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Lack of feminine characteristics...

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posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by boncho

That is a paradox. Find any strong successful woman in business or industry and I will show you some major psychological issues. Not just in the women but in the men too.

Not always. Some of us have found ways to make it work. I don't feel i'm replacing the "man", I have instead become both the "man" and the "woman", traditionally speaking anyway, and so has my husband.

I own a business, and my studio is 2 blocks from my house, but I've managed to find a way to conduct 75% of my work from my own house, leaving me free to raise my daughter and be home for her more than most mothers. I was able to survive my busiest year my business ever had while nursing my daughter on demand, for an entire year. (Something most women in america don't do much of since they are always working and it aint easy driving while pumping your breasts in heaving traffic or at the office!) I make the money in the house, I cook the food, i do the shopping, i manage the bills, and i raise my child. You could say my husband has it pretty easy. He picks up my slack. When I have to leave, he stays home with our daughter as his job is last place on our list of priorites, it comes after my job and our daughter's needs. When I'm working late, he does the cleaning. When I'm at a meeting, he feeds our daughter. When we are both off, well, i just take care of him as though he's a second child. Does he complain? Well, not really. His ego took a beating for a few years as he got used to it, but he loves having lots of free time to play video games, and play with our daughter. Traditionally the dad is always gone working, but not in this house. We've both managed to be home with our daughter to raise her while still paying our bills and making our living. And we are both happy. I'm the ambitious one, and he's the one who's never been able to decide what he wanted to be in life. Ironic since he went to college and I didn't. His degree is nothing but a waste to us, and we're still paying it off, ha!

edit on 7-3-2011 by Under Water because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-3-2011 by Under Water because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by Under Water

That only leaves me with one question...

Do you have a sister?

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 06:24 PM
I don't know about you guys, but I find power and/or aggressiveness in a woman to by quite sexy actually. Most of the women I've been with I still find attractive sexually aslong as they had that determination to get what they want, whereas the girly girly types were forgettable. Perhaps why I go for older women hah.

A slight mix on the female side is a good thing, and could be a good thing for the male side. If men we're all unemotional, we would have an official third world war with deaths in the tens of millions by now.

There are some people here that tend to state that women "should not" be doing some of these things. That seems quite a narrow minded view. On the same point, they insinuate that all women should know how to cook, and should remain housebound. When they say that, it seems to me that this is actually a feminist desire for men. What happened to self-sufficiency? When we did not need to depend on anyone else but ourselves for food, cooking, and whatever.

The men that demand that a woman cook for them, are not "manly men", they are lazy people that are a shadow of what a "manly man" may be. If you depend on a woman to keep you fed, to clean your clothes, etc (a replacement for your mother) you are not a man, you are a boy.

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 06:29 PM
Women. Find a man who will be your champion. Who is smart and strong. A man whom you respect enough, to be his subordinate. Who you trust enough to make decisions.

Men. Find a woman who is intelligent and clever, but wise enough to not challenge you without good cause. A woman who is capable to make the choices and to protect your children when you are not there.

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by JonoEnglish
Great for the husband, as he was seen as in charge. Not great for the woman, as she had to live a life that was expected of her by pressures of society.

Didn't society 'pressure' the husband to work a 56-hour-week ?

How would that be 'great' for him ? How could he say 'no' to the grind that was expected of him ?

Let's face it:

Women and men were just as restricted through the narrowly-defined gender roles that they were subjected to throughout the 60s and 70s...

Now the husband and wife have to both work to support their children's future, despite the fact that in the old days, one income would do...

