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Heterosexuality offends me

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posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready

This thread is offensive, and so are the threads denouncing homosexuality, and so are any posts declaring that one person's perversion is any better than any other person's perversion.

But... heterosexuality is NORMAL.

I take offence that you think it's a perversion.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by Crakeur
public displays of affection, between opposite sex, same sex, dogs with cats, jews with arabs, doesn't matter. it's all offensive if it is anything more than a kiss or some hand holding.

I disagree. I don't find it offensive in the least. I see my fair share of people groping and devouring each other's tongue (try a Bike Week here in Daytona
). I've come across people having sex on the beach a few times, and it just makes me smile. I just don't see what makes it offensive.

How can displaying affection be offensive? I've never understood that.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by mr-lizard

It is "normal" if it is done for the sole purpose of procreation.

If it is done for shear pleasure, then it is a perversion. How many children do you have? That number is the amount of "normal" sex you have had, and everything else is a perversion. If you engage in what ever turns you on, for the sheer purpose of personal satisfaction, then it is just a fetish, and it serves no other purpose. No negative connotation intended, it just is what it is.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
reply to post by mr-lizard

It is "normal" if it is done for the sole purpose of procreation.

If it is done for shear pleasure, then it is a perversion. How many children do you have? That number is the amount of "normal" sex you have had, and everything else is a perversion. If you engage in what ever turns you on, for the sheer purpose of personal satisfaction, then it is just a fetish, and it serves no other purpose. No negative connotation intended, it just is what it is.

So you admit, homosexual sex is not normal, since you cannot procreate?

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 12:28 PM
How does anyone expect us to unite and battle the real things we are disgusted with when this petty crap still is dividing us and everybody's just completely swallowing it?
Real things that offend me that we can't even begin to tackle because of all this loser crap:

*My money being taken from my paycheck and supporting big banks and too big to fail Ahole corporations, who enslave us and make us work for peanuts while they used that tax money to give themselves 100% increase in bonuses.

*Jerks who are attacking the middle east to support oil company's greed for more RESOURCES!

*A#wipes that want to own LAND AND WATER AND FOOD RESOURCES that are EVERYONE'S!

* Those that think their health is more important than others' who bust their A# to put them into the position for them to AFFORD their COVERAGE!

*Those who only think of themselves and have no respect for others!

*murderers, pedophiles, and theives; especially those in the 1% to have raped our resources and people and have killed and aren't prosecuted, those that are involved in pedophile sex trades. And if you don't think it's going on, well then you are truly asleep!

These are the people that don't just offend me, they totally disgust me!!!!

edit on 23-3-2011 by ldyserenity because: spelling

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by mr-lizard

In my opinion 99% of all sex is done solely for pleasure, so any type of sex is "normal." If "normal" is defined by the majority, then the most abnormal form of sex is the form that leads to a baby.

If it helps to satisfy your curiousity, I don't think anybody is born homosexual. I think nature intended us to be heterosexual pairs for procreation, but our society has advanced far beyond the typical survival instincts and sex has been entirely transformed.

We eat for pleasure, we drink for pleasure, and we have sex for pleasure. Homosexuality is just at "normal" as a drive-thru Big Mac, or an ice cold soft-drink. Show me where you find either of those in nature? I can guarantee that there is nothing "normal" about the acrobatic sex my wife and I have, even if it is heterosexual and resulted in a couple of kids.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 12:32 PM
OMG...another thread about this crap. No I did not read it. I am gay a homosexual and I am tired of hearing about whining homosexuals. The person that started this thread is as bad as the ones complaining from the other side. Give it up. Live your life...keep your equality crap to yourself. If you do not feel equal then it is your own damm fault because you keep whining about it. I do not care if someone dislikes me or disagree with me...wanna know why?.... because their business in not mine! As soon as you point a finger ten will point back. Now lets get back to the real problems and know, the fun interesting educational stuff like the Square Moon, 2012, how to survive when TSHTF, Alien invasion, UFO debunking and proving, earthquake predictions and the Illuminati.The things that make us aware and think, things that do not bore us...things that we can all relate to and disagree know Important world events! Not personal stay out of my business crap!

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by subject x

to each his own, which is how anyone's sexual preference should be viewed (unless it's kiddie stuff of course).

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 12:59 PM
At least you can complain about straight people without being labeled.
A thread started with the opposite premise would have been a name calling fest from the ususal suspects.
Get over yourself and go live life.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 02:19 PM
I love these threads.

I love how they are always full of people saying "I am not opposed to homosexuality and don't care about it but...
it disgusts me, don't do it"

How about these folks, hey? Their intellectual honesty makes homosexuality threads a deep, grating pleasure to read and post in, and raises the level of discourse!

This thread is obviously a response to the other one, "I am tolerant of homosexuality but my sensitivities come first and if I ever see any evidence that homosexuality exists, I will flip my lid."

It seems that it is impossible to have a discussion about this issue without the thread being slathered by the frothy tolerance of militant heterosexuals. Of course, if we ban or shun these threads, that plays right into their hands, doesn't it? Then we can all be tolerant of homosexuals, which will cease to exist for us as soon as we no longer hear a word about them! That's the best kind of tolerance of all.

P.S. As we all know, these threads belong in a conspiracy forum because A) all homosexuals are part of an evil plan to destroy America's birth rate and B) all Christians are engaged in a crusade to save their children, oh, won't SOMEBODY please think of the children!! Hopefully not in the same breath as sex...
edit on 23-3-2011 by SmedleyBurlap because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 01:28 AM
Wow, I made this thread early in the morning before I headed out, expecting it to only get a couple of replies and die out quickly. If I had not seen the closed homosexuality thread still on the front page, I would have forgot that I even made this thread.

