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Freemasonry and its Involvement In Colonialism, Wars, Genocides and Revolutions.

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posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by vinay86
Saying that the skull and bones using in freemasonry are made of plastic is absolutely false, your other mason friend Augustus, has already recognized real human skull and bones are used in masonic rituals. This shows how much you lie.
No, it doesn't. You and your totalities... I've seen real bones, but I've seen plastic ones too. To my knowledge, they're only used in York Rite "chambers of reflection" where a candidate can meditate or pray prior to going through one of their degree rituals. Real bones are obviously more expensive, and not every York Rite body is going to be able to afford them. Plastic is a perfectly acceptable substitute.

And you have not shown any scientific proof stating that, use of human skull and bones are absolutely required to teach moral values. No other philanthropic institution does such kind of wicked things.
We don't exist solely to be a philanthropic institution. That's just a side effect. We're about making good men better, remember? The bones don't teach morality, they're there to remind us of mortality note the "t". They're reminders that as men, we all die, so the legacy we leave behind is our good deeds while we were here on earth. If you live your life so that you could die at any moment and could do so knowing you had no regrets, had treated no person poorly, had been a good husband, a good father, a good friend to those around you, then you've lead a good life. This is one of the lessons Masonry teaches.

And you have not stated from where freemasonry acquired such bones,
Most likely from fraternal supply catalogs like the one Lucifer777 keeps posting. Augie already gave you a link to one place that sells them. And since plastic is also an option, that opens it up to a lot more vendors. But even real bones can be bought at medical supply shops (generally for anatomical study, but it's not like you have to sign a statement of intent when you buy them...)

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by vinay86

Not all are real though, most today use plastic ones. Why would I need to show scientific proof? We're not talking about science. The skull is an emblem of mortality. Do you fear mortality so much you don't to see symbols of it?

You still haven't proven that Masonry procures anything illegally. Also, please show where Augustus says this as he is even wondering that.

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by AugustusMasonicus

Stop being an Indian apologist. It is very obvious that many of your fellow countrymen have no respect for the dead and will gladly sell the remains of others to the black market. This has nothing to do with Masonry and everything to do with greed. Why do you continue to allow this to happen?

Your comments are the real proof of how much racist Freemasons are, have you even looked at the black markets of illegal body parts in America.

Illegal trade in bodies shakes loved ones

By Stephanie Armour, USA TODAY
Trafficking in body parts illegally harvested from the dead is a lucrative, underground business driven by growing demand for human bones and tissue, a USA TODAY investigation has found.

Over the past 19 years, more than 16,800 families have been represented in lawsuits claiming loved ones' body parts were stolen for profit. During that period, profits from the sales of thousands of suspected stolen bodies are believed to have topped $6 million (a figure USA TODAY based on estimates from federal and local investigators, lawsuits and public organizations such as medical universities).

Funeral home employees, crematorium operators and others with access to the recently deceased have secretly dismembered corpses, taking non-organ body parts such as knees, spines, bone and skin without the knowledge or consent of family members.

Modern-day body snatchers provide bones, tendons and body parts other than transplantable organs to tissue banks, research facilities and other buyers.
USA Today

2 men charged in sale of donated bodies

The Los Angeles County district attorney's office announced criminal charges Wednesday against two men who allegedly ran a cadaver-trafficking scheme involving UCLA's medical school, capping a three-year investigation that led to the temporary closure of the school's body donor program.

Henry G. Reid, 57, an embalmer from Anaheim who was director of the "willed-body" program from 1997 to 2004, was charged with conspiracy and grand theft for allegedly funneling donated bodies to a middleman, who then sold parts to others for profit.
LA Times

Body Brokers: Inside America's Underground Trade in Human Remains

there are all sorts of shady (and fascinating) characters who are willing to employ questionable practices-from deception and outright theft -- to acquire, market, and distribute human bodies and parts. In Michigan and New York she discovers funeral directors who buy corpses from medical schools and supply the parts to surgical equipment companies and associations of surgeons. In California, she meets a crematorium owner who sold the body parts of people he was supposed to cremate, generating hundreds of thousands of dollars in profits.

Now, I ask you the same question why you are not stopping this.

or you don't want to, because freemasonry itself is the biggest buyer of human skull and bones.

