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*UPDATE* Jim Berkland (Geologist), W Coast Quake window starts March 19 2011 *ATS Experiment Added*

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posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 12:18 AM
I stumbled across this site while searching for information on Jim Berkland after seeing his predictions on the news. I don't really know what to make of all this - and I don't want to get too crazy with prophecies or anything, but thought I would share my experiences as of late.

Since hearing the news of Japan I have been reading a lot about earthquakes and tsunamis...following predictions and news updates closely. I live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada - Not on any fault line, fairly safe, but right next to British Columbia (which of course is our west coast).

A few days ago...I think it was Monday March 14th...I woke up in the middle of the night absolutely drenched in sweat. I am not menopausal or anything like that (I'm 27), but I was literally dripping sweat and it wouldn't stop. I had to get up to wipe myself down. My hair was soaked to my head, as well as my bed and comforter being completely drenched....this has never happened before. I thought it was hormones - but could it possibly be related to everything that is going on in regards to the earthquakes, moon, tides, etc?

Also, today I began feeling like I was coming down with something. My head and ears have been aching, my throat hasn't been feeling normal and my body is aching (back and abdomen) like I have the flu or something. However, it doesn't appear to be getting any worse (like a cold or flu would)...but just lingering and making me feel like crap.

Like I said, I am not sure if this has anything to do with the changes that are occurring - but you never know.

Side note: I have two cats and they appear to be acting normal...but like I said we are not near any fault line or in any real danger - so perhaps they instinctively know this and aren't reacting.


posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 12:29 AM

Originally posted by nique
I stumbled across this site while searching for information on Jim Berkland after seeing his predictions on the news. I don't really know what to make of all this - and I don't want to get too crazy with prophecies or anything, but thought I would share my experiences as of late.

Since hearing the news of Japan I have been reading a lot about earthquakes and tsunamis...following predictions and news updates closely. I live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada - Not on any fault line, fairly safe, but right next to British Columbia (which of course is our west coast).

A few days ago...I think it was Monday March 14th...I woke up in the middle of the night absolutely drenched in sweat. I am not menopausal or anything like that (I'm 27), but I was literally dripping sweat and it wouldn't stop. I had to get up to wipe myself down. My hair was soaked to my head, as well as my bed and comforter being completely drenched....this has never happened before. I thought it was hormones - but could it possibly be related to everything that is going on in regards to the earthquakes, moon, tides, etc?

Also, today I began feeling like I was coming down with something. My head and ears have been aching, my throat hasn't been feeling normal and my body is aching (back and abdomen) like I have the flu or something. However, it doesn't appear to be getting any worse (like a cold or flu would)...but just lingering and making me feel like crap.

Like I said, I am not sure if this has anything to do with the changes that are occurring - but you never know.

Side note: I have two cats and they appear to be acting normal...but like I said we are not near any fault line or in any real danger - so perhaps they instinctively know this and aren't reacting.


You are not alone in your symptoms, there are literally hundreds if not more people writing in to many sites about their symptoms, all very similar to is the Pole Shift.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 12:34 AM

Here's a new site i found, dunno if you guys have seen it at all

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 12:35 AM
Hi there.

Last year, before the Haiti EQ, I was loosing my balance A LOT. I tripped & fell, banged my head, & dropped everything. This lasted about a month before the Haitian EQ.

Fast forward about a year. The same thing happened AGAIN about a month before Japan's EQ.

After, the second time of this happening (or me noticing), I called a close family member & asked if they had/have the same issue before an EQ. Low & behold: they did.

Now, I'm wondering if anyone has noticed a marked change in balance before an EQ/Volcano???

It might be a coincidence or it maybe something weird that happens to me.

I'm not claiming I'm a psychic at all. If anything, a clutz.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 12:51 AM
Im in socal, so im going to hoping for the best, but planning for the worst...
Also, as far as the animal experiment, I work in a research vivarium... so im around, literally, thousands of rats and mice on a daily basis.. if theirs any change in their behavior ill post it in advance, if I can. here's the thing though, I was working in the facility last Easter during a pretty good quake we had down here, and their was zero reaction from the animals.. it was during the day, and being nocturnal they were mostly asleep, so I dont know if that had them off guard or not.. well thanks for the heads up..

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 12:51 AM
I live on west coast of Canada. The past few days my cat has been acting out of character.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 12:57 AM
I'm new, and came across this site also looking for earthquake info. I live in British Columbia on the west coast of Canada. Right on the coast,which is why I have a very vested interest in the whole earthquake prediction stuff. The night of the Japanese earthquake, I woke with a severe headache (never woke up with a headache before). A few nights prior, I had horrific nightmares about...yes, world cataclysms, specifically, earthquakes and fires. The nightmares were so bad and so frequent throughout the night that I didn't bother trying to get back to sleep.

