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Odd Sounds from "Spirit Cave" Tibet

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posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by PlantGirl
reply to post by zorgon

I visit every day, but I don't post very often. After listening to the sound of the recording from Florida, I felt I had to post. One...that's not reverberating lightening (thunder) or whatever the National Weather Service called it. Yeah, maybe for a couple of seconds, but not the whole recording.

Second, I hear a similar sound just about every night. Not that loud, lower in pitch, but constant nonetheless. And when it stops, it stops rather abruptly (I haven't seen any lights with it, thought). At first I thought it was maybe my refrigerator, but quickly ruled that out. I've also dismissed other possible sources, i.e. long trains (they don't run that late in my area...and we don't have 20 minute long trains, either!), airliners (again, not that many so late), trucks on the highway (again, not that constant). I only hear this late at night. It sounds like a very low hum, with an occasional 'thrum' to it. That's the best I can describe it. Sometimes it also feels as if the house rattles a little. I've been chalking that up to fatigue, but after many months now, am not so sure. Especially as it seems that others are also experiencing this. I can say, my cats don't seem too bothered by this, so maybe it IS all in my head. But I've been experiencing this months before I started seeing threads here on ATS

By the Way, I'm in central CT.

I hear it usually at around 2.30 am I'm in the UK and it does make the windows vibrate....very odd indeed. I thought it was in my head at first, until I woke my wife so she could hear it too. She also witnessed the sound ....she thought it was a UFO or something (so did I at first) it was so otherworldy in nature. Very simullar but not quite the same.
edit on 23-3-2011 by DreamerOracle because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 02:35 PM
Sorry I know it's a bit off topic but I think Zorgon is on to something.There is a lot of weird and tragic things going on at a fast pace and one can't help but think something huge is happening.And what better way to inform the public than to leak it out over the internet so people prepare with the calmness of not knowing.

So even though the government hasn't said anything yet that doesn't mean they will.Odd sounds from a cave might not have anything to do with anything but wind and holes in the cave but I do see a lot of impending doom scenarios unfolding,though I won't dwell on them I will prepare for the worst and hope for the best.and I suggest if you have children don't tell them any of this's the best thing to do.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by Heyyo_yoyo

"Uranus has a rather ominous sound..."

I lol'd right out of my chair at that one haha sorry I know,it's childish..but funny ahahaha

So that's what that "Odd Sound from Spirit Cave" was lol

Like I said before though,wind.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by Heyyo_yoyo

The Neptune has that violiney sound, it sounds like a violin playing in the background. I read in one of my astrology books that neptune is the higher octave of Venus...
edit on 23-3-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 03:19 PM
OK here it goes, audio engineer here:

Let's go with the general assumption that these are actual recordings of a tibetan cave. First there is conflict with stories whether this was recorded by the group of Russians that were allowed into the cave or by the actual monks. By the wide stereo image you would have to assume they intended to record this in stereo from the beginning.

Allegedly, the recording is provided as is. The microphones used for a stereo recording would have approximately a frequency response from 30 Hz to 19 KHz, meaning that the sounds heard from this cave produce a frequency range audible to humans.

The problem comes from a lack of reputable, unbiased sources that confirm the veracity of the recording. Worst of all, it is identical to the recording made by the Voyager on the planet Jupiter. Remember that these recordings are not actual sound waves; these are radio waves that behave similar to sound waves that oscillate on a much higher frequency than the human can hear.

In short, the sounds the NASA distributes are basically synthetic, as an artificial conversion from radio waves to analogue sound waves that can be heard by humans implies that the original recording, that by the way it is not done with regular microphones, is time compressed and inherently, pitch-shifted so the result can be within the frequency range of 20 Hz to 20 KHz.

The argument that a cave, with its utterly complicated acoustic structure, can faithfully reproduce the sounds of the artificial post-production of radio waves produced in Jupiter by its magnetosphere is outrageous.

