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ATS's Boondock-Saint for US President - Would you vote for me ???

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posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 08:58 AM

Originally posted by LightCraft
WHAT of it DO you agree with and what DON'T you? In regards to these bullet points:

Repeal Obamacare
Bring manufacturing back to the USA
Give business owners incentives to produce their goods here.
Impose extremely high import taxes on products manufactured in China.
Lower income and school taxes.
Shrink government to acceptable limits.
REGULATE price gouging on Gas and Oil.

AGREED on ALL points above as quoted

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 09:01 AM
reply to post by ReRun

you and Mr. XYZ will be ignored
for the remainder of this thread.

If you cannot act in a civil manner
without the lies and attacks then you deserve
no responses from me.

best wishes


posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by nightbringr

-What would you do about American imperialism and the situation of American bases on foreign soil, and how would you deal with the pressure from Halliburton and weapons contractors?

Foreign bases have already been discussed.
As far as Haliburton goes, you seem to forget
that when I end the Fed. They will go bankrupt
as far as the US Dollar goes.

-Would your relations with Israel change, and if so, how so?

Very good question. I personally would not allow
Israel to affect US Politics. I would also not hire
or staff anybody who has dual Israeli/American
Citizenship. If their loyalty is not with the US,
then they have no business in ours. I am not
anti-semite, I am weary of Israeli intervention
in American Politics.

-How would you deal with China if it decided to assert sovereignty over Taiwan by imposing a military blockade?

China cannot block ALL trade with Taiwan by sea alone.
Airplanes deliver as well.

-Would you do anything about the national debt? Income tax? If so, what?

This has already been answered

-What approaches would you use to deal with North Korea or Iran if they are to become nuclear?

North Korea is already nuclear and I have
no problem with Iran having nuclear power
generation. If they become hostile, we and
a few others have a red button. A good
missile is a missile never used.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by daddio
Absolutely would vote for you, but would it matter, we need to get rid of the unconstitutional "electoral college" which is made up of Masons who vote in the next puppet. I don't think an actual human president has been elected since before lincoln. Kennedy was making corrections and trying to do the right thing but look what happened to him!! TPTB don't care who you are but you better do THEIR bidding or you are done!!

speaking of electoral college.
It is my opinion that presidents should be voted
for by the people, not an electoral college.
Majority vote wins election.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 09:23 AM

Originally posted by boondock-saint

speaking of electoral college.
It is my opinion that presidents should be voted
for by the people, not an electoral college.
Majority vote wins election.

Given the ubiquity of technology and the ability to disseminate information near-instantaneously, yes, it's time to abandon the electoral college.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by boondock-saint

Originally posted by MidnightTide
Can we have actual important threads on the main page?

maybe I'm wrong
but somebody running for President
is an important thread IMO especially
if they are going to bat against TPTB.

Yea , but there is nobody here who is convinced you are "running" , other than the voices in your head .

Nobody in this thread believes it . You don't even believe it yourself , because you know damn well that you aren't running for anything , all you are doing is trolling for stars and flags . What do you use them for ? Why are they so important to you ?

The joke is over , you got your stars and flags , why not go design another one of your 'popularity' threads ?

47 years old ? REALLY ? What a disgrace .

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by hillynilly
If evidence was found that Assange DID aid and abetted Manning in
stealing secret government documents then releasing them through wikileaks.
If found guilty would you prosecute him to the full extent punishable by death (preferably hung for treason imo).

Manning was most likely the patsy here... (just imo he is taking ALL the blame)

Assange could not be tried for treason to America.
he is NOT a US Citizen. However, he may be tried
under some international court and punishments
expounded due to that ruling depending on which court
and which laws they prosecute him on.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 09:34 AM

Originally posted by WeRpeons
Thanks for getting back boon. I think we agree on the same things except for high speed rail. I can overlook that. But, don't you think high speed rail would cut down the amount of traffic on our highways and give the public another low cost option for travel. I just think links to major cities would help the flow of commerce and also provide fast transportation for those people who like to keep their feet on the ground.
Sure I would vote for you, who's your running mate?

well yea, in that regard it may cut down
on highway traffic, however most folks who live
on one coast and travel to the opposite coast
would like the opportunity to stop off and
see landmarks and take pics without the blur
from a moving train. So if they are only there
for speed, then an airplane would be better suited.

and thanks for your support

I do not know about running mates yet.
I'm still trying to decide on my own
campaign first. But thanks for responding


posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by MarkofCain

Great song.

We didn't start the flame war. to me.

I raffed?

Thanks for that.


posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
reply to post by ReRun

you and Mr. XYZ will be ignored
for the remainder of this thread.

