posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 06:51 PM
I have heard similar rumbling sounds and have posted on other threads about this as well. Originally, I thought the same as everyone has, plane,
helicopter, train, roadwork, etc.
I quickly eliminated all of the above except for road work. The sound was similar to that of a close by jet, but it lingered and lingered and
lingered some more, we are talking a 10-15 min time frame. So I searched for local roadwork on the internet, as well as my own sleuthing, and there
was nothing within 20 miles of me.
I was intrigued but still thought nothing of it, until I heard the same sound two more times that week. I logged onto ATS and one of the first
threads I saw explained the same occurrence and I have been reading about this ever since.
There is no reason for anyone to believe me anymore than the OP in this thread. I am sure there will be plenty of Hoaxes posted on this topic, but I
can attest that my experience was honest and true. I never created a thread to boost my Flags and Stars,
I only contribute my own experience.
I believe you OP, and hope that someday soon we can find out what the hell is going on. S&F