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I Seen What The Rumbling Noise Is!

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posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 11:52 AM
i might have a theory to all the rumbling being heard and videos posted tho its pretty far out there

maybe aliens live amongst us but are invisible because they live in a higher dimension

they know the earth is going through changes and are abandoning ship, they know theres nothing they can do about it so thier leaving en masse in thier spaceships and thats what we hear but cant see...

just a silly theory

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by Teeky

Don't be afraid. An alien takeover would have happened already if it was going to happen. Whatever it is chose to hide itself (but only partially...) which leads me to believe that it's observing, if it's indeed an alien craft. I'm leaning towards a government tested craft though because people are smartening up to stealth bombers and etc. Whatever it is, it's probably more dangerous in human hands than it is in alien ones.

As for the robot thing your brother witnessed... I have no idea what to think about that. Exo-suit maybe?
edit on 25/3/11 by AdamsMurmur because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 11:54 AM
Yesterday afternoon, a very loud rumbling in the sky, I was sure it had to be a very low flying large tanker plane, since there is a air base near by with a fueling mission.

We're out on acreage, and we can see in every direction, and I stood looking up and seeing nothing, even though the noise was the strongest we've heard in years. It felt like the "plane" or whatever had to be right above, big as life.

As I scanned the sky, somewhat perplexed, something else caught my eye, a hawk, flying so high it was barely visible. There were some clouds, but the hawk put it into perspective, to me, I "should" have been able to see whatever the thing was making the loud noise. Could it have been even higher than the hawk?

I'll be keeping an eye out for a repeat of this. My wife was inside, and saw me looking up, and asked me where the plane was that had made such a loud noise. She was surprised that I was unable to see anything, in spite of looking "everywhere" in the sky. She said she was almost ready for a huge shadow to go across the fields. Although, it almost sounded as if the thing was going slower than the usual large tanker. The sound lingered, maybe 45 seconds?

Frankly, I've been a bit skeptical of all this rumbling business, but yesterday was peculiar. I still think it had to be a plane, but it's strange that I couldn't find it in the sky, even though it felt so close, like I could have literally hit it with a ball if I had thrown it up at the noise.

It never occurred to me to perhaps look for signs of "cloaking", that's sort of not on my radar I guess, you know, in real life. But maybe next time I'll look for signs of such a thing. The military is obviously much more advanced than they let on.


posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 11:59 AM
Very interesting thread OP , I will finish reading the other pages in a minute, just wanted to post this really quick. To anybody who is concerned about the sci-fi wording that the OP is using, Think about it, we use words that we have in our vocabulary, maybe that was the first thing that came to mind . If something looked like (reminded me) a transformers , the ET alien from the Spielberg movie or cthulhu I would use those words describing it because most people are familiar with them .

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by mesle123

Sorry guys this is off subject I'm just making somebody aware of a fact they might like to know.
Just to inform you because it sounds like you don't know but the moon does actually rotate.

Does the Moon rotate? Are there other moons that always keep one face toward their planet? I noticed that out moon doesn't rotate as it orbits our earth. Is our moon the only moon in our solar system that doesn't rotate? Be a little careful . . . the Moon does rotate. If you stood on the Moon, the stars would rise and set, just like they do on Earth, except that a lunar day is a month long, the same as the Moon's orbital period. The Moon rotates at just the right speed so that it always keeps one face pointed toward the Earth, which seems like a pretty big coincidence, doesn't it? Your question is very interesting because the answer is that, no, the Moon is not unique. Almost all moons in the Solar System keep one face pointed toward their planet. (The only exception we know of is Hyperion, a moon of Saturn.) This tells us it's probably not a coincidence, that there is probably a reason for this to happen, a physical process that happens to most moons to slow their rotation. That process is called tidal friction. You probably know that the Moon's gravity affects the Earth's oceans. Well, the Earth's gravity also affects the Moon. It distorts the Moon's shape slightly, squashing it out so that it is elongated along a line that points toward the Earth. We say that the Earth raises "tidal bulges" on the Moon. The Earth's gravity pulls on the closest tidal bulge, trying to keep it aligned with Earth. As the Moon turns, feeling the Earth's gravity, this creates friction within the Moon, slowing the Moon's rotation down until its rotation matches its orbital period exactly, a state we call tidal synchronization. In this state, the Moon's tidal bulge is always aligned with Earth, which means that the Moon always keeps one face toward Earth. Other planets raise tides on their moons, too, so almost all the moons in the Solar System are tidally synchronized. There's even one planet that is sychronized to its moon! Charon, Pluto's moon, is so large and so close to Pluto that the planet and moon are both locked into the same rotational rate. The Moon slows the Earth's rotation, too, but at a very slow rate, increasing the length of the day by a couple of milliseconds each century. You might be wondering what's up with Hyperion. Gravitational interaction with other moons of Saturn cause Hyperion to tumble chaotically, so Saturn doesn't even get a chance at tidal synchronization before Hyperion's rotational state is changed by another moon. There may be other small moons that behave in this manner, as well, but it is difficult to measure the rotational periods of small moons around distant planets, so we don't know of any yet.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by AdamsMurmur