Bu there is more: actual NASA recordings, even after time compression only have a very limited frequency range within the human audible spectrum (, contrary to the popular recording of Jupiter around the web.

That specific piece is credited to Dr. Jeffrey D. Thompson, a person specialized on alternative medicine, specifically, neuroacoustics.

Jeffrey D. Thompson has a wide range of audio CDs available for purchase, all pertaining to the ambient-healing soundscape "genre."

In other words, the popular voyager recording is not the raw, original recording of the jupiter radio waves by the NASA, it is actually a musical composition, that only samples the time-compressed recordings of Jupiter.

The argument that somehow, magically, the cave was able to reproduce the track of a healing CD is laughable. To finish, the russians claim in this video: that their recording has a length of 22 minutes, that they could not find the original NASA's recording, that there is nowhere to find a version longer than 10 minutes around the internet and briefly mention Jeffrey D. Thompson, which they claim works closely with the NASA, while in reality, Thompson's collaboration with the NASA only amounts to the administration granting him permission to use their sound files.

Here is the complete 31mn 12s composition by Jeffrey D. Thompson.


posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 03:26 PM
I'm not offering an opinion on whether or not this is a "hoax," I am offering factual evidence that caves can ring. Stalagmites and stalactites will absolutely ring when GENTLY tapped.

No doubt some will find this so enticing they will go into the closest cave they can find to test it...I understand, but please do not go into caves and experiment this with bare hands, as the oil from your hands will cause the formations in the cave to stop growing. If you find yourself to be irresistibly compelled to do such, please be respectful of the life and ecology of the cave and be delicate, tread lightly, do no damage and respect the earth. Caverns have incredibly delicate environments and the formations are very fragile. Please be aware that many states, including VA, have laws protecting caves. Not to mention, you probably shouldn't do such without a professional spelunker guiding you...keep in mind wild animals live in caves, too...

There is a highly commercialized (gag) limestone cave in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Luray Caverns, that has a "Stalacpipe Organ"...


Located in the Cathedral is the Great Stalacpipe Organ, the world's largest musical instrument. Stalactites covering 3 1/2 acres of the surrounding caverns produce tones of symphonic quality when electronically tapped by rubber-tipped mallets. This one-of-a-kind instrument was conceived by Mr. Leland W. Sprinkle of Springfield, Virginia, a mathematician and electronics scientist at the Pentagon.

After visiting the caverns with his son and experiencing the organ-like sounds of a stalactite being tapped, Mr. Sprinkle submitted a complex plan for a stalactite-tapping instrument. It took 36 years of frustrating research, design and experimentation to bring his dream to its present state of perfection. Three years alone were spent searching the vast chambers of the caverns to select and carefully sand stalactites to precisely match the musical scale. Only two stalactites were found to be in tune naturally."


If this "Spirit Cave" in Tibet is vibrating from minor earth tremors, it could indeed make sounds and ring, sounds which are eerie and inspiring all at the same time.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 03:36 PM
Yeah, astrology...
It's artificial isn't it? Like I said, just listen to the Uranus sound on headphones and you will hear sound traveling from left ear to the right. How'd you suck something like that from radio waves?
These techniques are commonly used in binaural beats brainwave equipment like for example I-DOSER to affect your mind and which can induce even druglike halucinations, hypnosis etc.
Even if any radio machine (like H.A.A.R.P.) can't be used for mind control, this works well. I would be careful...


As I was typing you added this:

That specific piece is credited to Dr. Jeffrey D. Thompson, a person specialized on alternative medicine, specifically, neuroacoustics. Jeffrey D. Thompson has a wide range of audio CDs available for purchase, all pertaining to the ambient-healing soundscape "genre."

There we go...
I knew it!
edit on 23-3-2011 by PapagiorgioCZ because: ...

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 04:24 PM
its a beautiful sound, and I would love to live in that cave!

It does sound like the voyager mission sounds, but I don't find it unlikely or any harder to believe that the universe, or I should say, OUR universe, sounds similar.

