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Odd Sounds from "Spirit Cave" Tibet

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posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 01:25 AM
reply to post by zorgon
Zorgon this sounds just like the sounds that are being recorded on another thread from around the US.
It is the same sound. There are so many strange things going on. Great thread, sure wish I could go there.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 09:53 AM
At this time I would like to share with you a passage from the Book of the Hopi:

Palöngawhoya, traveling throughout the earth, sounded out his call as he was bidden. All the vibratory centers along the earth's axis from pole to pole resounded his call; the whole earth trembled; the universe quivered in tune. Thus he made the whole world an instrument of sound, and sound an instrument for carrying messages, resounding praise to the Creator of all.
"This is your voice, Uncle," Sótuknang said to Taiowa. "Everything is tuned to your sound."
"It is very good," said Taiowa.
When they had accomplished their duties, Pöqánghoya was sent to the north pole of the world axis and Palöngawhoya to the south pole, where they were jointly commanded to keep the world properly rotating.
Pöqánghoya was also given the power to keep the earth in a stable form of solidness. Palöngawhoya was given the power to keep the air in gentle ordered movement, and instructed to send out his call for good or for warning through the vibratory centers of the earth.
"These will be your duties in time to come," said Spider Woman

edit on 3/24/2011 by 0001391 because: typo

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by 0001391

Don't knock the Natives because they have much to teach us. However we have to accept that human beings have came a long way since then. Things that couldn't be explained then can now be, thanks to science.

What science is unable to teach us many of the spiritual texts are able to fill in the blanks.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by iLoGiCViZiOnS
What science is unable to teach us many of the spiritual texts are able to fill in the blanks.

When science finally understands that spirit is part of the picture, then humans will advance to the next level

Quantum Physics is now discovering that though CAN and does influence matter, something the Mystics have told us for thousands of years

Clarke's Third Law:

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by coolottie
reply to post by zorgon
Zorgon this sounds just like the sounds that are being recorded on another thread from around the US.
It is the same sound. There are so many strange things going on. Great thread, sure wish I could go there.

Since we can't seem to get any closer to the source of this cave recording, and the fact it is the same as the Jupiter tape, it is likely the source is not the cave... but yeah, there are so many stories of these sounds from all over the world. They are increasing, they are being heard by many and they are defying explanation.

The Earth is screaming... the Earth is giving off gas... the Earth's poles are moving, and as we saw with the Japanese quake the PHYSICAL poles jumped a few inches...

The scary thing is that if this gets worse over the next year, there will be no living with the 2012 crowd

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 05:46 PM
wow thats amazing, my friend said thats exactly what u hear when u open ur third eye and enter spirit realms, so now i think Earth's spirit is evolving into something, lower level or higher i dont know, but it is coming from underground where Earth's "pineal gland" is. This is surfacing now, soon we might see changes in our spirituality, maybe it will force open all of our third eyes

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by SonOfTheLawOfOne

That cave does seem to me (but can't be sure 100%) a lot like a buddhist cave I visited some years agho in Southern Thailand not far from Hua Hin city, I don't remember the name but I think it is located ina national park (Sam Roi Et?). Also the small pagoda you can see doesn't seem to me very tibetan...

I would say this is definitely an hoax.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 01:36 AM
reply to post by zorgon

I lived with The Hum for two years -- felt it more than heard it. It feels like when the garbage truck is right outside the door, or deep ground excavating is happening nearby. I was like Radar on M*A*S*H -- I felt a plane or helicopter at least 2-3 minutes before it appeared. I knew when the C-52 landed at the military base 5 miles away. It's Maddening! I felt it wherever I was - primarily Colorado and the Big Island.

Eventually, I discovered that it was ASPARTAME from drinking a diet soda each day affecting my nervous system, making me ultra hypersensitive to all vibrations and frequencies. I stopped the nutrasweet-poisoned foods, and soon stopped experiencing The Hum and some other intense vibrations as well. I came to the conclusion that the underlying Hum is Earth's vibrations.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 02:07 AM

Originally posted by Rozetta9
Eventually, I discovered that it was ASPARTAME from drinking a diet soda each day affecting my nervous system, making me ultra hypersensitive to all vibrations and frequencies. I stopped the nutrasweet-poisoned foods, and soon stopped experiencing The Hum and some other intense vibrations as well. I came to the conclusion that the underlying Hum is Earth's vibrations.

Now that is interesting. I had assumed some would be naturally more sensitive to the vibrations than others, but never occurred to me some chemical like that would do it. Will have to look into that thanks

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 02:09 AM

Originally posted by Maxit
That cave does seem to me (but can't be sure 100%) a lot like a buddhist cave I visited some years agho in Southern Thailand not far from Hua Hin city, I don't remember the name but I think it is located ina national park (Sam Roi Et?). Also the small pagoda you can see doesn't seem to me very tibetan...

I would like to find that cave regardless. There is a monastery in front of a cave in Untersberg Austria and at Bucegi, Romania. Both those areas are high strangeness, If you remember where you saw that I would appreciate it.