Originally posted by controldiction
OMG...another thread about this crap. No I did not read it.

Yep, that pretty much sums up the majority of the replies in this thread.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 01:56 AM
I think it's important to talk about sexuality
and it should be encouraged. Repression
of sexual talk is the first danger to
a country that declares itself free.

Gays are killed everyday in many
parts of the world. It is political
responsability (or lack thereof) when
you make a claim that you don't want
to hear about gays. You are just being a Gadaffi.
You use the claim that you are so
advanced that sexuality shouldn"t
bother any topic, but your "aim"
is repression, wrether you realize
it or not. You hate a website that
talks about too much about gays?
Just leave. There should never be
any person allowing themselves the
right to tell others what they should
do or talk about. Who the huck do
you take yourself for? As I said
in another thread: condescension
is the enemy.

When you think of the gay sex acts
that some secret societies force
their members to commit, I think
it makes "Gay" pretty much in
line with the reason that this
website exist. There, I've said it.

edit on 24-3-2011 by Teorema because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 02:04 AM
Yeah all these homosexuality threads annoy me, too. Who gives a crap what anyone else does, the only person you really need to worry about is yourself. I don't care if you're straight, as long as you act gay in public!

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 02:09 AM
Reguardless of anyones sexual orientation. Open displays of groping are uncalled for and rude.
I never understand why anyone needs to call that much attention to themselves.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 02:25 AM
reply to post by SonicInfinity

This is a never ending argument my friend. And people on both sides are getting tired of tired that in the long run no one will care. Too much of anything is useless. It is the same argument the same responses the same disagreements. We cannot change anyone's mind if we can then they had it in them to do so on their own....some take longer than others and some just do not care...not saying they do not care about the person ....just about the subject. Battling it out like this will in time reverse or prolong what you want to accomplish. Instead of arguing with others that disagree why not take that passion and help the ones in your community that need you. Wasting your time on the ones who don't care about your lifestyle takes so much time out of the bigger teens, homosexual teens or adults that need support from others because they do not have anyone else close to them to talk to. Do something positive....all this bantering back and forth is negative...a waste...Like I said before "never ending".

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 03:38 AM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
reply to post by mr-lizard

In my opinion 99% of all sex is done solely for pleasure, so any type of sex is "normal." If "normal" is defined by the majority, then the most abnormal form of sex is the form that leads to a baby.

If it helps to satisfy your curiousity, I don't think anybody is born homosexual. I think nature intended us to be heterosexual pairs for procreation, but our society has advanced far beyond the typical survival instincts and sex has been entirely transformed.

We eat for pleasure, we drink for pleasure, and we have sex for pleasure. Homosexuality is just at "normal" as a drive-thru Big Mac, or an ice cold soft-drink. Show me where you find either of those in nature? I can guarantee that there is nothing "normal" about the acrobatic sex my wife and I have, even if it is heterosexual and resulted in a couple of kids.

"Natural" comes from the word "Nature". Homosexuality is something that is very common in nature and NOT just in humans so it is very natural indeed, just like heterosexual sex for pleasure is also natural.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 05:38 AM
I think gender is a layer that adds to the body after many weeks, making all of us of the same anti-gender,
sharing the same body type, when we are developing as a foetus (we have gonads that later transform into either
ovaries or testicles). So I think what is natural is that we are all the exact same thing, upon which
a sexual layer is being added, mostly through an hormonal process (dictated by the chromosomes,
present at conception, but sort of kept in the DNA bagage for later process).

If you suppress the testosterone while a male is developing, the male will become
very womanlike (though he has a male chromosome, but that's just not useful
without testoterone).

So I'm more interested in gender being an "illusive" layer, like something that has
marked your body because of something you intake, but that at the base we are
all sort of, "samey", making us all, very, very, VERY gay.

And this process is echoed by how the first cells were samey
objects that duplicated each other. It's a natural process to
want to be with "samey" or reward the "samey". It's way
beyond sexuality the way that life's mechanisms are gay.

So sexuality is just a temporal lie. It's a mask. It's not how life really
is. You don't have to know if the donor is male or female when you
get blood transfusion or a new kidney. There.

edit on 24-3-2011 by Teorema because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-3-2011 by Teorema because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by arpgme

"Natural" vs. "Normal" seems to be the debate then.

"Natural" as defined by nature would also include pedofilia, incest, rape, and even murder for the right to procreate. All of those things are very natural. They happen in nature, and humans are born with some or all of those same urges.

"Normal" is defined by society, and it is either a very restrictive definition per law or religious ideals, or it is a common definition defined by the majority's actions. Either way, normal very rarely equals natural.

In my opinion both ideals are ludicrous. Our civilization requires that we control our "natural" urges and conform to a set of societal laws, ideals, and "norms," but our civilization also requires us to be open-minded and tolerant of one another's individuality.

To define sexuality to just a couple of pigeonhole stereotypes is a ridiculous and impossible task.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 08:14 AM
I don't know where we got the idea that we have the right to suppress or dictate other people's actions and behavior in public.

I don't know where we got the idea that we have a right not to be offended.

I don't know where we got the idea that everyone else should act in a way that makes us feel all comfy and cozy.

I don't know where we got the idea that we are FORCED to view something or accept something, when we have the power to turn away, close our eyes, turn the channel, walk the other way, mind our own freaking business.

I don't know where we got the idea that intolerance and elitism are traits to aspire to.

I don't know where we got the idea that loving someone is gross and disgusting.

Bigotry offends me. But I gotta live with it.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 08:20 AM
"How can something so disgusting be true?"
"Boogers are true"

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