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Parents who smoke should be found unfit to be parents...

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posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by JaxonRoberts

I must wonder though..
According to your concept yourself and your own children would be brought up in foster care..

How do you think that would have worked out??

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 12:29 AM
i would like to know where you would place these children,
in the hands of a catholic priest,
maybe the muslims or the scientologists,
maybe an alcoholic wife beating non smoker!
very shallow thread

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by joechip

Kids have no control over being born to obese, lazy parents. Because of their parents overall lack of an effort towards being healthy, it effects their own lives. Kids have no control over the unhealthy food their parents stock the fridge with. Fat parents who have kids, make it that much more likely their kids will have numerous health problems down the road.

Is that all to complicated for you?

And as someone who used to work in the health and fitness industry, and had to deal with these problems on a daily basis, and confront parents who had a direct negative impact on their childrens health, yes, it is my business.

Quit making stupid assumptions. My guess is you should jump on a treadmill instead of sit at your computer.
edit on 21-2-2011 by MysticPearl because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 12:31 AM
To compare smoking a cigarette to injecting yourself with heroin is pretty offensive to be honest. Smoking doesn't get you high, or alter your train of thought in the least, whereas heroin does. Sure smoking is an addiction and a down right terrible one at that (I'm a smoker myself) but to deny someone their right to procreate because they made a mistake in their life? That's pitiful, everyone makes mistakes, and some lack the will power you do to out right quit smoking, but does that make them an unfit parent? If we held everyone up to such standards we'd have no such thing as a Professor, or Teacher, we are all humans and we all make mistakes.

I started smoking at a early age, all my friends were doing it, I thought "Hey, why not?" and my mother is still a smoker, do I relate it to her in the least? Not at all, if anything during that time I was going out of my way to avoid the things she did (she was my mom, what boy doesn't?), I had a fantastic mom growing up, a wonderful child-hood.

Nothing but the actual person should ever affect what they do, you can't clump everyone into the same category and expect them all to behave in such a manner.

The point I'm attempting to drive at is pretty simple, you can't expect the same result for every person, because we are all unique, and behave differently from each other, despite what you may believe.People are just that, people, but just because someone is a little weak in one area, doesn't mean they are in another, I guess is what I'm trying to say.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 12:41 AM

Originally posted by Greenize
reply to post by MysticPearl

Okay, while I understand to an extent the point that you are trying to make here, this too is judgemental. Not all overweight people are just lazy fatazzes that eat all day and lay around on the couch! There are medical conditions that cause weight gain, life saving medications that cause weight gain... I mean really, where does it end... I ballooned to 215 lbs after years of being size 6... turns out my thyroid had malfunctioned... got it removed and am back down to where I needed to be.... things aren't always what we assume...and I like the occasional fast food burger!

True, some people suffer from thyroid conditions which cause weight gain. But, that is a miniscule percentage compared to the number of overweight people we see on a daily basis. Very, very few people sufer from a condition which causes them to be more than 30lbs overweight.

It usually boils down to lifestyle. Plain and simple. An occasonal burger never hurt anyone. But what's the reasoning behind giving an overweight 10 year old proccessed food for lunch, and Burger King for dinner? It's laziness, and it happens every day.
edit on 21-2-2011 by MysticPearl because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 12:51 AM
Oh heavens.
I suppose I'm a contradiction in terms but let me tell you this:

I smoke cigarettes....socially and in the morning with my espresso. My daughter is two and our whole family eats organically, goes to the local market for all produce, and eats a pure, mainly vegetarian diet. My husband and I go out to social functions once or twice a week and drink wine, and smoke cigarettes. We come home, and then I am a stay at home mom again. I live on the beach and my daughter swims 1-2 hours a day. We then go to playdates or the park all day. Sometimes at night, after she goes to bed, my husband and I have a glass of wine and a few cigarettes...sometime he has a cigar...we have a glass of wine or two and spend time together.
Arrest me. Take my child away.....

What do you want me to do? Feel her fast food and tater tots? Sit her in front of the television all day with junk food as long as I don't smoke?

Its my decision, I totally plan on quitting after the next child. I obviously quit when I was pregnant with her and for the first eight months afterward....a few girls nights later I found myself smoking again but I run two miles a day and am healtheir than most. Believe me, shes a lucky child.....

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 12:57 AM
Have you guys noticed, that just about everything makes you a bad parent now days. People are so quick to label anyone a bad parent. I believe we are being trained too. I am sorry but unless there is actual physical or sexual abuse and in some cases emotional abuse depending on the severity of it (because just about anything can be labeled emotional abuse, grounding for an excessive amount of time, or setting a "too early" curfew) kids are better off in their own home even if it is less than perfect.


There are more than half a million children and youth in the U.S. foster care system today. Studies reveal that children are 11 times more likely to be abused in state care than they are in their own homes, and 7 times more likely to die as a result of abuse in the foster care system.

