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Why is Israel not considered a third world dictatorship?

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posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by Crakeur

others have provided some valid insight into the potential for it to happen but, so far, nobody has given one example of how israel, today, is a third world dictatorship.

Okay, let's see, what is third world dictatorship? Like Saudi Arabia, they get finance from the U.S. so the kings are super wealthy by selling off the countries oil at the expense of the people. That is an adequate definition of third world dictatorship? One that is very low in terms of civil rights and very high in political corruption? Okay, so Israel is funded by the U.S. Check. It robs lower class citizens of its rights. Check (maybe you'll call them their "neighbors" but since Israel controls the air space of Gaza and they do not let aid in or out, Gaza is essentially part of Israel, so whether you like it or not the Arabs in Palestine are part of Israel's governance). The political class is corrupt. Mossad. Check. They stifle opinion. AIPAC, check (not just in Israel but the world). And of course let's not forget Judaism, which itself is a controlling mechanism LIKE ALL RELIGIONS (I have to stress this or people will think I'm just anti-Jewish.

Those are your reasons. To sum up

1. They get funding from the U.S.
2. They treat their citizens poorly (they govern Palestine, so for them to not consider them citizens is even more of an indication of how brutally they treat them)
3. The political corruption eliminates dissenting opinion.

That about sums it up.

To reiterate, yes, I also think America is a third world dictatorship, are you going to tell me that that's moronic and ridiculous because America is a democracy? It's called questioning the status quo I advise you to do the same every now and then.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by filosophia

the US is a third world dictatorship?

there's no debating this with you. you clearly don't understand the meaning of the term third world dictatorship.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by Crakeur
reply to post by filosophia

the US is a third world dictatorship?

The only thing propping up the U.S. economy is the dollar being the world reserve currency, when that goes you better believe the U.S. will turn into a third world dictatorship. And if you don't believe there is voter fraud in America then there's really no point debating with you as well.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 03:47 AM
All you need to take from the comments OP, is that people are jumping on you for the use of the world 3rd world. That tells you all you need to know! The people who are defending Israel are evil scumbags. Any one with GOOD in their hearts, who sees things for what they are, or better yet, seen this first hand KNOW the truth. And nothing any of these pathetics parasites say will change that.

You want a source? How about the whole damn frikin world as source, as an indicator to the fact that Israel is a false, evil and maniac state, intent on genocide of innocents, to pave the way for their messiah and their golden age. Newsflash Ashkenazi Zionists; your golden age came and went a long long time ago, and it is never coming back, for it was for the true semite children of Israel. That is something you never were, and never WILL BE.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 08:42 AM

Originally posted by filosophia
[To reiterate, yes, I also think America is a third world dictatorship, are you going to tell me that that's moronic and ridiculous because America is a democracy?

Nope, I'm going to say it's ridiculous because you then said:

Originally posted by filosophia
The only thing propping up the U.S. economy is the dollar being the world reserve currency, when that goes you better believe the U.S. will turn into a third world dictatorship.

To reiterate, you don't know what a third world dictatorship is and you cannot make up your mind. Debating with someone who doesn't understand the topic and cannot make up their mind is impossible.


posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 08:54 AM
ATS is full of Anti-Semites and plain ignorant Jew hating Muslims. Plain and simple. Many on here are either from the Middle East and find it there daily calling to Allah to be-little and besmearch the Great People of Israel! They take great pride in poking fun at, calling names, and pointing out the "murderous" ways of Israel.

Deny ignorance eh? Let's put you in Israels shoes: You are attacked almost every single day by either rockets, suicide bombers, clerics, hate speeches, anti Jewish propaganda, and are also SURROUNDED by an area of the World who wants nothing more than to destroy you and every thing you stand for! THAT my friends, is ignorance.

ATS just seems to tolerate the "Israel did this OMG!" or "Israel did this!"; you know why? It allows the good guys (CIA, FBI, Counter Terrorism Forces, ETC) to keep tabs and track of the Jewish hating pigs and murderers! THUS, making the World a safer place.

Wake up, smell the coffee, Israel is NOT the bad guy. Yeah, there may be collateral damage which they deeply regret after an action, but guess what kiddos? THESE are facts of life and sadly they happen in any conflict!

So, the next time you want to poke a tiger and not expect a reaction from it, GO AHEAD, MAKE THEIR DAY. You want to die a marter, they can help you meet Allah, FOR FREE!

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by Justice4Gaza

You see my point guys?
Look at the name. Gaza propaganda machine at work here.

I am just from small town "Ignorant-ville Middle America". There, said it for you...

