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Parents who smoke should be found unfit to be parents...

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posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 11:48 PM

Originally posted by backinblack
reply to post by FPB214

You sound like a good kid..
But Bi**** at your mother as you put it, doesn't help..
Talking nice would do better but if she still wants to smoke in her own house then that's really her choice not yours..
Passive smoking is bad if you're in a busy bar with 10 smokers around you, not in a whole house with just one smoker..
The smoke doesn't even stay in the air that long and the smell will not kill you..
Simply leave the room when she smokes..

Well I live in an apartment, two bedrooms. Nothing huge. I didn't mean that I literally bi*** at her, I shouldn't have said that because that put the wrong idea in your head. What we do is debate it, for about 5-10 minutes tops. She knows the money she could save within just one month.

Some say their parents stopped smoking after they told them they didn't like it, and since they cared about their kids they stepped outside. Now, I know my mother cares about me like nothing else, so I don't feel as if she doesn't care about me, but thats just the impression people (like the op) may be trying to get at. I agree with both sides. I see why some people would say that if they cared about their kids they would go outside and smoke, but I also see where people are coming from when they mention that if they are paying to live there they can do what they want. Both arguements are true.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 11:50 PM
reply to post by JaxonRoberts

What inspired me to write this thread was that I saw a pregnant woman today who was pushing a two year old in a stroller with a cigarette in her hand that was less than a foot away from the toddlers head. So go ahead... Someone justify this to me as the sign of a good parent... Good Luck on that, by the way... It can't be done...

The issue everyone has with you is the way you lump all smoking parents into the same mould..
Smoking while pregnant or near a baby is a no no..
But I'm a smoking parent but mainly smoked outseide when my kids were growing up and NEVER say in the lounge room while the whole family was there..

Sounds to me like you maybe hold a grudge against your own uncaring parents and see all others the same..
I'd see a shrink about your issues...

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 11:50 PM
reply to post by MysticPearl

Okay, while I understand to an extent the point that you are trying to make here, this too is judgemental. Not all overweight people are just lazy fatazzes that eat all day and lay around on the couch! There are medical conditions that cause weight gain, life saving medications that cause weight gain... I mean really, where does it end... I ballooned to 215 lbs after years of being size 6... turns out my thyroid had malfunctioned... got it removed and am back down to where I needed to be.... things aren't always what we assume...and I like the occasional fast food burger!

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 11:50 PM

Originally posted by JaxonRoberts

Originally posted by MysticPearl
I'm calling you out OP! Prove to all of us how healthy you are, and how much you exercise. Or are you a lazy, overweight #, who sits on his butt all day finding someone else to criticize?

I never said I was healthy. My lungs are shot between the second hand smoke I inhaled as a kid from my two pack a day parent, plus an older sister with a similar habit, and the 26 years of smoking I did myself. Although my sense of smell and taste have improved, I am still very susceptible to nasal, lung and brochial infections. I cannot remember a time before the age of ten when I did not have some type of respiratory infection, due to the damage being done to my lungs by the smoke filled environment I was in.

What inspired me to write this thread was that I saw a pregnant woman today who was pushing a two year old in a stroller with a cigarette in her hand that was less than a foot away from the toddlers head. So go ahead... Someone justify this to me as the sign of a good parent... Good Luck on that, by the way... It can't be done...

haha thats not a sign of bad parenting. I assume this buggy wasnt in a small box or tiny confined space right? I also assume she wasnt delibratly blowing smoke in the babies face?
With your logic anyone allowing their child outside a chemical free environment is a bad parent.

I know people that have bad chests....have never smoked in their lives and neither have their parents.
Equally....i have no problems and ive grown up in pretty much the same enviroment as yourself....bad genetics dude thats all

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 11:51 PM
Here, here!

(For Redneck)
edit on 20-2-2011 by Onboard2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 11:53 PM
First sign of addiction:


It ain't just a river in Egypt!

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 11:54 PM

Originally posted by JaxonRoberts
First sign of addiction:


It ain't just a river in Egypt!

Exactly, and you are denying a deep seated grudge against your parents because you blame their smoking for your poor health..

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 11:55 PM
reply to post by loves a conspiricy

You need to improve your reading skills... I said that I saw a


pushing a stroller... Now care to justify her parenting skills again???? Hmm???

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 11:58 PM
reply to post by backinblack

Also, no offense to you at all, but you say how you didn't smoke inside with your kids growing up, or while pregnant. My mother smoked while pregnant with me and my siblings, as well as inside the house all my life. I recently had a chest X-Ray and everything looked fine, but I had pneumonia two times, once as a baby and once when I was about 10 or around that age. I know it has an effect on you, which probably vary's depending on the circumstances. Some have it worse than others.

But either way, im happy everyday im alive and know there are many other factors that kill people than smoking. Were all going to die one way or another.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 11:58 PM
reply to post by JaxonRoberts

Just go ahead and call your daughter. Now tell her what an unfit parent you were, that she should have been put in a foster home with complete strangers, and just confess that you indeed DID NOT love her enough to quit smoking. Tell her how selfish you were that you cared nothing for her health and only thought to quit after she was grown.

Go ahead.....

We'll wait.....

