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$100,000+ Salaries for School Teachers?

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posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by kozmo

Originally posted by Jordan River
They are required to go to school during the summer nowadays because of the bush plan to go to school in the summer time. Or their teaching certificate expires.
edit on 20-2-2011 by Jordan River because: (no reason given)

Sorry, but I gotta call BS on this one!
My mother-in-law is a teacher, my sister is a teacher, my cousin is a teacher and my best friend's wife is a teacher - each of them in different states and NONE of them have to go to school in the summer time. NONE! 2 of them work at side jobs for extra money, while still drawing their "salary" and the other 2 lounge about for 3 months.

True, teaching certificates expire, but not how you are portraying. In fact Here are Michigan's Exact Requirements for teaching certificate renewal. After 6 years one must complete 9 semester hours of approved coursework - that's 3 classes! By 12 years the teacher has to complete 9 more credit hours OR obtain a Master's Degree - again, 3 more classes! Oh, by the way, these can be completed ONLINE at an approved university.

It ain't that hard folks!!!

Ah, clarity
I was citing information from 2 semesters ago. And it also depends if you were a teacher pre or post bush plan. College is not that easy IMO
edit on 20-2-2011 by Jordan River because: (no reason given)
p.s. I said 20 credits, you said 18. I am sorry for my b.s

edit on 20-2-2011 by Jordan River because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by intelinside451

This thread is stupid, If I were to b1tch about anybody's salary it would be the f@#$ers that run this country, they make an insane amount of money. What about those sleezy corporate A55's also, they pocket and benefit from our natural resources while we have homeless vets living in the streets. Why are people posting crap like this, ATS has gone down the drain the last year or so, I know a few people who dont even come here as much because their tired of hearing people complain about crap like this claiming to be an alien...

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 06:23 PM
My mother is a preschool teacher at a catholic school and has been working for 20+ years. She makes maybe $22,000 a year and gets up at 5am, is at the school by 7:30 and leaves by 5:00pm. She then has to work on her next projects (often involving cutting) for the following day.

Teachers are not only being paid to teach but in the early grades are practically child care services. As fun as it is to bash teachers across the board, just like any other industry there are probably a few teachers making huge figures and a bunch more being paid dirt cheap, long hours and hard work.

Those who teach and are educators are some of our most precious people yet we treat alot of them like crap.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by macman

The thread title is factoring in benefits as well as I assume, master's degrees. Not every teacher in WI makes $100,000. If that were the case then WI would be the top ranking state for education in the country because they'd be able to pick from the very best teachers from all over the country who aren't paid half that amount.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 06:25 PM
What ever happened to the positive things of life? Such as being a teacher

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

The smaller and more numerous the businesses are, the better the economy.

I could not agree more. Small business is what is keeping this country alive and now they plan to kill it. That is why I am so frightened. I have a small business and a farm.

Here are some fairly short articles that show how TPTB is going to kill small business and farming. Obamacare makes a change in the tax law governing 1099's that is going to be a NIGHTMARE for ALL businesses and force many small businesses to close their doors.

Farm References
John Munsell's Comment in this article is the best description of the food safety problem I have seen:
(Tester amendment is scam)
(Home Gardens)

Background and History
1996rFeedom to farm Act:

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by crimvelvet

Unions worked fine sixty years ago but the rules of the game have changed. Thanks to the World Trade Organization's "free Market" we as labor are DIRECTLY competing against BETTER TRAINED labor in China and India.

"Cheaper" is not "better trained" but go on.

Originally posted by crimvelvet
the cost of doing business due to EPA, OSHA and other regulations is very high. If a union gives a corporation trouble they leave the country. It happened to me fifteen years ago just after the ratification of WTO. The Union would not take the Corporation's ultimatum so the plant was relocated south.

You do realize that a nation does not have to allow products into the country that are manufactured elsewhere, correct? Apparently, you see no connection to "deregulation" and "free trade" and the mass exodus of jobs in the US. Of course if they can dump their toxic waste onto the ground untreated, and use labor a notch or two above slave labor, a company will make more money. Our government does not have to allow products made like that to sell here. We COULD only do business with companies playing fair, and treating humans like humans, and the world like our home, rather than a dump site.

Originally posted by crimvelvet
Unions now longer have any leverage period. because the USA no longer has the best trained work force in the world. We rank next to the bottom these days and the corporations know it.

It never had anything to do with "best trained." Nothing at all. It had to do with supply and demand. The companies had to hire in the US, and labor banded together to form bargaining units because as individuals they were being horribly abused. Unions controlled the supply of labor, and that influenced the price of labor. All through that time frame, of high wages and good treatment, America and her businesses thrived. High wages far from ruining this country, helped it. This is because ALL ECONOMIES TRICKLE UP. A healthy lower and middle class means plenty for all.

The problem is that those on the top want more. Always more. Too much is never enough. And so they (partly due to how gambling on stocks works) insisted on increasing profits every year. And those increases have to come from somewhere. So over time, the wealthy have pushed for legislation, and reform that undermines unions. And via the media brainwashed those who are vulnerable into believe unions are the enemy.

