Being used to divide and conquer is one thing, but on a planet this big there is guaranteed major differences in opinion and there are many different
roads leading to the same point, but then there are highly destructive groups. Take the Bankster madmen who manipulate our world, to talk about them
as being monsters divides us from them, so we shouldn't speak out against them? We have a full-blown Leftist regime purposely trying to destroy
America like all Leftists must do before they can seize complete control, but pointing that out divides us, so we shouldn't? Muslim extremism is the
new Catholic Inquisitors and though the Illuminati does control many of the major attacks, the rhetoric and sharia is still very real, should we not
speak out against that? As soon as you said something about the heated rhetoric or whatever these days, I didn't give you a chance, this is a part of
the Tucson shooting propaganda, or the Rally to Restore Sanity, or the worst: bi-partisan. Why is it that it's only Conservatives that have to give
into Liberals, why is it that Talk Radio must be censored (Fairness Doctrine) when they are doing an amazing job of exposing the current regime. While
the regime propaganda machine (MSM) and the regime itself lies to us on a daily basis and has destroyed our country in a record amount of time, while
destroying the democratic process in many different ways, including leaving the state and improper liberal judicial activism. We are so in debt we'll
never be out of it, while the regime attacks those conservatives which are trying to get our financial house in order. We are viciously attacked while
we are called terrorists and racists, while we only attack on substance and policy. This all comes down to one thing, MS liberals only lie, so if they
tell us we need to calm our vitriol, you should really question if that's a good idea. If you ask me, censoring people is exactly what totalitarians
want, especially when it's only the opposition which is supposed to censor themselves. So by telling us not to debate current political events is
somehow working into their divide and conquer, sounds a whole lot more like a disinfo troll agent than sharing the spectrum of viewpoints for an
Obama didn't go to Congress, he only dithered and bowed to the UN, that way he could not take the responsibility, which explains the epic amount of
flip-flopping and uncertainty coming from the regime. Even Obama and Biden have both publically stated when a president can do what they're doing,
which is when attacked or there is an imminent threat, other than that they have to go to Congress, so even Obama says he should be impeached. Egypt
is already in the hands of the Muslim Bros and the military, even the NYT has had to admit this now. The Libyan rebels are most certainly not freedom
fighters in a democratic uprising, they were being attacked and that's bad, but how about the many other genocides and atrocities still going on
throughout the world. How about the uprising in Iran which has been the most authentic democratic uprising that we didn't get involved with. Even
Conservatives are saying we shouldn't be in Libya, while Hillary Clinton says we need to get rid of Ghaddafi. He's terrible, but it'll likely be
another Egypt, where a monster gets replaced by Islamist monsters. A global caliphate seems like much more of a threat to these countries than even
these dictators. So I see Libya as Egypt 2, there have been several other places like Bahrain, Tunisia, Syria, and many others which have been heavily
protesting and there have been plenty of people killed. I understand that Ghaddafi was using military force, but so were the "rebels", so it wasn't
military force against protestors. They were surrounding Tripoli, but we did nothing and Ghaddafi turned it around, then we didn't get involved until
the "rebels" were about to lose. If it was really about saving civilians, wouldn't we have gotten involved much earlier, like before Ghaddafi swore a
So there are a ridiculous amount of things to discuss and disect, the regime is wrong in so many ways and is even less coherent than with Egypt, to
say discussing these things is dividing us and we shouldn't be discussing them is absolutely ridiculous. Also, the period from the spring equinox to
summer solstice will be extremely interesting, we are in the End Times and these Illuminati monsters will be thrown out soon, so we're going to have a
whole lot to discuss. To say that discussing the spectrum of each topic and having a diverse response is somehow dividing us is absurd, we have
healthy debates here with a good bit of derailing. I feel that you are derailing us from talking about very important subjects by saying we shouldn't
be talking about these very important subjects. I also hate people who blame this on some form of payed agents, that's like the MSM saying that the
Tea Party is funded by Big Business, or the Republicans are funneling "outside" campaign money...legally. If real payed agents did anything it would
be derailing from the real or important topics, which most of us consider trolling, which you created your own thread to do, which is why liberals are
great because they don't even have to pay you.
I appreciate your concern about dividing and conquering and it is certainly a real threat, but I'd be more worried about current issues like corrupted
unions, their role funding the liberal machine, and them thwarting the spirit of our political process. Or we could talk about the current issue of
how the liberal agenda is dependent on dividing and conquering, it is the way of the left, victimization, fear mongering, and attacking the opposition
is all they have. They also get to frame every single issue and event since they control much of the MSM, so we get things like "democratic uprising"
and "rebels" to get us on their side, even though they'll likely be extremist controlled, while using phrases like "protecting civilians" and my new
favorite "kinetic warfare" to get us on a military intervention's side, while Obama tells us it will be days, not weeks, and the Sec of D Gates tells
us it's "on the fly". So the MSM are in top gear and we can be certain that we're being lied to, making places like ATS one of the few mainstream
places where we can discuss these subjects without a Politico/Chris Matthew's bias, so why would we censor ourselves for the sake of..."unity"?
Personally, I would love for us or the MSM to divide the so called "rebels", because they refuse to ask who they are, these people are likely worse
than those in Egypt (The only report we have links them to an Al-Queda leader, for what that's worth). I would love for us to divide ourselves from
the UN, I would love for the regime to divide their dithering and incompetence from their foreign policy. Pointing out that dangerous monsters are
incompetently running our country is a division that we desperately need, luckily the People have woken up in great numbers, which is why the
Illuminati are on their way out. This is why we'll have much to discuss in these next months, these will be very important and multifaceted issues
with a diverse amoung of opinions, with a huge dose of MSM propaganda, which is why we can't censor ourselves in any way in the alternative community,
like you appear to want, granted I only read your OP.
edit on 25-3-2011 by SincerelySarcastic because: I had to work kinetic war in