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How they Built the Great Pyramid of Egypt

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posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 01:01 PM
While I appreciate the research, the title of this thread is very misleading...
How they built the the Great Pyramid... well... Ive read your thread and I still don't know how they built it. You've answered nothing... which is fine, youve posted great info, but going by the title of the thread, well, you get my drift.

My main problem is that you didn't post time frames. Why? because time frames are what debunk all these possible theories. With the time main stream archeologists suggest the pyramids were built, non of these methods would have worked. They take waaay too long.

I know your trying to be sensible with this one... but in our day and age, that includes not giving in to the norm...

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Thank you for putting this post together! S&F of course... I share your passion for learning about ancient monuments & the mysteries connected with them. Rather than simply slapping a bunch of facts together, you created a piece that flows smoothly from one part to the next, not an easy task.

While I'm aware of Jean-Pierre Houdin's theory of an inner ramp, I had never seen or read anything dealing with the Djed & other items, believed to be symbolic, possibly being used for practical purposes. Thanks for introducing this fascinating idea here, as there's always room inside my skull for more info to throw into the mix.

Only one thought I can think of to add: an actual, intentional entrance to the Great Pyramid, designed by its builders, has never been found. The entrance in use to this day was cut through the facing stones of the structure by an early pyramid explorer.
Here's some info, taken from this site:

"Today, the pyramid is entered through an opening that tradition tells us was cut through the masonry in the ninth century by Caliph al-Ma'mun...
From the descending entrance corridor, the ascending passage mentioned above [in the text on the site], originally sealed with three, seven ton blocks of pink granite which are still in place, branches off. It runs for a length of 129 feet, rising at a gradient of 26°2’30”. Ma'mun's tunnel originally skirted this passageway. Currently, one enters the ascending passageway through a hole that was hewn around these slabs from Ma'mun's tunnel. The ascending passageway leads to the Grand Gallery".

I've always thought that this random entry into the inner pyramid was overlooked in time, as interpretations were put to the so-called passageways & chambers that were subsequently discovered, colored by the idea that they were seen as proceeding inward from an "entrance", & not as a chance entry through a latter-day "worm hole".
What has been cataloged as an orderly progression of passageways & chambers could indeed be inner workings of the building process, sealed off when construction was finished to prevent any future access, using them for passage inward.

Again, thanks for your effort in putting together a great thread!

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 01:17 PM
Great thread. And, while most of the math went right over my head, I can still respect all the effort you put into this. SURELY, it makes sense...but, i still have my own theories.

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 01:20 PM
The reason why I dont believe it was built the way you state is simply what others are saying, the time frame. Not only that but the precise placement of the pyramids is also quite interesting.

Im not sure if I believe in the alien theory 100% but I do find it to be one of the most plausible, as crazy as that sounds. I dont doubt ancient man at all and I know they were much smarter than we think they are but some of the things just dont add up, for one how did they see inside the pyramids? No evidence of torches has been found yet. I watched a documentary some time ago that mentioned that the stones used to build the pyramids were not even found in egypt which would pose a whole other problem of how did they transport these massive stones?

However I do appreciate the effort you put towards this thread I want to find out who built those things just as much as you

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 01:31 PM
Hi Slayer, another epic thread from you!

I made a similar post a while back on how simple machines (inclined plane, levers) were the tools used in building pyramids, which is here (I didn't go into anywhere near as much depth as you did):

Theories on Constructing Pyramids with Simple Mechanics

When all is said and done, I believe Herodotus had accurately described the method used, levers lifting the block up each course at which point they could then be dragged into place. True, his text came 2,000 years after the fact, but they were still building pyramids and monuments in his day and it's not likely the method would have changed drastically.

The ramp theories that involve long ramps, or winding ramps, aren't workable. Too much work would have to go into construction of the ramp, and the amount of labor to haul a block up a long ramp or a winding ramp is far too great, as compared to simply levering it up in a straight line.

Ramps create too many choke points that would foul up hauling teams. Ramps that have switch-backs or 90 degree turns leave the hauling teams with no where to go while still attached to a load somewhere along on the ramp.

