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How they Built the Great Pyramid of Egypt

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posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 05:59 PM
Great post op. You are a true detective. You have laid your arguments out well, and provided evidence to support your hypotheses. The djed theory is very interesting to me, as well. These are all things I was not aware about until now.

I always have felt the claim that aliens built the pyramids was a bit of a discredit to man's ingenuity. Still, there are raised questions such as; How did they came up with such complex engineering? Or how did they develop the precision and maths on their own?

Things such as the pyramids being solar aligned, magnetic earth aligned, as well as hearing that the ground the pyramids had been built on was leveled to precise accuracy (1cm was it?) have astonished me even in my speculations.

As far as the wood being C14 dated, it's hard to tell if it would give a scientifically unbiased date, that is if it were still in existence. It could have been dropped down a shaft well after the pyramid had been constructed. However, dating it would still be interesting and could give a "latest possible" construction date. The best datable material would come from between two blocks such as, a piece of a wooded wedge, but the chances of such a find with Hawass in charge will never happen.

Hawass has stripped the study of Egypt's antiquities from scientific empiricism and objectivity for his own media attention. Look up his name on google scholar and tell me how many SCIENTIFIC works he has written regarding the pyramids. There are two very poorly written ones from 1989 and 1990, and that is about it. A man of his status should be producing at least one high-powered article every year. He is a disgrace.

edit on 20-3-2011 by thepainweaver because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 06:04 PM
They had to have some good math skills

In ancient Egypt mathematics was used for measuring time, straight lines, the level of the Nile floodings, calculating areas of land, counting money, working out taxes and cooking. Maths was even used in mythology - the Egyptians figured out the numbers of days in the year with their calendar. They were one of the ancient peoples who got it closest to the 'true year', though their mathematical skills. Maths was also used with fantastic results for building tombs, pyramids and other architectural marvels.

Rhind Mathematical Papyrus.

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by jam321
They had to have some good math skills

In ancient Egypt mathematics was used for measuring time, straight lines, the level of the Nile floodings, calculating areas of land, counting money, working out taxes and cooking. Maths was even used in mythology - the Egyptians figured out the numbers of days in the year with their calendar. They were one of the ancient peoples who got it closest to the 'true year', though their mathematical skills. Maths was also used with fantastic results for building tombs, pyramids and other architectural marvels.

Rhind Mathematical Papyrus.

The pyramids are aligned with the stars and the great pyramid is on the exact central point of the whole landmass.
They had more then just advanced maths

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 06:16 PM
Herodotus wrote of the corrosion of the pyramids in chapter 2, paragraph 12 in his The HISTORY. and there are a lot of iffy asumptions about what we know about weather patterns. (sorry, Al!)
edit on 20-3-2011 by boxturtle because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 06:28 PM
These of course are only theories
No matter how the pyramids were built there are certain facts that need to be considered.

Why are the 3 Giza pyramids aligned with the Orion Star Belt
Why do the narrow channels in the Queens and Kings Chamber align Sirius and one of the 3 belt stars of Orion
These alignments are only true once a precessional cycle
The Pyramids in their prime were covered with polished white marble that refected the sky rendering them almost invisible on the horizon
Where is the missing cap stone and what was its purpose
If it is a burial chamber where are all the hieroglyphs associated with with burial tombs
There is only graffiti that mentions Khufu
The great Pyramid is full of sacred geometry - what does sacred geometry denote
The great pyramid mimicks e Sun Ray

Sound technology or harmonics is little understood by this civilisation but could be used as a tool to create such structures

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by thepainweaver

I was watching CNN the other day and they interviewed Hawass because he had resigned so hopefully he is gone.I agree with you about him completely.

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by Nicorette
Normally I find pyramid talk boring, because there is so much idle speculation and gooey New Age nonsense associated with it. You make a compelling case that certainly the ancient world had the technology to construct these monoliths. WHY they would waste so much time and energy on it is another matter...maybe people in the future will wonder why we wasted so much time on the Internet.

That said, I have to add, your first post was the most thorough, well-illustrated, well put together post I have ever seen on this forum, or many others for that matter. Well done!

Well thank you.
The feedback is appreciated. I'm glad you enjoyed the presentation.

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 06:42 PM
Wow Slayer how do you do this.Fantastic thread.I have thought about the egyptians and the wheel before. Here is my theory. Any ancient people who used wood surely knew that something that is round will roll and I don't think that it is too great a leap mentally to connect that natural rolling into something useful like a pully or walking wheel to provide pulling power. After all they were very clever people. Perhaps I have this wrong but didn't they use a type of screw to lift water to irrigate their fields. I have always found it hard to believe that they didn't have the wheel.Any way S&F.

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by lonegurkha

As great as all the wood theories sound. It would of been harder for the Egyptians to get all this so called wood for the ramps and pulleys then it would be to get the stone. Plus we have no evidence of Egyptians cutting any wood anywhere. The tools nor the idea was even shown in anywhere in the history. If they were going to get so much wood for this project, then surely they had metal axes and other cutting tools, so why would they go and use wood pulleys if they had metal ?

Another huge problem with wood pulleys is that the wood isn't strong enough to lift some of the really heavy blocks used. So in theory you could use pulleys for most of the rocks, the much larger rocks are still a huge mystery if you going to go with that.

Ive also heard of pushing the blocks over the wood while the wood is on the ground. I believe an engineering company a few years ago attempted this. They found out that even the lighter set of blocks would cause the wood logs to sink deeper into the sand with each usage. Don't see this being a very reliable form of long distance stone transport.

edit on 20-3-2011 by Draken because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 06:50 PM
Awesome thread yet again Slayer
Glad to have someone of your caliber writing here on ATS!! I too am in the block and tackle camp in regards to the pyramids.
Now I would like to address the why's, on why we haven't found any instructions [or building pyramids for dummies]. First off this kind of knowledge would not have been for the common man at the time. Those with a education usually from the royal court or priesthood. So this knowledge would have been kept in areas only said folks could access. Now I realize that some of you might be thinking why we would not have found any of this information in digs. Which brings me to the biggest loss of humanity, the Library of Alexandria. I think it maybe safe to assume that kind of information would have been stored there. When it was razed the knowledge was either carried off by someone or was destroyed.

