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What did the war bring to us?

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posted on Jul, 16 2004 @ 06:55 AM
I think the Iraq war brings what to us is a question in not only my mind but everyone's no matter if he join the war.What did it bring to us?World security?Take free to Iraqian?Or otherwise the strongest contry's unlimited desire?I don't know.But maybe the resources so that we can continue our plentiful lives?But until now,only I can see are attacks.what we can only do is to pray for everybody in the warfield.
What's your idea about the war?

posted on Jul, 16 2004 @ 07:55 AM
Another question might be.... what if we *hadn't* gone to war with Iraq? What might have been the outcome of that?

That is what we will never know.

Had Saddam remained in power, despite not having (allegedly) WMDs - he still had the ability to strike Israel. And therein lay the problem, right? As isn't the Israeli/Palestinian problem at the root of all the mayhem?

Sure, everyone says it's the *oil* - and that's the *real* reason we went there... but who the heck knows what was really lurking in the minds of our leaders (Bush & Blair) when they made that ill-informed decision. My feeling is it was part of a much larger 'plan' and had nothing to do with fighting terrorism.

Some group of people has put the countries of the world on a chess board and they are 'playing' the world - that's sure what it looks, feels, and smells like.


posted on Jul, 16 2004 @ 07:58 AM
The war in Iraq has brought us massive debt, unparalleled insecurity, the disdain of the world community and profound ill repute.

It's brought complete chaos to Iraq. But that's what the planners' goal actually is. Peace and stability would mean our military has no solid reason to remain there. Controlled chaos is the name of the game.

But hey - let's look on the bright side - At least Halliburton, Bechtel and all those private contractors have gained a windfall of cash!

Hoowah and Airborne!

posted on Jul, 16 2004 @ 08:00 AM

Originally posted by Cattlespy

Had Saddam remained in power, despite not having (allegedly) WMDs - he still had the ability to strike Israel. And therein lay the problem, right? As isn't the Israeli/Palestinian problem at the root of all the mayhem?

Be assured, Israel could've handled Saddam with ease. Post-Gulf War Iraq was no threat to Israel anyway, we had them completely contained.

posted on Jul, 16 2004 @ 08:05 AM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid

Originally posted by Cattlespy

Had Saddam remained in power, despite not having (allegedly) WMDs - he still had the ability to strike Israel. And therein lay the problem, right? As isn't the Israeli/Palestinian problem at the root of all the mayhem?

Be assured, Israel could've handled Saddam with ease. Post-Gulf War Iraq was no threat to Israel anyway, we had them completely contained.

I was speaking more to *intention* than actual ability. If he'd had Syria's 'blessings' and assistance... then he'd been able to accomplish some sort of attack...

posted on Jul, 16 2004 @ 08:09 AM
Negative. I say that for the simple fact that our Air Force had that country nailed shut. They couldn't do anything without our seeing it from the air. Remember the no-fly zones? We had Saddam's a$$ in a sack.

posted on Jul, 16 2004 @ 08:23 AM

Had Saddam remained in power, despite not having (allegedly) WMDs - he still had the ability to strike Israel. And therein lay the problem, right? As isn't the Israeli/Palestinian problem at the root of all the mayhem?

Just like what had have in "Minority Report",you throgh a ball,anther one get it,but could you say that this is a ball which will fall.You prevent it,could you still say it will fall?

[edit on 16-7-2004 by kaidylibre]

posted on Jul, 16 2004 @ 08:24 AM

Just like you said the war have given the President and his groups of rich buddies, a lot of income, to the American people, low pay jobs that will not feed a family, a deficit that our children will inherit but he and his buddies don�t have to worry because they are rich, the worst education compare to other countries.
Completely disregard of our nations problems.

The American people have gain nothing from this war but for the business partners of the president that is another story.

posted on Jul, 16 2004 @ 08:33 AM
Maybe we should also consider at the same time 'What did the war really bring to the Iraqis'?
In the short term, it looks like utter chaos to me. In the long term, I guess we won't really know for sure right now. We can all hope that this mess will straighten itself out.

posted on Jul, 16 2004 @ 08:37 AM
The past is the best instructor to the future. Look into the last one hundred or so years of Mesopotamian history. The future does not look bright for us in Iraq. If past is prologue, we're in for one chaotic and bloody ride.

posted on Jul, 16 2004 @ 08:43 AM
- 872 dead soldiers
- 11,000 wounded
- countless civilians dead and maimed
- more debt for US
- ruined foreign policy and buildup of past relationships
- abu gharib scandal
- beheadings
- increase in terrorism
- it didn't get us Osama - that is for sure
- it didn't stop increase of jihad and hatred for US
- precendents for MORE pre-emptive strikes based on false info

posted on Jul, 16 2004 @ 09:04 AM
This war might not have brought the US anything but can you stop being selfish for one moment and realize that just cuz you don't get anything 23 million people are free to say what is on their mind celebrated holidays vote and have freedom and democracy and the reason that France Germany and Russia didn't support us in not cuz they knew saddam didn't have WMD�s but because of the oil for food scandal which gave a whole lot of illegal money to Germany France and Russia.

posted on Jul, 16 2004 @ 09:15 AM
the war in Iraq has caused Ralf Nadar and Pat Buchanan to agree
on something! (Both endorse withdrawing troops).

