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I opened my third eye and I regret it

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posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by Quasar_La-Zar

Ummm...........Actually, meditation and yoga or deep spiritual prayer, are so, far, far, beyond drug utilization that there is simply no comparison.
That being said, I can only give you my word on this, obviously. If you have meditated and not achieved much in the way of results, perhaps it's your method or your sincerity. If you seek attainment then it requires the fullness of what you are, not dabbling or pretense. Put your all into your practice, "seek and you will find", "be still and know". I dont recomend experimenting with hallucinogens, or other lessor drugs if your seeking a "spiritual" experiance, to include alcohol use. Drugs are simply not neccessary and can inhibit spiritual progress.


posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 07:33 PM
I downloaded the pdf, thanks OP. read a little; I tend to skim things but this time I'm going to take my time and go exercise by exercise, take things slow. looks awesome

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 07:41 PM
Anywho, out of respect to the OP i think myself and EyeOfHorus have wandered off topic, down the well trodden path of religious debate. But i hope he, as have i, achieved a greater understanding of each other, and shared our understandings in the hope that we can achieve a greater understanding of the whole.

If my words came across as hatred, anger or malice then i apologize, i however stand by my belief, and have given examples of how i have reached this most personal of understandings.

after all, opinions are like ass holes, everyones got one.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by pellian

Buddy I don't know whether you are aware or not or whether you were assisted in your astral adventure, but you made terrible mistakes.
First thing you should know: Once you open your 3rd eye, you will automatically attract the attention of dark entities of astral dimensions. This happens with any person.
Second, as you said nothing about prior rituals of "cleaning", I assume you did no preparation to clean up the energy of your room or the ambient where you did your practices. There are proper mantras to be recited BEFORE this kind of practice, in order to wipe off any astral larvae or entity from the place. And also there are proper mantras to be recited in order to make your mind and your astral body strong enough to avoid or even fight against an astral attack.
If you didn't any of these things I just said and jumped straight to 3rd eyes exercises, without prior preparation, you are a fool. No offending.

Actually takes a lot of time (a lot more than a couple of weeks), for an initiate in occultism make practices which put him/she in direct contact with astral dimensions, without being in a dream. I'm talking about several months and even years. The astral body of the initiate must be strong and prepared, otherwise will happen exactly what happened with you.

Long time initiates can keep evil entities away, by concentrating in a mantra on the mind. It's said that people who got their Kundalini raised, can fight them in any circumstance.

edit on 3/24/2011 by 1AnunnakiBastard because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by Destructor
Anywho, out of respect to the OP i think myself and EyeOfHorus have wandered off topic, down the well trodden path of religious debate. But i hope he, as have i, achieved a greater understanding of each other, and shared our understandings in the hope that we can achieve a greater understanding of the whole.

If my words came across as hatred, anger or malice then i apologize, i however stand by my belief, and have given examples of how i have reached this most personal of understandings.

after all, opinions are like ass holes, everyones got one.

I am a woman by the way, and my avatar is a pic of St Germain as the Wonderman of Europe


posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus

Originally posted by Destructor
Anywho, out of respect to the OP i think myself and EyeOfHorus have wandered off topic, down the well trodden path of religious debate. But i hope he, as have i, achieved a greater understanding of each other, and shared our understandings in the hope that we can achieve a greater understanding of the whole.

If my words came across as hatred, anger or malice then i apologize, i however stand by my belief, and have given examples of how i have reached this most personal of understandings.

after all, opinions are like ass holes, everyones got one.

I am a woman by the way, and my avatar is a pic of St Germain as the Wonderman of Europe