Because this is pretty much what you assumesmokers are all about right?
edit on 2/21/2011 by Kangaruex4Ewe because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by backinblack

I have no grudge against my parents, as it was the 60's and they did not know any better, unlike parents of today who have an abundance of information showing the negative effects smoking has on both the smoker and those who are around the smoker... And I also understand the weight of the monkey that is on the back of smokers, as it took me dozens of tries to finally get that damn monkey off my back.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by JaxonRoberts

How were you sure she was pregnant??? She could have been fat...sorry i mean obese

EDIT: My mum also smoked through me and my 2 brothers pregnancies....all 3 of us are healthier than most people with higher intellects.
Care to give me a reason why we were uneffected but people are nowadays?? huh huh

edit on 21-2-2011 by loves a conspiricy because: (no reason given)

EDIT: wow just re-read your really are a vile person. I dont need to brush up on my reading skills thank you...its kind of late here and im tired..sorry your holliness

edit on 21-2-2011 by loves a conspiricy because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 12:01 AM
I am 36 going on 37.
I started smoking when I was 15 or 16 this grew into a 20-30 a day habit. I never smoked indoors anywhere.
Since I was 19 I have lived and worked in areas where a pack of 20 Mal-bros didn't cost me over 3 dollars US the reason I mention this is to emphasize that the cost wasn't significant for me.
I have two kids, 6 and 3.

I liked smoking but I quit a year ago. I decided to quit for them and myself in that order. It is no mean feat, in fact its the toughest thing I've ever done. I still miss it. If your a proper smoker then you'll understand, if you never smoked or only smoke occasionally then you'll never get it. I had no health problems and still don't, I decided it was just my time to quit. The biggest guilt I have is that I used my daughter as a tool to quit forever. I promised my daughter on her 5th Birthday that I wouldn't ever smoke again I haven't and I won't. The guilt or shame is in the conundrum I had to generate for myself to get what I wanted. Am I happy with the result? Hell yes. My method was a little under hand but one things for sure, I will not break that promise I made ever.

Now on to the reformed smoker and ex-smokers; you guys are by far the worst preachers not only that you still "want" to smoke your just lucky enough to have chosen not to.

Please do this for your friends and smokers. Shut the hell up. Your all hypocrites.

There is not one adult smoker on this earth that doesn't know that smoking is bad for you, no really we knew already before you lot made our ears bleed with your constant spiels. As a matter of fact, my own wife used to nag and complain about my smoking for years and years literally, I smoked longer because of it, I was adamant that I'd quit when I was good and ready. Not when she said. Maybe stubborn, maybe childish I know. I'm not proud of it but that's just how we are as smokers, I don't know if its just the cigarettes or what but smokers are a different breed of human. I didn't quit until she was away for two weeks on family business. That's when I struck up my deal with my daughter.

So smokers please try and quit when your moment comes. Even use your kids to achieve your goal. Non smokers please don't start. And finally to my ex-smoker friends... Shut it. They know already.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 12:02 AM
As a smoker, I absolutely agree.

All these past millennia, I am stunned that the constantly smoking fires in caves, tent, teepees, stone huts, log cabins etc., even allowed any population growth.

Smoke. Second-hand smoke. How in Hades did anyone ever live to reach puberty?

I agree.

Much better to chew tobacco, and show the kids how to spit.

Or drink. Or chase around. Those factors are real healthy home builders.

And gasoline. That creates tons of crap our kids breath, so if you're worth a damn as a parent, you'll never own a car, much less get the kids out on a highway so that they will be breathing in all those fuel fumes, carbon monoxide, hundreds of toxic hydrocarbon molecules, and that doesn't even count the risk of getting out on a highway.

Yep. Smokers are toxic.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 12:04 AM
reply to post by Onboard2

If you stubb your toe; it's caused by smoking!

i stubbed my toe once when i was smoking, it does happen

but you forgot to include burnt eyebrows, it happens from time to time if you forget to check the setting on your lighter....
bunsen burner......

edit on 21-2-2011 by lifeform11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 12:05 AM
reply to post by FPB214

Yeah, we are all different..
When my eldest son moved back home with his new daughter that was it for smoking in the house..
But then I grew up with my dad smoking in the house and many parties with everyone smoking..
Even smoking in places like McDonalds was allowed when I was a kid and yet my health is and always was fine..
So I just don't know if it really is that harmful or maybe only harmful to a few..

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 12:12 AM

Originally posted by lifeform11
reply to post by Onboard2

If you stubb your toe; it's caused by smoking!

i stubbed my toe once when i was smoking, it does happen

but you forgot to include burnt eyebrows, it happens from time to time if you forget to check the setting on your lighter....
bunsen burner......

edit on 21-2-2011 by lifeform11 because: (no reason given)

Thanks for the laugh!

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 12:14 AM

Originally posted by backinblack
reply to post by FPB214

Yeah, we are all different..
When my eldest son moved back home with his new daughter that was it for smoking in the house..
But then I grew up with my dad smoking in the house and many parties with everyone smoking..
Even smoking in places like McDonalds was allowed when I was a kid and yet my health is and always was fine..
So I just don't know if it really is that harmful or maybe only harmful to a few..

I would love if it wasn't harmful, but I believe in some ways it is to many people. Yet, maybe its just more harmful to others. I think luck also has something to do with it. Along with your health. I guess all you can do is be healthy. I mean, my grandpa is over 85 and he smoked for over 40 years. So if he was my moms age, he'd actually still be smoking, and the doctor told him recently if he stays the way he is at this rate hes going to live till he's 100. So that's a good sign after smoking for over 40 years.

So who knows how harmful it really is.
edit on 21-2-2011 by FPB214 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 12:19 AM
Is the OP starring his own posts?? I cant work out why some of them have stars....and for the life of me i cant get why people are flagging this.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 12:21 AM

Originally posted by JaxonRoberts
reply to post by backinblack

And I also understand the weight of the monkey that is on the back of smokers, as it took me dozens of tries to finally get that damn monkey off my back.

We are all glad you could do so, truly. We just wished that when the nicotene stains were wiped from your Ivory Tower's windows , you didn't use that view as a way to put yourself above that which you once were.

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