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Heterosexuality offends me

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posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

So then, where is the line drawn? If a guy gets naked on the bus and starts pumping his you-know-what into her you-know-what while making loud noises, I should just shut my eyes, cover my ears, and leave the bus? What about parents who do not want their little kids to see such acts of indecency? They should just "grow up" and let their kids see what nature intended? Although I understand your points, like many other people in this thread (including an admin and a moderator), you have misunderstood my perspective and premise in this thread, and very few people have answered the original question without calling my thread "bad" or resorting to personal attacks.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by SonicInfinity

I don't think I missed your point, I just refused to pick a side. I think the whole discussion is ludicrous. It is ludicrous for people to be offended by homosexuality....even though I think two men kissing is icky and two women kissing is hot, I would never try to regulate either one's right to do so. I agree with you that two heterosexuals getting nasty is also icky, unless they are good-looking of course.

Maybe we should outlaw all public displays of affection for ugly people? As long as they are good-looking it doesn't matter if they are straight, gay, or bi.

And....for the record.......YES. I do think we should leave people alone if they want to fornicate on a bus. I haven't the foggiest idea why somebody decided it would be harmful for kids to see that? It is ok for kids to watch CSI-Miami with bullets penetrating flesh in slow motion and causing massive carnage, and parents are left to explain why someone would cause all that death and destruction for no reason, but it is not ok to let kids see people penetrate each other in a nice way with love and compassion and for a reason that actually has a purpose? How does that make any sense? Yes, more love-making on busses and less muggings and violence. That is definitely an improvement.

As a matter of fact, the next mugger I see, I am going to lay a big fat, wet kiss on him and bend him over a seat. I am heterosexual, but I'll make an exception just to make the point and help the society turn an important corner! I wonder if "self-defense" can be used as justification for rape? "But, officer, I couldn't let him up, he would have mugged me, I had to keep him bent over the seat until help arrived, plus the audience really enjoyed it and egged me on."
For the record, that was not sarcasm, I am entirely serious.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 09:57 AM
Enough of this bashing.

Why not start on those that screw with both sides of the pro and anti gay logic?

Transexuals and Bisexuals.

Basically, anyone who bitches about one side or the other or wishes to drag the whole thing through the ATS mud is probably insecure about their own sexuality.

Welcome to a very multicoloured world, if you don't like it, shut your eyes.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by SonicInfinity
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

So then, where is the line drawn? If a guy gets naked on the bus and starts pumping his you-know-what into her you-know-what while making loud noises, I should just shut my eyes, cover my ears, and leave the bus?

No. Public nudity is against the law and is applied EQUALLY to straight and gay people. No problems. But gay people should be permitted to hold hands, kiss and even make out in public, just like straight people do.

What about parents who do not want their little kids to see such acts of indecency?

What acts of indecency? Kissing? If you see something LEGAL that you don't want your child to see, it's your responsibility to shield him from it. It's not the responsibility of other people to behave in a manner that you're comfortable with. As long as what they're doing is legal, then parents need to parent their children. (You may want to consider letting your kids see the truth and if they have any questions, you could answer them. They're going to find out about it sometime in their life.)

If you see something ILLEGAL, report it to the police.

... like many other people in this thread (including an admin and a moderator), you have misunderstood my perspective and premise in this thread

If several of us are misunderstanding it, perhaps you should restate it.
I thought I understood it. I could be wrong.

...and very few people have answered the original question...

The only question I see is "Anybody feel the same way?". My answer is no. I do not feel the same way.

1. Public shows of affection don't bother me in the least. If people get what I consider "too hot and heavy", I look away, walk away, tell them to get a room (jokingly), watch and enjoy it or simply ignore them. It's really none of my business. If I had a child and didn't want them to see it, I would change seats, get off the bus or engage my child in something more interesting. That's MY responsibility as a parent.

