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I Tried To Contact Aliens, I Think it Might Have Worked!

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posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 06:36 AM
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL

Omg!! The same thing happened to me mabe a year or so ago only I was not seeking to contact aliens, and the part about the mind falling happened on a separate occasion last summer.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 07:24 AM
I want to describe to you what sleep paralysis can do to you briefly.

You'll feel extremely lucid, in this lucid state, (infact you may be partially awake, according to some) you're paralysed, you start freaking out, your brain's imagination gets to work. Usually, people's worst fears manifest, in your case due to your prior alien thinking, you got aliens! It's because of this "half sleep" sort of thing you're in, that this is possible - your brain hasn't fully awoken AFAIK, and your body is still entirely asleep.

You can google around and find all the accounts of people with sleep paralysis, they usually feel "evil" in the room, paralysed, pressure on their torso, they see ghosts, demons, whatever, but it's just due to the sleep paralysis.

It's a scary thing no doubt, and an extremely lucid nightmare or whatever can stick with you for a while.

On a side note, not sure what you mean by "mind falling" but a long time ago, in bed, I used to occasionally feel like I was falling or something, and sometimes I would make sudden twitches or something as a reflex to whatever.

Anyway, good luck.

edit on 29/3/11 by shadowland8 because: (no reason given)

edit on 29/3/11 by shadowland8 because: (no reason given)

edit on 29/3/11 by shadowland8 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 07:26 AM
reply to post by soozun4peace

I have experienced a lot of sleep paralysis, also that feeling of "falling" then waking up on separate occasions.
During sleep paralysis I can "see" the room I'm in and I sometimes see and hear weird things (loud noises, bright lights). I also get the feeling of a sinister presence in the room.
The first time this happened I was really freaked ofcourse, but now it's just normal. It most likely happens when I go to sleep after a hangover.

Even though everything is paralysed, I can still control my breathing, and through focusing on the breathing, I am usually able to wake myself up.

From wikipedia:

In addition, the paralysis may be accompanied by terrifying hallucinations (hypnopompic or hypnagogic) and an acute sense of danger.[9] Sleep paralysis is particularly frightening to the individual because of the vividness of such hallucinations.[8] The hallucinatory element to sleep paralysis makes it even more likely that someone will interpret the experience as a dream, since completely fanciful or dream-like objects may appear in the room alongside one's normal vision. Some scientists have proposed this condition as an explanation for alien abductions and ghostly encounters.[10] A study by Susan Blackmore and Marcus Cox (the Blackmore-Cox study) of the University of the West of England supports the suggestion that reports of alien abductions are related to sleep paralysis rather than to temporal lobe lability.[11] Some authors have warned of the possible misconnection between child sexual abuse (CSA) and hypnagogic/pompic phenomena and have noted that some clients after having described such an event to a fortune teller or psychic that the psychic may have suggested CSA.

Ofcourse, you never know what's real and what's just hallucinations.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 07:33 AM
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL

sounds demonic to me..!!! maybe we have never "met" real live flesh and blood aliens..maybe what
we have here on earth is of a spiritual and evil nature.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by scottlpool2003

That is how my abductions have gone for years. Just because you have never woken up or can't recall doesn't mean it is not them. They use different tonesand frenquencies to aid in whatever they do to keep you in lala land while this is going on. The mind is a very powerful thing but sleep paralysis along with these loud sounds in the brain,vibrations of the ears and face,feelings of going up and out,temperature and pressure changes felt while sleeping all need to be taken more seriously than just "the mind playing tricks". Had I never awoke and witnessed them with my own two eyes numerous times I would still chalk it all up to sleep paralysis and lucid dreaming too.It is not a game.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 07:51 AM
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL

Last time I had contact the way you made it, I was raped (believe it or not). Please be carefull !!! You might "call in" a very bad alien. I'm serious, be carefull. My experience was disgusting!!

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 08:16 AM
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL

I have also tried to contact aliens in meditation. What you explained sounds like when you are attacked by a ghost or demon. This doesn't sound like an alien encounter. When you contact aliens through meditation its a different experience. Then again, you could have contacted an evil alien like a Reptilian or something. Don't know...