The use of the Djed as a pinion to solve this problem seems impractical on a lot of levels, and they don't have any references or support in archeological finds (in fact it runs counter to it). It seems that anchoring it well enough to withstand the the sheer force imposed on it by the weight of the blocks would require a much more elaborate base then what we are seeing, not to mention the Djed's themselves do not appear strong enough for that stress without snapping in half. Franz Loehner pitched another theory that also made use of a "rope pinion" which is described in my thread, very similar in that a rope for hauling would have to be routed around a pinion/pulley.

The problem with any of the theories that make use of pulleys and pinions is that archeologists don't attribute this technology to Egyptians. Maybe they had it (without leaving us records of such), but found it not as practical as dragging and hauling. Ropes become too long, the amount of abrasion by being pulled across pinions (as in the Queens chamber, or with Loehner's theory). Egyptian ropes were made from plant fibers and would never have been up to the task of being dragged mercilessly across stanchions, pinions, or immobile "rollers" (they didn't actually roll) like you see in the Queens Chamber. The longer a rope becomes the greater it's weight, and it's possible for even a modern rope to snap under it's own weight. When you see ancient depictions of large hauling teams on ropes dragging a great weight (like in the Assyrian image here or this Egyptian image here) you're talking about very thick, stout rope made to withstand the tensile forces for this but not nearly flexible enough or of a small enough diameter to work with pulleys and pinions.

These theories are only workable given modern high-tensile rope of smaller diameter and greater flexibility than what Egyptians had available.

If Djed's were used as pinions or pulleys, you would think there would be at least one image of them being used as such. Instead what we see with them is a strictly symbolic representation, as an emblem of Osiris (leafless tree, backbone of Osiris, regeneration, etc.), it was used to decorate the bases of coffins, and displayed with pharaohs, as a talisman, symbol of power, etc. See: Raising the Djed. This would seem to preclude the concept they were just tools.

This image which the theorists alludes would work as a pivot ball joint for his Djed pinions also seems off the mark;


They would have no ability to resist lateral loads. They would also have no need to decorate such a utilitarian item as they have here. This may be a water bowl or wash basin or even food bowl, keeping in mind they had thousands of workers to feed daily, that in itself would be an epic undertaking! These really do appear more suited for food and water than as a pivot or ball joint, but that said;

These bowls could work as a pivot point for something like a mast crane, either a single mast or dual mast, as in this image:


Of course this image came from the renaissance period (it's from a book by Alberti). The Egyptians didn't have pulleys or capstans, but what they did have was the Shadoof lifting mechanism.

This is probably the one device that is the real "secret" to the construction of not only the pyramids but all the Egyptian monuments, and an integral part of their way of life. The Shadoof was used to haul water up out of the Nile, or wells, to provide irrigation to their fields.


See description here

The wonderful thing about this crude basic lifting device is that it was well known to ancient Egyptians and long been used for lifting. It was familiar to them. Best of all we have carved depictions of it being used for lifting of heavy weights;


I'd suggest this was the work horse behind much of the pyramid construction. One could see from the images above, how easily it may have occurred to the Egyptians that this device could haul stone blocks up level by level just as it hauls water up. It's just a matter of engineering them for the weight.

The part of your post on the Grand Gallery and the wear and tear of obvious heavy lifting there probably pertain to the movement of the stone blocks pertaining to the Gallery and King and Queen's chambers itself, being up to 70 tons I doubt a Shadoof would be of much use. The holes lining the edge of the Gallery were probably meant to hold posts to keep a stone slab from sliding back down once it had be lifted to that point. Since Egyptians were familiar with the concept of a Shadoof, which relies on a counterweight, they may have employed something long those lines in the Gallery, with a counterweight opposite the apex of the gallery (now buried in the mass of the pyramid). The counterweight itself could have been made up of rubble and smaller stones hauled into place at the apex, then as the stone slab was slid up the Gallery, it would have been locked into place via the post holes, and the counterweight reassembled at the apex. This process could have been repeated as long as it took to get the heavier stones into place over the King's chamber. There was probably an external ramp leading to the base of the Grand Gallery which would still be open to the sky. In this application, the ropes would have be extremely stout to withstand the abrasion (probably to the point a human hand could hardly grip it), and liberal oils and water would have been poured over the top step to lubricate the rope as it slid over this apex. That accounts for your wear and tear.

The Shadoof's are a perfect description of Herodotus' machine.

That's all I have for now, sorry for the long-winded reply!