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 09:23 AM

Originally posted by NeverApologize
ATS is full of Anti-Semites and plain ignorant Jew hating Muslims. Plain and simple. Many on here are either from the Middle East and find it there daily calling to Allah to be-little and besmearch the Great People of Israel! They take great pride in poking fun at, calling names, and pointing out the "murderous" ways of Israel.

Deny ignorance eh? Let's put you in Israels shoes: You are attacked almost every single day by either rockets, suicide bombers, clerics, hate speeches, anti Jewish propaganda, and are also SURROUNDED by an area of the World who wants nothing more than to destroy you and every thing you stand for! THAT my friends, is ignorance.

ATS just seems to tolerate the "Israel did this OMG!" or "Israel did this!"; you know why? It allows the good guys (CIA, FBI, Counter Terrorism Forces, ETC) to keep tabs and track of the Jewish hating pigs and murderers! THUS, making the World a safer place.

Wake up, smell the coffee, Israel is NOT the bad guy. Yeah, there may be collateral damage which they deeply regret after an action, but guess what kiddos? THESE are facts of life and sadly they happen in any conflict!

So, the next time you want to poke a tiger and not expect a reaction from it, GO AHEAD, MAKE THEIR DAY. You want to die a marter, they can help you meet Allah, FOR FREE!

LOL wow, yeah these guys are just launching rockets into poor israel for no reason, its not that the same people who are sending those rockets entire family may have been decimated, infront of there eyes? Not that they have been forced from their homes, never to be allowed to return? And please do not INSULT me by calling me an anti semite, the zionists are NOT semites, they are from EUROPE and ALL of their ancestors are from europe, therefore they are not semites. Call me an anti zionist all you want chump, anti semite i aint. Your blind to the truth pal u just openly said you think the CIA are the good

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by Crakeur

I've made up my mind a long time ago, government, no matter how limited, just doesn't work.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by NeverApologize
ATS is full of Anti-Semites and plain ignorant Jew hating Muslims. Plain and simple. Many on here are either from the Middle East and find it there daily calling to Allah to be-little and besmearch the Great People of Israel! They take great pride in poking fun at, calling names, and pointing out the "murderous" ways of Israel.

Deny ignorance eh? Let's put you in Israels shoes: You are attacked almost every single day by either rockets, suicide bombers, clerics, hate speeches, anti Jewish propaganda, and are also SURROUNDED by an area of the World who wants nothing more than to destroy you and every thing you stand for! THAT my friends, is ignorance.

ATS just seems to tolerate the "Israel did this OMG!" or "Israel did this!"; you know why? It allows the good guys (CIA, FBI, Counter Terrorism Forces, ETC) to keep tabs and track of the Jewish hating pigs and murderers! THUS, making the World a safer place.

Wake up, smell the coffee, Israel is NOT the bad guy. Yeah, there may be collateral damage which they deeply regret after an action, but guess what kiddos? THESE are facts of life and sadly they happen in any conflict!

So, the next time you want to poke a tiger and not expect a reaction from it, GO AHEAD, MAKE THEIR DAY. You want to die a marter, they can help you meet Allah, FOR FREE!

This is a mirror image of your comment but from the other side.

ATS is full of Anti-Semites and plain ignorant Muslim hating Jews. Plain and simple. Many on here are either from Israel or America and find it there daily calling to God to be-little and besmearch the Great People of Palestine! They take great pride in poking fun at, calling names, and pointing out the "murderous" ways of Palestine.

Deny ignorance eh? Let's put you in Palestine's shoes: You are attacked almost every single day by either rockets, IDF forces, tanks, check points, anti Muslim propaganda, and are also SURROUNDED by an area of the World who wants nothing more than to destroy you and every thing you stand for (U.S. and the west)! THAT my friends, is ignorance.

ATS just seems to tolerate the "Iraq did this OMG!" or "Iran did this!"; you know why? It allows the good guys (Patriots, Righteous Police Officers, Alex Jones, ETC) to keep tabs and track of the Muslim hating pigs and murderers! THUS, making the World a safer place.

Wake up, smell the coffee, Palestine is NOT the bad guy. Yeah, there may be collateral damage which they deeply regret after an action, but guess what kiddos? THESE are facts of life and sadly they happen in any conflict!

So, the next time you want to poke a tiger and not expect a reaction from it, GO AHEAD, MAKE THEIR DAY. You want to die a marter, they can help you meet God, FOR FREE!

edit on 27-3-2011 by filosophia because: (no reason given)

So think about what you just said, from the other side. Maybe then you'll see that this conflict is a never ending one, which is why it is a 1000 year old religious war, and until BOTH SIDES STOP there will be no peace.
edit on 27-3-2011 by filosophia because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-3-2011 by filosophia because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by filosophia

Only one problem. When you say it is un-true. There fore you are a creative liar, no?
I think yes...
edit on 27-3-2011 by NeverApologize because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by filosophia

I would also like to call to the stand my friend plagiarism!
I will be reporting you for it.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by Justice4Gaza

It's also funny how all of a sudden someone with less than 20 posts who joins recently, chooses a "Pro Gaza" name. No relation to what is currently going on? No operation by you and your "Comrades for Islam"?