The ufo my bro saw was part craft part exo skeleton robot. He said it was an orb with wings on each side and 2 legs at the bottom that reminded him of transformers. His wife and son saw it also. His wife does not believe in ufos or conspiracy theories at all and she is the one that pointed it out to him 1st. My nephew told me his first thought when he saw it was "what if it transformed". But my bro said the craft made the same rumbling noise everyone else is hearing.
The rate at which people in Detroit calim to see ufos is increasing, in the past no one really mentioned it, but now my friends family are seeing strange craft

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by iforget
I just wonder why cloak visibly but not audibly

Because people will just forget about it after some time , and only the die hards on ATS will follow it up . On the other hand if lots of people see a huge alien ship, this might provoke some concerns

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 12:24 PM
After we were woken up by the rumbling that lasted for around 30 minutes, we (my wife and I) didn't think anything of it. Now for the past week there has been constant helicopters and planes flying over our house. If you know where we are located, this happens very rarely!! We are in BFE and about 2 hours away from Pittsburgh airport, which these planes flying over are not that high, and the helicopters seem like they are almost touching our house!!! Below is the post I had in another thread also.


posted on 3/21/2011 @ 10:58 this post My wife and I were woken up by this also, we live in Pennsylvania. We have 2 dogs that were shaking, a Doberman and a Pit Bull that aren't afraid of any outside noises?? It went on for almost a half hour!!!!

edit on 3/25/2011 by Chrisfishenstein because: b

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by Thill

Originally posted by iforget
I just wonder why cloak visibly but not audibly

Because people will just forget about it after some time , and only the die hards on ATS will follow it up . On the other hand if lots of people see a huge alien ship, this might provoke some concerns

that makes some sense I guess
I could see perhaps the true sound is cloaked down to something similar to a rocket or jet engine which is what I hear in the video I saw

I live S.W. of Detroit and heard nothing.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 12:38 PM

Now for the past week there has been constant helicopters and planes flying over our house.
reply to post by Chrisfishenstein

Classic! The government can try to hide this but them being in areas immediatly after things like this happen practically implies possible UFO or secret technology. My gut says the world is in for a big Wake up Proof soon... What do you think?

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 12:40 PM
That´s very interesting. I personally have become so pessimistic about our violent and irrational mankind, that I´d be more happy to know, that they are aliens. Then at least we have SOME chance to have better life in future
. But haven´t you thought, that maybe the sound is some kind of frequency and they are making this deliberately, if they really are aliens? Whay, I have no idea, but sound is very powerful thing. Most religions teach, that Universe was created with the sound (frequencies).

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 12:50 PM
intersting thread op, the tom cruise movie war of the worlds comes to mind when i read your thread. remember the actors stating that the alien vessels had been here for thousands of years? and now rumblings along with so much seismic action underground-possibly has these cloaked vessels needing to relocate
not sure, but simply amazing the witnesses stating have heard and have seen ufo type phenomena, thus my reasoning for never believing that there is not a coincedence in this 3 tier universe we live in star and flag

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by allprowolfy

Yeah, and remember the horrifying sound they made?