Instead of ranting, will you provide some scientific proof that using human remains are necessary to teach morality, mortality.

Their is no need to use skull and bones, to teach lessons of morality or mortality. Link.

And, Why is such a thing as mortality, which is known to everyone from school kids to grown ups, is even needed to be taught. And where its, adds to the motto - Making Good Men Better.

edit on 19/3/11 by vinay86 because: Content.

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by KSigMason
reply to post by vinay86

Why would I need to show scientific proof? We're not talking about science.

I am talking about the science of teaching here, every Institution of teaching and learning uses some scientific model for doing that. The science of teaching is a broad term which includes the study of how brain learns, it also deals with mental processes and behavior of Individuals. And the collective term for all that is psychology.

Pedagogy is the study of being a teacher or the process of teaching. The term generally refers to strategies of instruction, or a style of instruction.
Pedagogy is also occasionally referred to as the correct use of instructive strategies (see instructional theory). For example, Paulo Freire referred to his method of teaching adult humans as "critical pedagogy". In correlation with those instructive strategies the instructor's own philosophical beliefs of instruction are harbored and governed by the pupil's background knowledge and experience, situation, and environment, as well as learning goals set by the student and teacher

The late Malcolm Knowles reasoned that the term andragogy is more pertinent when discussing adult learning and teaching. He referred to andragogy as the art and science of teaching adults. Source.

And you don't have any scientific reason to associate use of skull and bones with the teaching of moral values or mortality. And even, why such a thing as mortality is even needed to be taught. which is obviously known to everyone.

The only use of skull and bones in freemasonry is for brainwashing and manipulation, as such objects are also being used by religious fundamentalists, satanists, sorcerers etc. for the same purpose of indoctrination and hypnosis of their disciples.

Freemasonry has definitely used the science of teaching and psychology to hypnotize and brainwash it's members. That aspect of freemasonry has been repeatedly proven as true on this thread.

edit on 19/3/11 by vinay86 because: Content.

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by vinay86

The skull is a symbol of mortality and has been to many different cultures, ideologies, and organizations. This is irrefutable.

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by vinay86

Now, I ask you the same question why you are not stopping this.

or you don't want to, because freemasonry itself is the biggest buyer of human skull and bones.

Alright sport, either you prove that Freemasons are the "biggest buyer of human skull and bones" or STFU.
You have been whining from your first appearance on this board. You would much rather cry and blame other for your own shortcomings. Make sure your own house is in order before you worry about other peoples houses.
Men who may have been Freemasons may have colonized your home, but you cannot lay blame on them any more than you could the Catholic religion, or the Protestant religion, or the Ditch diggers union. Grow up, accept responsibility, and fix your problems.
edit on 19-3-2011 by network dude because: Augustusmasonicus has too much beer and won't share

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by vinay86

And you don't have any scientific reason to associate use of skull and bones with the teaching of moral values or mortality.

The main findings of this study revealed that the adult learners are enthusiastic and actively participate in learning when their learning materials are embedded with cultural symbols.


Given that the skull and bones is an ancient and cross-cultural emblem of mortality, it stands to reason that it'd be pretty effective in teaching it.

And even, why such a thing as mortality is even needed to be taught. which is obviously known to everyone.

So are taxes, and yet H&R Block never seems to have lines until March. If you don't consider your mortality well before the bill comes due, there's a good chance you'll wonder if your life meant anything towards the end of it. Survivors of near-fatal experiences are over-represented among our historical heroes for a reason.

Freemasonry has definitely used the science of teaching and psychology to hypnotize and brainwash it's members. That aspect of freemasonry has been repeatedly proven as true on this thread.

Actually, several point-by-point challenges have been issued which you've failed to address.

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by vinay86
...have you even looked at the black markets of illegal body parts in America.

No, and neither is it my responsibility to investigate such actions as I am not in law enforcement.

Now, I ask you the same question why you are not stopping this.

Because, I, unlike you, does nto go around preaching what other people should do in their private lives. By your constant evangelizng on how others should conduct their affairs I asumed you were out trying to make a difference in your homeland, sorry for assuming that you are proactive in your efforts.

...or you don't want to, because freemasonry itself is the biggest buyer of human skull and bones.

