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I Tried To Contact Aliens, I Think it Might Have Worked!

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posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 03:48 AM
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL

Scary stuff man. I can tell you I would not be sleeping for awhile.

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL

sounds like you almost astral projected.

you wanted to see/contact aliens

path of least resistance would be you going to them IMO so there it is

the sudden sensation of falling is the give away methinks.

keep trying

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 08:45 PM
i kinda see that as an open thingy too, you left yourself open to anything not just aliens and as far as ive known aliens dont drag a humans soul out of there body (for what ive known) thats usually a spirit malovelent or not i have no idea, but from what you said yes that sounds violent, thats interesting though you should check into out of body expieriences if you hadnt already

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 01:44 AM
I have had similar experiences on more than one occasion. However, I never asked for anyone to contact me. I've only thought about it and mentioned it to friends while talking about similar subjects. I have a lot of unanswered questions for myself. I actually created a account on to reply to this. Im not sure how to interpret these experiences...

The first of these experiences started sometime in fall in 2005.
I was 19 and still lived at home with my parents. I was having a dream. In my dream I was walking down my drive way and into our house. I saw who I though was my gf laying on the floor. To give a visual, she was laying on her right side with her back toward me. As I walked in, this person leaned up WITHOUT moving its lower torso, It twisted itself clockwise until her upper torso was facing me. I noticed its face had a light complexion with oval shaped eyes. The eyes we not black, but instead gray almost the shade of a shadow on someone's face, and its mouth was oddly shaped as well. And the lips looked tight because of the wrinkles around its mouth. I did the obvious and tried to get away, as always in a scary dream I couldn't move my legs. So instead I put my hands on the doorway and pushed myself backwards to get out. I was woken up by my gf as I turned to run, she said I was shaking and screaming in my sleep.

The second time it happened was in Nov? (I think) 2005.
After a late night of watching live trucks in the mud my gf and I were walking on a dirt at night road with her mom. After walking her mom to her vehicle we went to ours. We were the last people there. When I was getting in the vehicle I entered through the passenger side and began to move to the driver seat. While moving over my gf had said something to me, I looked at her and said "What?". I noticed her eyes look to my left, when I turned to see what she looked at there was someone standing outside the driver door. It was the same person I saw in my dream with the oval eyes. Only now this person is inches from my face. I noticed much detail in its face before I head butted it. I then had a out of body experience and was watching myself scream in my sleep..

The third time I was Sept 2007,
We were now living on our own. During the winter months our home will get very cold. At this time our heater was broken so we were sure to bundle up for a cold night. We were both laying on our backs when we woke up with the blankets on the floor at the bottom of the bed. We were both very warm but the bed seemed very cold. We grabbed the blankets and didnt mention anything to each other until the morning. When we woke up in the morning we noticed we both had small round bruises on our arms. They were the same size and located in the same spot on all four of our arms.

The fourth time was in december of 2007.
I woke up standing in the middle of my living room. I have no memory of how I got there and have never walked in my sleep before or after this event. I noticed two small entities standing to my left near our dining room. They looked to me like the classic grey alien portrayed on TV and movies. I was scared and didn't know what to do or how to act, I couldn't just stand there. Other than the fact two scary looking things are standing next to me in my house and that I have no idea how I got here. I grabbed a christmas decoration and began to yell at them. I tried to show aggression and hit the christmas decor on the banister in front of me. I tried multiple times and no luck on hitting the half wall separating our living room and dining room. It was like swinging a baseball bat at something aggressively but I was as if I slowing my own swing down so It wouldn't hit the wall. It was as if they were inside my head making me slow the bat down. My intent was to do something that would scare them away.
I woke up in my med in the middle of the night with the most peaceful feeling. But I had a distant memory of one of them showing me dots with lines on some kind of monitor. It told me its name and was explaining something to me but I don't remember anything other than a short visual in my memory of what we were doing. I was wearing the same attire I was when I woke up. I can only assume it was a star map because its the only thing that would make sense. Unfortunately I forgot its name.. I regret not writing it down.

Many other odd things has happened to me and my family as well..
edit on 22-5-2011 by BeingMeSince1985 because: accidently posted it before I was done.