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 01:31 PM
The reason we haven't been able to get the truth is because if you try do research in Egypt about anything except 'slaves and pharaohs did everything' , then you reject you from coming to study. Now with new power in Egypt, things will soon change, and more info will come out. Humans are great and all, but saying we did the pyramids alone is just saying we de-evolved over time and that doesn't sound right.

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 01:32 PM
I'm sure some of you guys remember the Coral Castle in Florida.
The gentlemen built by himself ast night and his methods linked to Egypt.

To this day, no one knows how Ed created the Coral Castle. Built under the cover of night and in secret, at a time when there were no modern construction conveniences, Ed would only say that he knew "the secret of the pyramids." When he died, his secrets died with him, and to this day scientists and thinkers still debate Ed's methods.
When questioned about how he moved the blocks of coral, Ed would only reply that he understood the laws of weight and leverage well. This man with only a fourth grade education even built an AC current generator, the remains of which are on display today. Because there are no records from witnesses his methods continue to baffle engineers and scientists, and Ed’s secrets of construction have often been compared to Stonehenge and the great pyramids.


posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 01:47 PM
Umm... hate to ruin your illusions of grandeur, but the pyramids were built using mind power.

There's a reason the blocks are practically molded together and pieces of paper won't fit through.

This is also how they have stood the test of time, manual labor does not produce the same results.

That's the raw reality.

You must realize the level to which consciousness has degraded... If you are told something in school, it has a large probability of being completely false. Welcome to Conspiracy 101.

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 01:54 PM
Fascinating and well done. I know - I know - your post is the "How" but I feel compelled to point out, IMHO, that the "Why" is a huge fraud. The pyraminds were not built as tombs. No mummies or treasures were ever housed inside. This fraud was carried out by one Colonel Richard Howard Vyse in 1837 in part to secure additional funding for his archeology expeditions. Story goes that he planted a more recent dynasty mummy.

The function of the pyramids is still a mystery.

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 02:19 PM
Who really built the pyramids - by Nassim Haramein - Is really worth a watch, he explains some of his theory and gives reasons as to how the Egyptians did not build the pyramids.

This is a small extract from one of his seminars - uploaded in 2009.

Nassim Haramein discusses the absurdity of modern Egyptology and their conclusions-

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 02:25 PM
I wasn't able to read the whole OP I will soon though, but I think people really underestimate the egyptians.

It wasn't like after drinking some wine did they suddenly blurt out
"Let's build a god damn enormous building right now." They (imo) probably did smaller experiments to get the math and architecture down.

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 02:35 PM
The Geopolymer Institute in France proved how the Egyptians moulded their stones out of concrete (chemical formula and process described with hieroglyphs) on the spot and didn't have to move the big blocks. And they didn't stop with theory, they tried it and made a video out of it:

It's strange for me that it is still not main stream..please share it and impress your friends

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by spacecharly

This is exactly the theory I mentioned. In my opinion it is the most interesting one so far. I'm wondering if there is any evidence to suggest that this might be the truth in the earlier pyramids before Giza was build.

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by Blackmarketeer

They would have no ability to resist lateral loads. They would also have no need to decorate such a utilitarian item as they have here. This may be a water bowl or wash basin or even food bowl, keeping in mind they had thousands of workers to feed daily, that in itself would be an epic undertaking! These really do appear more suited for food and water than as a pivot or ball joint, but that said;

These bowls could work as a pivot point for something like a mast crane, either a single mast or dual mast, as in this image:

I see what you're saying however those would be massive food bowls?


As far as being "decorative" in the video posted the theory goes they had a function. As far as not being able to handle "lateral" loads. Imagine or visualize them in your minds eye their square base being recessed into a square mount to hold and anchor them either in the vertical or horizontal positions

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by PsykoOps

But if that theory was "correct" how do you explain things like the giant blocks of solid Granite that were also used weighing several tons each?

Could you try to explain it, please ?


posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by johngtr

Or the very odd design of and purpose for the "Grand Gallery"?

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by Draken
Also all this article is trying to prove is that humans got dumber ?

How did we get dumber? Not all humans at that period were able to read hieroglyphs. Remember [then as now] knowledge is power. I'm sure the Egyptian Priests and Engineers would have kept their knowledge as secretly as possible in order to be able to maintain their worth in the royal families eyes.