I gotta say, the noise sounds a hell of a lot like the rubble noises we've heard in the Florida videos too, so that lends some credence to the video.

I'm glad people are talking about the hollow earth though. I dont even necessarily believe in a hollow earth, but its the first thing I thought given that the sounds are coming from caves...

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by DJanon
The problem comes from a lack of reputable, unbiased sources that confirm the veracity of the recording. Worst of all, it is identical to the recording made by the Voyager on the planet Jupiter. Remember that these recordings are not actual sound waves; these are radio waves that behave similar to sound waves that oscillate on a much higher frequency than the human can hear.

I agree... Sonamech is talking with Christine to try to answer that... Thanks for your analysis, so much better than someone just screaming 'hoax' without any back up
. Been too busy with the Japanese Nuke thread so haven't had time to keep up here. Things are getting 'hot' over there now... not looking good

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by zorgon

Zorgon, could not find an international english phrased link but here´s one to the local newspaper. With a video. Be patient, strange things happening are evident towards the end.

According to the wiki it´s a phenomena known as a seiche. Not really relevant to the original story, i just wanted to point out that we are obviously connected to remote places in more ways than an airline ticket.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 06:01 PM
I have been thinking about these sounds a lot since last night. Have you ever put a sea shell up to your ear? I think that perhaps is how the cave sounds are created. Shells sound like ocean waves. Everything has a different sound and because a cave is open at its mouth all the sounds reververate off each other as they travel through it. Just like the air when it travels through the shell sounds.

I think the Monks are able to imitate these sounds how they naturally occur in the earth, and perhaps there is something to learn from that.

I wouldn't go jumping off the deep end on some weird extraterrestrail madness just yet......thats all I'm saying.

In my Humble opinion.

edit on 23-3-2011 by iLoGiCViZiOnS because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by iLoGiCViZiOnS

The questions is: how is it possible for a cave to replicate a new age track found in a commercial CD?

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 06:24 PM
This is a subject which I as a musician artist scientist and so on find to be really up my alley. I have the opinion that the scientific method if followed to the letter can explain everything. However science might take us into previously undreamt of territory. I know that this is going to sound like something from a sci-fi series but what if the sounds emitting from the "Cave in Tibet" are actually what is called a STARGATE ? A "Stargate" is also known as what Albert Einstein called the "Folding of the Fabric of Time and Space". It is also called "Quantum Entanglement". To be honest with you the cave sounds are frightening me because I sense them to be the paranormal. Watch my video "Mianyang" to get an idea as to my theory. "Mianyang" is mandarin Chinese for "stargate" and translated directly into English means "To look at the stars in the sky reflected in a body of water". So that "Mianyang" is rightfully actually a verb rather than a noun. So that "Mianyang" can be used to mean "meditation". It is interesting that the Cave in Tibet has been used since Neolithic times for meditation. Such meditation sets up the resonance that brings the STARGATE into activation. An activated STARGATE is often invisible to the eye but is often emitting such sounds like as heard in the Cave in Tibet. One can walk into and through an active STARGATE and not even realise it. Indeed according to the pagan mystical tradition every time that one walks through a door one is actually passing from one multidimensional universe into another multidimensional universe within the Cosmos. Death and reincarnation is the ultimate STARGATE experience. Dreaming is a STARGATE experience. Pagan tradition always did involve meditation and communication with the paranormal in underground caves and mines. This Cave in Tibet is one such location. I would love to go there to explore it in person. Interestingly if we put the MP3 of it on our MP3 player and use it in meditation we are instantly psychologically in harmonic resonance with the location and its magical paranormal interconnectedness. In this sense we do not have to go to the location because in a very true sense it will come to us.