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL

Hey, I'm new to this site, and I actually decided to sign up because of your thread. I've recently developed a strange obsession with all things ET, how ever I am not new to the supernatural or unexplainable( at least by regular understanding.) I've experienced something very very similar to what you have described however it has and does happen to me on occasion completely unprovoked and as far as I can research unexplained. I will be making reference to a period of time no longer than a month that occurred about a 2 years ago in spring. Almost every night before I went to bed I would play on my computer as usual and suddenly be overcome by an intense wave of drowsiness. As I figured nothing was abnormal I would put my PC to sleep crawl in bed and wait for what I felt was some much needed sleep. As I lay in bed a ringing would start in my ear and if I tried to ignore it, it would remain faint and annoying preventing me from sleep. Assuming I could not fall to sleep I would either get up, go for a smoke or try again later. After a few days no sleep I gave in and passed out, falling asleep almost instantly with the very familiar symptoms of sleep paralysis kicking in. Of course having experienced this phenomena of SP before I rubbed my tongue against the roof of my mouth wiggled my toes and fingers trying to wake myself. When I finally woke up I was terrified and my closet was partially ajar. I could not recall if it was open so I only mention this as I find this peculiar. ( I did have a cat at the time and this is my long standing reasoning behind anything out of the norm as it is a) most likely and b) allows me to sleep at night lol) So this happened to me many many times almost every night to the point I would not sleep for long periods of time. On a few occasions I recall opening my eyes to see outlines of figures ( Again yes I'm aware sleep paralysis is often accompanied by the sensation one is not alone as well as visual and auditory hallucinations. ) I was growing increasingly distressed as things progressed so I asked my mother for help. She told me to surround myself in white light and love and see what happens. On this night I again try to sleep immediately the ringing starts and it overwhelms me. I do my best to concentrate on shielding myself but I'm overcome in the process. I find myself very aware of myself and surroundings. I can see everything in my room sort of an out of body experience without the manifestation of a physical self. More so I can see and here everything in my room from all angles and perspectives a very overwhelming and fascinating experience. After a short period of time observing all sorts of things in my room my door creaks open at this moment I awake with such a shock I feel nauseous and very disorientated I get up stagger into the bathroom to splash water on my face. I just can't shake this drowsiness at this moment I awake in my bed door ajar soaked in sweat extremely nauseous and terrified. I just woke up in a dream and woke up again ? as well I just experienced something I can not explain. this is a few weeks into the month and this is where things take a turn for the truly unsettling every night I slip into paralysis the familiar ringing but I feel absolutely terrified something is near by that just doesn't feel right. I fight the paralysis sometimes all night long to the point I get no sleep. So I find myself napping through the day. During daylight hours I do not experience paralysis but extremely unsettling nightmares. Horrific dark things, just absolute terror. This could have been my mind playing tricks on me. So my mother contacts a friend of hers and whether she didn't believe me or wanted to see what happens to me when I experience this we sleep together. Almost immediately as always I'm gone. fighting for my everything to wake up. Every time I come to she tries to calm me down talk me through it sort of thing. She mentions it takes seconds for me to enter this state and I stay like that for minutes. Vibrating and twitching making noise at times. She mentions at one point herself feeling an unsettling presence that she says she blocked out at this moment I completely slipped away into a world I did not understand or could comprehend. I remained here until morning and felt as if I was gone for months. My mothers friend Alita said she feels I was leaving my body and Astral traveling and perhaps had drawn something else to me. So over the course of the month maybe I had been attracting something and it was trying to draw me out or get in ? When my mother tried to banish it perhaps I was taken with it to it's plane of existance ? I don't know. I know this is a little different than your experience but I decided to share. What ever it is that happens to me is completely out of my control and influence, it actually drove me to the brink of sanity and I began using narcotics and other drugs heavily as it seemed to block or stop me from having this as well as other experiences. Perhaps not the best solution as I am to this day recovering from the resulting addiction and strangely enough on the day I finish my methadone I come across your post. I have yet to experience anything like this since that month 2 years ago but other strange and unexplainable events have taken place. " Dreams, visions, spririts/entities, deja vu but no astral travel or out of body experiences to date. I believe that what you experienced did happen to you. Whether or not it was ET as far as not from our planet goes I'm not sure, but there are most definately spirits and other energies that exist on our planets with us as well as other energies/entities that exist in different dimensions and possibly other planets or solar systems and I do believe they can contact or influence us in some ways. I believe every one of us can with the right practice ( some with not practice at all ) contact or see these beings. I don't think you should never attempt this again, but maybe try to find what works for you to protect your body( or spirt ) if you do attempt to do this again. I hope if anyone else has experienced something like this they would share their experiences too.

