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EXCLUSIVE "What in The World Are They Spraying" Chemist talks to ATS about Geoengineering.

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posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 09:05 AM
Can I just say thanks to pianopraze and Dr Thyme for this thread . I look foward to hearing the response .

We need more qualified people such as Dr Thyme on ATS , lets hope its a indicator of good things to come .


posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by lemmehowdt

Hello doctor,

I am very curious to know why nobody has tried to take air samples from the altitude that the supposed spraying is occurring. I do realize it isn't free to rent a plane and pilot, but in the interest of true science, it would seem very worthwhile to either prove or disprove this avenue of thinking. Having an avionics background, I have a hard time believing most of what is portrayed as chemtrails, and being a member of this site, I am open to learning new things. in your opinion, is there any other way to determine if the chemicals purported as being "sprayed" are coming from aircraft?

thanks for your time.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 09:38 AM
Dr Thyme, i just replied in another thread about chemtrails, but i believe you maybe can answer some of my questions/concerns. What i posted in the other thread (questions are in bold below):

All i know is that since i'm living in a place in Africa i've never seen them anymore (i can post pics of the skies here if you don't believe me), while previously the skies where full of them in The Netherlands and Europe. The skies here are clear, blue, with normal clouds. No weird airplane trails or whatever (and we have a lot of planes flying over), just clear blue skies. Maybe in some other parts of Africa they are there, i don't know. But where i live i never saw them anymore and i am really enjoying normal looking skies.
But this also raises the question as to why?
Why are they not here?
Is it because the African leaders denied a offer of spraying (simply put)?
Or is it because the air is different and it just doesn't show?
Or is it because the African continent is not worth the costs of spraying whatever they spraying?
Or is there enough depopulation going on already on the African continent that a accelerator is not needed (wild theory, since i am guessing whatever they are spraying cannot be good for the health of the people in the long run)?

I am looking forward to your reply, I am especially interested in why i don't see them over here? I would really like to know, even if you give me a smack in the head cause of my somewhat wild guesses/theories haha....
edit on 3-3-2011 by Spinvis because: Added some text.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 10:38 AM
Thank you Dr. Thyme for giving us the opportunity to get some real answers on such a controversial matter. However, I am interested in your studyof GOLD ORMUS. I have researched this subject myself and how found it to be virtually unexplored. I have found very little credible "facts" on the effect is has on human health and the energy field surrounding humans. Could you please elaborate on a couple of areas for me:

1. Do you find it has healing properties when humans injest it?
2. Can anyone extact it from the subject it is found in and it hold it's beneficial properties when extracted?
3. Does Copper / SIlver ORMUS have a similar response to the human health or does it have any response to our health?
4. Can it be extracted and sold and still hold it's original properties? (in supplement form)
5. Will this be a revolutionary source of medicine?
6. How can it be found in some fresh spring waters and lakes and not others? (i.e. Lake Klamath)
7. Is this the ingredient in what our scientists call "super foods"? (i.e. Acia berries, honey from volcanic regions, Gogi Berries...etc)
8. How can we, as humans, get a more concentrated from of it and will the concentrated form have adverse or positive effects on the human health?
9. Is it possible to draw it to you through meditation through the ethereal, as I've have read?
10. Do you think it will be possible for the average person to buy ORMUS in it's purest state, some day soon?

Sorry for all the questions, but you are the FIRST PROFESSIONAL I've heard of that is familiar with this, so called.....missing element?

I look forward to your response and feel very blessed to have the opportunity to seek answers on this subject. Thank you, in advance.
edit on 3-3-2011 by Angelicdefender2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 10:40 AM
What effects on the Earth would you expect from the JPTS fuel used in the U-2 spyplane which contains an antifreeze to keep the fuel from freezing at near Space altitude?

What effects on the Earth would you expect from the ACID used in the B-2 bomber which is used to HIDE it's contrails from being seen?

There's always a "National Security" clause to justify poisoning you. You ain't going to stop it.

In this thread what is this "LCS Butter" mentioned by someone that was used on the F-117?

You ain't going to find out for another 50 years. Maybe not even then.

Madmen are doing sick things. They sleep good at night because they think they are doing good. We have satellites that can do what those evil things do. Those satellites don't poison the atmosphere.....they just beam high levels of energy at you and plants spinning up your atoms and effecting life thru the Elecro-Magnetic Spectrum...which is half as bad as the chemicals. It's not constant.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by pianopraze

A message I left for Phage on two other threads. Thank you Piano for inviting me here...