Since their was no question mark at the end of your juevenile sentence I will assume that you are proposing it as a statement of fact. Maybe you can link to where you came across this discovery. Also, the article you linked was about organ harvesting, for the anatomically impaired (which you obviously are), bones are part of the skeletal structure and are not organs. Perhaps when you spot the village grave-robber you can have him give you an impromptu lesson in human physiology.

Instead of ranting, will you provide some scientific proof that using human remains are necessary to teach morality, mortality.

You do understand the difference between science and philosophy?

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by vinay86

here Vinay, this one is for you.

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by vinay86

The only use of skull and bones in freemasonry is for brainwashing and manipulation, as such objects are also being used by religious fundamentalists, satanists, sorcerers etc. for the same purpose of indoctrination and hypnosis of their disciples.

Freemasonry has definitely used the science of teaching and psychology to hypnotize and brainwash it's members. That aspect of freemasonry has been repeatedly proven as true on this thread.

There are aspects of hypnosis in all political and religious cults, however I think that you are on a lost cause with the Masonic "skulls" issue; certainly there is drinking out of skulls in some rites, certainly there are rebirth ceremonies and so forth, which have a hypnotic effect; however consider also that the major world religions (Islam, Christianity and Hinduism) are all genocidal blood sacrifice cults, whose gods demand slavery, war and genocide, and numerous traditional shamanic cultures use human bones for religious purposes.

I think that you are on the right track in assessing the Freemasons as being involved in wars, colonialism, genocides, and in the modern era, genocidal Anglo-American state terrorism, narco-terrorism, imperialism and the militant advancement of the International Dictatorship of Capitalism, and the economic enslavement of humankind, since they are generally willing to admit to this anyway, and indeed posters such as KSigmason, who is part of the US military, actually define this as being "good;" this is also not unique to the Freemasons but it is also part of the mindset of the Neofascist US Christian Right for whom Neofascism, Nationalism, patriotism, anti-Communism, anti-Socialism and Capitalist, Imperialist revolution are all entwined into their faith.

There are much more major issues in the Capitalist system than the sale of human bones, which are simply pieces of matter whose souls have no longer need of them. There is, for example a very real human trafficking industry for the purposes of labour slavery and sex slavery; there is also a very real industry which involves the murder of persons for the trafficking of human body parts, mostly for medical reasons, though in Africa, where I recently returned from, murders are committed for the actual sale of human body parts in magical rituals by primitive African witch doctors. As long as human beings are obsessed with promoting Capitalism and religion, such evils will continue. The cure is a modern, scientific, rational, secular education, and the secularisation and socialisation of humankind; however this is a process which will take generations and which will not be accomplished overnight, and which will require wars and revolutions, and the human sacrifice of martyrs and tyrants and their collaborators and mercenaries.

We have been on the planet for possibly 300,000 years and the Age of Enlightenment (the Age of Science and Reason) is only a few centuries old; it is but a second of eternity, and if it takes a century or the 1000 Year Revolution of Light to address the economic and religious evils of our world, this too will only be a few seconds of eternity, assuming that we do not destroy ourselves in the process, and can only be acheived by the triumph of human will against the forces of religious and economic evil; against the men of God and against their God himself .

You own great nation of India has only barely stepped into the Light (The Age of Enlightenment); it is besought with it's own economic and religious Hell on Earth; it's caste system, it's primitive and savage religious fanaticism where India's priesthood have a stranglehold over an impoverished and barely educated proletariat, and where the practices of sati, human sacrifice and religiously justified racism continue. At least in Europe it is considered an actual crime and a violation of modern humanist ethics to refer to any person as an untouchable race; there are far more serious matters worthy of consideration than the bags of old bones of the Freemasons. For all the bad things I could say about Freemasons and their Capitalist God, any of India's 160 million untouchables would not be barred from membership by their caste or by the colour of their skin; they would merely be unable to afford the lodge fees until they ammased great wealth, at which pont they would more likely be welcomed with open arms.

