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Donald Trump Demands Obama's Birth Certificate on ''The View''

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posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 11:35 PM
Yes the view has taken a turn towards Conspiracy Theories, it is the hottest thing out at the moment, great marketing.( lets move on )

What Donald Trumps stake in this is, he wants to run for presidency so he is taking his first jabs at Presidency campaigns. Cant knock him. He is a homegrown modern day REAL Rockefeller who understands the facets of American business.

This is entertainment for me atleast, because coming from a conspiracy point of view, how come ALMOST every president was Proudly PART OF a "fraternity" that produces the most presidents in current times. Why wont they talk about that on live t.v. ? Busy pointing out a piece of paper (Birth Cert.)

To side note it; how tough is Hawaii's regulation over fraud, since America is highly promoted to immigrate to, wouldn't it be easy to go through one of its islands such as Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Virgin Islands , ETC.

There may be a crack in the system when it comes to island governed states such as these since homeland "respects" citzenships in these islands.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 11:37 PM
I'm more intertested in whether Donalds hair is real or a just transplant.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 11:40 PM
I have to be suspicious of Donald Trump ....he claims that the reason he has considered running for president is because potential economic collapse . I'm sure he is personally driven , but why would Mr. Trump be driven? because his personal investments are threatened by our current direction of government ? This needs some serious consideration and research.
For such a large businessman , you would figure he has ties with many politicians. To come out against the grain as far as calling the president out ....hmmmm.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by Havick007
What really annoyed me about the interview is that Whoopi tried to make it into a racial issue...

Seriously i am sick of that excuse, when we discuss immigration on ATs someone always comes along and pulls the race card issue...

What the hell do you expect a black person to do with they don't have any other arguing points? The irony is that Obama is as much black as he is white. Leave it to a black woman to ignore the issue and say, "IT'S CAUSE HE BLACK AINT IT?!?!?!?!".

It's sickening.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 11:55 PM

Originally posted by daggyz
I'm more intertested in whether Donalds hair is real or a just transplant.

It's an enigma. It seems that with all of his money he could afford a great hair transplant - even one from other people.

I think it's just a really big comb over and he is comfortable using his real hair with it.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by RandalFlagg
why are the women on the view so damn annoying?

I have 4 Ex-wives, these woman are an example of why and frankly, Donald Trumps handle of these "Harpies" seriously impressed me and if the man runs for President, he'll have my vote...God Knows, we have done a lot worse and as for Obama, the more we learn of the truth about this man, the worse we are going to realize things are.
edit on 26-3-2011 by MajorKarma because: Typos, expanded comment

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 12:19 AM
reply to post by MrXYZ

The birth certificate is only ONE of a long list of questions about this President. As Obama himself said, "The only people who don't want to disclose the truth, are people with something to hide." I find it funny that you don't address the issue, and simply provide links that have been proven false. Here is a list of what's missing...

1) Original, vault copy birth certificate aka hospital-generated long form birth certificate. We are led to believe that the lawyers’ fees have exceeded $2 million for a piece of paper that’s worth $15.
2) Marriage license for President Obama’s parents — Barack Obama Sr. and Stanley Ann Dunham. Never released (if one exists).
3) Obama/Dunham divorce records. You can’t be divorced if you’re not married. Remember Barack’s mother filed and his father never responded. Why respond if you were never married?
4) Soetoro/Dunham marriage license. This is Barack’s Muslim stepdad. Not released.
5) Soetoro adoption records. Never released. Yet we do have records showing Lo Lo, Barack’s stepfather, enrolling him as an Indonesian citizen and a Muslim by faith. In Indonesia, Barack attended Saint Francis of Assisi School. The application was released showing the above. Then there are the Noelani Kindergarten records. Punahou School application — missing. Punahou school records — repressed. Noelani third grade records — the so-called return to Hawaii — never released.
7) Soetoro/Dunham divorce — when released, pages were missing.
8) Obama’s social security number issued in Connecticut, first digits 042, assigned to Connecticut sometime between 1976 and 1977. At that time the POTUS would have been 16 or 17 years of age selling ice cream at the Baskin Robbins in Hawaii. You tell me how he got the 042.
9) His selective service registration — appears to be doctored and created only when he began a political life. Not when he was 18 years old as required by law because he didn’t think he had to register for the draft because either his Indonesian or Kenyan citizenship exempted him.
10) Occidental College records — suppressed, not released.
11) Financial aid records at Occidental College — suppressed not released.
12) His passport — not released and records scrubbed clean by Obama’s terrorism and intelligence advisor.
13) Columbia University records —suppressed.
14) Columbia University thesis — we know titled, “Soviet Nuclear Disarmament,” also not released. Suppressed.
15) Harvard University records — that’s law school — not released.
16) Harvard Law Review articles — none.
17) Illinois Bar records — not released.
18) Same for his baptism certificates and his medical records.
19) Add to those lists Illinois State Senate records, law practice client list … and the beat goes on.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 12:24 AM

Originally posted by loveguy
reply to post by Threadfall

...And the orchestration is under a veil.