Originally posted by crimvelvet
Is it any wonder Corporations now import workers from other countries or give up and leave the country entirely?

Corporations can afford to move manufacturing overseas because American workers and their taxes have funded how many wars to secure favorable economic climates globally? How many billions of dollars, trillions of dollars, have we the people paid to "stabalize" other parts of the world so multinational corporations can get the fuel that allows the manufacturing overseas to be viable? You dont even seem to take the time to look past the very simply arguments the media pushes at you.

Originally posted by crimvelvet
AND YOU want me to REWARD the teachers that turn out this under educated work force????

How do schools set their curriculums? Who decides what is taught?

Originally posted by crimvelvet
You are very luckly the general population does not realize how teachers have screw Americans or you would REALLY see some protests.

Yes, I suppose I am lucky the general population has not come to the conclusion that teachers are responsible for the ruin of our nations economy. That might make me really question our educational system.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 06:27 PM
reply to post by intelinside451

I'm sorry but I completely disagree with this post. Teaching is extremely difficult and while it may seem like "Sit down, be quiet, and shut up", this probably has to do with the level of educational care YOU were given.

I've seen some public school teachers perform miracles with students that other teachers would've given up on easily. While home-schooling is an option, a lot of parents are unaware of the easiness in misdirecting a child into the wrong direction.

My only thought that would be considered a "Con" to the topic is that some teachers simply don't deserve to be teachers. But, as I stated, it's only SOME teachers.

As far as 100k salaries, while the price may seem high, remember that most teachers deal with about 30 kids per class, 6-8 classes per day, if you're in highschool. Why don't YOU try being responsible for the development of 30 kids or even worse, teens. The reason why most children are in public school is because the system doesn't allow the parent to have enough free time to home school them. Not everyone can work from home. So it's not a daycare center, it's a neccessity based upon a pyramid system.

While your suprise to their salary may be expected, dig deeper into what REAL CARING teachers have to do on a daily basis, and you'll see that it's little to be suprised about.

I'd also like to add a final mentioning of the average cost for a teacher's tuition in college. It's anywhere from 35,000 to 45,000 and they usually have to pay MOST of that back, if not all of it. Toss in what they have to do everyday with the students, plus school supplies, plus teaching tools, plus a house, plus extra-time for certain students, plus extra-curricular tools, plus feeding themselves and possibly a family, and uh yea, 100k sounds just about right.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 06:28 PM
Enough is enough, shut down the public school system and send the teachers to FEMA camps where they can be used as slave labor.
edit on 20-2-2011 by cybro because: Sentence structure.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 06:29 PM
Now to be fair, teachers deserve to make way more than they make, but ONLY if they earn it. Showing up and standing a the front of the room does not qualify. Tenure has destroyed the profession and unions have been the bane of their existence. The unions lie and propgandize the teachers into supporting ridiculous intiaitives that may make them more money or enhance their benefits, but they rarely (never) enrich learning. This is mostly because union dues are based off of compensation. The union is corporation - look it up!

When was the last time you saw the union go on strike against the deprtament of education? Against ridiculous federal policies that make teaching more difficult? Against "No Child Left Behind"? It is almost universally to gain more compensation and benefits for the teachers, not to make them more effective at their profession. I rest my case...

If the teachers were truly interested in excellence in their profession, a fair amount of their collective bargaining power would be focused on those types of initiatives but they're not. If it were, then negotiating for better compensation would not be an issue and many of us would be happy to pony up. Until such time that the unions can demonstrate that they are in this for the improvement of the system, as opposed to their own bank accounts, then they can play on my heart-strings and ask for my support. But alas, they won't, which is why I have little to no sympathy. If the teachers ever decide to straighten out their unions and demonstrate to the rest of us where their hearts and minds are, I will be the first to support their cause and the first to offer to pay more in taxes for their compensation. Until then... NO!

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by crimvelvet

Part of the problem is that small businesses hear the word "business" and assume that what is good for multinational corporations is good for them, and it isnt.

Someone wearing a T-Shirt with the word "friend" on it may not actually be your friend. The problem with many people is they dont take the time to follow all the threads and see for themselves who is really on their side. Small American businesses have much more in common with American workers, than they do with large companies, and multinationals.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by apacheman
reply to post by macman

How much of your day is spent driving?

You get paid a lot to get from here to there, time that a lot of other professions don't get paid for. So why should you be paid for sitting on your butt on the open road, enjoying the scenery, doing nothing productive?

I know a lot of people who could make a case for the pay to start when you arrive, and end when you leave the actual job site. Gee, I've heard of a group of folks who get paid like that...part-time college instructors, who comprise the vast majority of college teachers. They are called "freeway flyers" as they drive from one campus to another. They drive their own vehicles, and get paid only when on-site. Oh, yeah, construction workers get paid the same way.