Interestingly I am informed that visitors to the interior of the Great Pyramids at Giza in Egypt report hearing similar spooky sounds such that they ran out in terror. Traditionally the pyramids at Giza in Egypt are known as the Gateway to the Gods of the Underworld. You might not know it that the ubiquitous "STARGATE" is a word drawn from Egyptian hieroglyphics and is a system of literacy which the common Egyptian folks would never have been able to read. It was a system of literacy only known by the Temple Virgins who directed the priests to cave it into the various locations where it is found. Common folks of Egypt used a different and wholely alphabetic vocal language called "Demotic". It is not known what language if any were used within the community of the Temple Virgins. Tibetan mystical tradition is having the same ancient pagan origin as did the mystical traditions of Old Kingdom Egypt. Places like Stonehenge in the British Isles are also from that same prehistoric pagan tradition. Such megalithic structures are to be found in every continent all around the world. Some of the megalithic sites are so prehistoric such that when they were constructed long ago the sites were above sea level, but they are now even as much as a kilometre or more under water.

Google Video Link

In this video from a CCTV survaillence camera in Japan we witness a girl walking through a STARGATE into a completely other universe. Presumably the girl was never ever seen again. Another missing person. This could happen to anyone. So do not laugh. You might be next. Like as it says in the Bible : "For the devil stalks the world looking for whom he can devour".

edit on 23/3/2011 by CAELENIUM because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by Shadowfoot

Very interesting thread reminds me of a choir of angels singing.. to bad the public isn't allowed to go listen to this...

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by PapagiorgioCZ
Yeah, astrology...
It's artificial isn't it? Like I said, just listen to the Uranus sound on headphones and you will hear sound traveling from left ear to the right. How'd you suck something like that from radio waves?
These techniques are commonly used in binaural beats brainwave equipment like for example I-DOSER to affect your mind and which can induce even druglike halucinations, hypnosis etc.
Even if any radio machine (like H.A.A.R.P.) can't be used for mind control, this works well. I would be careful...


As I was typing you added this:

That specific piece is credited to Dr. Jeffrey D. Thompson, a person specialized on alternative medicine, specifically, neuroacoustics. Jeffrey D. Thompson has a wide range of audio CDs available for purchase, all pertaining to the ambient-healing soundscape "genre."

There we go...
I knew it!
edit on 23-3-2011 by PapagiorgioCZ because: ...

So Led Zeppelin was on to something then when I was listening to them in my headphones as a teenager,
it sent me to an alternative universe!

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by kitkatcat

You're probably right, but as I was saying if there is no way to know definately if it is possible for it to occur both here on earth and on jupiter, then there still lies that possibility

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by Gradius Maximus
Seems like 90% of folks walking the street these days have head phones in their ears.

Hmmm maybe that was the plan..... with computers, chat rooms, online dating, video games and ipods most people tune out the world, rarely even go outside anymore

I heard such a deep throbbing 'hum' actually more felt it at night for about a week. I assumed it was Nellis up to something but when I stepped outside... nothing... lasted about a week then stopped.

I always get a laugh when the skeptics pop in and say 'hoax' yet only address one part of the thread and ignore the rest. I don't think Christine is perpetrating a hoax, but I do wish we had providence on the source of the cave tape.

One thing though, I was not aware that the NASA planet sounds had been tampered with... interesting that
edit on 23-3-2011 by zorgon because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by zorgon
I always get a laugh when the skeptics pop in and say 'hoax' yet only address one part of the thread and ignore the rest. I don't think Christine is perpetrating a hoax, but I do wish we had providence on the source of the cave tape.

One thing though, I was not aware that the NASA planet sounds had been tampered with... interesting that
edit on 23-3-2011 by zorgon because: (no reason given)

The questions is, on what do you base the probability of Christine's audio being an authentic recording of a tibetan cave? All she has is an audio file, that as proven, is originally a new age, relaxation track.

And where did you get the notion the NASA's recordings were tampered with?

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 12:19 AM
Step 1) Go to op's first post on page 1
step 2) skilp to 12:00 in the video of the harmonics coming from that cave.

I am currently hearing an almost identical humming noise coming from the air in my town!

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 01:24 AM
reply to post by zorgon


Were the sounds from the voyager clip man made or taken by voyager itself. They do sound similair.

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