What does that mean?

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 12:24 AM
reply to post by born2BWild

His original birth certificate was never revealed because he paid millions in fees to keep it from the public its locked away some where. He has something to hide and we all know what it is!

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by navy_vet_stg3

I have read up on about what you just said and you sum it up well. Almost every formal credential he has or earned is suppressed he was a CIA i know it. He worked as a translator thats how he got into politics etc. He is CIA trained deceiver listen to his lies and deceit!

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by Havick007

Why should he show his birth certificate?

The answer is simple to me, it's a controversial subject that be settled with little more than handing over a simple piece of paper. All the bickering, drama, and accusations could have been nipped in the bud already if he just would have humored everyone and produce the document people asked for.

If I want a job and my employer needs my birth certificate, I bring them a copy or I don't get the job (or get fired). Obama's employers (the US people) need long form birth certificate (which he should have, right?) and he simply won't produce it. What's up with that?

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 01:00 AM
reply to post by MrXYZ

What "hate" are you speaking of? I'm sure there are people who hate the man, but the majority of Americans who disagree with his policies don't hate him. Typical "progressive" verbology, my friend! Mr. Trump has said that he could decrease this nation's debt without cutting any budgets. If he can do that I will certainly vote for him if he decides to run in 2012!

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 01:27 AM
Give it some time he will show his birth certificate...... soon as his team of experts get done faking it for him.


posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 01:41 AM
Start at 3:04
they cut Barbara Walters voice off to hear the sounds of the audience.
to me it looks like she says something and points at the blonde girl,
what i gathered from her body language it looked as if she was scolding her.
Mr. Trump points to her (the blonde girl) multiple times saying "you know what i'm talking about"
If Barbara is on the CFR she would be urging them all to keep their mouths shut

Whoopi on the other hand is just proud to have a black president and she thinks that everyone is out to get him.
all i know is that if i was president and someone was accusing me of not being a natural born citizen
i would show my certificate to the public to prove him wrong and basically say "nana nana boo boo, stick your head in doo doo."

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 02:46 AM

Originally posted by XRaDiiX
reply to post by Havick007

OBAMA FORMER CIA AGENT won't show his birth certificate because he was born in KENYA or Thailand or what not. He never went to those prestigious schools on his record its all a lie. There are using the race card to make everything seem ok because the president is not white anything he does will be deemed ok and anyone who objects is a racists. W

edit on 25-3-2011 by XRaDiiX because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-3-2011 by XRaDiiX because: (no reason given)

Do you have any proof? I assume that they decided to plant a false birth announcement in Hawaii way back when, because they knew he'd need it? There is documented papers saying he is a U.S citizen. Would you ask to see it if his announcement was born in Guam?

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 03:04 AM
reply to post by RandalFlagg

Its a show called 'The View' with women........need i say more lol.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 04:42 AM
haha nice this will prove he's part of the Illuminati bloodline

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 05:21 AM
reply to post by Viking9019

And many women out there can't stand it either, it has nothing to do with their sex, it's their lack of intelligence and ability to discuss anything that really matters. They have plenty of gentleman guests on who are pretty much the same.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 05:24 AM

Originally posted by XRaDiiX
reply to post by born2BWild

His original birth certificate was never revealed because he paid millions in fees to keep it from the public its locked away some where. He has something to hide and we all know what it is!

And the harder he works to hide it, the more damning it becomes. As I said I'm not a birther, but I am curious as to what is really happening. I'd say I'm on the fence for now. I'm irritated with people who say he shouldn't have to show anything to the public, but I beg to differ. If average citizens have to subject themselves to this for various reasons throughout our lives, then I think our president should have to as well, without hesitating.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 06:19 AM
Donald Trump is a great big "insert your own derogatory word here". If he ever gets to be president of your country you will lose all hope and credibility, this is a man that only has his own wealth interests at heart, probably is a wannabe illuminati as well. The rest of the world thought that Bush was bad but DT will trump him on the incompetent president stakes.

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