2. I see and hear PLENTY of things that I'd rather not see and hear. But I understand that I live on this earth with billions of other people and there's nothing special about me that makes my views and opinions any more "right" than anyone else's. But most importantly, I believe in freedom. Freedom of association and expression. So, if two or more consenting adults wish to associate and express themselves, as long as what they're doing is legal, it's NUNYA. (Nunya business)

3. I think the reason gay people get more crap about public affection is that we're USED to seeing a man and a woman kiss, hold hands, form families, but we don't see a lot of gay people doing this, as they've been persecuted, mocked and killed for doing so. But when we do see gay PDAs, it's a bit of a shock to some. That's how it is with things we're not used to. The first time my nephew saw a black man, he cried. Not because there was anything wrong with being black, but because he wasn't used to it. It was unfamiliar. Fortunately, more and more gay people are getting braver and deciding to be themselves in public instead of hiding, so this is a self-correcting problem. People will get used to it or else... not.

I hope that is a more complete answer.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 12:05 PM
Sonic, can I ask you - What do you think should be done about it?

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 04:58 PM
I don't believe you guys if you think Leonardo Di Caprio and Brad Pitt frenchkiss in a movie
is yucky, or that seems to me a little hypocrite. What is up with that? You look yourself
in the mirror and think "gosh, men are so ugly??". It's kind of mysoginist this concept
that women would have to be lowered or dumb to want to kiss a man's lips or suck his
SNIP. That's it, right? SNIP are repulsive? You all jus had stupid fathers or friends
at the schoolyard that ingrained stupid ideas about beauty and desires in your brain.

I think great looking people never seem yucky when they kiss.
It's the ugly people that do. Yes: ugly people.
Not ugly in God's eye, but ugly against our consensus
of the desireable (which shifts in time).

edit on 24-3-2011 by Teorema because: typo

edit on 24-3-2011 by Crakeur because: Removed slang reference to genitalia.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
It is ok for kids to watch CSI-Miami with bullets penetrating flesh in slow motion and causing massive carnage, and parents are left to explain why someone would cause all that death and destruction for no reason, but it is not ok to let kids see people penetrate each other in a nice way with love and compassion and for a reason that actually has a purpose? How does that make any sense?

It doesn't, but the whole "television" argument is almost as long as the "sexual preference" one, so that's a subject for another time.

There is a part of me that understands that, in very specific situations, it's okay for kids to watch adults having sex. In fact, there really isn't a defined age for kids to start having sex, and people who whine and get all prissy when two 17-year-olds have sex and use the "they can't have sex until they're 18" argument as their main point will give me a headache. If sex was nothing more than a pleasurable activity, I bet it would be far more acceptable in society, but since it can result in bringing in a new life to the world while draining you and everybody else around you into bankruptcy, it only makes sense to try and hide sex from them until the kids are able to reduce the odds of getting pregnant to almost 0% and be financially responsible to take care of it. If we lived in a world completely void of money, perhaps this would be different.

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
But gay people should be permitted to hold hands, kiss and even make out in public, just like straight people do.

There's a difference between "making out" and "groping." Perhaps I should have explained my definition of "groping" more clearly, since the groping I'm talking about does involve public nudity.

You used the word "legal" a lot in your response post, as if legality mattered. In some countries, it is illegal for women to go in public without covering their head. If you lived in said country, would your stance be that it is wrong for them to be seen uncovered, or would you believe that to be illogical and have your opinion conflict with the law? If that is the case, where does opinion end and legal obligation begin?

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by SonicInfinity

If sex was nothing more than a pleasurable activity, I bet it would be far more acceptable in society, but since it can result in bringing in a new life to the world while draining you and everybody else around you into bankruptcy, it only makes sense to try and hide sex from them until the kids are able to reduce the odds of getting pregnant to almost 0% and be financially responsible to take care of it. If we lived in a world completely void of money, perhaps this would be different.

You've enlightened me!

I believe you might be correct in that statement, and it even makes sense. It probably started as some point in the last couple of hundred years as a means to keep family structures intact and reduce the amount of aid a young couple would need to get started in life.