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 06:35 PM
This is a somewhat fitting discussion seeing as it's International Women's Day today

Women living in western culture react the way they do in order to successfully fulfill the responsibilities and commitments that living in a competitive and largely male dominated society presents. Welcome to the western world.
I have always been fond of deviance from the norm. I don't have a problem with girls wanting to be boys or boys wanting to be girls, and everything in between. It takes all sorts of people to make the world go around. I think society needs a little more open-mindedness and willingness for change, but that's just me.
When I think of 'traditional' female characteristics, what readily jumps to mind are ancient Greek myths of Amazonian warrior women and powerful Egyptian queens like Cleopatra and Nefertiti, or distinguished female pioneers and inventors, even my own mother and other women in my life who love and care for their children, if anything else. These are beautiful, confident, strong and powerful women. My dad has always playfully acknowledged that my mother is 'the boss', even though he towers over her physically. All it is is a mutual effort of give and take. Not just within marriage but in society at large. I believe that the above are natural female characteristics.

Originally posted by ag893
Now, you'll be hard pressed to find a female that has respect for herself, men, and others as well.

That is entirely disgusting and resentful. Clearly you have been acquainted with every woman in America at least to have such a defined opinion on the subject?

Originally posted by ag893
I'm the head of my household and i'll be damned if I take a backseat and let you run things.

Well, at least you're not bitter about your experiences. Why don't you just get yourself a nice, meek eastern mail order bride who will sit there and do everything you tell her to? With a perspective like yours, you don't deserve a strong, confident, independent woman, and let me tell you, no strong, confident, independent woman will want a man with this mentality. Maybe that's your problem.

edit on 7/3/11 by pretty_vacant because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by Yeah-Alright

Its because women in traditional societies are less intelligent and capable than women in societies where they have more equality.

They arent good for anything, and they cant think their way out of a paper bag, or a burqua, and so they have to fawn and pander to men or they would die.

Clearly the OP was just designed to cause heated argument, so to stay on topic, I thought I would toss in my share of rubbish.

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by boncho

Hmmm... CIA funding the women's movement. Just like I said... control and manipulation.

Excuse me if this is too advanced for some...

What they are doing here is undermining the divine feminine, the life blood of this planet. This has gone as far as torturing the planet herself, which is painfully evident. By imposing masculine traits on women, they have ruled out their natural instinct and abilities. This is through fear of the feminine.

Feminine energy is extremely powerful in manifesting change, often miraculously. From the ethyr, it can bring physical manifestations and revolutionize, if developed properly. This is intrinsically linked to left-brain/right-brain processes. We live in a society predominantly left/logic oriented, it's a rat race focused around masculine energy. The intuitive right side of the brain is linked to the feminine, this is where occult power and manifestation comes from. You can bet the elite use such knowledge to their advantage, yet they have effectively suppressed it in the populace.

That is only one facet. The feminine also represents the subconscious, the masculine being conscious. By gaining complete control over the feminine and pressing overly masculine qualities upon her, they have amplified this effect throughout the populace. That is how collective consciousness operates.

If the women of our society were liberated, everyone would be at peace and things would flow smoothly. Sexual contentment would abound and people would have no need for struggles like war. Rapid advancement in consciousness and even technology would take place. You can see where this trend leads...

So women, you were never liberated, you were tricked into further abandoning your true essence and enormous power that comes with it. The masculine has been long overplayed here and is about to run out. That is the good news and it comes with a heartfelt apology.

There's many paths to regaining one's sovereignty. I suggest listening to the Tantric Mongoose. I love his interviews and there are all kinds of goodies, especially if you understand energy, emotion, and how it relates to sexuality. Sexuality is the creative force and also one of the quickest paths to liberation.

This information is invaluable for men as well. We need to stand up as leaders.
edit on 7-3-2011 by Mayura because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

So you're saying that any women who is a home-maker and raises her children is an idiot and deserves to wear a burqa?

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by Somehumanbeing

The men that demand that a woman cook for them, are not "manly men", they are lazy people that are a shadow of what a "manly man" may be. If you depend on a woman to keep you fed, to clean your clothes, etc (a replacement for your mother) you are not a man, you are a boy.

Maybe I came off a bit narrow-minded. I should say first that I have been cooking for myself and my girlfriends for the past 8 years. The problem I have is that none of the girls I dated knew how to cook, even for themselves. You would be hard pressed to find a woman born pre-1950's that didn't know how to cook.

