Originally posted by CosmicCitizen
Because Liberalism doesnt mean freedom like it originally did....it stands for Big Government now and BG doesnt want opposition which freedom of
speech represents. I apologize if someone already expressed those sentiments as I didnt take time to read the entire thread...actually no apologies -
just reinforce what others may have said.
My, my how idiotic can one be? Liberals in favour of Big Govt because it doesnt want opposition? Remember who installed "Free Speech Zones" and
which party was it that demanded scripted questions from the media?
The entire GOP plan in a nutshell :
1. Continue and guarantee that the top 10% of earners don't have to contribute a thing to the economy.
2. Continually allow the banks to do whatever the flip they want and to blindly give them another multi trillion dollar bailout package whenever they
get a bug up their tail.
3. Continually send our jobs oversees which will double and triple the unemployment rates.
4. Engage us in an armed conflict with Iran and North Korea while keeping the Wars Over Energy going.
5. Deny people the basic right to essential services like Medicaid, Social Security and cancel all social programs effectively leaving those like me
who are unable to hold down a 40 hour 5 day a week job to fend for ourselves!
6. Allow time and time again the poisoning of our food and water supply while protecting the companies that are harming us.
7. Kill off the electric and non petrolchemical powered transportation.
8. Allow for more foriegn influence into our process domestically (law passages, elections)
9. Kill off any non white people!
10. Kill our chance to compete on the world's stage while cutting public school education while leaving the private schools alone.
11. Turn this "War On Terrorism" into a "Holy War" between Islam-Muslim and Christian-Hebrew!
12. Allow time and time again your health insurance company the control to deny you and your family any treatment they want. < These are the real
"Death Panels" a bunch of insurance company employees sitting around dictating who gets what coverage.
13. Do nothing about this immigrant issue so the multi trillion dollar lobbyists firms can contunally exploit them for cheap and dirt cheap labour all
the while not demanding that any of it remains stateside all while evading the Federal Income Tax laws,
14. Allow you to lose your job and home for whatever reason your employer and lender dictates and not have the populous the right to challenge any
15. Return to an era whereas an African American was legally declared 2/3 of a person and Women weren't allowed out of the kitchen, forget about
having the right to own property, hold down a job, have a say in matters pertaining to thier own bodies, have the right to vote, be forced to endure
consistant beatings and belittements if they didn't have dinner done in time, being subjected to forced spousal rape. Do y'all really want to
subject your daughters, mothers, sisters, aunts to this? African Americans would be forced back into the cotton fields stripped of all rights,
properties, jobs, and all money earned. McCain admitted this while on The View in Ear 08!
For y'all that want smaller Govt do not dare complain when that new tool you got to fix your house burns your skin right off because the safety
regulations were abolished and do not dare complain when that new skin cream makes your skin so raw it causes an infection that costs you your limb.
Say goodbye to ABS, airbags, seatbelts, aircon, brake override systems in cars if they get their way.
Say goodbye to every single safety protection that exists if you want smaller Govt as Big Govt keeps these firms up at night living in fear.
The US was under a "Defacto Dictatorship" from Oct 01 - Jan 09 and who was in charge?
The Neo Nazi Conservatists.
Who wanted to strip the rights of all Americans under the repealment of the 14th Amendment? Means without a shadow of a doubt that the GOP does not
care for freedoms, the will of the people and The Constitution.
"House Republicans Introduce Bill To Repeal The 14th Amendment"
The GOP was behind solely and exclusively the construction of the Islamic Cultural Center in Downtown Manhattan thus infringing upon freedoms and
telling others that they don't have a right to worship in a manner of their own choosing as per the 1st Amendment.
The Dems are the true Americans as we do not pick and choose who we support neither do we pick and choose to support the "Cause of the day". We are
for equal rights and freedoms for ALL!