Death is an important matter to consider, and one of the 33 aspects (degrees) of the Tree of Life. If one lives in fear of death, it weakens the human spirit. Death and the afterlife are also major themes in most religions and in religious hypnosis and indoctrination. Unfortunately, for many who are the professional mercenaries of World Capitalist Revolution, their fear of death is comforted by an army of chaplains who promise them eternal life as a reward for their genocidal military compaigns, the economic conquest of the world and their obedience to the Capitalist masters, where they can expect to spend eternity with Jesus, Moses, Abraham and the religious fanatics of the ancient world; to the Mason, their reward is to spend eternity in the Grand Lodge of the afterlife in the eternal fraternity of other Masons and with their Masonic Messiah; just as the Krishna devotee expends to spend eternity in gardens of paradise with Krishna's dancing girls and his alleged 16,108 wives; similarly with the Islamic martyrs who are promised 72 virgins in gardens of eternal paradise. These are simply all false promises of what lies beyond death, but they are important in encouraging the religious fanatic to overcome the fear of death.

The Christians had better be right that it is the religious fanatic Jesus who will judge them in the afterlife, and the Masons that it is their living messiah; for if it is the like of myself and other Communists and their millions of victims and enemies, great and terrible and dreadful and wrathful and unforgiving shall be that eternal Judgement. One should never forgive a militant enemy; it is a sign of weakness which only further encourages them. Our enemies and allies in this life shall be our eternal enemies and allies.

Blasphemy, Heresy, War, Revolution etc.

edit on 19-3-2011 by Lucifer777 because: addition to text

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 02:17 AM
reply to post by KSigMason

The skull is a symbol of mortality and has been to many different cultures, ideologies, and organizations. This is irrefutable.

I have only seen skulls being used by dark magic practitioners, satanists, sorcerers, religious fraudsters and for human musculoskeletal physiology research by medical students. Now you are telling me, freemasonry is indulged in all that, when you have many times said before, that it is not. Contradicting statements made by Freemasons are further conceding the claims in the OP that Freemasons are brainwashed slaves.

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 02:46 AM
reply to post by Lucifer777

I think that the general claim made in the thread title, that Freemasons have been heavily involved with "Colonialism, Wars, Genocides and Revolutions," has been pretty much conceded here by KSigMason, who is a member of the US military.

The linguistic confusion and the opportunity for Freemasons to confuse matters sets in whenever the term "Freemasonry" is used instead of Freemasons, since "Freemasonry" appears to be some kind of abstract concept in the minds of Freemasons, so once can accuse "Freemasonry" of anything and it will always be innocent because it is not a "thing" nor a "person," whereas that Freemasons are persons who have been involved in Colonialism, Wars, Genocides and Revolutions is quite obviously the case.

The claims that were made in the thread title regarding the involvement of Freemasonry In Colonialism, Wars, Genocides, Revolutions, and that freemasonry infiltrated several countries through colonialism, to establish its lodges and influence its politics by installing its puppets in the political system of that country for achieving its capitalist agendas, has been proven as true and conceded by Freemasons themselves. And other claims regarding Freemasons being brainwashed slaves of capitalist masters, have also remained unchallenged and proven repeatedly as true. That can also be easily judged by contradictory and baseless arguments made by Freemasons throughout this thread.

and indeed posters such as KSigmason, who is part of the US military, actually define this as being "good;" this is also not unique to the Freemasons but it is also part of the mindset of the Neofascist US Christian Right for whom Neofascism, Nationalism, patriotism, anti-Communism, anti-Socialism and Capitalist, Imperialist revolution are all entwined into their faith. Link.

Due to intense mind control programming that Freemasons are subjected to, they have failed to see the pain and suffering involved in colonialism, wars and genocides; and are considering all of that as good. As you talked about brainwashed Freemason KSigmason, who is regarding such genocidal acts as good. People like him who are part of freemasonry and millitary, are made into killers, they can never know the value of human life. They have no humanity left in them.

For Freemasons like him I can only say that, The towers of power of your capitalist elites will fall soon, and you will all rot in hell with them. So, better be wise and take control of your minds, and free yourself and humanity.

edit on 20/3/11 by vinay86 because: Content.

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 04:34 AM

Originally posted by network dude
Men who may have been Freemasons may have colonized your home, but you cannot lay blame on them any more than you could the Catholic religion, or the Protestant religion, or the Ditch diggers union. Grow up, accept responsibility, and fix your problems.

You are the same guy, who earlier told me, you have no Idea where bones are used in masonic rituals.

and please tell everyone which part of masonry uses human bones.