Not just cook, but laundry, cleaning, general upkeep of themselves, I find lacking. While it shouldn't be expected that, that is the sole purpose of a woman's life, it should also not be considered an 'oppressive' lifestyle.

As one poster suggested they reversed traditional roles and the husband stays home while she runs the business. That is entirely acceptable. What I don't think is beneficial to society is two parents working without one maintaining the household. Also, somehow society has shifted so much so that a women cannot become a home-maker with pride anymore. There is a new pressure being put on woman where success is gauged by career and attitude, apparently you can't be successful running a decent home. I find that strange.

Woman are very capable yes, but if they want equality than sign them up for the draft, make sure they are working the # jobs that men work and also give men the excuse, "but I'm just a man, how can they do that to me?"

Equality is a falsehood, if you want me to look at you as completely equal than I want you to stand beside me and we can piss our names in the snow. Until you can do that, I'm a man and your a woman and there needs to be a separation of the two.

Just to clear up, I do not think women should be forced to stay home, but we should not perpetuate the myth that they have garnered any more equality, because there is a lopsided distribution of positive and negative effects since women's lib. Same feces, different pattern.

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by Mayura

A star for that. The true power of the feminine. Not trying to turn women into men and castrating men.

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by Yeah-Alright

I hate it. It's disgusting. It's role-reversal at it's peak. Men should be men, and women should be women. The one thing I can't stand in a girl is a sassy spoiled attitude.

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by freedish

When did successful translate into sassy and spoiled??

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by StigShen

Yup, people miss this point altogether. The feminine is what the elite fear the most.

The side effect of castrating men is pretty blatant, no one on this board has the balls to even touch on it! Hehe...
edit on 7-3-2011 by Mayura because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by Under Water

When you just read it apparently.

There is nothing wrong with a confidant successful woman. BUt you don't have to be spoiled and sassy to be successful. Quite the contrary in fact.

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by Mayura

It's too bad that so many women have forgotten the old adage, "Behind every good man, is a great woman."

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by StigShen
reply to post by Mayura

It's too bad that so many women have forgotten the old adage, "Behind every good man, is a great woman."

That saying is starting to fall by the wayside because it doesn't apply the same way. If anything we are headed in the opposite direction lol.

So the new saying will be, "Behind every good women, is a pair of shrunken testicles."

Someone else explain to me where the feminism of men because sexy? Jonas brothers etc, where men are wearing eye-shadow and lipstick and tight pants. -to say that is wrong in itself is not correct. I understand that certain looks will go through fads, but, it is the attitude of some men nowadays too. I see more feminine characteristics in men today than I do in some women.

And yes, aggression is male characteristic, so are many others. The reason is because we produce a chemical that women don't: testosterone. Many of the 'stupid' traits women say we have stems from the hormones in our body. So either learn to accept it, or poison us all and start cloning only females.

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by StigShen

Is that what I said?

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 07:08 PM

Originally posted by ag893
Don't doubt yourself. You are absolute correct in your assessment. Ever since the feminist movement, women here in the states have turned their back on femininity, humility, and grace . . .

That's what femininity is?

Being a 65 year old female - - I've experienced a real life transition in womanhood.

The type of behavior you are referring to as Feminine is actually the "nurturer" - - - a woman living her life for someone else.

A woman who feels it is her duty to appease and please. No Thanks!

When women took it upon themselves to be independent of men - - - they began to realize their own worth as a person - - not as a nurturing servant.

What does it say about men - - who would want a "nurturer" - - rather then an intelligent self-aware woman?

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by Annee

What does it say about men - - who would want a "nurturer" - - rather then an intelligent self-aware woman?

Most men want a nurturer at home and an intelligent woman as a mistress. I'm not trying to instigate here but that is how our brains work, has to do with hormones and genetics. We are programmed to spread our seed but we are limited without having a nurturing woman in our lives. Some men maintain their mothers as this person, others get married.

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