My thinking though is this is a black ops govt project. Right now they are just practicing. They figured out how to cloak visibly but not audibly a real or a holographic ship. Remember, from past years threads that the govt is going to create a fake alien invasion by using holgraphics in the sky somehow to scare us into whatever they want us to do.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by Starseed32
I wouldn't discount what you saw either. I have come to find that there many, many things going on that happen so quickly you don't have time to record or video. This has also happened to me. Let's face it, even if you had, some on here would still call it a fake.
Thanks for posting your story. Now we hopefully have something to begin going on as others witness this same phenomena. I haven't heard this here in my area. I do live a few miles from an airport and when the FedEx and UPS planes take off at night they rattle and vibrate everything. The difference is, this only last a couple of minutes and does not continue for 10 or 20 minutes like is being reported. The flash of light before the object becomes silent is also something to consider.

what you seen

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 02:11 PM
We're just gonna have to wait and see what other people say.... Hopefully more and more people will notice something in the sky so we can confirm this, and eventually and hopefully we'll find out what it is. Lots of people have heard these noises, even myself!

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by Amandla
. . . But haven´t you thought, that maybe the sound is some kind of frequency and they are making this deliberately . . .

Very interesting suggestion. I haven't read many of the other 'noise' threads, so I don't know if this has yet been mentioned in them; however, tying the rumbling noises to Earth Frequency changes (Frequency Forming as opposed to Terra Forming?) as a deliberate mission statement seems to me something a large number of a certain type ATS member might jump all over.

I think you have the makings of a very large, highly flagged and starred new thread there.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by Teeky

Sounds VERY interesting. I'm from Windsor (I'm sure you know where that is if you're from Detroit). I wish I heard the rumbling noise but I missed it the original time and this new experience you're speaking of. I don't discount what you saw, I have a very open mind and definitely believe the Government isn't telling us everything we ought to know about what's in our skies. Too bad you couldn't get a video or snapshot of what you seen, but nonetheless it makes an entertaining story. I hope that we get disclosure rather sooner than later, we've been waiting TOO LONG! Hit me up if you have any more sightings you wish to discuss!

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by Teeky

Couldn't see anything in the sky

you say that yet your title says


so did you see it or didnt ya? im confused...

opps sorry i didnt read past the opening post. no longer confused lol.
edit on 25-3-2011 by strafgod because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by Pinkgomo653
reply to post by Teeky

Hm, interesting. I live on an Air Force Base, with a B-1, so I hear loud noises all of the time.
But I haven't heard anything like what everyone is claiming they hear.
Very strange indeed.

I'm NE of Whiteman AFB and the stealths fly over often, occasionally low, other times one just assumes that is what one is hearing. They can make a huge low or other rumbling noise for a long time depending on the speed they are traveling (often very slow) and depending on whether they are flying around (rather than accross). I don't doubt that a 'cloaking' device of sorts exists, maybe at the simplest, one that just surrounds the plane in a cloud, has been developed, the military has been working on that for quite awhile. Also, likely there are many other much more developed craft than the B1's or B2's, they were out for quite awhile before they became public.
edit on 25-3-2011 by Tecumte because: spelling

edit on 25-3-2011 by Tecumte because: spelling

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 03:30 PM
O.K. all this "I heard a rumbling" talk is really getting my attention now. I actually heard something too, and I wasn't alone when I did. I was with two other people. It was a strange sound that came from the outside, and none of us could identify what the hell could be making the noise. We were all sitting in the living room watching TV when it happened. It was sometime in the afternoon, and it was overcast outside. The noise was intermittent, not continuous. It would rumble, and then it would stop. A couple of minutes later it would start up again and stop. People around us sometimes make noise with their motorcycles or cars, but this is a sound none of us could identify. We tried guessing what it might be. At the time I certainly didn't think it ATS worthy when I heard it, but seeing as so many people are reporting it, I thought maybe I should share mine too.

The noise came and went for about 10 or 20 minutes. We couldn't tell if it was close or far away. Since we could hear it clearly we thought maybe it was close by, but we couldn't spot anyone doing anything unusual in the neighborhood. At one point one of us went outside to check around the building to make sure that someone isn't stuck in a garage, banging on the doors. When he came back, he said he didn't see or hear anything unusual. At that point we decided to ignore it since it seemed like there was nothing we could really do about it. It didn't even occur to me for a moment to look up into the sky.

Maybe my noise isn't related to this reported rumbling, but just in case it might be, I figured I might as well mention it.

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