posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 02:01 PM
Ok, so I got interested in the this thread the other day, and joined just to let everyone know that Tn was fine and North was still North. (It still
However I've come across something interesting. Someone said that if this was real we would have airplane incidents. I dismissed it until I came
across this.
Airplane accidents in U.S.
18:20 Tx.
19:30 Vir.
13:31 Fl.
13:58 Mass.
18:13 Wash
18:51 S. Car.
18:53 Fl.
19:07 Az.
19:30 Miss.
22:05 Mont.
20:30 Miss.
22:58 Al
23:30 Tx.
00:55 Rd. Isl.
19:00 Penn
20:14 Co.
23:24 Wis
17:40 Ca.
From what I can tell only a few had injury's, but they won't tell what happened. We don't know if it was a navigational error, or if someone hit a
strobe while moving to the runway for takeoff. All it says is accident.
I don't know if this is helpful or not, but I thought it was worth mentioning. If nothing else, it will give the debunkers one less thing to gripe
Here is where I compiled my information from.
(I apologize for the length of this post. It was the cleanest way I could think of to organize the data.)
I did notice that a large portion of these took place during night time hours (The time where pilots would most likely be relying on instruments
instead of visual.)
edit on 21-3-2011 by Gizmotn because: Time of day?