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by Ear-Responsible

You are right about these being fallen angels. They come in so many forms, whatever works for the person and the situation. So cunning they are. And to reply to whoever it was that said something earlier about familiar feeling spirits, that doesn't mean anything. I had a familiar feeling spirit 30+ years ago hanging around me and thought it was all good and warm and fuzzy, but it almost killed me. This is all they want by the way, to destroy you. I second your advice, call out in the name of Jesus Christ. This is the only way and the only name.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL

You invited the wrong side of the spectrum my brother. Either that, or it was simply sleep paralysis. You're brain made something up as to the reason why you couldn't move.

Or like I said you invited something far from the benevolent entities.

Next time send Love and positivity or ask for help/service - think positive. If you simply say "I invite you" with no direction, you are inviting anything and everything because you have now made it possible for any entity to come without infringing on your Free Will.
edit on 29-3-2011 by 11118 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by Ear-Responsible
If it happens again, call to Jesus Christ. Laugh if you must but it is worth a try. I have come across endless accounts of alien abductions that were halted by that name alone. He WILL protect you. These are not aliens from distant planets. These are extra dimensional beings, demons, fallen angels. I'm not one to preach to anyone, I'm not even religious, but in light of recent information found in my years of research, this is the conclusion I have come to. If you do not feel love, if they do not try to comfort you and assure you that they are only there to help, I beg you, call out his name.
edit on 28-3-2011 by Ear-Responsible because: (no reason given)

I had a similar experience, and this actually worked. It was the only thing I could think to do as I was scared sh**tless at the time. May as well share now.

This happened about 2 and a half years ago. I was woken up by a thunderstorm, heat lightning accompanied by rolling thunder far off in the distance. I fell asleep nude in bed, and something touched my back. A light brush started at the top of my back and went all the way down my spine to my lower back right above my buttocks. I felt a chill run down my spine after this happened, not cold, but almost an "electrical chill" (only way that makes sense to me describing it). Even though at this point I was scared it was not unpleasurable, in the back of my mind I was wondering if perhaps it was the spirit of my deceased ex-girlfriend (she passed away like 4 months previous to a brain aneurism). This is where the feeling of panic ensued and the experience became negative. This thing tried to enter me, I could feel it pushing against my mind trying to force it's way in. The experience of it doing this was like bright pounding yellow flashes in my head (again only way I can explain it.), at this point I was scared beyond anything that had ever scared me before in my life (includes having a knife pulled on me, a drunk threaten to kill me with a baseball bat, and being chased as a young teen down a dark street in the middle of the night by some really messed up on drugs types that had plans of tying my best friend and me up and using us for target practice with BB Guns). I remember being scared s**tless and calling out for Jesus several times (I do believe in God, Jesus, and higher beings, but do not consider myself religious). This entity seemed to not like what I was doing as it eventually stopped what it was doing. For the span of like 6 months I could not sleep at night and would stay up until dawn or predawn (an hour or so before dawn) before going to sleep. With this even being the case it did try a few more times later that night and for a night or two after, but was quickly repelled. When I did start to go to sleep I would go to sleep with a cruxifixtion cross necklace wrapped in my hands. I have no idea what it was that I made contact with that night, but the conclusion that I came to was that it was a negative entity because I cannot fathom a positive one trying to force themselves into your mind.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 09:42 AM
As I see it just because you were trying to make contact with Alien's doesn't mean you did. You could have opened something else and who know's.

Best to stay away from that stuff and from what I have experienced and seen there is more good out there then bad.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 09:49 AM
reply to post by observe50

The difference is the bad is out there actively seeking who they can attack. You have to seek the good.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by eyesdown
I have a dream before where I must have woke up four different times, each time I was certain I was awake. And each time "I woke up" I tried to look around me and there would be different people in my room. I'd get freaked out, try and wake up and then i'd "wake up" in the dream and feel relieved unlit i saw these people again. By the time i actually woke up in the real world I felt that exhausted and sick i knew I must have been paralysed in mysleep and struggling to move for ages.

I am not sayin it did not happen but I have had many dreams that look and feel just like im lying in bed and always make me feel paralysed.

