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Why is there no Main Stream Media reporting the Rossi/Focardi E-Cat

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posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by Movescamp

You cannot prove suppression of things that don't exist. So, this argument really doesn't mean anything.

Ford paved over railway tracks, do we have railways today? Yes, we do.

I am not saying that things are never suppressed or that there aren't attempts at control or twisting of energy products and markets (to make the favoured one succeed. The only message I would like to convey is that believing in things that don't exist is just as damaging as covering up ones that do.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by boncho
reply to post by Amaterasu

You are talking about science fiction. Your threads are filled with unverified claims and ideological rants. I can't handle reading indoctrination material.

Take from this what you will. This is a response I would expect from someone who, having been bested, claims sour grapes. I am not out to indoctrinate anyone. I am out to inform them and open their eyes to the fact that we CAN have abundance for all on this planet with what we have right Now. If you want to dismiss what I offer in this manner... Heh. Be my guest.

I don't understand why so many conspiracy cooks are attracted to people that make outlandish claims without offering proof. The people they follow are the exact thing that they think the "TPTB" are. It makes little sense.

What proof do you want? Ask and I will do my best to accommodate. Don't fling snot and pout.

Please, if you have a cogent argument for electrogravitics that outlines how they operate and how energy is harnessed by them, without ten pages of rhetoric, than I will be obliged to read.

Read Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion. And here's a shorter version to assist with what I presume a reading concentration problem: It's not as long. (Rhetoric, indeed...)

I surmise you don't because research pertaining to this is heavily saturated with pseudoscience.

Ah. Please show examples of what you speak of. Or do you just make outlandish claims without offering proof?

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by Amaterasu

I am unsure of what plenum energy can do or how one may take advantage of it, but what costs $200 today may become more expensive when it becomes valuble as an energy source. All components of the system will increase in price as driven by the market. This will be an interesting year.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by Movescamp

In the grand scheme of things bartering is no different than currency or money, only that is more inefficient. You are still comparing and placing value of different objects in relation to each other. (Money just makes this into a freer flowing action by placing value on a representation of the barter system)

1 House is worth 10 horses.

20,000 $ is worth 1 house or 10 horses.

What the people in this thread are saying is that everything can be free and no value is needed for anything. That simply won't happen.

And I know this because of my personality type and the personality type of people I know. We always want more. I like having more of things than other people. Call me an a-hole or whatever but I always feel better about myself when I have more than someone else. I place value on everything, I could place value on friendships, people, cars, energy, just about anything that exists, in my head, I could place value on it.

If you took money away from me I would use something else to place value on things. Simple as that.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 04:00 PM

Ah. Please show examples of what you speak of. Or do you just make outlandish claims without offering proof?

Type in electrogravitics in YouTube. Not much more than that needs to be done to get at what I am saying.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by Amaterasu

I'm going through the last batch of links you posted.

I have a feeling I'm going to regret it.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 04:03 PM
I think by book burning you meant the Marxist theory during the cold war.

Now a few of you have some very interesting interpretations of money or currency in general, so I figured I would throw in this one, with respect to how free energy will have an effect. Currency serves three main purposes in a society which make it vastly superior to bartering and traditional trade. These purposes are medium of exchange, store of value and unit of measurement. This makes for completely fair transactions and the one thing that will always have value for trade, though it may not always be tangible, is time. Your time, my time, his time, her time. That is the one and truly finite resource we humans have available to us and currency was originally created to equally account for your time and effort. Back then food was worth much more in value while material things were not. It would cost you just as much then to buy a new shirt as it would to buy a loaf of bread. Then we decided rare metals and minerals were worth more than time, so we switched to that. Then most recently we created fiat money, which bases its value of future returns. So really money has been corrupted and perverted by mankind in the same way we have done to so many wonderful and helpful inventions innovations.

So even if this does work, it will cost you a fortune to buy one on the market because they will be forced to sell it at a premium as to not crash the existing energy markets. Why do you think they have not released the cure to cancer or diabetes? Market for drugs to treat it would crash, hurt the economy.

Sometimes what is best is not always what is right. I prefer to go with to do something right sometimes requires you to do what is not best. Take it as you will.

Pro Rege et Populo

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by Amaterasu

Nope that's the guy.

Here are some historical accounts for the Doubters. LEts see who wears the tinfoil hat.

In 1894, Junior wrote a sophomore essay, “The Dangers to America Arising from Unrestricted Immigration,” denouncing immigrants as “the scum of foreign cities; the vagabond, the tramp, the pauper, and the indolent . . . ignorant and hardly better than beasts.” j d Rockefeller jr.

Junior ensured his influence in academia by spending $41 million between 1922 and 1928 in grants to 25 universities for social-science programs. Five institutions—the University of Chicago, Columbia, the Brookings Institution, and Harvard, along with England’s London School of Economics—received more than half of the money. Others that received “substantial sums” were Yale, Minnesota, Iowa State, Vanderbilt, North Carolina, California, Stanford, and Texas.

The most urgent problem to-day is how to limit and discourage the overfertility of the mentally and physically defective.”

. Progress is threatened unless social institutions can be so adjusted as to reverse this process of multiplying the poorest, and extinguishing the most capable families."