I still believe MORE knowledge is always better than LESS knowledge, and therefore, it would have been more successful if they had opened up more openness about sex. More experience with it, more opportunity to explore with it, and instruction on what does and doesn't result in a pregnancy. I am always an advocate of MORE information, and of course MORE SEX.

Thank you for your reply though. That is an important angle to consider.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by TitaniumL

I think my latest thread caused a little flack with
some members here.I found that it is usually better
to let them all vent and throw them a bone to chew
on now and then.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by SonicInfinity
You used the word "legal" a lot in your response post, as if legality mattered.

I didn't mean to imply that the legality made it right and illegality made it wrong.The reason I brought legality of their actions into the discussion was to give you some recourse. If their groping included nudity, then absolutely you have recourse. Call the cops, tell the bus driver or confront the people. If not, then there's really not much to do but find a way to get away from it.

What do you think should be done? Should there be further laws of public decency? That's a real question. Why are these people doing this in public, anyway? I think when I was young and stupid (before I was old and stupid) I didn't give a crap what other people thought. And these people you saw probably felt the same way. If they don't care, what could be done to make them stop their behavior?

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 04:43 PM
I dont care what or who someone is poking as long as it is a consenting adult. WHy others are so hung up on it I will never understand. Its also a probably a great thing some of you puritans arent in my straight household's bedroom if you think any and all sexual activity should be for procreation alone.. I keep having to check what century this is around here. Strangely enough, I think the homophobia and bigotry is a true communicable and incurable internet disease and the sufferers can indulge their near compulsive drive to post their "views" constantly. Like Morgellons without the fibers...

Being constantly offended over everything and conversely demanding everyone be PC is a true disorder Im really starting to believe. I see it here all too much on ATS. Thread after thread.. as if some have nothing better to fill their days than to find things to whine about, be offended over, or find fault with. Homosexuality seems to be big this year. Maybe its the 2012 end of the world doomtarding and the hypocrites are trying to get a better seat in heaven by being "holy" and "witnessing" to the internet masses on ATS. Funny thing IMO. I consider it contrary to ATS community values to passively aggressively make divisive threads to polarize the members of the ATS community. But to each his or her own.. as allowed by the site owner... just make sure you own your words.

Anyway, I was emailed this joke a few weeks ago.. thought Id share since some have their panties all wadded. You have to admit, sad little stereotypes are hilarious.


An airline's passenger cabin was being served by an obviously gay flight attendant named Billy, who seemed to put everyone into a good mood as he served them food and drinks.

As the plane prepared to descend, Billy came swishing down the aisle and announced to the passengers, "Captain Marvey has asked me to announce that he'll be landing the big scary plane shortly, lovely people, so if you could just put up your trays that would be super."

On his trip back up the aisle, he noticed that a well-dressed rather exotic-looking woman hadn't moved a muscle.

"Perhaps you didn't hear me over those big brute engines. I asked you to raise your trazy-poo so the main man can pitty-pat us on the ground."

She calmly turned her head and said, "In my country, I am called a Princess. I take orders from no one."

To which the flight attendant replied, without missing a beat, "Well, sweet-cheeks, in my country, I'm called a Queen, so I outrank you. Tray-up bitch."

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 10:04 AM
Making out in public isn't "accepted" by society regardless of whether the participants are straight or homosexual. Of course, there are "degrees" of this, and I wouldn't categorize a single long kiss as "making out"...but yeah, it's uncomfortable regardless of whether they are straight or gay.

Just isn't accepted as decent behavior in polite society. Now, that said, this also is relative to place. You kind of expect to see a bit of making out in a club, for example...but not in the mall.

Seeing two guys kiss...yeah, it makes me ill, but I will support their right to do so...but not make out, and neither should straight couples, all relative to the setting.

To which the flight attendant replied, without missing a beat, "Well, sweet-cheeks, in my country, I'm called a Queen, so I outrank you. Tray-up bitch."

edit on 28-3-2011 by Gazrok because: (no reason given)

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