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Stratospheric Aerosol Geo-engineering aka "Chemtrails" DEBUNK THIS !!!!

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posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 03:05 AM
Here is a site that was referred to by one of your fellow debunkers as being an excellent reference site and quite complete when it came to contrails.. I notice them updating and changing their opinions about the knowledge of contrail science quite often now.

First they used to explain the questions this way

Contrails The white streaks you see coming off high-flying jet airplanes are called contrails, which is short for condensation trail...Contrails are clouds that formed when water vapor condenses and freezes around small particles that exist in aircraft exhaust.

Then they decided to update their information to this

Q) What exactly is the white we see coming off an airplane in the sky. Sometimes in the summer you can lookup and see many streaks in the sky. They are much longer and last longer in the summer than winter. Please tell me what causes this and why they last longer in the summer.

A) The white streaks you see coming off airplanes are called contrails, which is short for condensation trail. Contrails are actually clouds made by the airplanes. There are two types of contrails. Most contrails people see are caused by a jet's exhaust. The exhaust has some water vapor in it which mixes with the air when it leaves the jet's engine. Sometimes this mixture has too much water vapor for the air to hold and it condenses into a cloud. This is the most common kind of contrail and it lasts the longest. The other kind of contrails are form by an airplane's wing. Air moves over the wings really fast and cools because of the low pressure. The cool air can't hold as much water so some of it has to condense. This kind of contrail isn't as long-lived as the other kind. The picture to the left is an example of this kind of contrail.

And now they decided to update again to this

There are Three Types of Contrails At high altitudes, if there is enough moisture in the air, a contrail will form behind an airplane. There are three types of contrails: short-lived, persistent non-spreading, and persistent spread
Short-lived Contrails:
If the air is somewhat moist, a contrail will form right behind the airplane and make a bright white line that lasts for a short while.

Persistent Non-Spreading Contrails:
If the air is very moist, a contrail will form behind an airplane and stay in the sky for long time. This type of contrail will stay in the sky long after the airplane has flown out of sight. It can last for a few minutes or longer than a day, and it keeps its shape of a thin line.

Persistent Spreading Contrails:
These contrails form when a persistent contrail spreads out. They grow wider and fuzzier as time passes. Sometimes contrails will actually take on the characteristics of a natural cirrus cloud and no longer look like contrails, so they become human-made clouds.
It seems you guys aren't the only ones who keep changing your statements to suit your argument and fill in the gaps of your contrail science facts..

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 04:11 AM
Interview with Murdered USAF officer John Wheeler

Part 1 of 3

John Wheeler, Chemical Weapons Specialist was preparing to go public with the reason the birds and fish were dying. Our government was doing tests with Phosgene gas which was brought back from Iraq supposedly to be destroyed. Someone did not want Wheeler to make this information public and he was murdered. After examination of the birds it was discovered that the internal organs were liquified. You will not hear this on the mainstream media

edit on 16-3-2011 by MathiasAndrew because: add video

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 04:42 AM
Geraldo reports on the death of John Wheeler

ABC's Nightline reports on the death of John Wheeler

CNN reports on the death of John Wheeler

Two horrible government shills report on the death of John Wheeler

WTF is going on??? Dead Birds & Fish & The FLOURESCENT Green River??? WTF??

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 07:56 AM

Originally posted by Qcuailon
...Your contrail is another man's chemtrail. Its pollution...period. End of story. If you think having lingering garbage in our atmosphere is good for us, then please, just raise your hand. Otherwise, you're a contributor to a very large problem. While you sit and play your silly game of denial, more of that crap is being spewed into our atmosphere. Do you want to argue about THAT TOO?

Well, now you are talking about normal air traffic exhaust -- you are not talking about deliberately spraying chemicals SOLELY for the purpose of polluting/geoengineering/poisoning (like the chemtrail people believe). Sure, normal jet exhaust is contributing to pollution, but so is the automobile that you drive/ride in.