Edit to say that I agree if you do this kind of thing again look up crystals that have protectional properties, even look into the protectional circles you can cast around yourself, even if you dont belive in them they may act as some way of putting your mind at rest and I used the protectional circle a lot when I used to perform spells and try and contact spirits ect.
edit on 28-3-2011 by eyesdown because: just adding a lil mo'

I have had this happen before as well.....and even though this is distressing it was nothing and I do mean NOTHING like the other experience I had. If you have experienced both there really is just no comparison at all.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 09:55 AM
you guys are completely mad, lol! you'd better to see the doctor or drink a good whisky and see if the mark reminds.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 10:03 AM
Quite familiar with what you experienced. Terms like sleep paralasys, hypnagogia, hypnopompia are just words created by people who dont realy know what the # their talking about. I can tell you from my own experience that your not actually paralysed as far as your physical body goes. Its a dream, dream is a fluent thought, but its no ordenary lucid dream, your wide awake, it comes with the "mind falling feeling" as you described, its a freaky mental state to be in to say the least. 90% of it for me starts with a very sweet, calm, pleasant, thrilling vibe, id dare to call it love, realy good high. But i can have the vibe nevertheless, but if i have the vibe while im dreaming, it wakes me up, and then its like i get to chose to either to wake up into this world or to wake up into that dream world. Well, all your experience is a dream world, only difference is the source input and method of construction of it. As far as that experience goes, you often hear weird buzzing, mechanical or electrical sounding noises. At first it was like geting hit by a train, very intense, hyperventilating, heart beating, only lasts for 5sec, then it just fizzled away. But it was very pleasant, very intense as a sensation, but very pleasant as an emotion. And then there were the empty ones, that just happend, without the pleasantries. Started empty, and suddenly terror, its so immense, the fear that, if experienced too long, i can see that messing someones life up. The terror comes with the sensation that someone is coming or is in the room, but you dont see them right away, you feel them approaching, but thats about the point where i get the # out, luckily its easy for me, takes only 2sec or so. But if your emotions are high, its different, each time a new experience. From floating in space and seeing an eye, i realised how open its to suggestions and to your own beliefs, like i sed, a dream, you can change the way you see something in there, the eye changed shape as i was trying to figure out what eye it was. In terms of vision, the world is very lucid, its not clear at all, no detail, low resolution, its as clear as a memory with very bright colors. What does shock you is that things happen that do seeme out of your controll and that freaks me out. Its usually in terms of someone touching you, or speaking to you. For example last time, i felt myself turning over slowly, it very nice even, but as i floated over, i saw a image of something looking at me, and i think it was saying something, it didnt feel negative but it just freaked me out, i dont even know why exactly, but i do know that i was paranoid and scared because of the ghost storys i have herd, and in that mental state what you believe, youll most likely experience. Im not clear on how i end up in that mental state, it varies, sometimes i just see alot of information rush thro my mind in text and sound format, but i cant awarefully pick up on any of it and then i wake up. Without the intense sensation and emotions, it is alot like, dreaming. Have you ever had a dream where you thought you were awake, got out of bed and started your daily rutine, or more in the lines of this case had a very lively dream, for me i see myself awake, hear people in the other room, people who should be there or cud be there, lights go on, etc, but i cant move, i feel so very tierd, try to open my eyes but they dont open. If you wake up, nobodys there, lights are off, and it feels surreal, u cud swear it was real. But often those lively dreams can turn into something horrible, all it takes is you feel that your "like going through a mental portal" and boom. Tricky part here is the commonality between the events that happen, intriguing. If id have to give a suggestion, as general, harbor no fears, address your own mind and learn to know yourself, suppression doesnt work - let go, be confident with reason and logic, dont let your ego run your life, learn to play the game of life.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 10:21 AM
OK- firstly OP i believe what you did was contact aliens. Here is why.

4 years ago I saw a ufo outside of my house, 3 more ufo's joined them. I telepathically asked them if I could film them, as an abductee I did not want to "piss them off". I communicated wtih the ship telepathically and the ship communicated back by shooting out light beams to my questions. It lasted for about an hour. And I was not abducted that night.

When you send out "telepathic signals" it is true that its like an SOS beacon across the psychic plane. Anything, and I mean anything- ghosts, demons, etc can hear you send out this request. If a ufo was near your house, when you did this, it is very likely that it was an alien trying to abduct you. Becareful when you send out telepathic requests, because they will be answered!

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 10:47 AM
I once had a similar experience. Different but similar. I believe you.