My background is a little 'woo woo', I'll admit, in the interest of full disclosure. I'm clairvoyant and clairsentient, and work in the field. I surveyed a few of my colleagues via email asking if anyone else had anything wierd happen leading up to the earthquake - a few did, noting both physical and nightmare issues. I did notice a few other things energetically, but I don't know if this is the right forum for it.

Thank you all for your contributions to this thread - very interesting.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 01:08 AM
reply to post by Cascadian

Welcome Cascadian.
There is a thread that deals with alternative methods of predicting quakes. You'll find the most recent page here

Due to the area you are from you may also be interested in the Washington State quake thread which keeps track of movements in that area. here

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 01:08 AM
I am in California...
As a response to the OP, I can testify that I have been feeling particularly off-set for the last two days. Weird taste in my throat/back of my mouth and my stomach doesn't necessarily hurt, but it feels "disrupted?" (I really don't know how to explain it...its that weird.) Nothing I eat changes this either and no amount of toothbrushing or mouthwash is getting that weird taste out of my mouth. It's come out of nowhere really and quite unusually too. I haven't eaten anything out of the ordinary and in fact I eat a lot of organic, zero fast food, and stay away from the sodas and corn-syrupy drinks. No, I don't drink or smoke either, but i think that goes without saying...
I am an anti-speculation proponent, but I will add this: At work today I overheard two of my co-workers saying how they've been feeling weird the last few days as well. Their stomachs are off and they just feel weird. It was so relevant that I had to chime in and agree.

Look, I don't know anything about predicting earthquakes, and I certainly don't claim to know anything about being able to perceive coming events through bodily changes or something. What I do know, however, is that there WILL be a substantial earthquake on the West Coast at some given point. It's just too long overdue. Real science has time and again proven that the stress is far beyond a normal level, and as a Bible-believing Christian I know what the Word says about increasing earthquakes in various places (Matthew 24). Since January of 2010, I think the frequency of megaquakes have definitely increased. It's coming people. Get your houses in order and get right with the Lord. Who knows when its actually coming, but with each passing day its getting closer.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 01:15 AM
reply to post by nerdyclutzyblonde

All of you should always check with your doctor before correlating any physical anomaly to Earthquakes or any other phenomenom.

I wouldnt notice if I was off balance, I'm always off balance now. I'm currently learning how to walk again because I didn't take any warning signs seriously, this included being off balance, until one night I fell when my brain had a clot and I am now paralised and brain damaged.
Please go see a doctor!!!

edit on 18-3-2011 by violet because: grammar

edit on 18-3-2011 by violet because: changed wording

edit on 18-3-2011 by violet because: spelt doctor wrong

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 01:26 AM

edit on 18-3-2011 by violet because: my post no longer applies, its fixed now

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 01:30 AM
reply to post by JohnnyAnonymous

My new cell phone make very good quality videos & pictures. Will be happy to forward anything I come up with...

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 01:46 AM
reply to post by JohnnyAnonymous

Wow, I can't believe what I'm reading. Today my dog has been acting incredibly strange. He's been extremely clingy. Then tonight I was sitting outside talking with my son's girlfriend, about 11:30, all of a sudden he started circling the ground and sniffing every inch of the ground. Then he stopped dead still and just stared at the ground with his ears twitching like crazy. We came in because we got kind of scared and he butted his head hard into my hand so that I would pet him and wouldn't stop. Then we were in my room and I was showing her a video on my laptop. He jumped on the bed and just stared at us with his ears all the way back and down. All of a sudden he jerked his head downwards and started staring at the floor with his ears twitching like crazy. We were totally freaked out by his behavior. All day today he would run under my bed for no reason and he NEVER does that, then he'd come and force me to pet him or pick him up, then go back under the bed. Then tonight as my son's girlfriend was leaving, my little Chihuahua who is as snobby as a cat and won't have anything to do with anyone unless she wants to, all of a sudden runs up to us, sits down and stared at the floor. She had the most worried and fearful look on her little face and literally just stared into my eyes. The other one has been walking around for the last hour with his brows literally furrowed the way a human does when you're scared or worried. About 20 minutes ago, he went into the bathroom, lowered himself onto the floor on his belly, stared at the floor and started panting fast and hard. Then he jumped back on my bed. He has never acted this weird before and it is freaking me out. Right now he's next to me on the bed and he keeps popping his head up, staring straight ahead, then twitching his ears. My little Chihuahua actually starting making a sort of wincing crying sound as she stared at me, then ran under my bed. I don't know what's going on, but they never act this way and it has me worried. Right now my other dog just popped up from his lying down position, has his ears straight up and twitching and is acting incredibly nervous and just put his head on my leg, he actually looks scared to death. Now he's sniffing the air like crazy with his ears twitching. I live in Albuquerque, New Mexico and earthquakes and catastrophes are something we just don't have, so this is really making me nervous.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 02:01 AM
I happen to stumble across something from the University of Washington (dated back in 2007) that helps add some credibility about the tides and seismic activity. I'll post a few of the highlights and add the link at the bottom if care to research it a bit more.