If that isn't a cosmic command to bring the troops home nothing is.

It's also brought us:

1) thousands of US servicemembers who are now amputees
2) thousands of Iraqi amputees
3) BAZILLIONS more muslim extremist factions
4) decapitation videos for wanna-be serial killers to get a rise from online
5) a recall of 5600 retired servicemembers
6) major debt
7) scores of MIAs/POWS we'll never hear about in mainstream media
8) worldwide disdain

posted on Jul, 16 2004 @ 11:16 AM
Oh My,what did the war bring us? Hmmmmmm

You are right, many soldiers dead and maimed. Debt. upset Muslims.

Well I guess we should just throw up our hands and go home.

Tell the Iraqi's "It's your now."

tell the Afghans " Adios"

Let's tell the world "sorry, we screwed up. we will apologize to you. please don't hurt us. we will throw out Bush. Please please don't hurt us. I know you still tried to blow up Spainish trains after they pulled out but we trust you not to do that to us."

We should all convert to Islam just to be safe.

posted on Jul, 16 2004 @ 11:40 AM
Perpetual war. You folks who are too willfully blinde and ignorant to understand what this means should go fight the war yourselves. Then you might grasp the lessons.

It's time for Bush to go back to Texas, where his village is missing its idiot. Maybe then we can start to deal more honestly and effectively with those in Iraq who want peace and stability, too. Until that happens, you can forget it.

posted on Jul, 16 2004 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by WestPoint23
cuz they knew saddam didn't have WMD�s but because of the oil for food scandal which gave a whole lot of illegal money to Germany France and Russia.

Oh can you provide a link that proofs that the german government was involved in this + you are talking about absolutly high amounts of money. Now proof it!

As you won't be able to, I suggest you shouldn't post such stuff. Thanks in advance.

posted on Jul, 16 2004 @ 11:58 AM
East Coast, wow are you.... ah .... whats the word...naive?

I was in war. I did kill people. I was shot 3 times. I would do it again. Because I choose to be FOR something.

By the way, every person with a room temperature I.Q is for "Peace."

Have you ever taken a stand? Not just you triangle boy. Everyone in this site.

Have you ever put yourself in harms way? Not just your body. YOU. Taken a stand that could ruin your reputation, put you out of work. Cost you your family. Cost someone else their life.

I have. George Bush has. Every man and woman in Iraq is right. What are you doing right now?

"We gotta get rid of Bush" is not taking a stand.

Also... I am yelling at you now...ahem.


posted on Jul, 16 2004 @ 01:03 PM
Great post and thanks for the insight!
I might not agree that Bush is good for the USA but at the moment he is the best choice out of nothing.

posted on Jul, 16 2004 @ 01:36 PM

I was in war. I did kill people. I was shot 3 times. I would do it again. Because I choose to be FOR something.

By the way, every person with a room temperature I.Q is for "Peace."

Haha, yeah. And yet the Armed Forces are chock full of total geniuses, absolute Mensa material. You choose to be FOR murder, I choose to be against it. That's the difference. Taking another person's life is murder. War or not. Hope you can deal, psychologically, with it in the years to come, you seem like a very thoughtful, well-centred person. HAHA!

Have you ever taken a stand? Not just you triangle boy. Everyone in this site.

Have you ever put yourself in harms way? Not just your body. YOU. Taken a stand that could ruin your reputation, put you out of work. Cost you your family. Cost someone else their life.

Have I ever made a stand on something that may cost someone ELSE their life? No, I can't say I have, that's called Criminally Negiligent Homicide in my country, what about in yours?

Big deal that you were in the Army, you got TOLD what to do, you were ORDERED what to do, you were INDOCTRINATED on how to think. And like a good little sheep you did what you were told. Sorry, like a good little murderous, mindless sheep.

You deferred all responsibility for your actions because you followed orders, like any well trained dog will. You did what you were told.

Save some lives instead of taking them, then you'll be a hero.

Go to a VA hospital and talk to a Vietnam vet and ask him how he feels about what he did all those years ago. If he feels it was worth it and if he enjoyed his homecoming.


You what? Lost your train of thought? I want peace, this makes me what?

I don't think that American soldiers in Iraq who die are actually dying for ANY CAUSE. Nothing.

What would you tell a mother who just lost her boy in a roadside bomb in Baghdad? I'm anxious to hear.

By the way, I have a lot of respect for soldiers, just zero respect for ignorance.

[edit on 16-7-2004 by Jakomo]

posted on Jul, 16 2004 @ 01:41 PM
It gave us atleast one thing (or maybe 2)

One thing to think about...everybody has tought about the war and what will happen after it.

And a lot of Topics about it on ATS (lol)

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