And you also opposed Involvement of freemasonry in colonialism, now you have agreed that Freemasonry use human bones and skulls in rituals and it was involved in colonialism. I think you should fix your problems first.

Now, I ask you the same question why you are not stopping this. or you don't want to, because freemasonry itself is the biggest buyer of human skull and bones.

That is a question, which was asked to your confused friend, who has also purposely misinterpreted it to mislead the original conversation regarding the procurement of bones by freemasonry by illegal means.

He said freemasonry procures bones from India, but India has already banned such export in 1980's. And the ritualistic use of human bones is also banned in America.

Utah man arrested after human skulls found in shed

CLEARFIELD, Utah (AP) - Police serving a search warrant in a drug investigation said they found something more ghastly in a backyard shed: Two human skulls in a shrine, and several hundred pounds of animal bones, flesh, and blood believed to be part of a religious ceremony.

Roberto Casillas-Corrales, 53, of Clearfield, remained jailed Monday, a day after he was arrested for investigation of abuse or desecration of a human body. Authorities say he may also face several charges of cruelty to animals.

"We believe it's a religious ritual at this time," said Mike Stenquist, assistant police chief in Clearfield, about 20 miles north of Salt Lake City. "He's been performing some type of ceremonies in his backyard shed, and that would include the sacrificing of animals, lambs, sheep, goats, rams and chickens."

Freemasons Raped and Take Skull

The witness also claims that, in 1961, when she was four years old, she and an aboriginal girl named Rosemary, who was six, were abducted and jailed in a farmhouse owned by Freemasons where they were serially raped. Rosemary had been abducted from the local Indian reserve. During the rapes, Rosemary tried to help the witness escape from the barn and was caught and killed, and then her skull was displayed in the local Freemason Hall.

Annie PARKER states that she was raised in North Bay, Ontario and was used in a child pedophile ring in that city by her father, LEN PARKER, who was a prominent Freemason and newspaper editor who was associated with the NORAD military base in the same city. Annie PARKER says her father raped and tortured her throughout her childhood, and was involved in "mind control research" at the aforementioned NORAD base.

MICHAELSON, obtains women and drugs from him, and relies on MICHAELSON to dispose of his victims after he has raped, tortured and killed them. Witness says that BOUDRAIS works for a computer programming company tied to the Canadian military or the federal government, and gives seminars in Ontario and Montreal, where he is domiciled. Witness claims that BOUDRAIS, like MICHAELSON, is a Freemason.

Freemasons are the abusers of human corpse, they have no love for humanity. I see no traces of brotherly love in Freemasons, only brotherly hate and lies is what Freemasons are spreading.

edit on 20/3/11 by vinay86 because: Content.

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 04:39 AM
reply to post by Lucifer777

How dare you make such a claim to defame my name!!!! Trying to say I support genocides and other such atrocities!!! How dare you?! You know nothing of my rank or my duty within the military? You know nothing of my service record either. You don't know how long I've been in or when I'm getting out, and for what reason I am getting out. You assume too much.

My membership in the military and the Freemasons concedes no point of yours in this thread. You using broad generalities and vague assumptions shows that you are incapable of using logic in your arguments and are here for the ignorant purpose of attacking an organization you have some ideological hatred of.

God is not some cult leader or some human/non-divine being as you and vinay86 have assumed. Nowhere in Freemasonry do we ever worship a human.

Freemasonry as an organization is completely good, moral, and virtuous, but not all of our members are or have been. Not all humans come into the organization with a good heart. You have made all sorts of claims against Freemasonry but you have yet to back up the economic imperialism claim or the messiah claim. Name someone of economically elite status that you think is a Freemason.

You call us genocidal when I can clearly search through all your posts and display a rather vicious want for the massacre of men of faith and Freemasonry for no other reason than believing. You are the criminal. You say you are morally superior, but then do the very act you accuse the capitalists of doing? Its a double standard. Like one of your little posters said, "Fascism: It's okay when we do it". That is your belief. Genocide is justified when you do it because you believe your communist and humanist views are superior. You say you believe in freedom, but you say one is only free to believe a certain way otherwise they deserve death. That isn't freedom, that is fascism. I say I'm for freedom and you mock me with more images, but yet you cannot logically or rationally refute my beliefs of freedom of speech, thought, religion, assembly, and life. You make horrible generalities.