The violet flame!!!!!!!!! This may help in conjunction with my other post

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 07:53 PM
How come nobody speaks about breathing techniques that they use to activate certain chakras. Today I was experimenting with different breathing techniques In attempt to find one that would help me feel physically stronger while working out at the gym. I was also relaxing in the pool for around 2 hours. I was holding my breath and sitting in the full lotus underwater. I was moving my arms around while visualizing that I am just like water. I started feeling extremely relaxed to the point where I was able to float halfway between the floor and the surface without sinking or surfacing with my body straight. I felt like my body had turned to ether. After I left the gym while standing outside my car smoking a cig, I felt my eyes and forehead become very tense and decided to lean back on my door and look up with my eyes closed in order to ease the tension. It was rainy and the sun was covered by clouds. While my eyes were closed I felt fear because It was like the darkness of my mind was turning into a very bright red/orange light and I thought maybe it was my blood pressure somehow affecting my eyes. I started to wonder what if this was "photon energy" entering my body since I was so relaxed and made a spiritual connection with the water element. I kept closing my eyes and saw nothing but bright red/orange, and I tell you it was the most amazing feeling ever. Not only that, but instantly the sun came out and was shining extremely bright, and I though wow how could it be if it was just hiding. I thought maybe this was my first third eye experience since I have been doing alot breathing exercises directed towards my chakras, especially my thrid eye. I believe breath is key. Also, yesterday while meditating/concentrating on the crown of my head, I started hearing different strange rumbling sounds around my neighbordhood and I thought that it was somehow negative energy leaving my spirit and causing auditory hallucinary distractions as i was becoming more and more relaxed. I felt for a few seconds that I had intense spiritual powers and when I got too confident about the feeling I felt very unbalanced and scared then all of a sudden my lightbulb blew out. I think that our spiriutal energy is way to strong for us to handle thats why it is so hard to attain, but my journey has just begun.
edit on 24-3-2011 by TheTruthCqer because: Errors are a no go because they distract others from understanding

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 07:54 PM
Thanks for sharing that...

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by survival

you can't harness love with evil spirits, the only thing you'll get is fear and anger that's the only thing demons know, you should run from these practices there's a lot of people on the nut ward from delving into satanic practices, anyone who gets in over their head calling the name of Jesus is the only thing that will help.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 07:59 PM
We cannot open up anything unless God allows us to. Windows are opened not by us. Dont be alarmed all 3rd eye gifts are precious though can be scary

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by pellian
These techniques make you sensitive enough to pick up on the mental signals emitted by beings on other planets. does anybody want to know what they look like?

Yes do tell us about Sirius, the closest planet...

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 08:05 PM

Originally posted by 1AnunnakiBastardSecond, as you said nothing about prior rituals of "cleaning", I assume you did no preparation to clean up the energy of your room or the ambient where you did your practices. There are proper mantras to be recited BEFORE this kind of practice, in order to wipe off any astral larvae or entity from the place. And also there are proper mantras to be recited in order to make your mind and your astral body strong enough to avoid or even fight against an astral attack

Like any of that is any help. All one has to do is look at some of the "greats" of occultism to see where it gets you. Like many who have studied the subject, I also think they end up completely controlled by demons.

Hubbard - self-medicated to death, after becoming progressively unhappy and throwing family to the wolves.
Crowley - self-medicated with opium, died in poverty, and of respiratory depression, a side effect of opiate use.

This after lives filled with absolute evil. Sex slaves, child sacrifice, addiction, greed.

"My magic circle will protect me". Right.

A wise man said "The only criteria of success is results".
edit on 24-3-2011 by grizzle2 because: additional info

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by pellian

Be careful not to burn your house down sleeping with a candle burning away.

Okay so if what you say is true then what is the purpose of these said entities / lights. Do these things you visually see benefit anything in any way besides gratifying your yearning for something different ? I'm confused because I imagined someone with an 'open third eye' to be someone who wouldn't even think it necessary to have to tell people about his special abilities or what have you.

Be well :-)

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by onequestion

I agree with your last statement 100%.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 08:10 PM
Pellian, in the case you're reading this and my reply doesn't get lost in a multitude of others...

As little as I know about the shamans, is that they channel the spiritual world (or the other realms) in order to comprehend or perhaps influence this realm. I doubt any shaman, aside than a charlatan, can give you the meaning of these things you see, because the other realms are completely different planes of existence, that no one here can pretend knowing their workings, their nature. This is beyond knowledge even though you can get a GLIMPSE of awareness of it.

What you witnessed is NOT Evil. The proof is that it didn't killed you or even hurt you. This is simply something you don't, and probably can't comprehend with all the means you have. Simply observe and study... compare things, reflect on these, try to find hidden patterns especially the relations between everything.

And there is a clue, which is of scientific nature: You felt some sort of electricity.

Electricity is made of resonance, and manifests at given frequencies. Our body's electricity is below 25 hz, just as the one of every other animal or plant, the current you find in wall plugs is at 50 or 60 hz... music is usually in the few hundreds of hertz, and radio signals, higher, and so on. If there is a way you can figure out at what frequency these vibrations are, this would be of major significance for understanding the relation you (we) have with this flow of energy that you say attracts "astral bodies".