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by hangedman13
Awesome thread yet again Slayer
Glad to have someone of your caliber writing here on ATS!! I too am in the block and tackle camp in regards to the pyramids.
Now I would like to address the why's, on why we haven't found any instructions [or building pyramids for dummies]. First off this kind of knowledge would not have been for the common man at the time. Those with a education usually from the royal court or priesthood. So this knowledge would have been kept in areas only said folks could access. Now I realize that some of you might be thinking why we would not have found any of this information in digs. Which brings me to the biggest loss of humanity, the Library of Alexandria. I think it maybe safe to assume that kind of information would have been stored there. When it was razed the knowledge was either carried off by someone or was destroyed.

I don't see how a 'few people' could of known the skills, and then the rest of the population just some how followed instructions to get the whole thing done in 20 years without the use of writing to do plans and measurements and calculations ?

I can understand how it works today with a builders how they can just read plans that a smart designer has made. But you have to remember that's not how it worked back in those days. They were doing these projects as a people, for the people and because they wanted to. Not because they were forced by smarter people.
edit on 20-3-2011 by Draken because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

I do not believe the egyptians built the pyramids at all. If that were true then they would have had to build the ones in other parts of the world. There are more complex pyramids in south america and north america that are 40,000 years old.
The egyptians can't build the same pyramid today, why would anyone still believe they bulit the ones in their county.

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 07:02 PM
When it comes to The Great Pyramid there is, it seems, always something new to learn.

Thanks, Slayer. You introduced me to some new ideas.

And now, I'll chime in with this: As another member earlier mentioned in this thread...The Outer Casing, man!

Wasn't the Great Pyramid once entirely ensconced in polished white limestone blocks - creating perfectly smooth and almost seamless sides?

These 'ramp systems' going here, there, and everywhere - aren't they all based on designs that see (the ramp) affixed, in various manners, to the pyramid's huge step-like stone work?

I don't know.

I do know though, when we see diagrams, illustrations, and computer models of 'how they built the pyramids' they are very rarely showing us the finished mirror-smooth limestone covered pyramid and instead are showing us the inner shell.

Well, those are my thoughts on this early Beijing morning, and yes, you are correct: except for a couple of IKEA shelves I have not built anything.

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by mesle123
reply to post by SLAYER69

I do not believe the egyptians built the pyramids at all. If that were true then they would have had to build the ones in other parts of the world. There are more complex pyramids in south america and north america that are 40,000 years old.
The egyptians can't build the same pyramid today, why would anyone still believe they bulit the ones in their county.

I'm fairly well read on the history of the Ancient Pre-Colombian cultures/Civilizations of the New world. I'd love to see some links stating that age please.

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 07:03 PM
Look at some of the joins at Machu Picchu, Our ancestors weren't blabbering idiots.

About the pyramids, couldn't they of used animals to move the blocks at least part way.

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by univac500
When it comes to The Great Pyramid there is, it seems, always something new to learn.

Thanks, Slayer. You introduced me to some new ideas.

And now, I'll chime in with this: As another member earlier mentioned in this thread...The Outer Casing, man!

Wasn't the Great Pyramid once entirely ensconced in polished white limestone blocks - creating perfectly smooth and almost seamless sides?

These 'ramp systems' going here, there, and everywhere - aren't they all based on designs that see (the ramp) affixed, in various manners, to the pyramid's huge step-like stone work?

I don't know.

I do know though, when we see diagrams, illustrations, and computer models of 'how they built the pyramids' they are very rarely showing us the finished mirror-smooth limestone covered pyramid and instead are showing us the inner shell.

Well, those are my thoughts on this early Beijing morning, and yes, you are correct: except for a couple of IKEA shelves I have not built anything.

I must agree with you. Even thou some of the ramp theories are really amazing and cool, none of them can be used for the polished smooth limestone that covered the whole thing.

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by aivlas

Not even an elephant(one of the strongest animals alive) could move some of these stones. And i dont think a elephant would last long in the desert lol.

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 07:08 PM
Still everybody is overlooking and not responding to the actual TIME period it took to build the pyramids.

If they did use all of these methods suggested to build these pyramids it WOULD of taken a much much longer time, than it actually DID take.

I.E. - There is no way with the methods described that the Egyptians had enough TIME to "build" the pyramids.

I cant stress enough how important the time frame is that these pyramids where built over.

Please read and look at ALL!! the evidence not just what fits the theory you are comfortable with.

Either The Time and Dating we have on tests and knowledge about Egypt is wrong or They just didnt build them on their own with these " primitive " concepts and tools. It would of been 99% IMPOSSIBLE

(again IMO)


posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 07:09 PM

Originally posted by aivlas
Look at some of the joins at Machu Picchu, Our ancestors weren't blabbering idiots.

About the pyramids, couldn't they of used animals to move the blocks at least part way.

I've thought of that as well.
I was originally going to bring that possible aspect up but thought better not to. There hasn't been any real evidence that Egyptians used the horse or possibly the Elephant in this manner. The Indian Elephants have been used for labor though. I was going to argue that there have been some images showing of all things Bears found in Egypt. There are no indigenous Bears in Africa anymore. So why couldn't who ever brought bears to Egypt also have brought Indian work elephants?

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by Draken

I think a few of the vids that have been posted show that to be false.

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