Actually the political situation in America is not that stable nor do I agree with everything the US government (not the People) has done.

reply to post by vinay86

Nowhere in any of these articles does it mention the Freemasons. You cannot draw a line between the dots when their is no connection. Your entire argument here is illogical. Here is nice little example of your reasoning "Purple + Chair = Freemasons steal human body parts!!" You make no premises, nor do you draw upon those premises with sound and valid arguments to come up with a strong conclusion.

You have yet to establish that Freemasonry is the largest buyer of human skulls and bones. You have only made assertions. By making such bad general, vague and offensive statements you only hurt your message as you seem irrational and illogical. You also seem to be mixing up scientific with philosophical.

reply to post by vinay86

If those are the only places you have seen them then you must not be that well read or traveled. I've seen them in paintings, carvings in cathedrals, and on tapestries. Like I've said before, no symbol has an single exclusive definition as their meanings often depend upon the comprehension of the viewer. Mortality through the ages has often been symbolized by the skull (not always though) and the author of such pieces.

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 05:51 AM

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 08:11 AM

Originally posted by vinay86So, Freemasonry does not follow any scientific method of teaching, and Freemasons are hypnotized philosophers.

The more you try to catch people in word games the more childish you look. The Scientific Method refers to a system of data collection, analyzation and hypothesis proof/disproof. It has zero relevance to any aspect of your arguement and is, for reasons obvious to the non-mentally challenged, something that would not have relevance for an esoteric, charitable institution. What are you going to do next? Ask why all Quantum Physicists do not know how to make a souffle? Your self delusions continue......

edit on 20-3-2011 by AugustusMasonicus because: Networkdude has no beer

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by AugustusMasonicus

It has zero relevance to any aspect of your arguement

If Freemasonry's wicked methodologies of teaching are the best way of teaching moral values. Then every other Institution would start doing rituals prescribed in freemasonry to teach. I have already quoted Andragogy - the science of teaching adults, your ignorance about scientific teaching methodologies, shows how dumb Freemasons are. Actually Freemasons have childish nature, who are needed to be taught morality, guess they have not attended enough classes for that in schools, they must have been bad boys in school.

edit on 20/3/11 by vinay86 because: Content.

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 12:18 PM

Freemasonry and Drug Trade

Narcotics and the Vietnam War
In 1967, another opium war was being waged in northwestern Laos. At stake was Burma’s opium exports (five hundred tons annually), a third of the world’s total illicit supply. General Ouane and the CIA won the war, but their victory precipitated an escalation of the Vietnam War. Only the British Masonic bankers benefited.

President Kennedy also knew that the American Mafia was involved in the southeast Asian heroin trade. He was fully aware that the CIA-backed Vietnam War was being fought over the control of drugs.

Kennedy planned the withdrawal of one thousand troops from Vietnam, beginning December, 1963.
Six months after his decision to pull the troops out of Vietnam, Kennedy was assassinated, and three days after the assassination, Freemason President Lyndon B. Johnson reversed Kennedy’s movement toward a military disengagement, permitting American troops to stay in South Vietnam. Source.


Most famously opium was the weapon used by the ‘British’ (the London-based Babylonian Brotherhood) in the Opium Wars against China in 1840 and 1858.

Chinese efforts to stop the flow of opium into their country were thwarted by the might of the British Empire. Queen Victoria’s Foreign Secretary and Prime Minister during the Opium Wars was Lord Palmerston, the Grand Patriarch or Master of Grand Orient Freemasonry, and a member of the Committee of 300.

The vehicle for the opium trade from India to China and elsewhere, was the East India Company, a group of Scottish merchants and Freemasons who were aligned with the Knights of St John of Jerusalem (Malta) and the Society of Jesus, the Jesuits.

The Treaty of Nanking of 1842 gave Britain control over Hong Kong, plus about £15 million in silver. It was written by the Freemason and Colonial Minister, Edward Bulwer-Lytton (Comm 300) , whose writings were to so inspire Hitler, the Nazis, and mystics like Madame Blavatsky. Bulwer-Lytton wrote of the Vril power (serpent power) in the blood of the ‘underground supermen’. Bulwer-Lytton’s son was the Viceroy of India at the height of the opium trade between India and China, a period ‘camouflaged’ by Rudyard Kipling’s writings about the British Raj (British drug runners).