And... I did had my share of otherwordly experiences, mainly through dreaming. I found out that existence has many levels, an infinite multiplicity of forms, some planes being very similar to this one. It seems to be self-producing, but works like a machine, with its routines, and more or less simple patterns, which seems to have some tiny flaws. The machine actually is what keeps us divided between the many planes of existence. In a way our actual socially-constructed "system" we have in society, and the instution klnown as "society" itself, works in about the same way in dividing us from a larger piece of the spectrum.

So, just wanted to give a perspective... not the Truth. As Morpheus said, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.

Don,t worry, what is not form this realm cannot affect you directly. Take care of yourself and you'll heal.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 08:16 PM

Originally posted by shroudnews77
We cannot open up anything unless God allows us to. Windows are opened not by us. Dont be alarmed all 3rd eye gifts are precious though can be scary

Yes, true it can be scary till you know what's happening. I went to a metaphysical school where I'd been learning to meditate to ask about my experience, and was given the book I posted earlier on thought forms. I think there's been a lot of panic shared on this thread and also on the kundalini thread as well. I think as long as we approach with the awe and reverence for our Creator, we will learn and grow.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 08:24 PM
How can you regret truth? Once your third eye is open you can see everything. Truth is not regret.

You did something which is usually saved for proper initiates.....PLEASE research before you experiment, it could be detrimental to your health. SIGH.

There are plenty of people here who can help you if you get in over your head. Save us the favor, and simply be a bit more careful. I'm worried about your open aura, and I hope you shut it down soon. You are drawing too much attention on the astral plane.

Ask for help, if you regret your move. People will help you. You have to ASK them for HELP.

Good Luck.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus

Originally posted by Destructor
Anywho, out of respect to the OP i think myself and EyeOfHorus have wandered off topic, down the well trodden path of religious debate. But i hope he, as have i, achieved a greater understanding of each other, and shared our understandings in the hope that we can achieve a greater understanding of the whole.

If my words came across as hatred, anger or malice then i apologize, i however stand by my belief, and have given examples of how i have reached this most personal of understandings.

after all, opinions are like ass holes, everyones got one.

I am a woman by the way, and my avatar is a pic of St Germain as the Wonderman of Europe


Lol, psychic powers must be off. St Germain i shall google as i've heard the name but don't recall details.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by grizzle2

Originally posted by 1AnunnakiBastardSecond, as you said nothing about prior rituals of "cleaning", I assume you did no preparation to clean up the energy of your room or the ambient where you did your practices. There are proper mantras to be recited BEFORE this kind of practice, in order to wipe off any astral larvae or entity from the place. And also there are proper mantras to be recited in order to make your mind and your astral body strong enough to avoid or even fight against an astral attack

Like any of that is any help. All one has to do is look at some of the "greats" of occultism to see where it gets you. Like many who have studied the subject, I also think they end up completely controlled by demons.

Hubbard - self-medicated to death, after becoming progressively unhappy and throwing family to the wolves.
Crowley - self-medicated with opium, died in poverty, and of respiratory depression, a side effect of opiate use.

This after lives filled with absolute evil. Sex slaves, child sacrifice, addiction, greed.

"My magic circle will protect me". Right.

A wise man said "The only criteria of success is results".
edit on 24-3-2011 by grizzle2 because: additional info

If you reference to occultism is Aleister Crowley, you don't know much about it. He was a master of black lodges.
The true masters of light, are unknown to mankind, have no fame and live absolutely anonymous. Except if they need to announce themselves, what rarely happens. If they need to carry some task for public benefit, most of them act in secret, attempting not to attract attention of the serves of darkness in this world. They don't claim to be masters, they don't do magic stunts in public and definitely they don't take part in sex orgy rituals or sacrifices.
The preparation steps I said to OP, are based in my own experience with Gnostic occultism, long long time ago and actually I don't care if you believe or not.

Someone said in a prior comment, that anyone should get rid of the ego before start this kind of practice. It's truth. That's the difference between people who practice black and white occultism: One group is driven by the ego, the other fights the ego.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 08:52 PM
Hey op. proceed with what little wisdom u may have. i suggest still meditation, u need to discipline your self. Previous techniques u used and many other "energy cultivating" is pretty advanced and such un-termed phenomenon occur and are out of control for the "beginner".
Know why u are doing what u are doing. SERIOUSLY if you do not then anything "bad" can happen

I know a lil. trust. experienced that get rich quick energy cultivating, and u can pick up some unwanted habits during meditation that carries over during other acts of living

walking the path of the "good" the christ the buddah etc. is your best bet for progression evolution enlightenment

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