So, that's the extent of your response? That's all you got? The source you provided is something that I already have, but, thanks for the supposed "effort."

So, where are the degrees that I asked for regarding your experience in any of the following areas?
1. Degree in Physics
2. Degree in Chemistry
3. Degree in Geoengineering?
4. Or how about a degree in Meteorology?
If you can provide nothing in the way of experience or an education in this field, why on EARTH should we take your opinion, which is all you have provided, as truth about the existence of chemtrails?

Do you really think these people on this video have really LIED Phage? Why did you choose to go from the original thread to make this one when there were scientists getting ready to defend their position? Some of the more astute people on this site would call that a "bait and switch tactic." Let me define and explain this a bit further in easy to understand language. You chose to create a diversion. By creating this thread, you took traffic away from the other so that people would not give their attention to pertinent information which would have served as not only a great defense for the existence of geo-engineering and chemtrails, but, a massive attack against anything that you would have to offer as a counterargument.

I also notice how you continue using the word aluminum, but forget the combustible element that is ACTUALLY used in their aerosols, which is ALUMINUM OXIDE. Aluminum isn't the issue my drink out of that every time you have a coke.

The key word to describe Aluminum Oxide is COMBUSTIBLE. Here's the patent which describes such elements. By the way, SULFUR is also another one of the elements used, as listed in the patent.

So lets re-phrase a question that someone posed to you earlier...
"Phage, would you be comfortable drinking water that was laden with 3.6% aluminum oxide and sulfur?" This is totally relevant as there were many deflections to this question, so, I feel the need to specify.

I think I already know the answers to the above questions, especially the last one, so, lets get onto the next question.

With all of the information out there that exists that supports the idea of chemtrails, geoengineering, and weather manipulation provided by the government itself, why are you so adamant, despite sound scientific research in support of said category, in trying to disprove a phenomenon that can be seen merely by looking up to the sky? Do you realize that it has become SO incredibly noticeable that a collective of millions in multiple countries world-wide have complained to credible global news organizations which has literally caused the act of anti-legislation? Where were you when that happened Phage? Guys like you are a dying breed who continue to play damage control when the obvious is staring you right between the eyes.

What you refuse to observe as reality has already been accepted as fact by those who have used their skills of observation and research. These are the people whom we can thank for pointing out the obvious to our leaders who have purposely sought to poison the environment. These are the people you can thank for at least attempting to purify the air that YOU BREATHE Phage, without judgement that you are attempting to sell them down the river every time you lie and spread counterintelligence which contradicts the OBVIOUS. (I hope you notice that I am purposefully using the word OBVIOUS repeatedly. I'm sure you are aware of the power of repetition, because you use it often.)

Now, If you are actually this unaware of your surroundings, I guess I will have to suffice to say that apparently, WE SIMPLY KNOW SOMETHING THAT YOU DON'T. You're hanging onto your own world-view instead of evolving to reality which prevents your own personal growth, not ours. Additionally, parroting outdated material and lying for any number of purposes only will destroy your credibility in the realize that, don't you? Someone of your intelligence is quite aware of the role you are playing. With all of the information and knowledge at your disposal, truly, there is NO REASON why you should still be taking the position that you are with geo-engineering unless there's something on the line...something that you're protecting
edit on 3-3-2011 by Qcuailon because: because I had to replace the link...

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 11:28 AM
Welcome Dr. Thyme!!!!!!
What a great post this is! I will be following this closely!

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by leaualorin

I'm not gonna be "bothering you all" , I'm sick of your perverted characters and shameless behaviour!
This whole forum is a BAD JOKE!

You obviously didn't lurk at ATS for long before joining up. You know that the kind of behaviour you're exhibiting above is quite unacceptable on ATS. Get wise and use your noodle, not your emotions.

You've essentially just called everyone in thread 'perverse and shameless', and for that, I'm reporting the post. I don't approve of your noisy and irritating posting style, and I'm technically a 'chemtrail truther'. You harm the movement of truth by behaving in the way you are doing.

Civilised discussions are the only way to establish credibility, whichever side of the fence you sit on this particular issue. For the record, I dislike the way in which Phage posts quite often. However, I've been fooled into shouting 'disinfo' in the past, and it's not a productive way to get the truth heard and appreciated.