Philadelphia and Boston, the headquarters of the Northern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, were (and are) other centers for the drug trade. A descendant of Astor, Waldorf Astor of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York, was a high degree Freemason who became chairman of the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London after the Second World War. The RIIA (Royal Institute of International Affairs) is extensively involved in coordinating the global drug trade.

Today the Far East heroin trade is still organized by the Freemasons through their interconnected agents, the Triads. These are the Mafia of the Far East and increasingly the Western World also, as in Vancouver, Canada.

33 ° Freemason J. Edgar Hoover and Drugs

J. Edgar Hoover became a member of Federal Lodge No. 1, Washington, DC., Nov. 9, 1920, and was a charter member of Justice Lodge. He received the Scottish Rite degrees (SJ), and became a 33° honorary.

In 1956, Hoover was becoming increasingly frustrated by Supreme Court decisions that limited the Justice Department's ability to prosecute people for their political opinions, most notably, Communists. At this time he formalized a covert "dirty tricks" program under the name COINTELPRO.

This program remained in place until it was revealed to the public in 1971, and was the cause of some of the harshest criticism of Hoover and the FBI. Its methods included infiltration, burglaries, illegal wiretaps, planting forged documents and spreading false rumors about key members of target organizations and flooding L.A. with drugs. Source.

First the British Freemason colonists who waged opium wars in china, and after them the American Freemason drug lords who waged wars to takeover the control of opium rich golden triangle of southeast Asia. This clearly shows how freemasonry established illegal drug trade, which is still operating and flourishing.

edit on 20/3/11 by vinay86 because: Content.

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by vinay86
If Freemasonry's wicked methodologies of teaching are the best way of teaching moral values. Then every other Institution would start doing rituals prescribed in freemasonry to teach.

Other institutions do utilize similar methods when they teach through allegory.

...your ignorance about scientific teaching methodologies, shows how dumb Freemasons are.

Well what does that make you since this dummy was the one who showed you what the scientific method actually entails and that it does not apply to your agruement?

Actually Freemasons have childish nature, who are needed to be taught morality, guess they have not attended enough classes for that in schools, they must have been bad boys in school.

Maybe you can show me which institutions or universities have a morality course and then perhaps you can quote from the syllabus of said courses.

More hysterics and irrationality......

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by vinay86

No, actually, in this post of yours you have 3 articles none of them which are from The 3 articles were from USA Today, LA Times, and eNotAlone. You call me hypnotized and yet you can't even cite yourself correctly? You are hypnotized by your own hate. Pathetic attack on your part. I say again, nowhere in those 3 articles in the post I linked earlier in this paragraph ever mention the Freemasons.

I am actually working on some papers about Freemasonry and its symbolism. I'm also doing an extensive research paper on the Templars from the time of their expulsion and onward. I've picked up some great information on them from some archaeologists in Florence. My research on all of it is slow though due to my military obligations.

A church is one place I've seen the skull, but like Freemasonry its not an exclusive place to see symbols. I never made such a link, you are putting words in my mouth. Symbols have different meanings all over the world to different cultures, religions, and ideologies (like I said before, but apparently you didn't read it). Example: you can see the swastika was used by the Nazis, but has been used for a lot longer time by the Buddhists. You're taking NetworkDude's words out of context. Not surprised.

Skull symbolism is the attachment of symbolic meaning to the human skull. The most common symbolic use of the skull is as a representation of death and mortality, but such a reading varies with changing cultural contexts.

Originally posted by vinay86
Earliest use of skull and bones was by roman catholic church, NAZI SS, Order of the Skull & Bones and secret societies. And freemasonry claims to be none of that.

What about the use of the skull in Hinduism? So you are saying no one else used the skull and bones prior to these groups? Hmmmm....history would suggest otherwise.

Freemasonry, IMO, is a balance between science and philosophy.

reply to post by vinay86

There is nothing wicked about what Freemasonry teaches. Well as an instructor there is nothing wrong with the teaching methods of Freemasonry.

Freemasons are supposed to be good, moral men before joining. We impart lessons of morality not morality itself. Morality cannot be taught. I doubt you will get what I am saying.
edit on 20-3-2011 by KSigMason because: (no reason given)

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