You've got a fat-cat job that pays big bucks for driving around, mostly, it would seem.

Someone ought to suggest to the company you work for how much they could save if they didn't pay for travel time to the site.
edit on 20-2-2011 by apacheman because: (no reason given)

You are right for the most part. When I work my own company job and when I worked as for a vendor, I did not get paid for trip time. But, my education and cert requirements were very low.
The fact that I spend time driving does not mean a thing. Yes, there are days where I spend 4 hours driving, one way to get to ST George, but then I spend 2 hours on site either programming or trouble shooting network equipment.
The reason why my company, and most like us pay for travel time, is because we have unmanned areas like ST George. It makes no sense to employee someone there, when work is required maybe once a week.
But, my day to day work has me at the office maybe 2 hours a day. I drive maybe a total of 2 hours in that day as well. The rest of the time is spent in the field, at customer sites or remote sites.
I am not a construction worker, that is by choice.
As for an ISP company not paying travel time? I guess if they went the contractor route. But, a lot of the sites I access do not allow people in from outside the company.
As for a fat cat job? Really? Compared to most Govt positions, I don't think so.
You know it's funny, I got so wrapped up in one part that I really don't remember how my job is relevant to a teacher whining and protesting about having to contribute 12% instead of 8% to a pension. And by what grounds people think it's acceptable for the Govt paid teachers to act like 5 year olds?
They are paid by Tax money, the voters and tax payers have spoken.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by Jordan River

No, you painted with a broad brush indicating that teachers were required to go to school during the summer or their certifricates expire. Not the case, as I have pointed out.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by firepilot

Originally posted by PlanterZ
Well, my mom is a second grade teacher and I think that all teachers deserve this pay. Teaching is a very tough and time consuming job and unless you've done it, or know someone who has done it, you never really know how much work goes into it. My mother is constantly working on lesson plans, grading papers, writing reports, coping with the stress factor that comes with the job.

I also believe that teaching is one of the most crucial jobs out there. Come on, what would you do without teachers? They deserve that salary.

By the way, teaching is a "highly skilled job".
edit on 20-2-2011 by PlanterZ because: (no reason given)

They deserve good pay for good results, not just for having a certain job.

There are a lot of bad teachers out there, and a lot that just have very little subject knowledge. I wonder how many teachers would pass the test that students must pass to graduate? Often when school districts try to have a teacher competency exam, so many teachers fail it, that they just have to stop giving those tests.

I am for well compensated teachers, but I want good teachers. Not just people warming a seat in the classroom. And I want bad teachers fired.

The thing is that there are a lot of bad employees in every walk of life, but people focus on graduation rates and school being out in the summer without thinking of what else contributes to those graduation rates and how much time teachers really spend working. You have people saying students should grade teachers, should a 14 year old who doesn't like the grade they earned by not doing their homework cost me my job? You have someone claiming that teachers who have to do work at home in the evening are either bad teachers or bad at time management. Teaching and coaching are the only two careers I can think of where most people think they "know" the best way to do them because everyone has gone to school and people who play sports or have kids who do have either played or watched. They are probably the two most misunderstood occupations due to ignorance.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by kozmo
reply to post by Jordan River

No, you painted with a broad brush indicating that teachers were required to go to school during the summer or their certifricates expire. Not the case, as I have pointed out.

I was thinking in the terms of my life for some reason. I try to convey myself on this thread to. I get personal perhaps . It could be summer, or night classes. obviously. damn, you nitpick, damn. yah got me.

Thx for clearing it up for people. nonetheless

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by Jordan River

In my opinion I do believe we rank around number 30 something in our educational system in the world. That is honestly sad, but it is the government we should be blaming, not the teachers.

I already mention all that (with references) much earlier. However it is not the government it is TPTB behind the government and the media who shaped our "progressive" education system and our attitude toward disiplining children.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 06:36 PM
School teachers don't make that kind of 6 figure coin. Superintendents of districts barely get over that, and not without controversy.

Are you talking Ivy League tenured 'professors'?

Basic school teachers lag behind the national average here in the U.S. middle America, is common knowledge.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 06:38 PM
It really open my eyes when I have taken a course for eduction, spent 30+ hours at a school and just absorbed, probably the saddest but truest movie would be "waiting for superman" Go rent it

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 06:41 PM
link ebt-clock.html

Wisconsin is nearly $44,000,000,000 in the hole, time to clean up the mess! Do I really need to say more? It's time to make some cuts, plain and simple.

And no, higher taxes are not the answer to this mess. Cutting the government's budget, digging ourselves out of debt, then creating a surplus, then lowering taxes. That's how this is suppose to work.

Here's an idea, all the teachers/gov. officials can pool together and teach themselves basic accounting principles.
edit on 20-2-2011 by intelinside451 because: link edit

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

Since they control the Teachers they will control everything soon.

They started about a hundred years ago. But otherwise a very interesting take on the situation. No wonder so much of the work force is sucking on the government tit.

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