When rational comments and balanced discussions become the norm in this topic, disinfo agents will be outed anyway - an inability to shield an agenda when Truth is flowing is easily noticeable...

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 11:44 AM


posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by Qcuailon

With all of the information out there that exists that supports the idea of chemtrails, geoengineering, and weather manipulation provided by the government itself, why are you so adamant, despite sound scientific research in support of said category, in trying to disprove a phenomenon that can be seen merely by looking up to the sky?

What evidence is there that "chemtrails, geoengineering, and weather manipulation" can be seen?

No-one has ever posted any 'evidence' - just pictures of normal contrails. On top of which, there is no reason geoengineering activities would be visible and we know that most weather manipulation attempts are not visible. I say attempts, because generally weather manipulation refers to cloud seeding for which there is very little evidence to suggest that it really works (the WMA - and indeed the Chinese and Russians - would of course disagree on that issue!).

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by Qcuailon
So, where are the degrees that I asked for regarding your experience in any of the following areas?
1. Degree in Physics
2. Degree in Chemistry
3. Degree in Geoengineering?
4. Or how about a degree in Meteorology?
If you can provide nothing in the way of experience or an education in this field, why on EARTH should we take your opinion, which is all you have provided, as truth about the existence of chemtrails?

just so you know, as an individual on an anonymous forum, you should not be taking anyones word on anything. even if they claim they are a doctor or a scientist. They present information to you that can be verified and vetted, and then you make up your mind based on that information.(providing your mind isn't already made up)

And I thought this thread wasn't about Phage.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 12:11 PM
Does anyone on the planet have a degree in geoengineering? I think not.

I'm only an amateur but my credentials are easily determined. Check the links in my sig

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 01:58 PM
I have heard back from the producer, he is interested in coming on being on the radio. I know ATS live has an internet radio program anyone know the best way to get in touch with them?

Thank you for the offer, however, I do not participate in computer discussion. Since the release of the film I have been spending several hours a day on my computer replying to e-mails and related questions. I am trying to spend less time on the computer as it has been taking me away from my many other projects that address the chemtrail/geoengineering issue. I would love to participate in a public/verbal Q&A. Please let me know if you are aware of any. Thanks again for the offer.


Michael J. Murphy

ETA... i sent an U2U to neformore
edit on 3-3-2011 by pianopraze because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 02:46 PM
I have a question.

Given the alleged toxicity of the chemicals being pumped into the atmosphere by so called "spraying", why are we not seeing world wide mass animal die offs that are not isolated freak events, crop and foliage die backs and huge questions being raised by medical authorities about abnormally large amounts of chemicals in toxicity reports undertaken during autopsies, blood tests and other methods of medical examination?

Thanks in advance of the answer.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by neformore

I think this over 50% rise in sinus infections is very telling.

MRSA sinus infections on the rise MRSA sinus infections on the rise - Related Stories - ANA SmartBrief. A study found the percentage of patients with acute sinusitis with MRSA isolates increased from 30% to 69% from 2001 to 2006 and chronic sinusitis cases with MRSA rose from 27% to 61%. Researchers say it is important to do routine endoscopic cultures, especially for patients who do not respond to anti-microbial treatment.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by bluemooone2

Seriously? After 30 years of supposed spraying all people have are sinus infections?

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by neformore

Im not saying chem-trails are meant for any kind of population control or anything like that . I believe the goal is to reflect sunlight to ease climate change (or try to ). The health problems are just side effects.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by neformore
I have a question.

Given the alleged toxicity of the chemicals being pumped into the atmosphere by so called "spraying", why are we not seeing world wide mass animal die offs that are not isolated freak events, crop and foliage die backs and huge questions being raised by medical authorities about abnormally large amounts of chemicals in toxicity reports undertaken during autopsies, blood tests and other methods of medical examination?

Thanks in advance of the answer.

Birds, snakes, bats, bees, all sorts of aquatic wildlife and trees (trees are in the video and they show aluminum)... they are all over the headlines nef. There was a recent report in England about how the snakes are in rapid decline and there is an unpublished report they are working on in the US that shows the same thing. The females are dieing faster than the males and one theory is because they store fat for breeding which is being loaded with toxic chemicals.