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by Lazarus Short

Isn't an alien by definition anything foreign to our habitat ? Someone from a neighboring country is an alien on some level and yes a Demon is an Alien, but as for our poster I feel Demon is not necessarily what they were attempting to contact however it is possible that it did choose to respond. Demons tend to be drawn to negativity as well as the weak, but in most instances if your projecting negative thoughts or energy the negative is most likely to answer.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 05:23 AM
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL

That happens to me a bit i feel my mind slipping to sleep or something then BANG i get a mad shake and fully wake up heart pumping.....i laugh it off but who knows what it is

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 08:12 AM

Originally posted by ALOSTSOUL
Hello ATSer's.

Over the weekend I had read a few threads and websites about how to contact aliens, so last night I decied to give it ago. It was about 00:00 and my girlfriend had fallen asleep I turned of the telly laid on my back closed my eyes and thought something along these lines "Hello aliens, if there is any of you out there are listening I invite you to contact me.", I felt a bit silly to be honest.

I continued this for about 20mins without any luck, so I decied to go to sleep. It took me ages to get to sleep but as I was trying I keeped repeating,"Hello aliens, if there is any of you out there listening I invite you to contact me.". I must have fallen asleep because a few hours later I woke up unable to move. Now, I have had sleep paralysis before but this was on a different level.

As I keep trying to make myself move, I heard a noise either by my door or outside it, at that point I felt someting grab what I can only say was my soul (and I not even sure I believe in that sort of thing), I don't know what it was but I instantly became scared. I felt like my legs were being pulled out of me body, they (my legs) were being violently swung from side to side. I tried making some noise to wake my GF up but I couldn't get out any sound. I felt like I was being pulled but I was resisting, it wasn't painful.

I don't know how long this went on for but after a while my girlfriend shook me and I instantly was able to move. I grabbed her and said "thank you" she said "what for?", I just told her I was having a nightmare (I don't want her thinking i'm mad!). I asked her why she woke me up, she told me I was shaking and making weird noises.

It was about 02:00 when she shook me, I didn't try going back to sleep till about 07:00 I was far to scared. But when I did try I keep getting this weird feeling like my mind was falling (if that makes sense) and then I would get like a "thud!" and my eyes would open suddenly without warning.

I have also been getting a lot of Deja Vu this morning.

What happened to me has left me terrorfied about going back to sleep! I wish I had never tried anything and I urge any of you to think twice before you try it.

I'm not trying to scare anyone, I have heard a lot of positive about people trying to contact aliens. Unfortunately it wasn't the case for me.


Be careful when trying to ascertain who was contacted.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL

I call to them all the time and no one ever answers. I go outside at night look up and say, If your out there please come already. Fly one of your ships near me so I can see it. But alas, I must be dialing the wrong number.
I think you probably had a dream based on what you were thinking about when you went to sleep. Doesn't that sound reasonable?

You will probably get some religous folks who will tell you it was a demon or something.

edit on 19-11-2011 by karen61057 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by ALOSTSOUL
reply to post by Nobama

I can asure you it was no dream! I was very aware and very awake.

If your girlfriend had to shake you awake and she told you you were moving and making weird noises why do you think you were not asleep. It would seem very clear that you were. She was awake and she woke you.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by Mclaneinc

This is so true. Years ago my son who was about 6 at the time came into my bedroom late at night because he had had a bad dream. He shook me but I did not "see" my son by my bed, I saw a man in a mask. I screamed, then my husband who was sleeping soundly beside me jumped up and yelled and the poor kid ran crying back to his room. I was not awak when I looked at my son. But I thought I was and I thought there was a man standing next to my bed.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL

I had something very similar to this a while ago and had no idea what it could have been. It felt like something was coming to get me in my head is the only way to explain it and I ended up waiting till early morning before I actually slept as it only happened to me late at night. It wasn't until I went here on ATS and asked that people suggested aliens etc. The feeling really scared me though, I could feel my mind being manipulated and it got more intense until I forced myself to open my eyes and be awake. For a while I really was too scared to sleep and had no idea what it was. The alien thing did not help me being scared either, but eventually it went after I continued resisting it everytime. I get it now and then and it is like I'm being tested or something to see if I will submit is the only way to describe it. I have no idea what it is but it sure sounded similar to these alien kinda experiences, I had no interested in aliens/ufo's at the time as well so it wasn't my mind subconciously acting out what I had read about. Have you had it again since?