I won't rest until every last Jew Hating Extremist is hunted down and brought to justice. (Read the previous carefully before reacting on emotion.)

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by NeverApologize
reply to post by filosophia

I would also like to call to the stand my friend plagiarism!
I will be reporting you for it.

I think I made it rather apparent what I was doing. Plagiarism would be if I used your writing and tried to pass it off as my own, which I would never do because your writing is anti-semitic.
edit on 27-3-2011 by filosophia because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by NeverApologize
reply to post by filosophia

Only one problem. When you say it is un-true. There fore you are a creative liar, no?
I think yes...
edit on 27-3-2011 by NeverApologize because: (no reason given)

This only proves you can only see one side of the issue. Your side is true, but when you say the same thing but change a few key words, you think it is untrue even though I can document every change that I made.
edit on 27-3-2011 by filosophia because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by filosophia

Who attacks Israel on a daily basis?
Iran, Hamas, some Islamo nut right?

Who calls for war crimes when the tiger no longer wants poked?
See above, same answers.

Who want's nothing more then to see the fall of Israel?
Ditto that again.

Who is criticized when they retaliate for innocent civilians being slaughtered by terrorists?
Israel is and it isn't a fair accusation.

Let me ask you. If you were punched in the face time and time again; would you sit there and take it or would you react and smash the other person like a bug?

If you couldn't go out into the shopping district without wondering if you are going to be another statistic, wouldn't you want something done to make you feel safer? IE) a Pre-Emptive strike on a Gaza Bomb Factory?

When time after time you sign cease fire's and peace treaties and have the constantly broken by the militants plotting your demise; would diplomacy no longer suffice?

Can you honestly blame Israel for using over whelming retaliation tactics to send a message: "If you attack us, we will help you meet your maker".

I know you already know this, but, if you were surrounded by "neighbors" that wanted nothing more then you to die, would you not be a little aggresive? I know I sure as heck would be! I would be watching over my shoulder 24/7!

You claim Israel commits genocide. Are you aware of what genocide even means? I think they are doing the opposite of performing genocide. I think they are preventing it by going after the extremists. Were the Jews not marched into ovens, gassed, shot, mauled, abused, tortured many years ago?

Open a history book. Look who was there first. Regardless of your "facts", Jews have walked the Eart for thousands more years than any so called Muslim. FACT. They have survived thus long due to being tough, no crap taking, sort of people.

Do your self a favor and walk a street in Israel. A vast majority of the civilians are armed and ready to kick some butt. My kind of people.

In short summary, I think Israel has shown great restraint in handling the THUGS and EXTREMISTS. Wait until Israel takes off the gloves and really dishes out an ass whooping of historic proportion. The opposition will BEG for mercy!



posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by NeverApologize

If Israel really wanted peace they would stop extending their borders on a daily basis. Why don't they stop this if they want peace?

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 01:03 PM

Wow, I haven't seen this much Anti Arab sentiment on this site in awhile.

My, my, how far have we fallen?

None of your claims hold water as Israel as caught on 12 different occasions trying to launch against Iran and to leave the US to clean up the mess. This is why Israel is pissed.

No one is taking them seriously anymore as they are officially "the boy who cried wolf one too many times". They will and have attacked themselves in recent months just to lie.

How about I take a military team, pull up in front of your house, rip you and your family out of your home and rape your wife and beat and rape your daughter and kill your son, how would that make you feel? This happens daily in Palestine. You would be quick to attack me and I would not blame you for it. To turn a blind eye to this fact automatically disqualifies you from having a constructive opinion on this.

What makes it ok for Israel to do to the Palestinians what Germany did to them in WWII? That makes them guilty for war crimes, ethnic genocide hands down.

Before you dare blackout on me I am a supporter of both the Israeli and Palestinian people but am deadset against the actions of the Israeli Government.
edit on 27-3-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by filosophia

One could ask the same about Palestine- Why doesn't the U.S invade the Gaza strip and eradicate Hamas? Doesn't Hamas try (and at times succeeds) to butcher Israeli civilians as well?

Hypocrisy is declaring Israel a third world dictatorship for killing or hurting civilians, while allowing Hamas to do whatever the hell they want.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by Eliad

Please just one zionist person answer me, why do they keep building "settlements" outside of their boarders while claiming to want peace. Can you give me any other reason besides "god said so?"

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