South of Hua Hin the scenery shifts to a coastal environment and some 25 kilometres south of Hua Hin is the Khao Sam Roi Yot National Park (this means Mountain of 300 peaks). It covers 100 sq kilometres and its mixtrure of coves, caves, marshes, cliffs and mangroves is home to a variety of wildlife. Near to the park office is a steep path to a viewpoint (30 minute walk) but the reward is breathtaking. Within the park be sure to visit Sai, Kaeo and Phraya Nakhon caves, which offer fabulous underground formations.

Thanks will check those areas out...

edit on 25-3-2011 by zorgon because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 03:11 AM

Originally posted by zorgon

This cave is NOT a Tibetan cave. It is the Phraya Nakhon Cave located at the Khao Sam Roi Yot National Park in Thailand.

List of national parks of Thailand

edit on 25-3-2011 by Lilitu because: Fixed Link

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 03:43 AM

Originally posted by Lilitu
This cave is NOT a Tibetan cave. It is the Phraya Nakhon Cave located at the Khao Sam Roi Yot National Park in Thailand.


See post just above yours... I was getting there but didn't have the right name

That picture was used from 10:00 on in the video... this is from the beginning... I would assume it is artwork


Since the recording was audio only, I guess Christine didn't have a photo of the Tibetan cave to use... pity that

Oh well... dead end then
edit on 25-3-2011 by zorgon because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 07:11 PM
There's a time stretching program called "paul's extreme time stretch" that makes sounds identical to this, I've been using it for years and know the sound of it very well. Try loading a sample of background noise from a movie into it, stretch it out to 100x and see for yourself.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 09:48 PM
On the topic of Tibetan caves I found this interesting pdf at the Penn Museum:

Caves as Sacred Places on the Tibetan Plateau


Quite an interesting quick read and from this little passage there might be hope yet to find a cave to explore leading to the Potala...never say never

One of Tibet’s most important cave systems is the Guru Rinpoche complex 30 km southeast of Lhasa in the Yarlung Tsangpo river drainage. These caves range from small, artificial shelters that served as hermitage or meditation sites to large, deep, subterranean passages that contain altars, statues, and wall paintings made over the past 800 years.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 02:33 PM
Although it seems to be well and truly a hoax by someone sadly...

The very thought of this hoax has placed thought into an area that needs more study.

Looking at it from an Esoteric understanding this hoax has "given" rather than taken. I do not expect many people to understand that point of view...but I do hope some people contemplate the function of thought and how it works in kind ways which only make sense in hindsight.

There's lots of cool sharing of experience in this thread which usually get swept under the carpet on ATS

All the best!


posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by zorgon

Since there have been similiar sounds recorded and reported around the US by various people, I thought I could bring something to the table as well. I hear similiar sounds almost every night, usually after midnight. The interesting thing is I live in Central Europe. I think the source of these vibrations/sounds is not technology. I think it is either spiritual/natural (Earth/other planets/moon) or extraterrestrial (starships). I am more inclined to believe the latter, but that is only because of my experience. I began hearing these sounds around the same time these ships have arrived or rather - became visible to me. I will try to record this sound in the upcoming days so we can compare it. Thankfully, I have a pretty good microphone I can use. Stay tuned and thanks for bringing this thread up, because I am interested in various temples and sites myself.

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 12:04 AM
Well this is weird... Residents report of Earth Shaking, "Loud Bang" and Lights in the Sky yet Geoscience Australia reports no seismic activity in the area

Weird thing is that about an hour or two prior to whats reported in the above new link I felt a wave of energy similar but not as strong as the time I white outed playing a synth. I live about 4-5 hours away by horse and cart from the above report

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by lektrofellon

i would have to agree with you on that my friend

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 03:02 PM

Well...interestingly enough...I came across this post when typing into the search..."Strange Quake 3 chant sound effect"...since I have the OST and when I turn the music off, certain maps will have a chant that is mainly a loop but it sounds random enough at the time...anyway...that's irrelevant...

Since I actually took the time to read everything from 1-3 I have to say my disgust in people's stupidity has peaked yet again...

They're the same damn sound. This is no matter of Quantum Physics, since Quantum Physics would explain sub-atomic super strings vibrating at frequencies no creature bigger than a molecule could hear..Which I can't think of any that exist that have an organic structure capable of sustaining any such audio receptors, or organs to boot......
Why has this become a question of spirituality? Yes, an inexact science can explain metaphysical phenomenon; from time to time, it would even seem more accurate. It's not as though I disagree that there is life greater than the trillions of organisms, the likes of which only we've known for our entire existence...but to say that it cries out in pain from only 6-7 billion inhabitants making an occasional bad decision, multiplied by the number of those doing it is quite egotistical. It's like saying "God made us in his image." omnipotent, all powerful being who is so benevolent, is also vain, huh? I haven't really touched on the point, and I don't really care to since it's time consuming and it doesn't really matter in the end...certainly because this thread is likely dead anyway....but conclusively:

It's the same. Anyone have a mac book? Garageband? Or any kind of music engineering program? Extract both soundclips from the youtube vids and upload them to the program...and post a screenshot of the patterns for both. It's the same.
edit on 9-8-2011 by Allephus because: Malformed id for vids? Vids aren't working for some reason...idk

edit on 9-8-2011 by Allephus because: The Youtube videos are still not working...

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by zorgon

i have worked on construction sites for years and this noise sounds just like a propane gas space heater.
the one that looks like a miniture jet engine .
so it could be escaping gas under pressure that got ignited .

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