passing from water into air. A notable sensation is also "seeing" gradual sharpening and becoming "real" of images or scenes they are thinking of and trying to visualize. This in contrast to the indefinite sensations felt when imagining something during waking. "


I understand this is the Grey Area and I hate being rude but please listen to me. The more attention you give this during the day (such as posting in this thread ect.) the more likely it is to have these kind of dreams. On top of that, what makes them work is the subconscious (Ego) believing that this is real. So the reason this is working so well is
1. You made a thread and have been active, so obviously it is on your mind often
2.This thread is filled with people affirming your idea that it was aliens, thus increasing the odds of lucid dreams even more.

This is not the work of aliens, its basic psychology. I am not a master or expert by any means, but I can still say with assurance that this is a Wake-Induced-Lucid-Dream(wild) and nothing more.
If you don't want to listen to me, which I understand (I have no official credentials, and I'm not claiming I do) go to your local college and find a psychology professor to ask. He will say the same thing I am saying.
I am a firm believer in extra-terrestrial life, but this is just silly.
Again, I mean no offense---I understand how easy it is to get excited and locked up in something like this, especially within a community that furthers this misunderstanding.

Sorry, but this thread should not have gotten this much attention---does no one here know basic psychology? Someone help me out here.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by DigitalControl

Excellent feedback...after reading what you just posted I have to agree with your facts.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 02:05 PM
Hey DigitalControl,
I think this wasnt rude.As you may know, "some" years ago, physics would have "prooven" to you that flight is not possible. I know it´s a killer-phrase and I recognize your concerns/that you just want to help. Some psychologics may right in certain fields and some may be wrong.

look, I´m a technican with profound physics knowledge and I´m far away from that point of saying "magnetmotors wont ever work" I hope you get the point.
edit on 29-3-2011 by verschickter because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 02:14 PM
I read through some not all of the posts but read yours in its entirety. I believe you, it reminded me of this.
When I was younger my mother warned me of meditating without knowing what you're doing. When she was younger, she did something similar and had something on her neck, which she flung to the floor with a thud.
Unfortunately this story freaked me out to the point that I've never meditated, I already have spirits contacting me regularly. I have woken up with scratches on my hands as well, and once something sliced my finger open in the middle of the afternoon (I had been experimenting with frequencies said to attract poltergeists. Bad idea.)
Once years before that I had a dream that people in lab coats were outside my apartment door looking in somehow, and I woke up suddenly to what felt like someone popping a tooth INTO my mouth and it was sore all day...I'm sure peopke will doubt my experiences too but when they happen, you know the difference between real and a dream. Like when everything on my coffee table hit the floor, my coffee cup was still broken the next day. And when I showed everyone that cut on my finger, my friend told me she had a weird dream about me the night before...maybe coincidence but to write it off is to close the door on it, and I'd rather learn to direct and focus the energy than ignore it. I can't see that helping anything.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by verschickter

You make a good point. It's possible that the WILD method or Lucid dreams in general could be linked to the ethereal or aliens, I can't prove otherwise. However, I will say that many people have learned life lessons from lucid dreaming and had "Spirit Walks" or something similar (I know there not called spirit walks, I just don't know the actual name---I hope you get my point). I have always attributed this to the subconscious or higher Ego, but the Ego COULD be aliens in the first place.I'm not saying "No thats absolutely impossible", but the logic in me is holding up a little sign that says "Silly". I think in this case it would be better to assume it's a natural chemical reaction in the brain, an organ a billion times more advanced than anything we have seen or observed, than giving aliens the credit. Thats just mean to our brains!

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