“A...serious difficulty is that of educating Southern Negroes to the advantages of birth control. Negroes, on the whole, have all the prejudices against it that other poor, ignorant, superstitious people have. More serious is . . . that even when they do accept it, they are not very efficient in obeying instructions...An intensive educational campaign is needed, giving special recognition to the prejudices and ignorance of the people . . . The use of Negro doctors and nurses is essential.”

Just a few quotes from some of the most powerful and influential people of the 20th century. People who spent billions by today's standards on "charities" and the education system.

I would say they are overloards. They were not elected, sit in the shadows, and use billions of oil dollars to set up education systems that effect belief systems of the population.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by pteridine
reply to post by Amaterasu

I am unsure of what plenum energy can do or how one may take advantage of it, but what costs $200 today may become more expensive when it becomes valuble as an energy source. All components of the system will increase in price as driven by the market. This will be an interesting year.

And the coming hyperinflation is likely to play into it, too. But I was not trying to predict the cost when it comes out - that will depend on when it comes out. I was guessimating based on prices as they are today. Regardless, the price is relative.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 04:10 PM

TextIn the grand scheme of things bartering is no different than currency or money, only that is more inefficient. You are still comparing and placing value of different objects in relation to each other. (Money just makes this into a freer flowing action by placing value on a representation of the barter system) 1 House is worth 10 horses. 20,000 $ is worth 1 house or 10 horses. What the people in this thread are saying is that everything can be free and no value is needed for anything. That simply won't happen. And I know this because of my personality type and the personality type of people I know. We always want more. I like having more of things than other people. Call me an a-hole or whatever but I always feel better about myself when I have more than someone else. I place value on everything, I could place value on friendships, people, cars, energy, just about anything that exists, in my head, I could place value on it. If you took money away from me I would use something else to place value on things. Simple as that.
reply to post by boncho

Sorry again not true. Selling your labor and putting a price on it, (for instance minimum wage) is very different than trading an item you found or made for something you want. Anthropology also views these as very different social structures.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by boncho

It's called the bifeldbrown effect. Townsend brown. Type those into google. The "tinfoil" litters are using A principle the us army had a lot of interest in. Which again brings me to suppression. What about Bucky Fullers Dymaxion car? It was 60 years ahead of it's time. Plenty of records and videos. Yet it was surpressed by an "accident" that was concluded to be not in any way the fault of the vehicle.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by boncho

Ah. Please show examples of what you speak of. Or do you just make outlandish claims without offering proof?

Type in electrogravitics in YouTube. Not much more than that needs to be done to get at what I am saying.

That one vid!?! That makes the whole "rife" with issues?


Must I go on...?

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by Mikemp44

TextNow a few of you have some very interesting interpretations of money or currency in general, so I figured I would throw in this one, with respect to how free energy will have an effect. Currency serves three main purposes in a society which make it vastly superior to bartering and traditional trade. These purposes are medium of exchange, store of value and unit of measurement. This makes for completely fair transactions and the one thing that will always have value for trade, though it may not always be tangible, is time

While it may be more efficient it is hardly fair. You assume society or the market decides what is a fair wage. That's just not true.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by Mikemp44

Thank you for putting that into better words than I could. Your post has been starred.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by Movescamp
reply to post by Amaterasu

I would say they are overloards. They were not elected, sit in the shadows, and use billions of oil dollars to set up education systems that effect belief systems of the population.

Oh, I'm with you on that. They think They're better than us. Obviously.

Well, I think we're all equal and They are grossly misguided.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by Amaterasu

I don't know if we are all equal (depending on how it's defined) but we all deserve a fair shot at the pursuit of life and liberty. When individuals start deciding what's best for society and using their power to do it covertly or not so covertly in the case of the rockefellers it scary. Gattaca becomes a reality and men play god.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by Amaterasu

I hope you realize there is a big difference in making a few grams of aluminium foil hover in the air compared to making something weighing a few tons to do the same.

I went through your links. And to be honest, it gave me a headache. There is so much crap theory associated with this that I don't no where to begin. Not only that, the sites link so many fringe theories together as if they legitimize each other.

What I see is a an industry developing selling grandiose ideas that are bringing suckers into their speaking gigs and conventions. Books are being sold and people are being duped. If it exists and people know about it then just send out the bloody blueprints so it can be replicated.

When you have a working model, and you can power your house on it, let me know. I can't compete with dogma.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by Movescamp

I don't see it that way. Barter system, I can trade things you worked for for things I found, things that came from my labour, things that are easy for me to obtain. Same thing goes for the monetary system.

Both systems deal with exchange of goods. The posters in this thread say that in the new energy abundant world that there will be no value on anything.

In barter and in money there is value. There is no reason to argue semantics or specifics because this debate started on the idea of a valueless new system.

All I'm saying is that there is always value placed on things. Whether or not you have to work or expend energy for said things.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 04:56 PM

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by Movescamp
reply to post by Amaterasu

I don't know if we are all equal (depending on how it's defined) but we all deserve a fair shot at the pursuit of life and liberty. When individuals start deciding what's best for society and using their power to do it covertly or not so covertly in the case of the rockefellers it scary. Gattaca becomes a reality and men play god.

We are equals in Consciousness. Not "equal," per se. But yes, once others control us, we are not free.

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