The John Walsh Show

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 01:00 AM

Originally posted by awake_awoke
Oh heavens.
I suppose I'm a contradiction in terms but let me tell you this:

I smoke cigarettes....socially and in the morning with my espresso. My daughter is two and our whole family eats organically, goes to the local market for all produce, and eats a pure, mainly vegetarian diet. My husband and I go out to social functions once or twice a week and drink wine, and smoke cigarettes. We come home, and then I am a stay at home mom again. I live on the beach and my daughter swims 1-2 hours a day. We then go to playdates or the park all day. Sometimes at night, after she goes to bed, my husband and I have a glass of wine and a few cigarettes...sometime he has a cigar...we have a glass of wine or two and spend time together.
Arrest me. Take my child away.....

What do you want me to do? Feel her fast food and tater tots? Sit her in front of the television all day with junk food as long as I don't smoke?

Its my decision, I totally plan on quitting after the next child. I obviously quit when I was pregnant with her and for the first eight months afterward....a few girls nights later I found myself smoking again but I run two miles a day and am healtheir than most. Believe me, shes a lucky child.....

Star for you. You get it. Most people who criticize smokers, even responsible ones like yourself who keep it away from children, are hypocrites. I'm sick of people attacking smokers, while they're overweight, eat crap, and don't exercise. Most people need to take a long, hard look in the mirror.

Unless you exercise everyday, eat an organic diet, are slim and fit, and don't drink or do drugs, quit criticizing others.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 01:12 AM
This list is so false. Where is the evidence? Of course the Surgeon General is going to push this for anti-smoking groups. This is the biggest medical fraud.

According to the Surgeon General:

•Because their bodies are developing, infants and young children are especially vulnerable to the poisons in secondhand smoke.

•Both babies whose mothers smoke while pregnant and babies who are exposed to secondhand smoke after birth are more likely to die from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) than babies who are not exposed to cigarette smoke.

•Mothers who are exposed to secondhand smoke while pregnant are more likely to have lower birth weight babies, which makes babies weaker and increases the risk for many health problems.

•Babies whose mothers smoke while pregnant or who are exposed to secondhand smoke after birth have weaker lungs than other babies, which increases the risk for many health problems.

•Secondhand smoke exposure causes acute lower respiratory infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia in infants and young children.

•Secondhand smoke exposure causes children who already have asthma to experience more frequent and severe attacks.

•Secondhand smoke exposure causes respiratory symptoms, including cough, phlegm, wheeze, and breathlessness, among school-aged children.

•Children exposed to secondhand smoke are at increased risk for ear infections and are more likely to need an operation to insert ear tubes for drainage.

•Children aged 3-11 years have cotinine levels (a biological marker for secondhand smoke exposure) more than twice as high as nonsmoking adults.

•Children who live in homes where smoking is allowed have higher cotinine levels than children who live in homes where smoking is not allowed.

CDC: Children and Second Hand Smoke

(Article from 2010)

A top tobacco-control expert is throwing cold water all over the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and anti-smoking groups, and their claims that tobacco smoke increases diseases in humans. What’s more, he’s using a new report from the U.S. Surgeon General’s office—parts of which he disputes—to support his claims.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 01:20 AM

Originally posted by MysticPearl

Originally posted by Greenize
reply to post by MysticPearl

Okay, while I understand to an extent the point that you are trying to make here, this too is judgemental. Not all overweight people are just lazy fatazzes that eat all day and lay around on the couch! There are medical conditions that cause weight gain, life saving medications that cause weight gain... I mean really, where does it end... I ballooned to 215 lbs after years of being size 6... turns out my thyroid had malfunctioned... got it removed and am back down to where I needed to be.... things aren't always what we assume...and I like the occasional fast food burger!

True, some people suffer from thyroid conditions which cause weight gain. But, that is a miniscule percentage compared to the number of overweight people we see on a daily basis. Very, very few people sufer from a condition which causes them to be more than 30lbs overweight.

It usually boils down to lifestyle. Plain and simple. An occasonal burger never hurt anyone. But what's the reasoning behind giving an overweight 10 year old proccessed food for lunch, and Burger King for dinner? It's laziness, and it happens every day.
edit on 21-2-2011 by MysticPearl because: (no reason given)

There are many of health conditions that make losing weight difficult or cause people to gain weight including PCOS which is very common in women. There are injuries and illnesses that make exercise difficult or painful despite good eating habits. Medications such as steroid medications and anti-depressants. Yes we have a nation of people with bad eating habits, but I know several people who won't step foot in a Mcdonalds, shun sugar like the plague, and grow and raise all their own food,yet still struggle with their weight. I myself after going from 98 lbs to 160 lbs in just under two years, despite walking 2 miles a day, and being the healthiest eater I know, found out I had PCOS. The weight is coming off but its a slow process and I have to push myself though intense pain due an old injury, and I hate taking pain meds.
People who feed their kids junk food aren't bad parents just ignorant, just like anyone who claims most people are overweight due to eating junk food.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 01:25 AM
Smokers are the pariah of this century.
An easy target with little to defend it and even less to support it.
If they said smoking was the leading cause if schizophrenia and homicidal tendencies, no one would question it.
We're to believe that it's the biggest evil today.

