posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 09:14 AM
The price of freedom is that some will use that freedom in ways you don't like.
I didn't see it in the article in the OP, but it has been said here that they were about 300 yards away from the actual funeral. What they did was
perfectly legal and constitutionally protected. Morally wrong, maybe to many of us, but not illegal. To the WBC being gay is morally wrong and they
unfortunately choose to spread that message the way they do.
According to what has been posted here, they did not physically intrude on the funeral, block entrance, etc... They did not try to provoke anyone or
'get in their face'. They held up some signs and said mean things. Boo hoo. If they did it to me I would be angry, so what.
Their right to protest a funeral is the same right that allows you to go and protest near their 'church' and hold up signs and say they are
backwards abominations to their alleged religion.
All this talk of hate crime only comes into effect when an actual crime has been committed, and IMO, there should be no 'hate crimes'. It only
creates protected classes. Comparing shouting fire in a theater is and old one and misunderstood. The shouting of FIRE in a theater (that is not on
fire) is not what is illegal, it is attempting to incite a stampede and riot that is illegal.
You may not like it but that is part of the price of freedom, you have to deal with other free people, some of which may be total morons.
If people were smart they would just ignore these idiots and laugh at them. This man who threatened that something might happen to them is playing
right into their hands. Threatening physical harm is not protected speech and depending on what he actually said may be actionable.