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by Ilyich

Hey man just wanted to say good luck coming of the methadone. I lost some of my best friends to heroin addiction and I gotta tell you that overcoming it is not easy at all. The few mates still are struggling with getting clean and my best friend had to be cut out of my life because of it. Making it as far as you have is seriously a fantastic achievement and always remember that for your friends and familys sake draw strength and resist the urge to relapse.

I've read that aliens apparently do not like contacting people who use drugs as it makes it harder for them to influence the mind and also that they are not as useful to them. I guess they want a typical average sort of person to pick their brains about humanity or smarter people to give messages to etc.

Don't use that as an excuse though to use please mate. What I suggest is to resist this if it keeps happening and they will eventually give up and move on. If you submit to it they will see you as an easy target, if you make it hard for them they will eventually move on. This happened to me for a good few weeks and became more and more rare. I never submitted to it though and stayed up very late and kept videos playing so that my mind was active if my eyes were closed. This is all speculation btw as I never experienced contact so to speak. When this was happening to me I had a chaotic lifestyle and used drugs here and there, but I never had these experiences while I had used drugs. I also didn't use them a lot at all so it wasn't me frying my brain or anything.

Seriously though congrats on getting of the meth, it gives me hope for my friend who's still trying to get of it and that maybe my best mate will sort himself out n might be able to be friends again. just stick to it because it really destroys your life and others, it really hurt me loosing my best mate and his family must have gone through much much worse. I'm thinking positive thoughts for you and I sincerely hope everything works out for you with it and with this issue.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 10:54 PM
im not sure i believe you try changing the word aliens to "the creator of all that is" really weird stuff will start happening

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL

Hey, I found your post interesting because I had a similiar experience. It took me years to figure out what really happened. You said that you fell asleep constantly repeating your invitation to alien..... what you did here was force your mind to remain conscious while your brain waves dipped into a lower cycle.

The sleep paralysis episode happens to everyone. But most of the time people aren't conscious of it. At first, when this happened to me, I thought it was demonsm, or possibly aliens. But then I realized I could repeat any series of words to myself before going to bed and still induce the sleep paralysis.

What you've discovered, my friend, is not aliens, but Astral Projection. Once you get over your fear, you'll be able to pop out of your body and explore the universe. At this point, you'll be able to meet "real" aliens anytime you wish. Just be careful, because some of them are negative. I'd advise sticking to Pleadians and the more humanoid aliens, as they tend to be more friendly.

Don't let that fear get to you. The feeling of being pulled out of your body is part of the process of astral projection. No specific entities are doing this to you.... sometimes however, your mind will project the image of entities pulling you out so that you are more easily able to mentally overcome the physical barrier. This is a process sometimes employed by the mind to help the astral projector.


posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 04:41 PM
Can you tell me how you did this, so I can try it and validate your experience. Don't worry I'm old enough for this sort of work.

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 11:02 PM
Anyone seen this site?

Are they for real?

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by ALOSTSOUL
Hello ATSer's

I continued this for about 20mins without any luck, so I decied to go to sleep. It took me ages to get to sleep but as I was trying I keeped repeating,"Hello aliens, if there is any of you out there listening I invite you to contact me.". I must have fallen asleep because a few hours later I woke up unable to move. Now, I have had sleep paralysis before but this was on a different level.

What happened to me has left me terrorfied about going back to sleep! I wish I had never tried anything and I urge any of you to think twice before you try it.

I'm not trying to scare anyone, I have heard a lot of positive about people trying to contact aliens. Unfortunately it wasn't the case for me.


Last night I went to bed, and kept repeating,"Hello aliens, if there is any of you out there listening I invite you to contact me."

Fell asleep and woke up as normal, didn't speak or see anyone.

I believe the whole story is either fiction or a dream.

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by hotbread

I can assure you it was neither. But I am glad nothing happened to you, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.


posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
tears to my eyes you bring

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