I was also lying in my bed and when I awoke, I was awake. I really knew that, I checked it. The sounds, the smell, the sight, my body touching the bed. But I couldn't move. Just like you. There was this tremendous force pulling me down, such a strange feeling, everything is paralyzed. I wanted to move and I could only move a little little tiny bit, a slight muscular movement. I just got pulled down and down. At first I panicked really bad. But just as easily I calmed myself down and tried to move again from different angles, but my body just wouldn't do it. So I then gave up, wondering how #ed up it would be if I stayed this forever... And that's when I saw there was this entity above my, very close, very close to my face. Like a little ghost, dim, translucent and....dead. It was mocking me I could see that. A strange grin. But I felt no fear whatsoever. I knew that it had no real power over me. So I watched it for a while, wondering what the hell this thing was, but I did not want to establish any contact with it. I knew that would lead to bad things. So I focused all my power and energy from within, from the center of my body and pulled myself out of it and then it was gone and never came back. I realized that was the key, the power within my centre.
edit on 29-3-2011 by Sanjur0 because: correction

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 11:07 AM
An interesting thread. I will begin by saying I believe you, and understand the nature of your experience, as I have had something very similar.

I think its worth examining what you did. You asked for contact with aliens, and invited them to contact you.
In essense, what you requested was for anything considered 'alien' to make unrestricted contact with you, without boundries, or conditions. You then repeatedly broadcasted this request laying in a relaxed state.

One of the main problems is, how do you define 'Alien', as that can be understood as anything which is external to oneself. Additionally, it can refer to anything external or any other dimension. The list is somewhat endless. I am sure by now you can see that what you did was open a door, and request anything considered 'alien' in. (not too good an idea.)

So a few suggestions:
1, That ancient adage of 'Becareful what you ask for' is important. In this case, be specific, if you wish to make contact with an alien, ask for one who has your highest good in mind, and is from a specific level, dimension, source. (be it galactic, etherical, interdimensional etc). This will probably mean you might speak to the spirits of aliens, since we all exist on multiple dimensions.....

2. Set an exit policy. For example, you make will you end it?? So specify a time allowed for contact, and that contact needs to be harmonious and for the good of all (etc) .... In short, empower yourself and control the form of contact, especially at the beginning.

3. Consider the level you are making contact on. As a multi dimension being yourself, you might be communicating psychically out, ...or you might be in a prayer state, and communicating spiritually, aware what level you are broadcasting on.

4. Protection ... This is important. Many forms of psychic protection are of use...or request protection from spiritual sources...... In essence, don't travel alone

As you found out, ..this stuff is very real..... so take it slowly, ..

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 11:10 AM
Be careful,

you might be giving away your soul to 'bad aliens'. not smart to just give it out like that.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by wtbengineer
reply to post by observe50

The difference is the bad is out there actively seeking who they can attack. You have to seek the good.

Yes, this is what it really comes down to, and this has exceptions, not a judgment at all. There are so many exceptions for a number of reasons even, including some that are related to something you might have to learn or know to assist at a later date. We sometimes go through "hardships" that allow us to re-adjust our paradigms or what we think the world is like and enable us to pay attention to things that we didn't know were real, and possibly we may be at the right moment, at the right time even to help someone in a bad situation.

Even some positive experiences come in the guise of a more negative one, in order to jolt us or relating to a past event. Some more positive ones are like mirrors to us, and its done to help us to protect ourselves, start to seek, and for some to make some life changes, overcome some problem or negativity they hadn't seen or been putting off, in order to protect us from really falling into the wrong hands.

So with that out of the way, this part isn't being said to point a finger at anyone. I point fingers at myself, not others, we're all human and very few of us, if any, have perfection under our wings. This earth school has a gift, it shows us our weaknesses and keeps bringing the same thing up over and over until we get it, if we pay attention. This affects me as with anyone.

However, there are permissions or channels that our actions and behaviors, primarily, but also intent, and thoughts can do so, attract or another way of putting it is: the old adage of the devil and angel on your shoulder, well we don't see whats around us, but there are negatives and positives overseeing these tests.
And this school is highly interactive, we give permissions to increase the abilities of the two sides by our own behaviors, and some of those are lack of actions, being very apathetic to the suffereing around us for example is also a behavior.

So, some of what go through is done to jolt us, and help us avoid worse.

We're supposed to have joy and wonder at the stars and the cosmos its natural to seek. But not wide open!
edit on 29-3-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

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