Well whatever.
I'm gonna just finish this bottle of schnapps, pop some of my prescription psychoactive pills and go for a drive.
Gee, I hope I don't get run off the road by some irresponsible, disgusting smoker driving under the influence of tobacco. Smokers are known for getting other people killed you know. The government tells me so.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 01:43 AM
I do find this thread title to be the most stupid statement ever made. I suppose the "LETS HATE SMOKERS" bandwagon has arrived. I'm a smoker and I smoked through my 3 pregnancies. With hand on heart All my boys are over 6' tall, all been to university and have hardly ever been to the doctors. When they were growing up, I didn't rush them to the doctors for antibiotics for ever little ailment. They spent 90% of their time playing outdoors and I had 2 allotments that produced healthy vegetables. None of my boys smoke.
If you go back every millienium that the human race has exsisted, Humans have smoked. The tribes in the forests today STILL SMOKE some leaf of whatever. Yes I'm going to die, but the pleasure of smoking every day and not worrying about the stupid rubbish thats put out there, isn't going to make me stop. Generations of my ancesters smoked.And most lived to their 90's. Now fats are the killers. Collestral clogs up your veins.My father smoked 60 a day and it was collestral with Fats that killed him. The diet in western countries are the biggest killers.
I'm 48, smoked since I was 14, have little or no health issues, look younger than my age, happy with my life, go for long walks in the beautiful british countryside and I cook all my foods from scratch, no packets or tins in my house, never have used them.Can all you non smokers say your more of a better parent or healthier than me?

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 01:49 AM

Originally posted by loves a conspiricy
Smoking is NOT hard to quit....i have quit several times in my life....

Ahhhahahaha what a gem

"Smoking isn't hard to quit, I've done it a load of times!"


Oh thats precious...

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 01:51 AM
reply to post by JaxonRoberts

Lookout Jaxon - the brigade is here!! oO

"I wants my smokes ands I wills haves my rights to smokes dem, heeya!!!"

golly, generation kill is everywhere's...

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 01:55 AM
oh snafu, why bother, only arguments if you try.

I smoke, I would never smoke around babies... so mothers who smoke while pregnant make me sick.


edit on 21/2/2011 by badw0lf because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 03:15 AM
reply to post by JaxonRoberts

First off unless you are not a good parent this should not be an issue and if you want to call me an unfit parent I would smack you upside the head if I met you IRL probably worse. I smoke.... so I am unfit? I smoke outside. I would dare you to call me a bad parent odds are you are a much worse parent then I am. I could almost bet my life you are. If we put my 3 year old against your kid at 3 years old I could bet you 100 times over my child is much more intelligent then your child is. Parents that smoke as the title says SHOULD NOT BE FOUND UNFIT! Thanks.

So shut it this topic in general pisses me off(sorry for the language) and OP I am not going to come back to this posts as it disgusts me and you just for bringing it here disgust me. That is all.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 03:23 AM
reply to post by badw0lf

Your precious and you are one of the people that got this thread to the main page.... I will again say the same thing. Read the title of this thread if this guy didnt want to make people mad he sure need to work on his title skills. You yourself calling people out that have "quit smoking several times" and laughing and calling them a gem. Smoking is a choice just like drinking is a choice if you believe Addiction is a disease you are weak minded and cant think for yourself. I went from drinking every single day to making a choice to drink only when I am going out for the weekend etc. I made a choice to cut down from a pack a day to 3-4 cigs a day.

Calling someone a Gem due to what they say when you yourself probably........ well never mind I have a lot I could say to you. So like I said I am leaving here and wont come back.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 04:06 AM
reply to post by JaxonRoberts

hahahahaha. funny stuff. while at it, should parents stop exhaling co2?
i mean, that too kills children AND the planet. al gore says so. un too.
and on a side note, what do you want? government in every corner of
your home too? if you want to smoke, smoke. if not, don't. just don't be
an idiot. especially a yuppie idiot who "cares for other people's children"
so much he (or she) will advertise government taking kids off of parents
who smoke cigarettes.

gimme a break.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 04:16 AM

Originally posted by ExCloud
reply to post by badw0lf

Your precious and you are one of the people that got this thread to the main page.... I will again say the same thing. Read the title of this thread if this guy didnt want to make people mad he sure need to work on his title skills. You yourself calling people out that have "quit smoking several times" and laughing and calling them a gem. Smoking is a choice just like drinking is a choice if you believe Addiction is a disease you are weak minded and cant think for yourself. I went from drinking every single day to making a choice to drink only when I am going out for the weekend etc. I made a choice to cut down from a pack a day to 3-4 cigs a day.

Calling someone a Gem due to what they say when you yourself probably........ well never mind I have a lot I could say to you. So like I said I am leaving here and wont come back.

Oh Ok Big fella... Smoke your kids to death.. You got it...

Who am I to say otherwise...

If I ever see you in a thread where parents are bad, and you speak up - well expect it..

You good parent you...

bye bye..

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 04:16 AM
meh dbl postages must be the nicotine..
edit on 21/2/2011 by badw0lf because: (no reason given)

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