I am reposting this information. I found this on another forum. Take it for what it is worth. It is not my opinion. I am merely reposting it so
that others can be aware of it and make their own judgment call:
posted by dacrunch on the goldismoney2.com forum
03-12-2011 02:33 PM
Re: Questions re: Potassium Iodide
Back when Chernobyl blew, I was listening to a Radio Talk Show doctor... so long ago I've forgotten his name... but he "taught" me something I
haven't forgotten. (Edit: Dr Dean Edell - spelling in question)
1) The thyroid gland is a "sponge" for iodine.
2) "Radiation" exposure from a nuke meltdown is mainly "radioactive iodine".
3) If you're exposed to the radioactive iodine, your thyroid gland will "soak it up" and "store it" in your body, thereby increasing risk of
all types of ailments... unless...
4) unless your thyroid gland is already saturated with non-radioactive iodine.
5) By the time any Potassium Iodide pills get distributed, it will most likely occur AFTER your exposure to the radiation, so TOO LATE, SUCKER!
6) You need a prescription for Potassium Iodide in regular times, and have to be careful about overuse and kids' dosage etc.
7) There's a much simpler way to deal with this risk prevention: just buy a little bottle of Tincture of Iodine (plain concentrated Iodine) at
your local drug store. A couple of bucks.
8) If you hear your local nuke is having problems... or that the fallout cloud from a distance might be headed your way, all you have to do is
swab a couple square inches of Iodine on your skin (I do it on the sole of the foot). Your body will absorb whatever it needs, and saturate your
thyroid gland with "clean" iodine.
9) Risks? a) A few people are allergic to iodine. b) It stains the skin for a couple days, and anything it comes into contact with while wet.
Careful of spills, you won't get the stain off a marble sink or a porous ceramic tile floor.
So, since the 80s, I've always had a bottle of Iodine in my shaving kit. Use it for cuts, scrapes, blisters as a disinfectant. Lasts forever and
never has an expiration date... And won't make the Drug Cartel rich...