If you cannot act in a civil manner
without the lies and attacks then you deserve
no responses from me.

best wishes


Ignore me all you want, doesn't change the fact that you base your "information" on (often paranoid) opinion blogs rather than real, factual news and information. Furthermore, someone who claims to wanna run for president, and then ignores valid arguments from people he disagrees with doesn't seem to be intelligent enough to be president. I mean, if you can't even have a rational discussion with people who disagree with you, you should definitely not be would just lead to more partisan bull#

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by DelMar
You expect anyone to consider taking you seriously when your essentially an anonymous person posting vague information? I get the Q and A and there are some answers that you've given that I agree with. But really, you should have just started a thread asking for questions about your beliefs/ideals, instead of a "Hey, would you vote for me?" Which is why I stand by the stroking your ego comment.

I figured you wouldn't address all of my questions, so in that respect, you're already looking like a politician.

you missed the entire point I was making.

That folks should vote on the issues,
not the person's occupation, or name,
or dress code, or how good they read
a teleprompter.

Vote the issues ------ NOT the virtual appearance
of the candidate on TV.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by something wicked
Why on earth would you do that? Do you know this person? Are you so fickle that you would seriously vote in someone you have absolutely no knowledge about?

just to re-iterate,
I have not asked for a single dime
for this campaign.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 09:48 AM

Originally posted by SaulGoodman
I wouldn't vote for you and I agree with all the talk of ego stroking. Still, I'll bite and ask you a few questions.

I will not answer your questions basically
cuz I feel it a waste of time since you
have already come into this thread
with preconceived notions of negativity.
No matter how I answer them, they
will be wrong in your judgment.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 09:49 AM
reply to post by boondock-saint

you and Mr. XYZ will be ignored
for the remainder of this thread.

If you cannot act in a civil manner
without the lies and attacks then you deserve
no responses from me.

That's right , Mr. Presidential candidate , just ignore everyone who comes along that doesn't kiss your ass and tell you how wonderful you are . Is this how you are going to act in response to other heads-of-state who disagree with you ? Just ignore them ?

That's one hell of a foreign policy plan ya got there !

Also , Mr. Presidential candidate
, I dare you to show where I have told any lies about you in this thread .

Come on , put your money where your mouth is . Show the readers where and what I have lied about .

You're starting to convince me that you might indeed have what it takes to become a politician after all .

Now , you called me a liar , and being from Alabama , you should know that you just don't do that without being able to prove it .

I won't be holding my breath , but don't go running away and ignore this . Show where I have lied about you .

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by boondock-saint

Assange could not be tried for treason to America.
he is NOT a US Citizen. However, he may be tried
under some international court and punishments
expounded due to that ruling depending on which court
and which laws they prosecute him on.

I remember watching Saddam getting hung.
When a person like Assange/Saddam who is getting/having people killed (directly/indirectly)
they deserve to be hung. Doesn't matter who tries him.. Should be a tribunal of some sort..
Hang them on live TV.

edit on 27-3-2011 by hillynilly because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 09:53 AM

Originally posted by Agree2Disagree
My one and only question....

What have you done to EARN my vote...

I haven't done anything ... YET !!!
it's what I intend to do that deserves
your patronage.


posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by hillynilly

Originally posted by boondock-saint

Assange could not be tried for treason to America.
he is NOT a US Citizen. However, he may be tried
under some international court and punishments
expounded due to that ruling depending on which court
and which laws they prosecute him on.

I remember watching Saddam getting hung.
When a person like Assange/Saddam who is getting/having people killed (directly/indirectly)
they deserve to be hung. Don't matter who tries him.. Should be a tribunal of some sort..
Hang them on live TV.

Well, no one has proven anything he did resulted in you comparing him to Saddam makes you look incredibly silly. But who cares about facts, right?

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by Zanti Misfit
Would you as President Fight to Disolve the Fereral Reserve Bank and LIVE to tell about it ? If so , you MIGHT get my Vote Bro ...........

you're correct, I might not live to tell about it.
That's why I have ATS and folks like you to
tell my story after I'm gone. Any change
in that direction, is change for the better
IMO. Sometimes, it only takes
an inch to crumble a mountain.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by MrXYZ

So your a supporter of terrorism?
You support innocent children, pregnant women, getting killed?
Informants in Iraq and Afghanistan being beheaded with their families because of Assange.
Now that is sick, your a sick person.
If you support saddam/assange/al qaeda/bin laden.
You support terrorism, and anyone who sides with them or aides their cause is a supporter
of terrorism!

Grow up! In over your head little boy.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by Solomons
I am not usually the one to cry disinfo etc all the time...or any time in fact. But i have been growing more and more wary of this person/persons known as boondock saint over the last few months and his/its underling ATS member accounts that tend to have the same posting style...i will simply leave it at that and put it down to my own paranoia of course, plus im not American so i can't vote anyway!
But if i could then no i would not.

Let me clarify for you and everyone else,
I do not post under any other account
other than boondock-saint. And I am
a real person, not a bot.

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