So if normal jet exhaust from airliners is a sinister plan to poison people, then so is driving a car. Heck, for that matter, so is using your computer or turning on a light, because most of the world's electricity is generated using methods that pollute the air.

I agree that air pollution caused by airline travel (and automobiles, busses, trucks, trains, and some methods of electrical power generation) is a problem, it has nothing to do with the chemtrail conspiracy,

edit on 3/16/2011 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 08:03 AM
reply to post by MathiasAndrew

that is a very interesting story and needs much further investigation, but how does this tie in with chemtrials? Just to be clear, if a plane was to distribute a deadly chemical in a trail that would liquefy birds internal organs, there would be dead birds all over in a line. Dead birds in small pockets of localized areas are completely different. Quite possibly a government test or something even more sinister, but not the same thing as chemtrails at all. Please don't muddy these waters any more than they already are. As it stands, there are about 20 different reasons chemtrails might exist based on some of the believers theories. Adding unrelated events to your theory will multiply the confusion and can only do harm.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 08:49 AM

Originally posted by network dude
reply to post by MathiasAndrew

that is a very interesting story and needs much further investigation, but how does this tie in with chemtrials? Just to be clear, if a plane was to distribute a deadly chemical in a trail that would liquefy birds internal organs, there would be dead birds all over in a line. Dead birds in small pockets of localized areas are completely different. Quite possibly a government test or something even more sinister, but not the same thing as chemtrails at all. Please don't muddy these waters any more than they already are. As it stands, there are about 20 different reasons chemtrails might exist based on some of the believers theories. Adding unrelated events to your theory will multiply the confusion and can only do harm.

What makes you the authority on what is or isn't related to chemtrails ? I can keep track of and discuss all 20 reasons why chemtrails might exist. Why can't you? Although I think to be accurate it's more like 5 or 6 reasons.

I wonder how many ignorant responses with "what does this have to do with chemtrails" I am going to get today. How cute your government shill, dis-info agent partner Mr Soylent Green Jeans aka Soiled His Pants gave you a pretty little blue star.

Remember now to always hold hands when you two decide to cross the street and don't go anywhere without your backup contrailscience partner. That's why they call it the buddy system. The most important thing to remember whatever you do now is do not under any circumstances ever admit that chemtrails are real and you should do just fine at this job.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by MathiasAndrew
reply to post by fredgbear

There is an attempt to reflect some of the suns radiation but it isn't because of the recent solar activity. It's more likely an attempt at reducing the effects of global warming in addition to capturing carbon particles found in all the green house gases.

I don't buy this for a minute. If the government was trying to stop global warming then why the secrecy? Why wouldn't they just say so? It would only be good PR for them if they were actually using our tax money to help save the planet, and ultimately. the human race. Secrecy should always arouse suspicion when it comes to governments.

I used to have a theory that chemtrails were used to block foreign satellites from spying on sensitive military installations, or perhaps excercises, but they're too inconsistant IMO for that to hold up.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 09:27 AM
reply to post by AntiNWO

I agree with you and I think there needs to be an investigation . However the only provable theories I have been able to come up with so far are that they are

1) using fuel additives some of which are made from toxic materials which alter the chemical compounds and change the molecular structure of the jet exhaust

2) doing aerosol dispersement experiments for global climate change mitigation

3) using aerosol "chaff" to enhance or disguise satellite and radar imagery

I think that things like connections to HAARP, weather warfare, bio and chemical warfare, hiding UFO or celestial activities are all valid suspicions but are going to be a lot harder to prove and need a high degree of very hard to obtain evidence to back up those kind of allegations and accusations. In the mean time the government and it's dis-info agent shills still are still denying the entire genre of chemtrail topics and theories.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 09:54 AM
Michael Savage radio commentary on the murder of USAF officer John Wheeler
[1 of 2] Alan Watt - Chemtrail information and history
[2 of 2] Alan Watt - Chemtrail information and history

Alan Watt - Further Chemtrail information (Nanoparticles)
edit on 16-3-2011 by MathiasAndrew because: add video

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by MathiasAndrew

But when is this disclosure going to happen, Mathius? When is the NWO and Governments around the world (Obviously not China LOL!) going to be brought to account? Shouldn't you be out with a big banner protesting outside airports, airbases and companies? When is this great revolution going to happen? When is the 'Chemtrail Commission' going to formed so that you can lay out all your crushing evidence?

