Thanks J.A.,
As you know Johnny, I am almost literally on top of the Hayward Fault, listed as the most active fault in the continental United States, and on the
west coast as part of several other faults related to the San Andreas. I experienced Loma Prieta while watching the baseball playoffs in 89, and have
studied the geologic science and even illustrated fault and seismic science for books and magazines, so are well informed, and take the subject with
great seriousness.
I have listened closely to Berkland's theory since Loma Prieta, and believe it is based on sound pragmatic extrapolation of geophysical and
astronomical sciences. When Jim talks, I listen.
I am in the California San Francisco Bay Area currently in a 225 year old building 400 yards from the fault, without a foundation, but made from solid
redwood timbers cut from the redwood forest here by the first mill in California. So, while the frame is solid, and went through the 1906 earthquake
from the San Andreas fault, I will be in emergency readiness for the next week, accounting for variables in geophysical and related conditions.
Water, food, and other emergency supplies will be added to temporary shelters (tents) already stored materials and equipment outside the building at a
distance, protected from collapsing structures. In some cases I have enough supply for neighbors and community people. Gas generator, short wave radio
receiver and clothing, protein foods and supplements also round out some stores, but I will refresh and add to these supplies to ensure readiness.
If a significant quake happens, I will report from my Droid WiFi hotspot powered laptop if all else fails. If you do not hear from me, please visit
and bring Water, Food, Pry bar, Shovel and dig my butt out. In that case, help my neighbors and burn my body, as I will have no use for it, and the
potential for the spread of disease will demand such.
I have no illusions. A warrior (spiritual) considers all possibilities, yet remains focused and calm, lucid and creative in all situations. I would
not be surprised of such an event transpiring, or any outcome. I just know too much to keep sleepwalking through life. Stuff Happens. Period.
Thanks Johnny and ATS.
Yer friend,
Again, thanks for the heads up, as Jim gets no real exposure, and I would have missed this had I not checked in.
edit on 3/17/2011 by
ZeroGhost because: Corrections