Could snakes worldwide be going the same way as frogs and fish? A study of 11 snake species in locations across the UK, France, Italy, Nigeria, and Australia suggests that snake populations may be suffering a widespread decline.

Long-term studies have previously revealed population declines in fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. Many of these declines are a global phenomenon whose causes may vary but are often unclear. Among reptiles, snakes are top predators and therefore a decline in their numbers may have serious consequences for the functioning of many ecosystems.


posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by bluemooone2

This is what I am thinking too bm2, nothing intentionally nefarious, but this is my hypothesis in it all:
I think there are efforts to influence weather and/or climate. with good intentions, BUT, what worries me is that some chemical co. has worked their way into this issue, and sold something to a developing geo-engineering industry, convincing them that their product is beneficial. Now with any industry these days this concerns me.

Why? Because within that paradigm is where I start to worry about the effects of any chemicals used to "help" human kind/planet in any potentially dire climate challenges. Safety guideline compromise, chemical identification and cost cutting or lucrative profit margins is what worries me. I have seen, too often, profits come before people, and/or plain laziness too. I am thinking of the Gulf spill and the safety negligence involved with the alarms being disabled because they were disturbing people's sleep, or the acoustic monitors were passed up because of costs, AND how Haliburton used chems for fracking that were not okayed for safety because they were never disclosed due to trade secrets, what a fine loophole.Thread

So I think the chem ind has seen an opportunity to sale massive amounts of chems under the premise of being beneficial to us and the planet. Think of the money that could be generated. If we can think of it, you bet someone else in the industry has too. With some of these industries, it is almost as if they begin their designs or technology and think they can just deal with any problems as they arise, instead of waiting or determining the effectiveness and safety of what they are using. To reiterate my position, I don't think someone knows they are hurting people necessarily, but there are those that follow orders, thinking that what they are working with has been approved and is fine, effective and necessary. Right? Most employees aren't going to question the scientific validation of their company's product, that's what their scientists and, managers are for.

So my HYPOTHESIS regarding this matter is that the military has been convinced(sold) of the notion that we must address climate issues, but the public need not know because of potential panic reactions. Lucrative contracts between military and chem co's may have occurred, because you know how aggressive marketer's can be, sell sell sell! The people involved with the dispersals, have been convinced they are harmless, but necessary.
Does this make any sense? I don't mean to veer off topic, but I felt compelled to respond to your comment because it resonates with my premise.

ETA: I feel I should include why I think anything unusual is occurring. I have seen the old footage/pics of contrails, but the only multiple ones that made criss crosses were groups of military planes in flight. I apprecite the notion of memories being fuzzy, but surely full sky criss cross patterns would have remained a childhood wonderment, just as clouds themselves have or the blue sky. You know how as a child you see your first few spider webs? Well you never forget that pattern, and I feel the full sky criss cross patterns would be permanently imprinted when I was a child, and I do not recall any, Additionally, I have wondered which came first, the multiple trails or the consp theories. I started noticing these things in 2000, 3 years before I ever even considered any conspiracies at all, other than the Kennedy Assassination and cannabis/hemp issues. So for me, it was the observation first, not the theory. So, how much has airplane traffic increased this century compared to the last decade of the last century? I am sure there has been an increase, but not enough to fill the skies. I have asked everyone in my family, particularly the elders, and none of them ever recall full criss cross patterns filling the skies, or watching a trail expand for hours to cover the sky.
Whew, finally got to make a full statement on my position...for what it's worth, there.
edit on 3-3-2011 by speculativeoptimist because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 05:38 PM

The producer would love to be on the ATS live show guys. Nef, I know your anti-chemtrail stance, but this would be a great show please do not pass this up. You can debate them. It is obviously of great interest to a lot of people here on ATS.

I was of a "chemtrails are hoax" stance before this movie and ignored the subject. This movie and the threads i've subsequently read have made me think "there might be something to this".

Please do not pass over this opportunity. I returned the previous email and said:

ATS has an internet radio show. I am sure they would be interested in having you on. I will get in touch with them and get back with you.

Thank you for your reply.

To which he just responded:

I would love to. Thank you so much for your support. You are truely appreciated.


Michael J. Murphy

This is an opportunity to get a highly relevant producer, maybe chemist and conspiracy research on to talk about geoengineering. Please do not pass this up as it would be an incredibly interesting interview.


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