What happens when in 40 years time nothing has happened and you are still bleating on about chemtrails? Why not start a Jarrah White style You Tube Account rather than prattling on in forums? Please say that you would consider it? Think of the fame? Why don't you get together with the likes of Tanker Enemy and Rod Hilderman. Think of all the money you could make to put into your campaign and research?

AWACS were mentioned earlier. You'll love this one Mathius. Not a Luxembourg registered example, but a Royal Air Force example filmed in the UK by a stalwart chemmie. Think of all the chemicals that they can house in the radar dome? When will the UK tax payer find out that there is no radar equipment in the dome?

Look at the spraying? When will it stop, Mathius? When?


posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by tommyjo

Actually China and Russia and to some degree Germany are the only countries who have admitted to the practice of of altering the weather using "chemtrails".

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by MathiasAndrew

Wow, Mathius! Here is the Russian equivalent of the US E-6 TACAMO. Look at the giant pods. Is this proof of a Russian sprayer?


posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by tommyjo
reply to post by MathiasAndrew

Wow, Mathius! Here is the Russian equivalent of the US E-6 TACAMO. Look at the giant pods. Is this proof of a Russian sprayer?


Here since you like to look at different kinds of planes and make funny comments.....Enjoy

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 10:31 AM
This really ought to make you drool TJ

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by MathiasAndrew

Oh, Mathius. Not the German video with the Luftwaffe Tornado deploying chaff? Haven't you learned your lesson with people within your community posting misleading and hoax videos? Have you worked out yet why there is a gap between engine and contrail? Are you still under the impression that the trails come from the 'rear wing set'?


posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by MathiasAndrew

Wow. Thanks Mathius!. Shouldn't you have been more productive when you were on You Tube? Why didn't you spend your time contacting Rod Hilderman? He is an experienced chemmie and filmed the airliner with the three trails. Have you worked it out yet? The question still stands? Remember this is the evidence 'they' don't want out there!. From some angles the outer trails could even be coming from the 'rear wing set'


posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by tommyjo

Have you worked out what age you were when you got put into the MKUltra program? What was all that sleep deprivation and shock therapy like? Do you still have '___' flashbacks ? Oh never mind that last question you obviously are still under the influence of some mind altering substance. Probably breathed too many chemtrails.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Hi WW,

Rod loves that. Of course your post won't appear, but he will likely comment about being contacted by a 'gooberment shill'.

Here is a new convert to Rod's videos. It is relevant to the chemtrail discussion as he promotes Rod's theories on it and becomes a convert after a meet up. All the usual misconceptions in his observations!

For all those not wanting to miss out on Rod's chemtrail observations


edit on 16-3-2011 by tommyjo because: Additional info added

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by MathiasAndrew
reply to post by tommyjo

Actually China and Russia and to some degree Germany are the only countries who have admitted to the practice of of altering the weather using "chemtrails".

None of them have admitted to "chemtrails". Cloud seeding is not chemtrails, nor did Germany admit to anything with chemtrails either.

You are just rehashing the same stuff that has been covered here, time and time again

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by firepilot

Originally posted by MathiasAndrew
Actually China and Russia and to some degree Germany are the only countries who have admitted to the practice of of altering the weather using "chemtrails".

None of them have admitted to "chemtrails". Cloud seeding is not chemtrails, nor did Germany admit to anything with chemtrails either...

Right. If simple cloud seeding is what chemtrailers are so up in arms about, then you can add the U.S. to your list of countries who have "admitted" chemtrail spraying, because U.S. scientist openly conducted research in cloud seeding since way back in the 1950s.

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