This would have worked against mankind as a whole. For unless they trained and shared their knowledge it would have been lost. In this case that appears to have happened

So thousands of years ago we could built pyramids with super basic tools, but as things evolved and we got better, it seems it took longer for us to create great structures of art ?
This building took 30 years to complete and doesn't even compare to the great pyramid.

I honestly think the Egyptians didn't allow Unions

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Nice thread well put together.
It's about time we give our ancestors credit for coming up with simple yet ingenious ways of solving problem's when it comes to stone architecture.
What a shame it's easier for some people to believe in some supernatural force, magic, or aliens.Understanding our race has been problem solving for a long time is much more exciting, and fulfilling than junk science.

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 03:46 PM
My thoughts on who and how they built the pyramids plagued my mind for many years. This is my final answer on how they were created. The source to some here on the boards is unreliable. But to me I know it to be the truth.It is from the Book the Thiaoouba Prophecy by Michel Desmarquet.

"Savanasa then, was situated on a vast plateau overlooking plains which rose, on average, no more than 30 metres above sea level. On this plateau and in the centre, an enormous pyramid was constructed. Each stone used in its construction, some weighing more than 50 tonnes, was cut precisely to within one fifth of a millimetre, using what we can call ultrasonic vibratory systems. This was done in the quarries of Holaton, now found on Easter Island, which was the one place on the entire continent where this special rock could be found. There was, however, another quarry at Notora, south-west of the continent.

The enormous stones were transported using anti-gravitational techniques well known to these people. (They were carried on platforms, 20 centimetres above the paved roads, which were constructed using the same principals as those of the pyramids.) Roads such as these were built all over the country, converging, like a massive spiders web, on the capital, Savanasa.

The huge stones were taken to Savanasa and put into position according to directions from the master or chief architect on the project. When finished, the pyramid measured exactly 440.01 metres in height and its four faces were oriented precisely towards the four points of the compass.

Was this intended to be the Kings palace, or his tomb?

Nothing of the sort. This pyramid was much more important - it was a tool. An enormous tool, I admit, but a tool just the same. So, too, was the Pyramid of Cheops, in Egypt, though it was much smaller in size.

A tool? Please explain - I'm no longer with you.

one of the great mysteries was about to be revealed to me - one which had provoked so much inquiry and had been the subject of so much writing on Earth.
You will have realised, that these were highly advanced people. They possessed a profound understanding of Universal Law and used their pyramid as a captor of cosmic rays, forces and energies, as well as terrestrial energies.

Inside, rooms positioned according to a precise plan, served the King and certain other great initiates, as powerful communications centres, enabling communication with other planets and other worlds in the Universe. Such communication with extra-terrestrials is no longer possible for people on Earth; but the people of Mu in those days, by natural means and by exploiting cosmic forces, were in constant communication with other beings and were even able to explore parallel universes.

Was this the sole purpose of the pyramid?

Not quite. Its second use was to make rain. By a system of plates, made of a special alloy incorporating silver as its major component, these people were able, in a few days, to cause the accumulationof clouds above the country, and so, to have rain as they needed it.

Thus, they were able to create, virtually, a paradise over the whole continent. Rivers and springs never dried up, but flowed lazily across the numerous plains of a land that was essentially flat.

Fruit trees were laden with fruit, bowing under the weight of oranges, mandarins or apples, according to latitude. Exotic fruits, of kinds that actually no longer exist on Earth, were harvested in abundance. One such fruit, called the Laikoti, possessed a property that caused an excitation of brain activity, allowing whoever ate it to solve problems which would normally be beyond them. This property was not actually a drug but the fruit was, nevertheless, condemned by the sages. The Laikoti was only authorised to be planted in the gardens of the King. The striking similarity between this prohibition from eating the Laikoti - for reasons relating to knowledge - and, in the Bible, Adam being forbidden to eat the apple on similar grounds.

Man being what he is, however, the fruit was secretly planted in various places throughout the continent. Those caught with the fruit were harshly punished for they had directly disobeyed the King of Mu. In matters of religion and government, he was to be obeyed absolutely, as he was the representative of the Great Spirit.

As such, the King was not one to be worshiped - he simply represented another."

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by flyingfish

Thanks I agree even though I'm a firm believer in ET and will accept the possibility of "Ancient and present" visitors. To me though there is just too much real physical evidence of a very terrestrial nature in it's construction still with us.

We just needed to learn how to interpret them is all

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