"For more than a decade geoscientists have detected what amount to ultra-slow-motion earthquakes under Western Washington and British Columbia on a regular basis, about every 14 months. Such episodic tremor-and-slip events typically last two to three weeks and can release as much energy as a large earthquake, though they are not felt and cause no damage. Now University of Washington researchers have found evidence that these slow-slip events are actually affected by the rise and fall of ocean tides. "

"The rising tide appeared to increase the tremor by a factor of 30 percent, though the Earth distortion still was so small that it was undetectable without instruments, said Vidale, a UW professor of Earth and space sciences and director of the Pacific Northwest Seismograph Network."

"We expected that the added water of a rising tide would clamp down on the tremor, but it seems to have had the opposite effect. It's fair to say that we don't understand it," Vidale said. "

Rising tides intensify non-volcanic tremor in Earth's crust

The part that really captured my attention was that the rising tide (which is what we will be experiencing in this next week), doesn't help dampen the affects of seismic activity, but rather increases it (unless I misunderstood what the geoscientist were describing). Isn't this in essence what Mr. Berkland was describing as one of the models he uses in determining a possible event?

edit on 3/18/2011 by JohnnyAnonymous because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 02:02 AM
reply to post by quietright

Was thinking about this post through the day... didn't think much of anything of it until now... I have been having ALOT of difficulty concentrating, my chronic headaches which have been under control for a long time have been worse in the last couple of weeks & have been feeling like a vise grip is crushing my head all day for the last couple of weeks also.

I chalked it up to grieving for the loss of a family member, stress at work & spring allergies, but I've had more loss & stress than this at times past & not had it this bad. I wonder...

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 02:07 AM
reply to post by nique

Another thing I forgot to mention. My son's girlfriend said that about 3 nights ago, she got up and felt completely off balance and said it felt like she had to balance herself in the same way you do as if you were on a boat. She is only 21 and as healthy as can be and has never had this happen to her before so she was pretty freaked out. Also, all day today I have felt like a slight nauseated feeling, not quite enough to feel sick, but like something isn't right. I've also had a strange ringing in my right ear today. My dogs also had very little appetite today and they always eat like crazy. I have always been extremely sensitive to changes in the air and this has me concerned. I can sense a thunderstorm coming before it even gets here. I get a feeling of what's like electrical currents right before a storm, then when it passes, they go away, I've done this all my life and I'm 55. I've been having those feelings today. The other strange thing is, my son has speakers set up in my room to plug into my laptop when I want to hear something louder. When it's not plugged into my laptop, the plug just sits on the floor, if you touch it, it makes a static noise through the speakers. Well, tonight, it's sitting on the floor untouched and it's actually making static sounds and what sounds like waves of energy going through it, and I've NEVER heard it do that before. There was even a clicking sort of sound and then it sounded like a wave of currents going through the speakers. Normally when the plug is on the floor, you just hear a quiet steady hum through the speakers, so I don't know what's causing this strange stuff now.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 02:21 AM
i live in the west coast, in the san andreas fault and really close to CA and yes i've been feeling weird for the past 3 nights, i can't sleep and my cat ran away a few days ago.
im feeling like everyone here, so if nothing happens after March that means we are just sick and we need to stop being so paranoid, also that no one can predicts earthquakes even if they have really good "evidence" , we already know CA will have a big one so we don't need a prediction to that.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 02:31 AM
The latest list of Earthquakes for California and the Pacific Northwest as from 12 to 12:16am PST, March 18th, 2011




posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 02:35 AM
reply to post by angelbaby4u

Please add your post to THIS THREAD ABOUT ALTERNATE METHODS OF EARTHQUAKE PREDICITON as your dogs behaviour is VERY similar to that of another member ie sniffing the ground. That thread has been keeping track of people feeling ill and having headaches too.

It would be nice if we could keep all this sort of information in one thread. This thread added the experiment after the inital topic was started but the above thread has been going for a while. It would be great if you would record your experiences over there as well.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 02:52 AM
reply to post by JohnnyAnonymous

Johnny have you seen this thread?

Another Slow Tremor Moving Beneath Olympic Peninsula
started by westcoast last year.

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